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Everything posted by Baggypants

  1. Ever do a smear on your clonewheel and snagged your junk?
  2. All other provenance issues aside, why not? Joplin may have realised the only recording of his was a hard swing version and wanted a straight one 'For the record'. Maybe he heard the first recording back and didn't like it. Maybe the the Clem Fandango doing the recording said he needed an un-swung recording or it wouldn't sell. Or are we suggesting Jopin couldn't switch styles? That seems even more unlikely. Do you never switch styles when playing your own compositions?
  3. Well, I think it might say just as much about the wildly varying build quality of simple usb cables. All the cables I have work with other equipment, but only the black ones work with my iPad. I'm guessing it's to do with internal resistance in the cable.
  4. Try different cables. With some usb A-B cables I can't run keyboards even with the powered cck. With others I can.
  5. Change is happening around you though. Specifically, in this case, security vulnerabilities. Now, you may have a plan such as not connecting it to the internet, not browsing any websites, or deliberatly not storing sensitive information on the device. I don't know. But broadly it's a bad idea for the majority of people who use their iPad as designed, and should be pointed out as such.
  6. You could also close incorrect holes with a "patch"
  7. Fedora 37 will be using Pipewire to interconnect jack apps, not the jack server.
  8. I think some people here think it's still 1968. $7000 seems like an acceptable price for a high quality niche product that will be mostly bought by hire companies for touring groups servicing a discerning audience, churches, (any who value an organ, our church is around 200 members, and spent $2k on an electric drum kit, we'll be using that for the next 2 decades I'm sure) and some individuals. It will have a warrenty, parts will be readily available. Anyone who's had a passing aquaintance with classic and vintage instruments, cars (or anything else old) knows that 'nicely restored' is code for 'you had better have half as much ready again when this thing inevitably develops a new fault in 14 months time' For everyone elses there are amp sims and vst plugins.
  9. If you only need to load sfz then try the sfizz lv2 plugin as an alternative. I can't think of why Linuxsampler would be doing that on F37 though.
  10. One church somewhere in another continent is selling a beaten up B3 with a couple of worn out leslies is hardly a solution for the vast majority.
  11. https://zynthian.org it's been brought up before. It has a sequencer and a looper on top of what you suggest, but not built into a keyboard, although people have.
  12. YOU can, sure. But this is a silly comment otherwise.
  13. I'm going to be selling a CZ1000 this thread is absolute gold. I'm going to be putting all of it in.
  14. May be a bit of a curveball but, Alice Cooper (75) still hitting the high notes at 7:30 in No More Mr Nice Guy.
  15. I used iMazing to grab my version of Propellorheads Thor, which is no longer on the appstore for some reason, and fudge it onto my new iPad pro. It seems to have access to a cache of apps somehow because I didn't have to copy it across.
  16. At these prices? An extra vest and yer big coat is all whats needed.
  17. I like this one where he plays a hammond.
  18. Can any recording be considered authentic? Does it have to be. What about written music? Are people with hearing aids never able to have a truely authentic experience really?
  19. If your using a p3 or better also check out https://zynthian.org It can automate what you are doing and also do a million other things. I used it to send midi from various things to my Korg NTS-1 Edit: you don't need to buy the kit.
  20. Edit. The best youtuber for keytars is this utterly muddled and chaotic youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNTm5BdYhnZoiCAlxsTRm8A Unlike other reviews of keytars by music stores, she actually plays them though. And has useful things to say about them as instruments. You do have to wade through a lot of distraction though.
  21. This is the state we all wish to attain.
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