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Absolutely horrible 4 days of my life


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Sorry to hear this Bobby. Glad you are ok from the accident. Like the others, the gear loss is the big one for me. Hopefully you can recover it, they will try to sell or pawn it maybe it'll turn up.


Time for a 2nd dog, a BFD that stays at home. We have a Great Dane whose bark literally shakes the floor. No one comes near our house. If they did, the German Shepherd, who is mostly silent but has done a good bit of protection/bite training, is there for backup.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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So sorry to hear about this Bobby.

Just makes me sick.

I'm thankful you didn't run in to the thief(ves) while they were there as somebody would have been badly hurt.

Hope you find a little peace soon.


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I'm thankful you didn't run in to the thief(ves) while they were there as somebody would have been badly hurt.


Yep, THEM!


Hope you find a little peace soon.


Me too. Ugh.


Just spoke to the detective. Trying to nail these freaks on all the fraudulent charges they rung up on my C CARDS. They went up the street and went on a mini spending spree before I shut the cards down.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Wow! That's messed up! I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope it ends up better for you soon. I also hope the person(s) responsible end up sharing a cell with a really big dude with serious anger issues!

Boards: Kurzweil SP-6, Roland FA-08, VR-09, DeepMind 12

Modules: Korg Radias, Roland D-05, Bk7-m & Sonic Cell

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Stuff like this happens to everyone, it was just your turn. Or turns. Fortunately, you yourself were unscathed, so your ability to make music wasn't harmed. If I lived closer I'd lend an amp.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Just spoke to the detective. Trying to nail these freaks on all the fraudulent charges they rung up on my C CARDS. They went up the street and went on a mini spending spree before I shut the cards down.

Good luck, I hope they nail their sorry asses. When my car was stolen a few years back, the crooks used my cell phone. I was able to see every number, address and person they called. Police weren't interested. :rolleyes:


They found my car 4 months later, hotwired stripped and windows out. They called and said "come get it, it will be $250". :mad: I had sheet music in the trunk and they wouldn't let me get it until I paid $250 (I didn't). First robbed by the crooks then robbed by the Police. I hope you have a better fate.

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So sorry to hear about this Bobby.


I'd like to second the motion for a dog. I'd never been into dogs, but I REALLY like Blue Healers. They are amazingly smart dogs. They train very quickly and can learn dozens of commands. They aren't real big, but they are very fast, very strong, and have a big bark. A burglar would have to be out of his @#$% mind to come into my house.


We've had quite a few waves of home burglaries in our neighborhood. I came home one day to find the entry hall messed up.... It was obvious that my dog was having a fit at someone on our porch (this particular burglar was knocking at the front door. If someone answered he'd ask an innocuous question, if not he'd go around back and break in). When we answer the front door, the dog stands between us and the visitor.



Great dogs with kids, too



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Sorry for your troubles man. Getting robbed is a rotten experience. Hopefully your pin-less X-Stand will find a way to injure the son of a bitch when he tries to use it.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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Stuff like this happens to everyone, it was just your turn. Or turns. Fortunately, you yourself were unscathed, so your ability to make music wasn't harmed. If I lived closer I'd lend an amp.


That's my prevailing attitude also.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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We had a bad day yesterday. But nothing compared to yours. Sincere prayers and wishes that your luck improves quickly.


If you haven't already done so, hit every pawn shop close by your house ASAP. Thieves usually will try to unload it as soon as possible and will often go to the closest pawn shop they can find. A friend of mine recovered his music gear by getting on it right away.


FWIW, insurance probably wouldn't have covered your loss since you're a pro musician. A standard renters policy won't cover musical instruments if the owner makes money (even a little bit) from music. You have to get a musician's policy for that. So when you do get insurance, I recommend going to a company that specializes in musician's insurance, such as Clarion (BTW, the premiums are actually surprisingly reasonable).


Good luck!



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Sorry to hear that Bobby. Did you notice that whenever things seem to be going really great and you're on a high, that's when you get kicked in the teeth? I was just thinking about your awesome performance on George Lopez...followed by this!


Your saving grace may be the credit card - that's providing all kinds of evidence as to the culprits...possibly. When my car was stolen, they caught people with it, but supposedly they bought it from somebody else for $25. AFAIK, none of them ended up getting in any trouble, even though one of them was trying to write a fraudulent check from my check book. They presssed charges against one, and I was supposed to be a witness, but the court date got dropped because they didn't show, and I've never heard anything else (that was about 4 years ago).


As far as claiming on Homeowners (I know you didn't have it, but for others), When my stuff got stolen from my house, I claimed it and they didn't ask any questions. I have all kinds of equipment, only a fraction of which I use professionally - how do they know which is which? Anyway, they never questioned it and I got reimbursed for a portion of the value of what was stolen.


If you haven't already, take good pictures and write down the serial numbers of everything you've got. You can't do that after it's gone, so do it now. It's the only way to prove something is yours.


An alarm is a good idea, but make sure the horn is outside where neighbors can hear it. The cops won't even make the slightest attempt to get there in time to catch somebody, so you need to get the neighbors attention so that hopefully they will see something and report. CCTV is even better - you can get DIY systems pretty cheap.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Bad news Bobby. But I do have to remind you that there are THIEVES everywhere. I live in a "safe" area, and one time I went camping for a week and had neglected to lock my front door before I left! Lucky for me, I live in a rural area and nothing was touched.


Since them, I lock my house at all times. When I come home, I lock the storm door and the inside door. Before I go to bed, I lock the tumbler lock. I lock my car too.


Yeah, no one wants to hear someone preaching about locking your doors, but I'm preaching anyway. They can't steal from you so easily if you keep everything locked.


I keep my wallet in my back pocket at all times, except when I go to bed. There is a loaded 357 next to me by my night table. My nephew says I "might" be paranoid. Hmm...really? :idea:








Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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An alarm is a good idea, but make sure the horn is outside where neighbors can hear it. The cops won't even make the slightest attempt to get there in time to catch somebody, so you need to get the neighbors attention so that hopefully they will see something and report. CCTV is even better - you can get DIY systems pretty cheap.
We're pretty lucky. We live in a neighborhood that has three constables (real cops, just under a different authority) covering our 1400 or so homes 120 hours/week almost exclusively. We have it set up that if our alarm goes off, the constable gets called before Houston Police. The constables usually respond within minutes, and have often caught the perps on the scene or nearby.


Friends of ours moved from this neighborhood to one more in town, and ended up installing fencing and CCTV. It did help them.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Sorry Bobby! Hopefully they'll catch those guys.


A few months ago, a friend who is a guitarist woke up at about 10 am to hear some ruckus going on downstairs. He walked downstairs and saw three kids standing inside his house, ready to rob his house. Fortunately, the kids ran out and he and his wife weren't hurt and nothing was stolen.


He now has a state of the art alarm system in his house.


Sad to say but due to the economy, I heard that burglaries are up. Be safe everyone.





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As far as claiming on Homeowners (I know you didn't have it, but for others), When my stuff got stolen from my house, I claimed it and they didn't ask any questions. I have all kinds of equipment, only a fraction of which I use professionally - how do they know which is which? Anyway, they never questioned it and I got reimbursed for a portion of the value of what was stolen.


That's another reason to musician's insurance. A lot of home policies are for "actual cash value" in which the value of the item is reduced for depreciation. Most musical instrument policies are for "replacement value" -- that is, the current cost to replace the item with a substantially equivalent item (since the instrument may not be made anymore). If you opt to pocket the money instead of replace it, the policy will often cover only actual cash value.


Some musical instrument policies also have an understanding of vintage instruments. A home/renter's policy will at best give you the amount of money to buy a brand new Strat if you claim a loss on your prized vintage '57 Strat.


Personally, I would not generally trust an insurance company to not contest the claim on a musical instrument. If there's any sort of escape for them, they will often attempt to take it and its a major pain in the azz to fight them as an individual. You're better off getting a specific policy that covers the instrument no matter where it is and what you're doing with it. And its honestly not all that expensive.



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Absolute major bummer sir. Nowadays people just steal stuff no conscience. Imagine that in your house when you were home!!


I'm Ok (I hope) caus I have B3 and a Baldwin grand.


Good Luck on the recovery from this. I still can't believe it.


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And I have no renter's insurance. Of course I was going to get around to getting some soon damnit.

Sorry to hear about this ... thieves piss me off more than anyone else can. I've never had gear stolen, but I've had items of no-value-but-sentimental stolen from my car a few times.


This is the number one reason I got insurance for my gear the moment I got my current rig finished.


I drive a pickup truck, and have to make a few trips to get all my gear in the bed. I can't afford a toneau cover or camper yet, so everything just sits out in the open. I also live in a city that is lousy with thieves (it's so bad, some retail businesses have closed or moved outside of town due to nothing more than rampant shoplifting), so I'm terrified I'll load up the gear, go back in to double check if I have everything, then return to an empty truck.


The insurance I have covers warranty/operation issues as well as theft, water damage, and so on -- for $100/year, anything goes wrong (or goes away), I've got $30,000 in coverage.


One tip for those who aren't insured (aside from "get insured!") is to keep a list of all the gear you have (or take out to gigs) with model nos. and serial nos. That way, if your stuff is stolen, you have a single sheet of paper/document you can fax/email to local pawn shops and music stores. That really does help catch thieves, and it can sometimes result in the return of some, if not all, your gear. Also, keep an eye out on Craigslist, and if your gear shows up there, ask to come out and see it, and ask the serial no. (y'know, "for warranty purposes") and if it matches yours, immediately call the policeman who took the report (You did report the break-in, yes? Cop gave you a card?).




Never know -- you might have been robbed by some galactically stupid thieves.

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Just read your thread. To say it sucks is an understatement.


If I understand you're location properly, you're a San Diego resident? If so, well, so am I and would be glad to loan you some gear if would help get you through.


I have x-stands, z-stands, a Roland KC300 and KC350, and a couple of Mackie mixers that you could borrow if you need to. I'm not currently using them so they're yours if you need them. Hell, I even have a some old time keyboards (see sig below) if you needed them.


The stuff is in my closet and not being used, so have em if you need them til you get back on your feet. Reply to this if you want to hook up. Otherwise, sorry again that you had to go through this.




Korg Triton Extreme, Roland VR-760, Roland D-50, A&H ZED 12-FX, QSC K12s
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Sorry to hear of this, Bobby. First the car, then the burglary. Very relieved that you're OK physically, but I feel bad that you have to deal with the psychological 'fallout' from the experience. Having had stuff stolen, I empathize; the feeling of being violated is not a good one. Then there was the day in '04 that I too 'looked down for a second' and totally creamed an Acura coupe with my Pathfinder.... Thankfully you and the other driver were fine; I'm grateful that my situation turned out the same. Still, it makes for a terrible day, and some rough ones following.


There have been a lot of good suggestions here so far. I'll keep my eyes on Craigslist here for any CP33's, AccuGroove cabinets, and the other items you've mentioned; some thieves do move stuff a few states away, or more. Posting the info and serial #'s at pawn shops, on CL and so forth is a good idea. Passing the info as quickly as possible around your local music community, and beyond, is good. That way more and more players can watch out for the gear to possibly appear.

Gear insurance is a great idea. I found out, years ago, that homeowner's policies can be very limited - if at all applicable - when it comes to gear. So I went with the union recommended company for many years. Still with the union, but switched to Clarion for gear insurance about 10 years ago; they've been good.


Keep us posted, Bobby, and let us know how you're doing. If there's a paypal account set up for this I'll want to know. You shouldn't have to bear the replacement burden alone.

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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There is this thread for Stolen Instruments in the Downstairs Lounge, but it doesn't get the traffic that it should. Still, I'd spread the word wherever I could...

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Guys, I need to vent. I've had 2 of the most horrible days of my life.


Friday I was driving up to Ritter Elementary School in Watts to speak at a career day. This would be my third year doing it and I always brought a keyboard and amp and played stuff for the kids who went wild. I was very much looking forward to doing it again this year.


So I'm going east on the 91, about to get on the 605 north. I look down for a second at my radio, then I look up and before I know it I'm slamming on the brakes as it's solid red lights and stopped traffic. There's no way I'm stopping in time and I crash into the CRV in front of me pretty good. I wasn't texting or on my phone or anything, I just took my eyes off the road for a second. But that was enough. So we're in the right lane and my car is smashed the hell up and I figure hers is also. Fortunately she and I are both fine, so I call the Highway Patrol and get everything handled. My wife has some ridiculous platinum AAA that allows for 200 miles of free towing, so she meets me up in Norwalk and we get it towed all the way to San Diego. Amazingly the car still starts, and I heard from the insurance today that it's not a total loss. Too bad I have a $1,000 deductible though. But still, not the end of the world.



Jacked Prius by Bobbycressey


So today I'm sitting at home and working on things. I'm working on a tune, I'm sending E-mails, I'm looking for work online, and I actually posted a little bit on the forum. During the day in this relatively safe San Diego neighborhood (University Heights), it's pretty sleepy around here. My wife and I live in this small home which is basically a one story home with a converted attic which serves as the master bedroom. We also have a detached garage in the back. We have a roommate, a woman our age who rents from us and comes home sometimes during the day. Around 2 I hear her come home which is unusually early, but he schedule is whacky and I think nothing of it. Around 3 I smell her making food which is also not unusual. Around 4 I go downstairs to leave and go to the gym. Of course MY car is in the shop (see above) but a friend is leaving her car with us and I have her keys, so I'm going to take her car. But where's my wallet? I search everywhere, I can't find it. And wait, where are my keys? Why is our basket that normally has just a bunch of magazines in it missing? I'm on the phone with my wife as this flood of realization comes over me. I was robbed in the middle of the day while I was sitting upstairs and my downstairs door was unlocked. Someone walked into my fucking house and was rattling around and took my wallet and the key to my friends car. Oh shit! Is the car still there?! Yes, it is. Weird. But the key's gone. Were we really ROBBED though or did I just misplace this crap (not unheard of). I look online and sure enough all my credit cards have random stupid ass charges on them. I call the bank and cancel them. So my wife gets home about 30 min after this. She parks in the garage and as she's pulling in she calls me and says 'why is the garage open?' I run out there. 'Where is your music stuff?'. I can't believe it. My 2 Accugroove cabs, my QSC amp, my Yamaha CP33, my X stand, and my Roland KC-300 are all GONE (good riddance KC-300). Some fuckface came into my house when I was HERE, took all the keys he could see, took my wallet, headed to the garage in back probably looking for the car (my friend's car that was actually down the street not in the garage) and found not a car but a bunch of music equipment. So they took that.


So right now I am out a car, but that's being fixed and my mom is graciously helping me out with 1/2 the deductible. But worse than that, I am down one 88 key weighted keyboard, one mixer, one KC-300, one wallet with Driver's License, one X stand without the pin, and my wonderful Accugroove amplification rig. I still have my MOTIF XS (which is upstairs), so I can still gig, but I have no amp. And I have no renter's insurance. Of course I was going to get around to getting some soon damnit.


Anyway, I'm a little spooked but I'll be okay. To be honest, this beats to hell any kind of cancer or loss of a loved one, so I still consider myself blessed. They didn't steal my piano after all.


Very sorry to hear about your epic bad day.

Hopefully you should be more than covered for the next few years when it comes to misfortune!


Feel free to shoot me an email. davew@ycrdi.com

I might have a few ideas for helping replace the 88 note board.






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Sorry to hear this Bobby. Glad you are ok from the accident. Like the others, the gear loss is the big one for me. Hopefully you can recover it, they will try to sell or pawn it maybe it'll turn up.


Time for a 2nd dog, a BFD that stays at home. We have a Great Dane whose bark literally shakes the floor. No one comes near our house. If they did, the German Shepherd, who is mostly silent but has done a good bit of protection/bite training, is there for backup.


+1 on the dog.


A study was performed that interviewed prisoners that were doing time for home invasion and B&E. When asked about the #1 deterrent for them from entering a property, it was overwhelmingly the same answer. A large dog! By more than a 2-1 margin, a thief would rather break into a home with a security system than a big dog.


Personally, I have both. My home is alarmed and my welcoming party is always there! 310 lbs of Great Danes keep the most ardent criminals looking for another place to go







Yamaha C7 Grand, My Hammonds: '57 B3, '54 C2, '42 BC, '40 D, '05 XK3 Pro System, Kawai MP9000, Fender Rhodes Mk I 73, Yamaha CP33, Motif ES6, Nord Electro 2, Minimoog Voyager & Model D, Korg MS10
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Holy dog! Those suckers are huge. Nobody's breaking into your house with that beast standing guard.


Again I have an Australian Shepherd, and although he looks sweet and dumb here, he barks up a ferocious storm when people come to the door. But unfortunately he was with my wife at work.




Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Crap. Bobby, that just stinks. I'm glad you have such a good attitude about it. What a f'ing drag.


Audrey told me this morning as I was rushing out the door that she saw on FB that your gear was ripped off. Had a busy day at the office, first chance I've had to check the Corner here.


Everyone has given plenty of advice and what-not. So I'll just say this -- hang in there. If you need someone to talk to or vent, I think you still have my number. I'm a good listener. :)


Richard, what a nice offer. This place rules.


Meisenhower, nice horse. You let them in the house? ;)



Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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They went up the street and went on a mini spending spree before I shut the cards down.


How do people actually do this sort of thing? Here, we have a PIN on the card, or it has to be signed for. Is it just that the store staff are too lazy to question a signature that doesn't look right?

DigitalFakeBook Free chord/lyric display software for windows.
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How do people actually do this sort of thing? Here, we have a PIN on the card, or it has to be signed for. Is it just that the store staff are too lazy to question a signature that doesn't look right?


You have to sign when you use the card, but the signature could look like anything.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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