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Posts posted by ElmerJFudd

  1. Exactly, Dave. Thats how I feel about it too.

    But that holy grail keyboard is a tough one to nail down.

    Even just the right pair that would midi well together.

    For me theres too many factors. Including price, weight, action, and obviously the other features and sound sets that we talk about every day.


    Main stage and two great action controllers is an option. But I dont care for that setup breakdown either. Nor the ghost in the machine factor.

  2. Just my luck, no hard panning of sounds available (confirmed with Roberto). So if the leslie doesn't cut it, I'm stuck other than playing with the by-pass switch all night on the Vent. Too much of a hassle to do that......


    Im thinking if you drive this module with your clone not a big deal right? You can use your clones engine and still go to a vent. Were you thinking of swapping your Gemini desktop for it because the acoustic pianos and other auxiliary sounds might be better?

  3. The pianos sound as though they may be good, but I haven't heard a demonstration yet that shows them clearly. Usually just a few seconds of playing.


    Since the acoustic piano sounds are identical on all Dexibell keyboards, you can listen/watch any of the Dexibell videos on YT. There are some that are good.


    I have five Dexibell keyboards and the AP is excellent on all of them. To me they are better than any of the keyboards I own. Part of this is attributable to the basic power of the engine, which is a quad core processor that is capable of 320 oscillators at once. In addition their sampling time is 15 seconds, which is much longer than the usual 3 seconds. On top of all that their modeling is very well designed and implemented. They really know what they are doing.


    The specs are good, but the real issue is going to be if we like the source instruments, the way they sampled them, and the way they programmed them to sound and behave. Which is why even a lesser specd machine can please us sonically even if the engine is not as modern. And also to what extent they are using modeling and if we like how that sounds. How pleasing the individual fx sound (even if you can run 5, 10 at a time - are they good?) Its a tricky thing this digital instrument building.

  4. [video:youtube]

    Its apparently highly editable as demonstrated above.

    If not enjoying their presets, Id be surprised if were not able to get what we like out of the base samples and tweaking. It would also seem they are getting on the growing sample library train. So with user feedback perhaps we see this company (which seems to have some backing with deep pockets) making a dent at some point. Theyve certainly peaked my interest from a year ago.

  5. Probably good pairing with a Numa Organ 1/2, XK-1c and the like. Even SK if youre not happy with the pianos.


    Im envisioning getting into sf2 programming and looking for outfits that offer their stuff in the format if this turns out to be a nice piece of hardware.


    On a side note, I dont think GSi is done with the AP on the Gemini.

  6. Ok so, there's 1.5gb of storage.

    You can swap out the 80 sounds in it for other stuff in their library - which I presume they are working on. And it does read sound font format.


    You guys familiar with sf2 files...

    How detailed can one get with sf2 format?

    Are three limits on sample length and does it support velocity layers? How many?

    I've seen some effort by at least a few guys to offer libraries of good source instruments in the format. Maybe our budy Busch would be inclined to convert some decent stuff over into sf2? :)

  7. I'm very interested in this type of thing.

    Pending on it having great libraries and able to load user sample libraries (of course to compensate for taste where you run into stuff like above - underwhelmed by the EPs).


    I still prefer dedicated hardware.

    Compact, has the right io standard, not running on a bloated desktop OS, does what it's designed to well. MainStage is great and we want the quality and variety of those VSTs obviously - but in this form factor. Unfortunately RECEPTOR wasn't able to make a go of it - too much like a computer, dependant on licencing, business/profit issues. Haven't heard anything about that Synthogy Ivory hardware - priced too high anyway.


    So good for Dexibell. I'd love to see a Forte or Stage 3 in this format and not stuck into buying yet another Fatar action that wasn't my pick. The Gemini desktop is tempting - want to see user samples supported there as well.


  8. Ok so, $1799 for a TP-40 and the Dexibel sound engine in a 38.6lbs package.

    Priced the same as the MP7SE at 46lbs.

    But the Yamaha CP4 is $1999.99 at 38.5lbs.


    Thats a rough neighborhood to be in right now.

  9. I appreciate Tom and Jims perspectives on the keybed of the SP6. As ElmerJFudd stated, we should all try it for ourselves, unfortunately in my situation this not really an option. No retailer in my state will carry this keyboard, and with the exception of purchasing from a retailer with a good return policy and the willingness to ship it back, I will need to use feedback from places like KC to inform my decision making.


    Many of mentioned the plastic vs metal construction issue. For me, the low weight is a priority, so I am willing to settle for the plastic chassis. When you take a 40lb board and carry it in a 20lb + hard shell case, the weight going up and down stairs or in and out of long load ins, becomes a challenge. I have gigged for last few years with my plastic Px-5s and have never had any issues related construction materials.




    The disappearing shops and the lack of choices on showroom floors is a frustrating part of our times. I wonder if theres a business opportunity for someone to open try-before-you-buy locations with well represented showrooms and charge a cover at the door? I know Id gladly pay $10 to try out keys at a players hangout over ordering stuff just to ship back.

  10. Its not just about price, guys. Theres a market for getting weight down that meets the needs of gigging keyboard players that carry their own stuff to/from/in and around all sorts of venues. SP6 gets 88k weighted action down to 27.25lbs. Casio PX-5S is 24lbs. CP4 which is generally picked for better feeling action already jumps up to 38.58lbs. Nord Electro 5HP has to cut size down to 73keys and swap out the TP-40L for the lame TP-100/HP to make 25.13lbs. So, at the moment the nice playing actions are heavier - although, to me, the Casio action is acceptable compromise.


    Ill try out myself like we all should and be honest about the Medeli action with yall (thanks for sharing, Tom). Right now there are compromises for weight, we have to accept that. But maybe in the not too distant future the developers will start to experiment with materials other than plastic and aluminum.

  11. Ok --- I will post some photos...... BTW I was honored to have Mitch Towne come by a couple weeks ago and play some of my keyboards ----- He is a wonderful guy.......


    If your collection keeps growing, you'll be the go to guy for try before you buy! :)

    Leave a donation jar out in your practice room!


    What did Mitch have to say about the Combo J7?

    Does he concur with your high praise?

  12. VCV Rack, an open source platform that brings software emulations of Eurorack modules to Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.





    "lets you run an entire simulated Eurorack on your computer or interface with hardware modular. And you can get started without spending a cent, with add-on modules available by the day for free or inexpensively. Ted Pallas has been working with VCV since the beginning, and gives us a complete hands-on guide."



    "How to start using VCV Rack, the free modular software..."


  13. teashea, you have 5 Dexibell instruments!?

    Two of them are the Combo J7? What are the other three?

    Are you an endorsed artist? If so you should share that fact when commenting on their instruments.


    You also have the new Korg VOX. What an interesting collection!

    What else is in it? And what style(s) of music do you focus on?




  14. Not much in the way of owners here yet, maybe someone will surprise us. What we know is their claim to fame is the audio engine is running at 24bit/48k and the Quadcore processor onboard can do very high polyphony - most competing products run 16bit/44.1k with a 128 or 256 poly limit. How much this plays into how well the instrument sounds to you is subjective since it's hard to discern these things live in the room through an amp (especially when playing in a band setting) and note stealing algorithms are employed on other products to deal with lower polyphony. However, the added poly is probably great for layers and splits.


    Other neat things are 79 user locations for your own sounds, and it handles the Sound Font format which is convenient since there are TONS of free SF samples out there and it's easy to make your own. Can also expand memory with a USB thumb drive.


    They are using Fatar TP actions like many other developers like Nord and Kurzweil. 22lbs my guess is this is the TP-100? Check here for other keyboards that use the same action and you can at least see what it feels like near where you live perhaps. https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2898157/1



    The user interface is well thought out. 3 pedal inputs, 7 rotaries, Pitch and Mod wheels, 2 assignable switches, 4 midi zones.








    Looks like Scott got to sit at one (above). And as also mentioned... we're weeks away from Winter NAMM. If no rush, let's see what develops.


    Others to consider: Yamaha CP4, Kurzweil SP6, Casio PX-5S

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