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GAS... Need help and support from understanding Musos.


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My wife just sent me an email. She writes:





That Leila....she's forcing me to go with her to this pocketbook store downtown after work http://www.hollyaiken.com/.


I will not be long.



your loving bride



(Isn't that sweet?)


Said she's going shopping for a new pocketbook after work with her best friend... she won't be late.


So I wrote her back and told her about the new Kurzweil PC3K with the beautiful wooden end caps and the ability to use all those great programs from my K2000 library... and to go ahead and cash the check I gave her at Christmas before my checking account is depleted since I am about to make this purchase. :thu:


So... Whatdoyathink?


I mean, she's buying a new pocketbook. Isn't it fair game that I get to buy a li'l somethin' too?






C'mon guys, this is a support forum, right? So, help me support my GAS habit. It's been a long time since I bought something new and I'm Jonesin!






Oh wait.


This response from her just came in:




I don't have to have the Christmas money if you need the check back. The new pocketbook shouldn't cost that much.




I'm screwed. See how this works?


Now I'm feeling too guilty to spend a dime on myself... except perhaps for a tall, cold brewski in a frosty mug.


Yeah. :rolleyes: I'm feelin' real UGLY right about now.



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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You have been at it longer than I , but may need a reminder: as a husband and father it is your duty to suffer.


Good luck.





Edited to add: I bet you are like me: you can afford it easily enough, but you can't justify it. Right?

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And do you have the necessary flux capacitor to travel into the future to purchase the PC3K NOW?



Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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This is making my brain cramp. My wife is very thrifty and cost conscious. As a result, we have money saved. The main reason we do is because we don't spend it; more accurate, I don't spend it. The problem comes when I want to buy the Yamaha C-50. Heck, I do not even want a C-5! I have to figure out a way to get this money freed up, and her buying a Louis Vouton and a Cartier watch just won't work. Neither does the argument that I am earning this money and isn't that nice you don't have to work, etc, etc. So I am watching this thread with optimism that I will find my answer.
"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."
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... her buying a Louis Vouton and a Cartier watch just won't work. Neither does the argument that I am earning this money and isn't that nice you don't have to work, etc, etc. ...


As they say, there are two ways two win an argument with a woman... neither one of which works.



Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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Well bud, despite the turn of events, do not feel ugly. You're still on the hook to pay for a lot of sh*t. :laugh:


To that end, tell her to go out and buy the pocketbook anyway. You can hold out on the PC3K because the 22 lb KB controllers will be shipping soon.


Ironically, when I was a young muso re: broke, I wanted a room full of KBs. Now that I can afford them, I'd rather watch my money. :confused:


In fact, I was just thinking the other day, there is nothing I really want to buy. Of course, if I told her that, it would be foolish and result in more....pocketbooks. :D:cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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The other day my wife said to me that it seemed like everytime she bought something, I needed something, too. While i told her that this was in fact mot the case, that just because I comment that I think something's cool does not mean I want it, My inner response was, "And?"


That's right up there with her telling me how much she hates cell phones, and how she could do without one easily, then I look at the account and she's used over twice the minutes as me.


My wife just bought a new pockebook the other day. The first one she liked was $300. That's when you use the "Well, it's OK" answer when asked for your opinion. Hold out for the $30 purse, then hit her with the "I really like that one."


"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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The issue at my house is, I'm pretty much allowed to buy whatever I want as long as we talk about it. But unless I'm earning money with the purchase I feel really guilty about it. Since I'm not touring these days I feel as though my purchases should be confined to studio upgrades, since that's my main source of music income. So I really have no good reason to buy the XK3c and CP5...and a pair of QSC K10s along with the new studio computer...


And then there's that property tax bill that's sitting on my kitchen counter for $2600. I'd really be a shitheel if I succumbed to GAS before paying that bill, wouldn't I?




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In the immortal words of some creative genius at Nike, just do it! Buy the PC3K. And make some beautiful music with it!


Then, after you've logged some joyous hours on that beast, call your daughter and thank her again for getting that music scholarship, which allowed you to spend some of what would otherwise have been college tuition money on your GAS-inducing musical instrument (and a pocketbook for the wifey).


Thou shall not jones any longer! :thu:




P.S. ksoper: Nice avatar.

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I luvs you guys, and Sue. Such great advice. :thu:


Of course, if I choose to follow your advice, I'm most certain that I will be signing the divorce papers before year's end. :(


However, she did come home with a new pocketbook last night.


And I saw her put the Christmas check in it this morning to take to the bank.


My quarterly commission check gets issued this month and my music-student daughter is doing very well. Who knows, it's possible that she could get a scholarship to Eastman.


So just when is the PC3K going to be available? :cool:



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Of course, if I choose to follow your advice, I'm most certain that I will be signing the divorce papers before year's end. :(



Only one way to find out though.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


Montage M7, MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XS Rack, PolyEvolver, Voyager, Cobalt 8X, Univox MiniKorg.


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Sure she will be pissed off at you--what else is new? ;)


There you go. Wait until you come home some night and she's pissed at you for no apparent reason. Then go out and blow a wad on GAS. Give her something tangible to bitch about...


BTW I am no longer married -

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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Of course, if I choose to follow your advice, I'm most certain that I will be signing the divorce papers before year's end. :(

Nah mayne, if you buy a PC3K, you'll still have a happy home. The problem is, you won't have time to play it.


You will be too busy walking around in the mall, shopping online and watching QVC, HSN, etc. :laugh::cool:




"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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This is a no-win situation, my friend. Could you instead be happy with a purchase that is a little more discrete and easier to hide - say, like a cool new piece of software? Say, Ivory II when it comes out this spring?

Tom F.

"It is what it is."

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This is a no-win situation, my friend. Could you instead be happy with a purchase that is a little more discrete and easier to hide - say, like a cool new piece of software? Say, Ivory II when it comes out this spring?



Indeed, music software is the ultimate 'sneak by'... The way that Omnisphere just showed up in my home studio was amazing. I'm predicting a similar miraculous manifestation soon from Ivory II, or East West QL Pianos...


Another trick, especially for getting larger hardware pieces into the house is the 'paypal diversion': "Oh, this OASYS ? Well, remember all that stuff I sold on e-bay ? The paypal account 'basically' covered this one". Always, always make a huge deal about the stuff that you move on ebay: big announcement with each successful auction; make sure they know when you're taking the box to Fed-Ex, UPS, USPS, et.al.. Be creative: combine the shipping journey with the shared chores/shopping.... ;)


Someone needs to invent cloaking hardware for gear; if only..


'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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If you can nudge her toward a pocketbook with an MSRP of $3999, you should be good to go. ;)


You got off really easy - if I emailed my wife that same question, then posted her response, I would be banned from the forum!


But seriously, I generally always get my wife's consent before making a major purchase, and sometimes she's a pretty good sport about it (and sometimes not). However, I treated myself to a new Lakland bass this year, and used the "just do it" approach. Felt kind of "dirty".... Just for a little while... ;)

Reality is like the sun - you can block it out for a time but it ain't goin' away...
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Well I am in the process of getting a new (for me) Hammond (details later...) and I discussed it my wife first. It is being funded from several sources; primarily selling off of some unused gear.


Also, I am in the process of getting the cash together for the Lower Manual; a good chunk of that will be from my Fantasy Football league first place winnings. :)


BTW: I Was thinking about stripping at the local strip joint to fund the "Ventilator"--thoughts??



Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


My Professional Websites

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My wife rocks. She's cool as long as we have the money.


Actually, there's a piece of music gear that I want that's not keyboard-related, and she has been discouraging me from getting it because she'd rather I focus on keys for now and not distract myself with a completely different instrument. :thu:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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