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Posts posted by ElmerJFudd

  1. The limiting decisions Crumar makes are frustrating.


    So they have this Gemini rack/desktop that literally covers all these bases:

    VB3-II virtual tonewheel organ

    Combo Organ Type F

    Combo Organ Type V

    String Machine

    Pipe Organ


    Tines electric piano

    Reed electric piano

    Electric baby grand piano

    Clavi electric piano

    PM electric piano

    MKS electric piano

    Physical modeling trumpet

    GVA-1 Virtual Analog synth

    GSP-01 Adaptive Sample Player


    The weakest area in the lot to my ears is the sampled acoustic piano - which can totally be rectified with some effort or a deal (like Nord did with Sampletekk). But ok, on this product maybe you pair it with a decent stage piano like a CP4 and a synth action controller with faders and you get a proper sounding palette of organs, a programmable synth and some alternate EP tones to kick your rig up a notch.


    When the Mojo 61 was buzzing I'm was thinking - Holy crap. We are about to get a Nord Stage killer priced at $2300. But instead they turned off the VA synth, String Machine, Trumpet, and most of the sample library from the Gemini hardware, priced it at $1499 and competed with the XK-1c and Numa Organ 2. Then later decided it should have lots of EPs and an AP (Easter Egg or otherwise) which I know the organ centric players love having available, but as a second tier 61k organ/synth action instrument I'd have rather they left the VA-Synth in and can take or leave having EPs and an AP on this type of instrument.


    Now the Seven is out, love the vibe. But the issue of not having some quality APs is still there. The VA-Synth is still turned off. Neither is rectified by placing a Mojo 61 on top of the Seven. So if your gig is EPs and Organs all night this might very well be an attractive setup. If you need acoustic pianos and synth tones that can be mod wheeled, pitch bent, or otherwise tweaked. There's nothing here.


    Ways to supplement this rig:

    iPad with Module/Ivory and Korg iMono/Poly

    Roland Boutique JU-06 and a Dexibell Vivo S7 Module

    MacBook/Laptop with MainStage/Cantabile and Garritan CFX or Pianoteq or similar and Uhe Diva or something like this.



  2. The Gemini card has something like 1.6gb of space on it for samples in addition to the other engines. But for now, they've opted to keep it closed. Their editor and firmware software doesn't allow users to use their own samples in a format like sf2 or something. I suppose that could change too if they wanted to do that.


    On a side note - much to the chagrin of some folks - the DX7 EPs are not useless when the band leader calls for tunes from that era. And with all things synth being back in style we will surely see a renaissance of throw back tunes that call for them again!

  3. Why TP100LR instead of TP40? For two reasons: first one is obviously the weight, TP100LR is ligher. Second is the action; you need to keep in mind that this is not "another stage piano", Seven is focused on electric pianos MODELED and the feeling and action of TP100LR is way better for this purpose.


    On any given gig I play acoustic piano most often most of the time - various electric pianos for mainly 70s era stuff (rock, funk, and some pop, a ray charles tune) and various tracks from the 80s to today at random (usually dance genres). For me, I love the way a Rhodes sounds, my own MkI has a horrible action. And most others I've had opportunity to sit at vary far and wide. In general, not the best action ever schemed for keyboard players. Pretty ok for banging out something rhythmically funky/groovy (imho). But playing acoustic piano style rep on a Rhodes action is for the birds.


    About acoustic piano: first decision was not to include acoustic piano into Seven, just to send a message and define the product tag; later, a side project we had for acoustic piano synthesis, has taken a step forward due to some tech reasons... so we decided to include it into Seven. But, please, remember: main focus of Seven is not acoustic piano... market is full of acoustics and stages based on samples from USD 200 to USD 4000, we would like to be OUT of this.


    Action choice and the lack of quality acoustic piano sounds kills this (for me). It makes it a luxury item where a second keyboard or laptop/module - something is required to do basic gigs. They can easily change their mind about this at a later time by just putting in the time on sampling and programming a great acoustic piano. It is something lacking in Crumar/GSi's line up. You don't get it on the Gemini and thus not on the Mojo/Mojo61 (although, both places where I personally do NOT enjoy playing APs - or EPs for that matter. ***BUT WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A SYNTH AND AT LEAST PITCH/MOD WHEELS*** on the TP-8O based instruments.


    That said, it would make a great musical toy at home - dragging out on occasion to play with friends. But not for work (again, for me and I suspect others). Maybe at another time in my life, when I can buy something just because I feel like it. But at that point, I probably wouldn't want something digital - and look at some VV stuff instead. Although, digitally speaking, the price point is much more palatable than Waldorf Zarenbourg and CP1.


    Can you please tell me, apart from VSTs and plugins, how many hardware instruments are present in market now with modeled acoustic and their prices?

    I think the only fully modeled APs in hardware are from Roland. First only in the pricey V-Piano, but now also in the RD2000. Maybe some/all of the RD800, FP90, FP60?


    And every one of the modeled acoustic pianos without fail still generate doubt in players as to their realism in timbre compared to sampling. Although good feeling latency wise and the way the timbre various throughout the velocity range. So, if they were to change their mind at a later time, I would suggest sticking with working on creating a sample based or hybrid instrument for the time being. Unless some killer advancement in acoustic piano modeling becomes open source.

  4. Also (to me) no board with a TP-100 should break $1200 - $1.4k max.

    Maybe, but that rule's been broken plenty of times (Kurz Forte SE, numerous Nords).


    Sadly, I haven't owned a Kurz since my K1000 I got at 17 years old because of cost vs. action. I'd love a Forte but out of my price range and not interested in the SE at its price point with the TP100. Sort of eyeing the SP6 - seems to be enough of a PC3/Forte SE in there to satisfy. Weight is attractive but skeptical about the action. Price/action has kept me away from Nord entirely on every model they've put out.

  5. The AP is not good as demonstrated.

    Also (to me) no board with a TP-100 should break $1200 - $1.4k max.


    On the other hand, far more reasonably priced than that Waldorf Zarenbourg.

    Although no internal speaker system.

    And the Zarenbourg has a 6 operator FM synth.



  6. Love the concept and the vibe. The weight is rough for me.

    Hoping patch saving is a breeze and recall too from that row of buttons?


    The audio in the video is a bit hot as distorting on my phone even with headphones. But we know how the Gemini and Mojo EPs sound.

    Not impressed once again with the Acoustic Plano sound presented and that's a deal breaker (for me).


    And I'll bring up again. If you gig a Seven and a Mojo. Both of these incarnations of the Gemini hardware omit a programmable synth. Neither has pitch or mod wheels or AT. So can we assume a Crumar synth is coming? That would be great and bad (for me) as I never carry 3 boards. Ever.

  7. Uli wants feedback on preference for desktop vs. key'd versions, etc.




    "Uli Behringer has been posting in Gearslutz, providing an update on the status of the planned Behringer UB-Xa synth and is asking potential users for input. Heres what he has to say


    Aside from the earlier desktop version, many of you requested for a keyboard version of the UB-Xa synth and hence we thought we'd share some designs with you. We have asked our engineers to render a 5-octave keyboard version and use this opportunity to show you some of the insights how such a product is developed.


    It all starts with the industrial design as well as definition and placement of all functional controls. Once this is completed, the next step is to transfer the "dxf" file which contain the component coordinates plus the artwork for the silk screen printing to the mechanical engineers.

    Their job is now to translate the artwork into a fully functional design. In general this works quite smoothly but there are instances where mechanical conflicts arise and artwork changes are required. This collaboration between industrial designers as well as mechanical and system engineers gets more complicated whenever electrical or mechanical constraints come into play.


    Over many decades our engineering teams have created a massive component library of close to 100,000 components which have been designed in a photo- and dimension-realistic manner.

    This means that any product that is designed based on components from the library will automatically look and feel real, which helps us not only to shorten the design and review process but also skip all photography. As a result any changes can be done almost in real-time and there is no need for traditional photography anymore which is a huge time and cost saver. All our product images on our websites are renderings.


    Today I am asking for your feedback in relation to the current design. Do you prefer a keyboard over a desktop version and if yes would you vote for a 4 or 5 octave version. Please remember that the actual features have not yet been decided as we're still gathering valuable input.


    Thanks for your feedback.





  8. I reckon it's a nice feature for professional user, "power user" in the know, but for majority users that will use the instrument's features and presets accessible from the user interface - they might be tempted to buy up to get the additional sounds and patches stock.


    On the other hand, some other developers have found a business model where the sampled instruments and patches aren't married to the hardware or even generation of the instrument. Allowing the user to pick from what they like - but limiting them to a certain number and/or quality/fidelity at any one time via limited non-user upgradable storage.


    I guess they're all fighting off laptops and modules that don't have these limitations now. So brilliant user interface and ease of use is very important in design.

  9. Agreed. It looks like Dexibel is capable hardware wise. But its not the hardware that makes the instrument alone. Its the content, the engines, the programming, and quality of the fx. They will get there I suspect. But it takes time to acquire talent and develop a body of IP like Kurzweil.
  10. Exactly, Dave. Thats how I feel about it too.

    But that holy grail keyboard is a tough one to nail down.

    Even just the right pair that would midi well together.

    For me theres too many factors. Including price, weight, action, and obviously the other features and sound sets that we talk about every day.


    Main stage and two great action controllers is an option. But I dont care for that setup breakdown either. Nor the ghost in the machine factor.

  11. Just my luck, no hard panning of sounds available (confirmed with Roberto). So if the leslie doesn't cut it, I'm stuck other than playing with the by-pass switch all night on the Vent. Too much of a hassle to do that......


    Im thinking if you drive this module with your clone not a big deal right? You can use your clones engine and still go to a vent. Were you thinking of swapping your Gemini desktop for it because the acoustic pianos and other auxiliary sounds might be better?

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