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You say Tomato......

Ian Sharrock

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I'm trying to get my head around the recent posts from the USA mentioning live gigs, clubs, and so on. In the UK, my band play clubs. The clubs are usually affiliated to a political party (labour, conservative) or are ex service-mens clubs. They involve a compere who likes the sound of his own voice, a game or six of bingo (an American import I believe, and one that I will never forgive you guys for)! and two 45 minute sets from the "turn" or band.


Since ATM I've not a cat in hell's chance of visiting the USA to check out your venues, (due to my wife having the poison that is chemotherapy pumped into her,and the fact that we're skint), could anybody PLEASE describe an American equivalent gig. Your weekend warrior music venue. Then I can understand what you guys call a "typical" gig.


I'd really appreciate this, as the difference between American and English is much bigger than the pronounciation of tomato!

Gig rig: Motif XF8,Roland A37~laptop,Prophet 08,Yam WX5~VL70m.

Studio: V-Synth GT,Korg DW8000,A33,Blofeld,N1R,KS Rack,too many VSTs

Freefall www.f-music.co.uk

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First, so sorry that your wife has to do chemo. All good wishes to you both. May she get healthy quickly. Second, what we call a "club gig" over here refers to a nightclub, what you folks might call a pub or maybe even "casino"? We have service clubs too. The Veterans of Foreign Wars-"VFW" or the American Legion are both organizations that have meeting halls and a fair number of local chapters have bands in on a regular basis. There are also the civic organizations such as the Elk's Club or Eagles club and many times they have bands for their memebership. Political parties here, at least in my experience, don't have regular meeting places and if they do they don't put music in them. They will however, have fundraisers somewhere and hire a band from time to time. So..the usual weekend warrior arena for us is a bar..open to all of legal age with the price of admission, whatever that may be. Hope this clears up the "separation by a common language" problem that exists between our two lands. Take care.
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Yeah, just to add...


A "gig" is work. "Man, I finally got a gig." "We're gigging at Selmas on Friday". "I lost my day gig..." It is old American slang, and I do not know the origin but it goes back to at least the 40s and jazz.


We have venues similar to pubs, but with different governmental controls.


We have clubs such as you mention... fraternal organisations, union halls, fire halls, groups of like-minded individuals.


We have discos and rooms like your Cavern or Crawdaddy.


The town in which I live was a large steel producer. All up and down the three rivers were mills. And just outside of each mill were dozens of bars selling booze to all three shifts of workers. Since the collapse of the US steel industry, these bars have all become hangouts for college age drinkers instead of their fathers, and one of the draws to get you to go into any one over any other one is the entertainment.


Then there are the chains like the Hard Rock Cafe.


and in the summer time there are outdoor gigs everywhere in parks, city squares, or anywhere else you could squeeze more than 25 people and put up a couple of speakers.


And outside of our sporting arenas, there are live stages to entertain the crowds before and/or after sporting events.


"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Just to clarify on the language a bit... several of the words we commonly use can have many different meanings - club and hall for instance. Clubs can be Elks Lodge, Knights of Columbus, Lions Club, etc. But 99.99% of the time, if someone says they are playing a club, it's a bar... a pub I should say. Although the club distinction usually refers more to a place that's set up for larger bands with a dance floor and pop music pumping through the sound system during breaks. Most of the time if somebody refers to it as a bar, it's more likely the combination restaurant/bar type place that has live music in the evenings.


Speaking for myself, probably about 75% of our shows are at bars/clubs, 15% are private parties which could be fundraisers, private concerts, weddings, etc, and 10% are festivals - usually put on by a city or municipality as celebration for some holiday or an anual picnic, etc.


All are gigs.


Funny slightly OT story: My wife and I went to Italy some years back. Our first night in Rome, we decided to have a night out. We set out on foot, stopped someone at the corner, and asked if they spoke English. They said a little, so we proceeded to ask where the nearest bar was. They looked at us like we were crazy... "well, there's one right there, and there, and there..." pointing at every corner, which all had Gelato stands (ice cream BARs). I still didn't get it, so I said "Una Birra?" To which he replied, "Oh, you mean a pub, well go .75km that way, and hang a right..." ...Kilometers? We found it and had a lovely time, although nobody there spoke a lick of English, so I would point to the beer that I wanted and when they said how much it cost, I would hold out my handful of Monopoly money and let them take what they wanted.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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"Oh, you mean a pub, well go .75km that way, and hang a right..." ...Kilometers?


Yeah, kilometers. Everyone in the world (except Liberia, Burma and USA) use metric system.

Custom handmade clocks: www.etsy.com/shop/ClockLight
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Yeah, kilometers. Everyone in the world (except Liberia, Burma and USA) use metric system.


We use miles here in the UK!



some stuff on myspace


Nord: StageEX-88, Electro2-73, Hammond: XK-1, Yamaha: XS7

Korg: M3-73 EXpanded, M50-88, X50, Roland: Juno D, Kurzweil: K2000vp.

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Yeah, kilometers. Everyone in the world (except Liberia, Burma and USA) use metric system.




We use miles here in the UK!


True, but that's only because UK converted to metric system in recent past, so the people are still used to imperial system. Officially, UK is on metric system. I think you converted 20 years ago, or so.



Also, I have to correct myself, Burma isn't called Burma anymore. It's Myanmar now.






Here it is!


CLONK HERE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World_metrication.svg

Custom handmade clocks: www.etsy.com/shop/ClockLight
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WAY OT: there are things in the US that are actually done in the metric system, like the design of cars. That's all metric, but when they do stuff like write the manuals and list sizes for wrenches, they convert it to the imperial system. :freak:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Would it be too much to ask for Aidan to make a short video mocking us in whatever American accent he chooses (rural Southernese?)in the different terminology we use over here.


I am sure it would be hilarious and none would be offended.... as long as he doesn't mention anyone's mother.



"It is a danger to create something and risk rejection. It is a greater danger to create nothing and allow mediocrity to rule."

"You owe it to us all to get on with what you're good at." W.H. Auden


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Actually, since we're going OT a bit, most if not all beverages here have the metric units on them. Also, in the computing world, we're exclusively using the metric system. . . Kilobyte, mega, giga, tera, etc.


The Federal Gov't now mandates that all of its construction plans and specs be in metric units only!!!!!




Gear: Yamaha MODX8, Mojo 61, NS2 73, C. Bechstein baby grand.

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I also left out coffee houses....


" in the computing world, we're exclusively using the metric system. . ."


I measure my hard drives by the Imperial quart.


"The Federal Gov't now mandates that all of its construction plans and specs be in metric units only!!!!!"


shades of Spinal Tap!


"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Would it be too much to ask for Aidan to make a short video mocking us in whatever American accent he chooses (rural Southernese?)in the different terminology we use over here.


I am sure it would be hilarious and none would be offended.... as long as he doesn't mention anyone's mother.



Then I would be forced to retaliate with my scathing rebuke of English roundabouts! :mad:




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Would it be too much to ask for Aidan to make a short video mocking us in whatever American accent he chooses (rural Southernese?)in the different terminology we use over here.


I am sure it would be hilarious and none would be offended.... as long as he doesn't mention anyone's mother.



I'm already offended. :mad:




And I'll speak with your mama outside -


(I'm not sure what that means. But if you'll bring the beer - doesn't matter the brand - just as long as it's Red Stripe, Bud Light, or Blue Moon - we can sit a spell and chat about it.)




"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I measure my hard drives by the Imperial quart.



How many quarts does a gigabyte make?


I'm not sure...I usually pass out about half-way through.

"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Would it be too much to ask for Aidan to make a short video mocking us in whatever American accent he chooses (rural Southernese?)in the different terminology we use over here.


I am sure it would be hilarious and none would be offended.... as long as he doesn't mention anyone's mother.



I'm already offended. :mad:




And I'll speak with your mama outside -


(I'm not sure what that means. But if you'll bring the beer - doesn't matter the brand - just as long as it's Red Stripe, Bud Light, or Blue Moon - we can sit a spell and chat about it.)




Red Stripe, Ok, I can handle that. Blue Moon, not bad. But Bud Light :P C'mon, Prez. How 'bout a real beer.




"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Actually, since we're going OT a bit, most if not all beverages here have the metric units on them. Also, in the computing world, we're exclusively using the metric system. . . Kilobyte, mega, giga, tera, etc.


The Federal Gov't now mandates that all of its construction plans and specs be in metric units only!!!!!



Being an engineer, I recognize the usefulness of the metric system. But the metric system has no character. Should Aerosmith sing about the "Big 25.4 Centimeter"? :sick: The Who "I Can See For Kilometers"? :sick: "Le Royale" instead of Quarter-Pounder?


A 9 mm ain't no 38. :cool::D





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I measure my hard drives by the Imperial quart.



How many quarts does a gigabyte make?


I'm not sure...I usually pass out about half-way through.



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I've been looking for an 8.8 dekakey workstation... any thoughts?



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Being an engineer, I recognize the usefulness of the metric system. But the metric system has no character. Should Aerosmith sing about the "Big 25.4 Centimeter"? :sick: The Who "I Can See For Kilometers"? :sick: "Le Royale" instead of Quarter-Pounder?


A 9 mm ain't no 38. :cool::D






or Kilometer Davis?




Here for the gear.

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I would point to the beer that I wanted and when they said how much it cost, I would hold out my handful of Monopoly money and let them take what they wanted.


Did they include a nice little tip for themselves as they picked thru your wad o' cash? :P

Custom Music, Audio Post Production, Location Audio



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I would point to the beer that I wanted and when they said how much it cost, I would hold out my handful of Monopoly money and let them take what they wanted.


Did they include a nice little tip for themselves as they picked thru your wad o' cash? :P


No idea. I tipped them anyway, though. I was trying to pick up as much Italian as I could, but when they rattle off a bunch it's hard to make out.


Worst thing I did was ask for directions to the bathroom in Italian, because the waiter answered me in Italian - and it was like, go down the hall to your left and second door on your right, go down the steps, yada, yada. He rapidly spewed Italian for a good 10-15 sec. I followed his hand gestures and was able to pick out a word here and there and I found it (I was too embarassed to ask him to repeat in English, since I asked in Italian).



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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As you can read, JustaJ, things here in the USA are not much diff from the Motherland. Discussions get tilted' til the point slides out, often the subject of ale turns up when least expected & ultimately it all comes down to "Monopoly money".


My experience is that the facts of playing before small audiences is pretty much universal in actuality: you wrangle w/some petty agent, arrive to find out that the power's inadequate & inconveniently located, face a crowd (at least you hope it's a crowd) that wonders why you don't play their fave tunes, get the run-around about payment, outload yer gear in the cold AM while hoping no one gets hit by a car, go home & try to explain to your girl why you smell suspicious.

Sound about right?

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I love your resume of a gig. Thankfully it's not like that for us. In the UK the clubs (as in political affiliation re. original post) are so bereft of talent (their usual weekend entertainment consists of some no hoper who thinks he can sing) {we call them karaoke singers; after all they sing to backing tracks) that when a real band comes along they're blown away.


We've spent a lifetime (in previous incarnations) working out what songs work and what don't for our audience. We know there's never gonna be a killer set but we try to get as close as possible. I just have to say that with my present line-up and the current set list, it pretty much rocks.


We have a steady agent who gets us the gigs when we want them and for the price we want them (admitted it's taken me 20+ years).

We refuse no pick-ups, or checks on the night. Just talk us with cash.


My girl is also part of the band (sound engineer). I don't have to explain anything as she's always there!


I really appreciate your input D. I wanted to get a difference between US and UK bookings. This is what I hoped I would get... ground floor musings!

Gig rig: Motif XF8,Roland A37~laptop,Prophet 08,Yam WX5~VL70m.

Studio: V-Synth GT,Korg DW8000,A33,Blofeld,N1R,KS Rack,too many VSTs

Freefall www.f-music.co.uk

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