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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 9 hours ago, Julius D Majestic Studios said:

    Guys, the auto off is not the issue.  I know and understand what annauto off function is.  But I'm my experience it's been a "soft" off... Vs the switch manually flipping on its own.  It doesn't do it when I turn the feature off.  I simply wanted to know if ANY ONE ELSE HAD A MONTAGE M THAT WAS DOING THE SAME THING. 

    Worth a requote. Julius is asking "I expected auto-off to be a "soft off" - is anyone else's auto-off a "hard off" (where the switch moves)?". There are lots of replies (like mine) saying "yes, auto-off is a thing". 


    To be fair, I haven't seen anyone saying "no, my auto-off is a soft off"


    Cheers, Mike.



  2. 13 hours ago, MathOfInsects said:

    All they have in common is gender. Katy Perry hasn't had a hit or been relevant since maybe the middle-late 2010s, whenever Teenage Dream was. Taylor Swift has had arguably one of the best 5-year stretches in the history of pop music, and only seems to be getting stronger. 

    Thank you for perfectly understanding the point of my question @MathOfInsects


    Cheers, Mike.

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  3. Ring modulation. High filter resonance (not quite self-oscillating) and you can play tricks like in Joe Walsh's "Life's Been Good". Sweep delay rate for analog(ue)-tape-style effects (I do this a lot for spacey/ambient/trance elements)


    Normally I hate multiband compression, as it can change the tonal balance of a sound, or an entire recording. But I can see how it might be used creatively as a synthesis effect. Particularly if rapid parameter changes introduce artifacts.


    I can't say I've ever given sampling errors a moment's thought in my entire musical career.


    Cheers, Mike.

  4. 6 hours ago, Stokely said:

    We heard you guys were very laid-back!

    Code for "we (the client) are not going take this booking seriously"? Maybe a "more up-tight" band have got decking,  a gazebo and cable protection.

    6 hours ago, Stokely said:

    If that were my normal band

    That's the bit I missed first time. Now it makes sense.


    I do a one-keyboard rig when I need to get on/off stage super fast. Crappy X-stand and three cables, 2 mins.


    Cheers, Mike.

  5. 3 hours ago, mrk7421 said:

    Regarding a Beatles reunion....if it would have ever happened this would have been what we would have gottten. In other words....that infectious energy that made the Beatles what they were  in an earlier day is not what this music is about. It's pleasant and most of all it has  BEATLES stamped on it.....I am not going to judge negatively but if I were 12 years old again I probably would not buy it. But I am glad it happened

    I think that's allowed. Look how David  Bowie's style and material evolved as he grew up. Plenty of other examples, from Madonna to Danny Elfman. 


    For a more modern take, whose current-period music do you prefer: Taylor Swift or Katy Perry?


    Cheers, Mike.



  6. It doesn't have to be a great Beatles song. It just has to be the last Beatles song. And it clears that hurdle and more.


    Thanks Craig @Anderton for posting the covers. You can draw a straight line from the first one to REM (and many other bands, but this was the first thought that rose, unbidden, into my consciousness).


    Cheers, Mike.

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  7. 32 minutes ago, JamieT said:

    To the best of my knowledge, there are no MIDI keyboard controllers currently manufactured with waterfall action. You can get an organ (e.g., Hammond XK series), but apparently there is no market for organ MIDI controllers.  

    The closest I can think of is the Crumar lower manual, plus you need an add-on box-o'tricks to get "sensible" MIDI out of it. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  8. 2 hours ago, Stokely said:

    Class compliant interface would be great, though I'm not sure in my current "simple" phase if I'm eager to use an ipad or computer again.  Nice to have the option.

    If you're not eager to use a computer, then you can't install a driver. So you need class-compliance - it's not just nice, it's essential to the use of MIDI. 


    DIN "just works". 


    2 hours ago, Paul Woodward said:

    As for Yamaha, why do they have that bloody midi or USB choice? If I connect an iPad and external board to my YC, I can control the iPad but not the YC from the external OR I can control the YC, but not the iPad unless it’s played directly from the YC. It’s not the end of the world, but why is it limited to this? (Runs off to post on Ideascale…)

    Surprisingly, Nord got this right. I can send DIN MIDI from a controller to my Stage 2, and simultaneously send program changes via USB midi from Bandhelper.


    Cheers, Mike.

  9. This forum taught me that there's basically no difference between unweighted/semi-weighted/synth actions. They all rely on springs to return the key to its starting point. (a "semi-weighted" may have additional weights under the keys compared to an "unweighted" from the same manufacturer, but there are no external rules regulating this). There are decent sprung actions (Kronos, Montage, Fantom) and crappy sprung actions (Krome, VR09).


    And of course taste and personal preference comes into it.


    Cheers, Mike.

  10. You're looking for a 25-key synth with "traditional" bass sounds?


    My first thought was MIDI it to a "straight" ROMpler in the 61 position like you suggested. But you are asking your 61 to have poly-AT and "creative control" (which I translate as "knobs" - tell me if I'm wrong). 


    Poly-AT really limits the field. If you are willing to give that up, there are a number of 61s with traditional bass, VA capability and knobs - even something like a Roland VR09 or Korg Vox Konti 61, have basic VA synths, rising through Fantom-0 to Yamaha M6 and Roland Fantom.


    Otherwise, find a "traditional bass" app for your smartphone/tablet and MIDI the 25 to it, to use alongside your Hydra.


    Cheers, Mike.

  11. 16 hours ago, CHarrell said:

    not even a USB port


    16 hours ago, zephonic said:

    the absence of USB

    If a board has DIN MIDI but not USB (like the D1) a simple MIDI/USB interface cable like the Roland UM-ONE allows you connect it to a USB host (laptop, tablet, smartphone). And you can connect it to other MIDI gear equipped with DIN sockets.


    If a board has USB MIDI but not DIN, then you get the laptop/tablet/smartphone connectivity, but you need to add a USB Host to get DIN connectivity. Personally, I always prefer DIN sockets on a board to USB sockets.


    Now back to the D1 - release a 73-key version (you've been manufacturing the part for Kronos, SV1/2 and Grandstage) and you get my approval.


    Cheers, Mike.

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