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Everything posted by Baggypants

  1. I think it was "how can I title my youtube videos so I get lots of clicks"
  2. These? https://www.thomann.de/gb/miditech_midiface_2x2.htm https://www.thomann.de/gb/miditech_midiface_4x4.htm
  3. DAW-less is a school of thought by some people who were dissatisfied with their compositional workflow, that has subsequently become a cargo cult.
  4. Don't keep us in suspense, what are these mystery receiving devices?
  5. I was briefly confused too, but I was thinking of a Zorb, and I couldn't think how setting up in one of those would help at all.
  6. According to this random webpage that is true, up to usb 1.1, usb 2 (and likely above) is at ~0.1ms Real data transfer nerdery is also at here. Also, because I was curious, I read here that the rough time it takes to transmit a single full 3 byte note on is around 0.96ms, not that far from the original usb 1.1 spec of 1ms per frame. And that's not even considering that usb1's higher bandwidth could have transmitted a whole 341 notes simultaniously which could then have been reserialised at the far end. Thanks for the rabbit hole!
  7. Pretty much all my setup is usb midi. Boards to iPad, Boards to PC, Boards to Zynthian, I have some din stuff (Poly 800, MC-303, some old Technics piano) but I use usb adaptors for it. I've seen some people be quite vocal about the lack of 5 pin din midi. Is a problem for most people here? I guess something I don't bother with is programming whatever my main board is with program changes to other equipment.
  8. Damn, you're right. I think I was confusing it with "Bach To Moog" from a few years back. 😞
  9. Bach loved his instruments. I remember reading that he would visit church organs and pull out combinations of stops that the resident organist would typically think were terrible and make them sing. This is why I was so dissapointed with "Switched On Bach" they set the synths and just played them. I like to think Bach would have been fiddling with the knobs while transitioning through several key signatures during a three part fuge.
  10. Hey, lay off my watchtower of the digital Babylon with treacherous music and instrument and production. I had a lot of fun building that.
  11. Haven't we all wanted to drag all our 'boards out to a patch of gravel and play regge worship at some time? Living the dream! Having looked at some of his other videos, he's better when he restricts himself to three to five keyboards.
  12. Most are still only available for mac and windows. That's still true. However there is a large enough choice available for linux to keep me occupied. I don't use Uhe plugins myself, although they are very good. I like to use ob-xd, Surge Synthesizer & Helm for most of my stuff. I also generally pick open source plugins because they can be compiled to use on my Rasberry Pi synth I sometime use in live situatuons, and I that way I can keep the same sounds across both. Theres a port of the Virus B I like to play with using a hooky copy of the copywrite rom. On linux the popular plugin formats are VST2, VST3 & lv2. But they have to be compiled for linux. I expect CLAP to do well on linux too. Some people like to use windows plugins on linux with a compatibility host such as Airwave or some other host, but I can't be bothered with that. Ironically I understand it's probably slightly easier using a 32bit windows vst with 64bit apps on linux than in windows.
  13. It's not a librarian but I hacked on someone elses midi keyboard configuration tool using python and tkinter for the gui. https://github.com/Baggypants/alesisvsysex
  14. I was hoping it was going to be radial, as in a full circle. ☺️
  15. "He said he'd been active in many theaters of conflict, but he just argues about nothing on the internet"
  16. I do all my audio stuff on linux, have done for years. I prefer to use Ardour as a DAW. I get most of my linux audio info from https://linuxmusicians.com/
  17. I get the feeling most rock organ players aren't known for their restraint and moderation, so it's hardly surprising that setting the the gain to 50% took so long to discover.
  18. I expect the pads are also going to be useful for clip launching.
  19. Hammer action available soon. I can’t imagine the lack of DIN sockets hurting sales. No one is buying portable stuff and the lugging around those massive leads.
  20. I do understand this line of thinking, especially for this item, but I can’t help feel it’s a very utilitarian point of view. After all, we’re all musicians here, we deal in sentiment in a lot of what we do. Sometimes people make strange decisions, like spending an inordinate amount of money on what seems like a rather outmoded piece of equipment. Sometimes people pursue a lifestyle of doing something they love instead of getting a ‘proper job’. It feels a bit unfair to brand someone as a criminal, or mad, based on one purchase.
  21. Nothing on the provenance? Was it owned by a particular band?
  22. I'm still aghast at the invention of the Autoharp.
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