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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 17 hours ago, Stokely said:

    Kinda the thing about getting old..."oldies" start to mean different things.

    Ok everyone, gather around, you might remember this one if you think back hard enough....*starts playing Smells like Teen Spirit*

    Flip side, I know a lot of younger people that know a ton about older music.  From 80s nights at clubs, to movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, it's all sorta mixed up compared to when I was a kid.

    Really bizarre to think that early Rock n Roll like Chuck Berry was closer in years to the mid-80s than we are today to the early 90s...or if not closer, pretty close!

    WAP will be an oldie in the not too distant future.


    By contrast, "Leave The Door Open" was an oldie from the moment it was exported from Pro Tools...


    Cheers, Mike.

  2. 2 hours ago, kpl1228 said:

    I've never seen Carl Palmer and for that reason I'd consider it. But yeah it's a weird presentation for sure. Though I'd rather seeing him playing in a truly 100% live setting, or even a drum clinic would be better.

    As these folks leave us you'll see more and more of this. Screens, holograms....all of it. Reminds me of when the big band leaders started going and you'd see (and still see) "The Tommy Dorsey Band featuring ______________________" (the new anonymous bandleader). How bands cope with a person owning the name and the rights, or how the sole survivor (Asia pun) figures out a way to create a marketable show of some sort for their dwindling demographic, it's all fascinating to me.

    First it was the big bands, then the doo-wop groups, now it's the 60's/70's guys. In 2040 it'll be the 80's synth and hair bands. Solo artists have it easier in this regard. Time marches on.

    It's still happening of course. Look up the group Sugababes.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  3. I took the path I recommend to my kids, and anyone else who will listen:

    - Stage one: kid shows a modicum of talent and interest

    - Stage two: young adult gets a "sensible" job, and retains music as a hobby

    - Stage three: older adult is able to enjoy music without the stress of worrying where his next mortgage repayment is coming from


    Summed up as "don't follow your dream".


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 5
  4. 50 minutes ago, Artomas said:

    Which of these threads has the highest trigger point? Also, which has the best rotary effect? When the thread is spinning around in circles, I want the arguments to sound like they're coming out of a REAL Leslie.

    If you want the sound of a real Leslie thread, get a real Leslie thread.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Haha 1
  5. Yamaha YC61 should be on your shortlist.


    Korg Vox Continental doesn't have a "full UI" for Organ, but might be sufficient. EPs are very strong. I believe it's now discontinued but worth considering second-hand. 


    But you should be warned that anyone who requires both "Awesome, expressive bright rock piano" and "EXPRESSIVE piano" is traversing a highly subjective path. 


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  6. It's a tough market. Key competitors are "Hammond MSolo", "Hammond M-Solo" and "Surprise from Hammond! New M-Solo". This one's shorter, which will annoy purists who want long arguments about drawbar settings. On the other hand, I guess it's easier to read on a smartphone on public transport outside the US, like the NY subway. 


    And I think they've missed a trick. Yes there's a hyphen, but who needs two exclamation marks in a Hammond thread these days? Plus, this is clearly intended to pair with an amplification thread (that almost always includes a mono/stereo discussion). So how about some keyboard stand topics? Hammond thread + keyboard stand thread would be a winner imho.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Radagast said:

    I would rather spend $100 less and buy the Roland VR09.

    Hammond's clonewheel sound is far superior to the VR09 imho. The big competition at that price point is Crumar. 


    VR09 is much more versatile though - it competes much more with multifunction boards.


    Cheers, Mike.

  8. On a more serious note -- the idea of adding a synth to an organ board is a *really* good one. I just feel Hammond hasn't really gone far enough. Adding the monosynth from the SK pro (use the drawbars to control), together with pitch/mod wheels and a mono/portamento mode, would make much more sense for me than a string machine patch.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Reezekeys said:

    2200 miles (3500 km) in THIS? The blurb I read said the cabin is unpressurised. I assume you made a few stops along the way! Did you bring any keyboards? 🙂 


    My memory must be playing tricks - it was 20 years ago, I was unmarried but with the girl who would become my wife. I definitely flew that plane, and it was definitely into San Jose, but the distance couldn't have been 2000 miles. ("It's very far": C. Hynde, 1983). It was an hour or so flight, 150 miles or so. Maybe it was an intra-Costa Rica flight - we were touring the country.


    No keyboards. Cool plane though.


    Cheers, Mike.

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