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Everything posted by jazzpiano88

  1. Results are only as good as its training. Which is why generatives and predictions are so strange when presented with new input data. Ais don’t create, they essentially interpolate using the weights established from training data. Extrapolation (reasoning) works horribly unlike human intelligence.
  2. The large language models have received much of the hype lately via the media and ChatGPT. These models will generate bullshit (completely incorrect answers or code) at the expense of accuracy because the reward from the objective function is not set properly. You might say they don’t have proper error handling because they will give a bad result rather than an error condition (e.g. NaN). Where the real interesting work going on in AI is Generative Models. I’ve worked on these for a living for almost 10 years. They started out with a groundbreaking paper from Ian Goodfellow on GANs (generative adversarial networks) and have rapidly been extended, enhanced and repurposed to generate synthetic real world data. Standard auto encoders can work as well but they usually don’t reproduce the random variations and look more synthetic to a human. You generate these data from inputs that are not in the form of the output. E.g. generate real looking images from text (label to image) or stick figures (image to image transformations). These can be extended or applied music (waveforms), not just images (2d matrices of pixels) . One reason they work so well (at least for images) is that there is a two network ping pong game going on to train the network to both minimize the L2 error between real and synthetic, and maximize the confusion of a discriminator comparing the real and synthetic data. These work well enough to completely fool a human observer I.e. you can’t tell if it’s real or synthetic and if you try, your accuracy will be ~50% — no better than guessing. What’s my point? While this music doesn’t currently sound very good, it’s early in the game and results will improve. With music you have a couple of things to get correct. 1. The short-term sound or timbre of not just one instrument, but multiple instruments, and (2) evolution of the sound over time (composition). That doesn’t seem easy or straightforward to train. I’ve thought about doing something simpler — a melody and harmony generator without worrying about timbre. Once you have that you can midi-fy it into a VI package and add articulations. It’s definitely a wide open space out there to do something new. If you have a server and some GPUs the sky is the limit IMO. Take some courses on AI. Learn Python and tensorflow. It’s not that hard and most papers now come with code you can use as a reference.
  3. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, definitely take a look at your cable length. The spec for maximum length without a repeater or hub is 5 meters. I had purchased a long cable (maybe 20 feet) due to a long run from my controller (CP300) and iMac Pro. It was unreliable, sometimes working for short bursts and sometimes not communicating at all. Once I replaced it with a shorter cable, everything worked fine. Just a shot in the dark to check.
  4. More like you've run it into the ground with your jealousy and pedagogical disagreements. Yeah it's gotten pretty old with his parody threads as well.
  5. Thoroughly informative and entertaining Mr. Jealous Gandhi with his 26 second attention span wont get to know that (their loss due to blind ignorance).
  6. Yeah, case in point for his 3 day interview trip: Phoenix: George Benson Santa Cruz: Michael McDonald. LA: Stewart Copeland. Pretty expensive trip. I'm guessing he did SJC and hired an Uber over to SC. But the new-way-of-doing-things-educators who've probably adopted their students' 25 second attention span would never have made it that far into his video.
  7. He is a legitimate educator. It’s where he developed the material for his book and ear training method when he taught at Ithaca College. He speaks of an interesting story in his video above. He was subbing as professor for his friend Aiyden Esen at The New School a semester before Brad Mehldau came through so had a “brush” with being Mehdau’s ear training instructor.
  8. We know that. It’s the world’s second greatest guitar solo. The world’s greatest guitar solo is Grant Geissman’s on Chuck Mangione’s Feels So Good. I’m surprised you didn’t know that.
  9. Definitely! I grew up with the family playing a Wurlitzer spinet. Very nice action and nice to play! After the piano tuner came every year or so I was in heaven! My sister has it now but doesn’t play anymore, maybe she’d let me have it.
  10. Love it! Here’s a list of all 31 tunes and clips from the movie: https://rateyourmusic.com/list/hg3300/songs_used_in_the_blues_brothers/ I think this is my favorite near the start of the movie:
  11. Wow, similar memories for me except it was coming home from part time gigs Fri-Sun and I’m 61 DXing in the car was something. Made be want to learn French with all the Canadian stations I’d hear. It’s pretty neat that most car AM radio antenna combinations could pull in the far away stations whereas at home you’d usually need an outside antenna to avoid all the other RF interference. Some vehicle brands are eliminating AM Radio unfortunately. Great memories!
  12. Was it the cable or going through the hub that solved the issue? I drove myself nuts for days with a similar issue and it turned out the usb cable length was out of spec (too long) making it work for some data/devices but not others.
  13. From what I've read Dave had a lengthy and fortuitous journeyman journey working under some great arrangers. This seems to be a theme of a lot of great arrangers and writers. They soak it up by experience and then make it their own with their own voice. Both Bob and Dave are unmistakable when you hear them play as well.
  14. Yep, he's in good company being cousins to Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis and Mickey Gilley.
  15. One thing that I find strange is that for what should be a civil dispute, the defendants were remanded to jail and handcuffed. Possibly for flight risk, or just for messing with Don, a friend of the prosecution? Apparently the prosecutors may have ulterior motives. "Defense lawyers claim Henley found starstruck prosecutors to take up his cause instead of pursuing a civil suit himself. The DA’s office worked closely with Henley’s legal team, and an investigator even yearned for backstage passes for an Eagles show — until a prosecutor said the idea was “completely inappropriate,” Kosinki’s lawyers said in court papers. Prosecutors have rebuffed questions about their motivations as “a conspiracy theory rather than a legal defense.” Last year, they wrote in court papers, “It is the defendants, not the prosecutors, who are on trial.” I would advise the defense to subpoena the prosecutors for large sums of undocumented cash lying around their apartments.
  16. I always look on the wayback machine. All of it is there. One ex. https://archive.org/details/20201117_20201117_0651 Stems are probably also archived but I haven't gone looking.
  17. Hardest working man in R&R Keyboard Work. NRBQ's Terry Adams. He motions to the piano and it reacts.
  18. Greg's the monster!!! Who throws a Kinks quote into a pop jazz solo like it's nothing??? Ruby.mp3
  19. Yes. Tommy was on top of it and caught it within 2 days. I’ve asked him to take a note and deploy a script so everyone knows immediately henceforth.
  20. I'm asking that myself! Hitler? Niacin? I'm going to have to watch my mail.
  21. Things Ain't What They Used To Be. Piano doesn't get much better.
  22. I was surprised it was called a shitstorm. I read through about 5 minutes of replies and most everyone agreed with GK. Some entitled babies (and other baby-like educators) got their feelings hurt is par for the course. Oh my he insulted an ENTIRE generation!! Set up charges at the Hague!
  23. Interesting! I've read that after ABC went bankrupt and was bought by MCA, Steely Dan was hoping not to be held to their ABC deal in the face of their new WB contract. Some people question why WB wouldn't just buy it out from MCA given the value. Maybe it wasn't for sale -- smart given the sales of Gaucho :).
  24. Good Catch! That changes everything!! 😂 Dodgson.mp4 Seriously though, basic research, shows that yes, it was ABC, but they had been wanting out of ABC for a long time over touring disputes, etc, and had signed with WB during or slightly before the Aja recordings, which then set off a whole series of lawsuits. Can't fault Lenise for the mis speak.
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