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Everything posted by jazzpiano88

  1. Dude. Did they learn how to unzip my Gator case, then zip it up again? I thought we were all adults here. I wasn't trying to be childish. From experience I know that Rodents find their way into impossibly small openings. A tiny gap in zipper is nothing to a determined critter in an outside environment. I wouldn't suspect acid coming out of your fingers only because it would cause more widespread damage than the gouges your photos show.
  2. Fascinating read on the Ohtani situation from the LA Times: https://www.yahoo.com/news/ohtani-says-hes-cooperating-investigators-190036810.html And how the saga unfolded as the LA Times got wind of the federal investigation. https://sports.yahoo.com/saga-shohei-ohtani-interpreter-unfolded-100014884.html?
  3. Luckily the Yamamoto proof will be in the pudding very quickly. Robert’s discounted the performance as lack of command that is of no concern. He’s a veteran, so if he doesn’t win the next few games there’s going to be big big trouble. It’s great seeing the dodgers suffer - it brings me back to the Puig years, although last year’s post season was pure ecstasy.
  4. Yeah maybe the mold associated with indoor water could have been a problem. We had houses with indoor pools in our neighborhood that had to be demolished.
  5. I'm serious. This is rodent damage. Kicker is you keep the keyboards in your car.
  6. I'm guessing a pest has gotten into your house or keyboard area (most likely a rodent - a mouse skidding his claws, or more likely teeth. across your keys to successfully escape if you haven't found any carcass). EDIT: I just read that your keyboard stays in your car. Definitely a critter. That's where they like to go. -- chewing their way out. Your signature is on your keys are obviously teeth, I think.
  7. One thing that I thought was interesting was that it wasn't so much Michael enforcing his "new style of music" onto the DB, (contrasted with say Peter Cetera Foster w/ Chicago), but it was Michael instructing his band mates on how to play their parts that created the strife in the band. The Doobies always had a mix of styles and Michael's contribution was a natural extension. It was nice to see Micheal regretting this aspect of his behavior, even though that would naturally be expected given his impact their later success.
  8. I think this is a spoiler for a TV show, so do NOT look it up. Sorry for that. I didn't mean to spoil the 2014 Fargo Series Season 1 partial plot (one can argue whether it is a significant spoiler or not). Billy Bob Thornton plays Lorne Malvo in this classic series reprising the Cohen Brothers' Fargo Film back story. If you like either Billy Bob Thornton, or the Cohen Brother's work or the movie, Fargo, you will be absolutely enthralled with Season 1 of this series. Trust me. I only made the joke cuz I thought the scenario seemed like it was a scam, but I could be wrong based on others saying it can be legit. Tom, Please ignore my response and I send you my apologies.
  9. True but the familial thing is confounded by nature vs nurture. It’s probably a mixture of genes and environment as they found in so many other areas.
  10. Yeah, I only became aware of this by channels of good video material that were limited to a few thousand subscribers because of either lack of musical content or copyright demonetization where even their default video content could contain incidental copyright violation. They would get helpful advice on this, and that would be to obtain royalty free background music. it definitely comes in tiers of quality ranging from decent Muzak sounding generic changes or corporate on-hold hell content, to funky vamps, to a what sounds like a teenager playing a blues guitar lick on a 20 second loop. It’s tempting to look into seeing it there’s still money to be made but the horse has probably left the barn with existing providers and the upcoming AI content.
  11. There you go. It’s such a world of hurt and so painful that trillion dollar corporation who builds all their computers on a derivative won’t even do what you’re trying to do. It’s so painful that they don’t even make a state of the art optical drive device driver to this day and never will. You can either make free ware or spend millions supporting irate customers who bought your product.
  12. Possibly an eagle’s talons as it tried to grip the keys? Or an Owl. I’m still betting on a Horta.
  13. This is a big industry for YouTube creators. They can’t use any copyrighted music in their videos, so they use content creators who make royalty free music. it’s really big in competitive eating and hunting videos where they need tunes to fill long periods of video.
  14. I would say look up the names Sam Hess and Lorne Malvo before attempting to meet anyone in person.
  15. Those sorts of cameras already exist, I believe. https://kolarivision.com/product/uv-photography-ready-converted-camera-kit-canon-eos-rp/ We also have infrared cameras, which require a little bit of post-processing, but are really quite good. I have thought to get into this or UV photography in the past, but have never actually done it. Infrared usually requires modifying the camera although there are lens filters as well. Then there is the James Webb Telescope photography. The photography, especially the processing, is rather involved. This is not quite what you are discussing, but perhaps it deserves an explanation as well. We also have X-ray photography as well as positron emission photography. These penetrate materials and show normally opaque objects. They are used in both medicine and nondestructive evaluation for materials testing. Their downside is that the radiation is ionizing, and can therefore cause cellular and dna damage and potential cancer-causing mutations over time.
  16. I think two of the main root causes are (1) negative responses to how we see ourselves - ego, (2) unsuccessfully attempting to understand the meaning of life. (1) also deals with our perceptions about how others perceive us. Artists are almost always hyper self critical and then we project that view onto others and we get stuck in an ocean of negative thoughts, self failure and worthlessness being major ones. Regarding (2), intellectuals often try to overly deconstruct our physical being into objective truths and come up short. I mean when it comes down to it we’re all human creatures spending our time exchanging green paper and filling out forms. Those without enough paper and or the ability to file forms and maintain records end up homeless. Artists do art and by and large don’t care about filling out forms. Faced with that reality we get depressed asking What’s it all about? Just some random thoughts to add.
  17. Could it be the Horta? Seriously though it looks like it’s gotta be some interference damage. Maybe something about the cases? Very strange position to be done by fingers
  18. Yikes! The first story was that he covered the gambling debts of his interpreter as a favor . Then, when the lawyers got involved they reversed course and said the money was stolen. We may never know. It'll all be up to the forensic accountants. Let's see if they go as hard as they did against Pete Rose. But it definitely isn't looking good for him: https://babylonbee.com/news/shohei-ohtani-concerned-about-affect-betting-scandal-will-have-on-dodgers-world-series-odds
  19. It’s a good idea, and I think it could be done through a plug in like a speaker or amp sim (of course one would need to develop it). I toyed with a similar idea a few months back over on SSS about a mastering plug in to insure all the instruments could be heard in the shopping mall by modeling the speakers and various building configurations. in your case I think it would be a lot easier so add some random phase to each channel; probably as a function of time and frequency. Good project if you can do some prototyping in matlab or python.
  20. I mistakenly thought he went out with the wardrobe malfunction.
  21. I was listening to Bill Schnee's interview and he delved into a description of a breed of successful session musicians that Steve Nathan so well elucidated in his interview. Namely knowing how to arrange (often on the spot) to achieve the best out of the artist that the artist may not have envisioned. Neat to hear Bill confirm how important guys like Steve are. (nowadays, they would have songwriting credit).
  22. Same here and completely agree! . For home use I'm always chasing performance as a semi HiFi and a EE Ph.D. Geek. For live, I totally agree as the weakest link in the chain is never what we're talking about.
  23. Frequency isn't everything, or necessarily anything. Usually it is used to make something cheaper via another spec. As you know, oversampling has been used since day one to relieve the converter of reconstruction specs within the audio passband via the cheap frequency roadmap. It comes automatically, not as if they're doing any audio engineering, unless you've heard Apple has entered that business.
  24. Here we go (I don't have a dog in the hunt. Maybe Apple has pro audio outs now. They don't market it possibly for a reason. I'll let you hash it out, thanks). Back in my day they had optical out on my Mac Pro and dual use 1/8" copper/optical on some products for a reason. Maybe that is now moot when comparing a decent mid-fi systems, especially live (non studio requirements).
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