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Everything posted by jazzpiano88

  1. What!?! We all know it was him and I’m not sure why you’re cowering down to the Bully Of The Forum. I took a break hoping he’d take a rest, but coming back it’s just insufferable as ever. I’ll be joining Grey. See ya.
  2. Best policy is to always say, Yes.
  3. True. There are a ton of threads on the forum that discuss non-keyboard-specific music theory discussion that I would hate to see banned. The simple fact is that there are a great number of non keyboard subjects that are of interest to keyboardists that belong here. Pretty ironic that the Anti-Boomer ranters are the most vocal gate keepers of this place.
  4. Please don't. I like the threads. For the police, there are plenty of seemingly acceptable non-keyboard threads here that don't seem to be triggers to y'all.
  5. I had an Inland Marine policy when I was playing regularly. It had to be specially written for every item and professional use. I'm not sure why they called it that. Maybe they thought boats sinking inland were as good an actuarial investment as someone walking off with the CP70. Now I self insure everything except the house and liability as I can live with the downtime and replacement cost.
  6. Doc, I can't follow what you're saying. But anyway, Rick's numbers have essentially snowballed recently due to a concerted effort to score Interviews. He realized about a year ago that he couldn't consistently score Big Name interviews without about a 2-3 million subscriber base. The reason is that these Big Name musician's managers and handlers will not give the time of day to a small time youtube channel. He made the effort to increase his subscriber base to reach a critical mass that would allow him to get on the radar of these top musicians. Once he hit about 3Million, critical mass was reached and his ability to get these Interviews. I really don't understand why these kids are taking the effort to get all triggered about his opinions. Maybe they should drive out to Carmel and yell at Clint Eastwood.
  7. The author lost me with the first sentence ... He's saying that his comment is tangential to the thread and that the quote from Mancini has some bearing on the effect of new technology that needs to be considered by musicians of the present day from his perspective of the present day in the 60's.
  8. D8mn. Ruth Brown, Hiram Bullock, George Duke and David Sanborn are jamming among the stars. Phillipe Saisse held down the FM duties.😁 Heavy hitter musicians across the board (no pun intended). 😎 Fantastic! Love to see how much they are enjoying the performance!!! David Sanborn's hair is also something to behold!
  9. I often wonder how much he uses his son to help fill in the blanks with the more difficult song analysis. Can you imagine having the world's best human transcriber in the house with you?!?
  10. Boy did he ever hit the nail on the head! Thanks for posting that.
  11. Beato says he does videos on artists and topics that interest him. He claims this is how be avoids (and will keep on avoiding) burn out that most youtubers succumb to. The interviews and a lot of the WMTSG tunes are what I mostly gravitate to. I check in on his channel every week or so. If people want to post here on some topic or artist he's covered, I'm fine with that. It's not like this forum has a S/N problem (plus, we're all different. One person's signal is another person's noise.). I think a lot of what's happening here is the BDS (Beato Derangement Syndrome).
  12. I just wonder about it since it was built back in the 90s and Apple has had trouble managing their phone backups, restores and upgrades. I did build a Heathkit multimeter and iambic keyer back in the day. They were fun and usable, but only barely - I may plug the keyer in - It was a luxury at the time (The "accu - keyer schematic was in the literature and had memory and wish I could have built it) . Putting channel numbers on their CRT TV's was pretty novel at the time. Then they started advertising this new word called "Software" and I remember thinking WFT is "Software". 😂
  13. I think Basketball has been requiring this for years and years for their new announcers. Half of them sound exactly like Marv Albert. I was thinking that it was a job prerequisite, so I'm sure NBA will be adopting it.
  14. ?? Isn't it a more-or-less typical incremental backup program dressed up in a pretty and easy to navigate UI? That's fine. It's just my impression of a UI that looks like something pre-dating the even now now out moded Skuomorphic Jony Ive Era of 10 or 20 years ago. I'm fairly surprised you find it pretty and dressed up. Are you still going by Heathkit and Sears Catalogs for your standards? Or perhaps playing disco music from the 70’s
  15. Henry Mancini at his Finest!!! The Theme From Columbo.
  16. Chick Corea Blue Miles. This is my favorite incarnation of his Electric Band. Gary Novak on Drums and Jimmy Earl on Bass because they can swing better than the originals.
  17. I often wonder if Time Machine actually works. I’ve never had a crash so never needed to restore. It seems like a very bizarre and antiquated type of program.
  18. My college aged daughter loves Taylor and thinks she’s a genius because everything she writes is a masterpiece and there has never been anyone in the history of music as talented. I tied to argue against her for about 5 minutes. It was going nowhere, and I just gave up.
  19. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? What a great time to be alive! That’s what time it is!
  20. Little Feat Fat Man in the Bathtub. Top 5 live performances Ever IMO. Billy Payne's masterful synth solo is classic! The polychord over bass is just so tasty. IIRC Bill talks about using the synth in David's Keyboard Chronicles Interview -- Czech it out!! (Richie Hayward was from my Iowa Town).
  21. plugs ears and shouts, “Lala Lala Lala Lala” I’m not going to read the rest of your comment (probably for the same knee jerk reaction)
  22. Tom's a smart man, knowing when to pull the plug and escape from the touring life and enjoy his later years. Not everyone can do this, but Tom, being the master and commander of his game is able to to it. Czech out the Keyboard Chronicles podcast interview of Tom from David above, where he talks about this. So happy for him to be living his dream.
  23. Tom is an absolute monster! if you want your mind blown, skip to 3:30 of the following video of him blowing the doors off of Spyro Gyra.
  24. Says the guy with a CP300, Montage 8 and a 3300 leslie ..... One of the reasons I haven't gigged much lately. I may try to rectify that if I can get comfortable with something like a YC73 or similar.
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