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Everything posted by jazzpiano88

  1. I think everyone agreed in the beginning that running a line level signal into a mic level mixer channel is ok if you keep the fader below distortion. It’s just not ideal from a gain staging point of view. The fact that he’s using an adapter cable for 1/4” to XLR to me indicates a DI is in order as that’s what they’re for. Whether it has a pad or not is answered by my first sentence.
  2. As with any tool, some of us are happy with basement quality and some of us just like having top professional quality. Also, like in pool, some will be just as good with a broomstick as a pool cue. And I mean that at all skill levels.
  3. I did. “ Ooops I see the OP had already considered something like this. I'll leave it up in case it helps any others.” I added it a few minutes after posting on the radial.
  4. I am disturbed by the the apparent extreme realism that makes the Rhodes unplayable for me. Example: I play a single note very very light -- there is no sound on the note itself, but there is a sound on the upswing of the hammer. Only happens on Rhodes and never with any chords. No issues with other instruments. I think I'm going to need to send it back for good. My first shipment had a completely broken Fatar action DOA and was replaced - could be a side effect. Just a very weird instrument.
  5. These are some of the most awesome and fun gigs I've ever played. You know from your sheer talent you will cover key pieces and have the adaptability to lay back when needed and let the band take over those parts. The band would not have asked you to cover if their life depended on it so you have a little bit of leeway. I did these types of gigs many times I would never turn one down unless they told me I gonna need to be the leader :):) Club gigs. Sometimes the band leader would call attention to me (the sub) and it would be extra fun. E.g. "Jerry isn't here tonight - he's being treated up at the Clinic in Minnesota and we hope to have him back next week"
  6. The San Francisco 49ers bolstered their defensive line on Wednesday, trading a seventh-round draft pick to the Houston Texans for defensive tackle Maliek Collins. The move is also likely to be the final nail in the coffin of Arik Armstead’s tenure in red and gold. Armstead, also a defensive tackle, is set to leave the Niners after nine seasons with the team, reportedly because he declined to take a pay cut. Tied possibly indirectly to some factor either not related or possibly related to the former DC.
  7. I would wish that older successful artists (either still in their successful years, or in the wane of their career) don't go anywhere near social media. Example, do you think Joe Walsh goes near any computer forums? No. (I'd hope he's got his Ham station set up during tour breaks and works some DX but I have no knowledge). My impression is that 99% of anyone who's had any form of success doesn't go online looking for feedback, based on the fact that 99.99% never post anything. That's a good thing, but there have been plenty of artists who have taken their lives over other factors.
  8. Fixed. His view is that death will eventually only come from accidents, not disease because disease will be eliminated. So if you can eliminate accidents, which seems infinitely easier than curing disease, then ......
  9. One of the things that Russ Ferrante emphasizes in his teaching is economy of motion when moving between chords and during melody lines and improv solos. It ties in with good voice leading in the chordal motion, however he emphasizes how this leads to smooth and natural sounding playing as opposed to hopping around between chords that sound very much more disjointed. I have been trying to incorporate this idea in my playing (and was reminded of it by a lot from the Brad Mehldau recordings that have come up recently). Larry Goldings is also a master at this. Here's a good example of this with Russ playing his up tempo tune "Out of Town" (I think there may be better ones, but his melody and solo playing here really blows yet demonstrating his ideas and and displays an understated nature). It's all Bob can do to keep up with Russ in spots . Comments of similar or different experiences welcome!
  10. Among other things. Along the topics of AI and the future being discussed. He posits human intelligence is no different than the LLMs and we'll use these models as backup to reconstruct ourselves in case we die. Within a year LLMs will be human capable. Rogan questions whether that will be an actual human or a zombie. Here is that portion of the discussion:
  11. This is a Swiss army knife that I use for keyboards. Radial JDI Duplex. It pretty much does everything needed to connect into any live or studio sound. Good to have in your tool kit. Has the 20dB pad for XLR +4 DBu and switchable 15dB pad for 1/4" / RCA / 1/8" -10dBV as well as other nice bells and whistles, not to mention the Jensen transformer. And it's stereo with sum to mono option. Built like it's mil-spec. https://www.radialeng.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/DuplexMK5-Manual-WEB-09-2021.pdf EDIT: Ooops I see the OP had already considered something like this. I'll leave it up in case it helps any others.
  12. That's often the case that the keyboard XLRs are pro line level (+4dBu) and the 1/4 outs are consumer line level (-10dBV). Depending on your mixer one could be adding noise by inserting a pad and upping the gain (amplifying noise).
  13. Yeah, that's too bad. They had some really great user as well as corporate expertise there. Bad Mister would participate regularly before he retired. He could really add perspective to questions and topics that straddled product lines and markets.
  14. That's excellent Dave! Your playing makes that piano sing! A little off topic but I wonder what's involved with touring with that piano? The expense must be enormous to ensure they don't ding it up in the course of the amount of transportation (then again I know nothing about the economics at that level). I guess with insured professional movers, it's a pretty much guarantee it's rarely if ever damaged. Would Herbie have stayed with that piano, but for the fact he has access to the newer model, or is the newer one a significant improvement due to the wear and use?
  15. Was this Dyson trying to counteract their bathroom hand dryer public relations and bacteriological disaster?
  16. Linus posted a review that's incredibly hilarious. Each time he wears the Apple Vision, the outline of red inflammation around his eyes gets progressively worse! Hahah! I'd never seen anything better as a passive aggressive prediction of a Fail ! He pretty much tosses them in the trash as nowhere near ready for prime time other than an expensive novelty.
  17. My sources are telling me that KC is allotted the win in LIX, but then SF gets wins in LX and LXI to allow Shanahan a hall of fame slot). The Rams get awarded the win in LXII since they're also getting the Olympics. (synergy for the powers that be in California). Philadelphia isn't on the plan until they win in LXVII.
  18. I'll call the Stern-Billy Joel keyboard player interview and raise you a Beato-Jimmy Webb keyboard player interview. (The MM-Beato interview was a singer interview and not a keyboard player interview, IMO. - titled "The Voice that defined a generation"). I agree with Rob, I didn't know if this was a dueling interview thread, but here goes. A huge amount of history discussed with the greatest popular writer of our generation. It's fascinating to hear him talk about how he eventually accepted being resigned to be a composer not achieving the popular limelight, when he'd hoped to be a Billy Joel, not even invited into the sessions that produced his masterpieces. I found it incredibly inciteful insightful.
  19. Yes! So much often comes later! Here's Jimmy Webb talking about the evolution of his songs to the recording. Some through him but often through the orchestration and arrangement.
  20. Despite the judge excoriating Henley for “manipulating” the Manhattan District Attorney and "weaponizing their attorney-client privilege to hide information that they believed would be damaging”, Henely plans to press on. Henely knew they were innocent (which is what was in the Attorney-Client document dump that he never thought would come out), but wanted to see them thrown in prison anyway. That's how Don rolls. I think the defendants have a great civil case against Henely for civil rights violations.
  21. Yeah, I though he was going to break something the way he approached everything and everyone. It's an interesting operation. Doing repairs downtown in the corporate office and manufacturing at a warehouse in the suburb. With most of the board manufacturing automated, they can get by with a pretty small headcount and they do very small runs of manufacturing as demand requires. It was neat to see the details from the SW manager, showing us some of the code.
  22. Some people flame out and are done. Buster Posey. Tim Lincecum. I think Russell is done unless they are going to re-invent the Stellar offense and try to resurrect Russell as a form of Lamar.
  23. This week I'm headed to Iowa City to walk on to the Women's Wrestling team.
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