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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 2 hours ago, MartinLeo said:

    I want to use sounds from both at the same time and be able to play the Yamaha CFX piano sound with the HS4. The Nord would be the master, and the Yamaha the slave. Thanks for the input from the Nord forum.

    But you want a single sustain pedal to sustain sounds played from the Nord, as well as from the CK's own keyboard? Might work, might not. I've had unpredictable success/failure with this, depending on which combination of boards are in play. I use two sustain pedals now (one of which double as a rotary slow/fast switch). 


    Cheers, Mike.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Mark Schmieder said:


    I almost had a nervous breakdown during the half year that I was forced into contracting during the pandemic, and would never do it again -- I would retire first.


    Far less freedom, to be frank, but it may depend on the profession. I like having a paycheck every two weeks vs. after I am done with a project and everyone's satisfied.

    I'm the same as you, it's not a lifestyle I would choose for myself at this stage in my career. But I don't think it's unethical to employ contractors, or to offer your services as a contractor, providing the pay and effort are reasonable on both sides. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  3. 9 hours ago, stoken6 said:

    And you're using PC, which makes things a lot simpler in that department. iPad would be more complicated.


    7 hours ago, Baldwin Funster said:

    I'm not sure why you say that. My iPad set up works the exact same way. I use a korg nanokontrol instead of the newer thing but it is almost identical.  B3x in ipad acts just as rogs said .

    Simply because PCs have multiple USB ports, all powered, which makes connecting multiple devices (a MIDI interface and a fader box) easy. Ipad would require (maybe) a lightning/USB adapter, and a USB hub, and a PSU for the hub, etc. All the stuff we went through in the other thread.


    But you can confirm that B3X on iPad can accept note input from a controller and simultaneously drawbar input from a separate device? If so, that's good news.


    Cheers, Mike.


  4. 28 minutes ago, rogs said:

    The HC2 only has MIDI DIN teminals, so I first connect it to one of THESE 


    28 minutes ago, rogs said:

    The Midi controller is USB powered, and simply plugs into another USB socket.

    The B3X has the option to either select any one MIDI input or 'ANY'  - which connects all it can find..... That's what I'm using here. 

    And you're using PC, which makes things a lot simpler in that department. iPad would be more complicated.


    Cheers, Mike.

  5. 23 hours ago, Docbop said:

    and not pay for any benefits, vacation,  sick leave, etc.   You're just a Kleenex they use and toss out.   


    20 hours ago, ProfD said:

    They aren't working for free.  Like running a business, as a contractor instead of an employee, it's their responsibility to pay their own benefits.


    I think it's fair. Both sides know the deal going in. A number of my (former full-time-employed) colleagues took the contractor route and love the freedom it gives them.


    Cheers, Mike.

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  6. On 9/23/2023 at 8:42 PM, changearound2 said:

    RLTW and 2 of my bandmates recognised it as a Saxon song

    I'm not a big hair-metal fan but I quite liked that. They took a good song and gave it a new spin, and it gained a different perspective - something that a lot of covers fail to do (cue the "slowed down, whispered vocals and gently picked cowboy chords" formula).


    Cheers, Mike.

  7. On 9/23/2023 at 9:38 PM, Reezekeys said:

    Maybe muddying this thread but I just updated my Airpods Pro 2G to the new firmware with the "adaptive audio" setting that supposedly blends active noise cancellation with transparency. Haven't had a chance to try it on a gig yet, but will report when I do. I thought it was a kind of "AI" that automatically switched between the two modes depending on what was going on, however I've read some reports that it actually "blends" the two modes, so it sounds promising. That's not to say I would give a pass to anyone blasting away on stage - but it may offer some respite if I'm in a situation where the levels are too high for my damaged ears.

    There is definitely a gap in the market for earphones with a "gig mode" that delivers a transparent sound but uses active/passive noise cancellation to lower overall volume. (Probably some active cancellation is needed to filter out excessive bass which - as @Stokely pointed out - always seems to get through passive buds to some degree). I would be interested to see if Apple's new firmware delivers this. If not (and even if yes), a company with both AI smarts and audio pedigree should step in - Sony?


    Cheers, Mike.

  8. 58 minutes ago, changearound2 said:

    3. Is the Classic set to Receive or Send & Receive for Midi Ctrl Change in the midi menu of the Classic?

    Give that man a cigar! I had checked your 1 and 2, but I never knew that number-3 parameter existed! Send&Rcv is the default but had been changed to Send (not by me - must have been the previous owner). So reception of MIDI control messages (like cc 112) was disabled.


    OK that sets up my project for tomorrow. Thank you, and good night.


    Cheers, Mike.

  9. My rig is a NS2SW over a NS Classic HA - I've been using the latter exclusively as a controller. However, at a recent gig I found the multitimbral limitations of the NS2 to be a constraint (two slots of VA or sample playback, basically). I realised that I could benefit by dedicating the 2 to samples, and getting additional VA from the classic.  So I'm trying to play the Classic's synth section using the 2's Extern section - and that works fine (I've set a MIDI channel for Synth A on the Classic, and the same channel on the 2's Extern section).


    HOWEVER... I want to control the Classic's synth volume (the "level" encoder, basically) using the 2's "Parameter" knob in the Extern section. Should be easy, right - just map it to send the right CC. I've tried 7 (volume), 11 (expression), even 4 (organ volume) no dice. I can do it via a morph, but then the other controllers on the 2 (modulation, aftertouch, expression pedal) would affect is as well, and I want to avoid that.


    TL;DR - how can I use the "parameter" knob on one Stage's extern section to control the level encoder on another's synth section?


    Many thanks for any help.


    Cheers, Mike.

  10. 6 minutes ago, KuruPrionz said:

    my biggest, loudest amp is a Peavey Vypyr VIP 1 - 20 watts and 1-10" speaker

    A 5w valve amp can deafen you without too much difficulty. It's the craftsman not the tool.

    6 minutes ago, KuruPrionz said:

    I run it at low volumes

    Now you're talking my language! Low volume also has the benefit of less reflected sound so the whole mix is clearer.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  11. First question: do you need an organ model (beyond what's in your CK)? If so, the Nord Piano is ruled out. If you don't, arguably you're paying over the odds for the YC73 (and should consider the CP73 instead - same keyboard action).


    The Nord Electro has a hammer action ("/HP") model, but I don't like the action. As in: very, extremely, don't like the action. 


    I would add the Studiologic Numa X 73 to your shortlist as well. 


    Cheers, Mike.

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  12. 21 hours ago, Paul Woodward said:

    It also does midi in from an external board, midi out to another board AND midi over USB at the same time

    Top marks Yamaha. It's this kind of versatility that makes a purchase worthwhile. The CK61 can be a couch keyboard, campfire board, rehearsal board, 30-min festival set board - all on its own - AND can play nicely with other gear as part of a larger rig.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 2
  13. 4 hours ago, Stokely said:

    Not sure I like the drive on the Nord Stage all that much so far

    Are you using it alongside an amp sim? The plain/vanilla drive is characterless,  I agree. I find the Twin sim works well with Rhodes and Clav, and the Small for Wurly. No surprises there - and all those are viable options for "keys in a guitar song that doesn't sound like Loverboy".


    Cheers, Mike.

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