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Everything posted by Baggypants

  1. This is just a miserable method of approaching the music you love. Have a song that resonates with your heart but you can't play the mbira? No musical fulfilment for you! Further edit: how many of us play string patches. YoUrE tAkInG gIgS aWaY fRoM cHaMbEr oRcHeStRaS!
  2. If there is no power to the board wil the switch stay located in the "on" position. Or does it immediatly flick back to "off"?
  3. Dealing with musicians is a hassle. They're so egotistical. I'd rather be playing along to Garageband and having fun than trying to get some numbskull diva guitarist to play what I want them to.
  4. Maybe they disabled the auto off? I have a question. If there is no power at all to the keyboard will the switch stay in the on position? If not then they're using an electromagnet to hold the switch on. It would be especially helpful for battery operated boards to do this.
  5. My thoughts: 1. Probably a broken spring in the switch. 2. Possibly a halloween month hoax, but it's a bit late. 3. Yamahaunted.
  6. It's certainly a curiosity. I guess it was built in the 70s and was probably quite forwards looking in it's concept. Makes me wonder if someone is building a fairground organ around Hauptwork. 😁 I sometimes like to listen to a fairground organ radio station that I found a few years ago. https://www.mechanicalmusicradio.co.uk/ You've got to like marches though, there's a lot of marches.
  7. I have a korg poly 800 AND a casio cz-1000. Envelope flex.
  8. Counterpoint. The last time I used DIN was about 4 years ago. The DIN only keyboard I own has been in bits all that time.
  9. Welcome to every Behringer thread Someone will always piss in it.
  10. No, but it's a double reed based instrument, so I'd probably find an oboe patch and abuse that.
  11. The S1100 is a divisive board. Especially if your someone who plays the piano by balancing kitchen weights on the keys. A lot of people have commented about the action and consensus is that the S5000 is slightly better.
  12. Pianoteq runs on a rapberry pi. http://zynthian.org has an os you can use with it all installed.
  13. I have Juno DS-88 and a VR-09. The Juno has far better pianos, the VR-09 has better organ. As far as the synth sounds go they're not easily comparable. The vr09 is (weirdly) how I imagine an old juno with it's 3 osc engine, the Juno DS is how I imagine an M1 with it's rich complex pads and effects. There's a good chunk of overlap of course, they're similar in lots of ways. I haven't messed with the Axial stuff because it's on loan from my dear old Dad.
  14. Grab a raspberry pi and you can have 8 DX7's in a box. https://github.com/probonopd/MiniDexed
  15. I kind of love that cheesy buggy organ though. ☺️
  16. I wouldn't. This is the same company that released the butterfly keyboard, allegedly underclocked iphones to preserve battery life and released a ludicrously priced monitor stand. Who knows what executive might decide is a 'good' idea.
  17. Sorry, I was replying to ReezeKeys. It's expected that a major point release would drop support for older hardware. Thanks for the compatibility list though!
  18. You just need to get a little creative with your paranoia. IOS 17 is around the corner. Probably that will include a fix for the lightening-cck-power bug. BUT, will it be available for all devices currently runing 16? Rumours that 5th gen iPads and 1st gen iPad Pros wont make the cut are already around. This way Apple can tell the world the bug has been fixed, but still drive existing users to upgrade their device due to reduced functionality.
  19. My lightening cck is working fine after the 16.5 update Edit: ignore me I'm a chump and I forgot what the issue was. It suffers from the same power issue as reported. If the attached usb device is powered itself the adaptor works but you can't charge.
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