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Posts posted by ElmerJFudd

  1. Would be neat if the Peavey MuseBox ran Pianoteq. I wonder if anyone has hacked it yet to run whatever VSTs you like. I have a strong suspicion it's possible to do that - for any Receptor actually. I just did a search for "hack muse receptor", found a few links but nothing substantial. Maybe the market for interested Linux guys isn't big enough.


    That said, my second choice would be a Mac MINI with a small touch screen LCD monitor. There are lots of solutions for hanging a Mac MINI on the back of a monitor. clonk


    touch-base.com keeps a running list of touch screen monitors that work with their drivers for OSX.


    Apple already made MainStage. Done.


    Heck, I like this idea so much, I might do it myself.


    If you're a Windows guy, a NUC might do the trick for VSTs with the right host.

    NUC mount, clonk.


  2. This one makes the weighted action Forte 7 announcement seem a bore.

    Why? This new SE seems to be a Forte lite (2GB vs. the Forte 7's 16GB) with an action (TP100LR) that is inferior to the Forte 7 (TP40L). I know which one I would rather have.


    Oh I agree. I meant in what it does to their lineup. Will they continue all current models or does this simplify the line?




    FlashPlay technology with support for 2GB of Sound ROM

    New High Definition Japanese Grand Piano

    German D Grand Piano Expansion

    KORE 64 Expansion

    KSR - Kurzweil String Resonance

    Full VAST Editing!

    Supports loading most PC3/PC3K/PC3LE/Forte/Artis programs

    KB3 tone-wheel organ simulations with 9 sliders as drawbars

    128 voices of polyphony

    Hundreds of Effects Chains

    Fully-weighted hammer-action with velocity and aftertouch (Fatar TP100L)

    8 zone MIDI controller

    Arpeggiator with dedicated On/Off button (1 per Program, up to 8 in Multi Mode)

    New 'Step Sequencer' arpeggiator mode

    10 instant-access Favorites

    3-band EQ with sweepable midrange and on/off switch

    Balanced Stereo 1/4" Outs

    USB host and device ports

    MP3 player audio input jack


    From that picture, it looks like they shaved the end pieces really close. So this might be a very short 88k board. I would imagine they went that close on the other side as well, and the wheels are up top.

  3. The product is sounding very nice.

    Diversi is serving as distributor/vendor for the KeyboardPartner HX3 module (coming our of Germany), can I ask where in the US you are based? You'll also be handling service? (forgive me if that's been brought up earlier in this very long thread). You also sell the Orla JamKey coming from Italy. The literature suggests Orla can ship the JamKey with the DLQ organ engine pre-installed. Does the JamKey work well with the HX3? Can it also be "installed" in a JamKey?


    Prior to Keyboard Mags review... In your opinion, what currently available controller is the best match for the HX3 expander?

  4. Timing is also very loose in the second recording. The band doesn't sync up which is always a problem with Rock performances where there's a fight between controlling stage volume vs. FOH and giving everyone what they need from monitoring to play in time. In this venue they've got the Drummer behind glass which means he's relying on monitor and everyone else is relying on monitor to hear him. The impact of his drums is totally lost if the monitoring is inadequate. If you can't feel the kick drum may as well pack up and go home.


    Also, you need dual mixes to do a decent live recording. One for the FOH and one for the recording. They'll be seriously different.

  5. Any reason why this in particular box has us excited over something like the Ferrofish B4000+ which is fairly easily attainable right now?


    If I understand what they are saying in the descriptions.... this is not DSP. This is FPGA, the signal from the keyboard hits the "field gate programmable array" which is dedicated to producing the sound of the electronics in a hammond. For all intensive purposes it behaves like analog hardware, without being analog hardware. So you get no latency and limitless polyphony. Does that sound right?

  6. He's serious. There is a little following for this Janko alternative keyboard. It's basically keys aboutv the width of traditional black keys but much shorter and in 4 rows. The creator's objective was to keep scale and chord patterns the same regardless of what key you're playing in. From the YouTubes I've watched, people who have spent time learning the layout seem to fair well with it, although I haven't seen any virtuosic playing performed on it. What I'm trying to figure out is, why mess with a $5200 Tyros in this fashion?. Wouldn't it be easier to buy a Janko midi controller?. Or wiser to alter an Maudio or similar controller for this hobby which would seem to be making a keyboard for yourself to play since so few people play the Janko keyboard?.
  7. These controllers look very exciting to me, and the fact that Kraft appears to be able to get them in the US is amazing! Not cheap, but I wouldn't expect a controller with this feature set to be cheap - oh how I miss the Kurzweil MIDIBoard or the Yamaha KX88.


    On a similar topic, Infinite Response is working on getting the cost of their VAX77 down to about $1200. Maybe we'll see something from them soon as well.






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