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Everything posted by desertbluesman

  1. And sometimes, it sounds good BECAUSE OF those "mistakes"! The one pictured above is one of my all time favorite guitars no matter who made them. It has one of the best set of varied tones of any of my instruments past and present. It is a joy to play, and I play it every 3rd day.
  2. Yep that is not the only parts caster that I have made. I gave several others to my kiddo for keepsakes one of them is the best that I ever made for neck true-ness, and everything was done to spec. However it has 3 EMG pickups in it, which I never liked. But it does have one feature I liked a lot, 3 on-off switches for the pups.
  3. It is a series of mistakes really. I glued the neck in because the neck pocket I cut in was a little too big. So the neck in not quite placed like it should be. Plus the bridge is down against the guitar top, all that said, it plays well and the tone is super, also I used Strat type pickups Duncan Lil 49'ers but the ones I used were for the rear pup which is a bit longer than the middle and front pups, so those pups are a little too long, so I placed them so that the treble string pole pieces are correct and the bass string pole pieces are a bit higher up than they should be. Still the tone is excellent. I built that guitar at the Flea Market in St Augustine Florida. I lived in the flea market RV park at the time and built it there. For a long time that was one of only 2 guitars in my quiver (The least amount of guitars in my quiver since I began playing in 1964 or so). Now I am down to 3 guitars and that will suffice for the rest of my days.
  4. I placed the Tele control plate on my parts-caster not quite like a Tele, because it is angled to the strings, with the volume control on the bridge end, which is higher up than the selector switch side, the tone control in the middle, and the selector switch on the rear of the guitar and lower down. The Tele control plate is angled up on the volume control side and it is directly under the rear pup, but an inch or so lower than a standard Strat placement. The selector switch is near the end of the guitar body, but I rarely need to switch it except between songs.
  5. I do like to use the volume control for swells, it just needed to be moved an inch or so on my Strat Clone which I did. On my other guitars the volume controls are just right. On my parts caster I used a Tele control plate and moved the switch towards the rear of the guitar with the volume control closer to the pups but still farther away than a standard Strat.
  6. Here is another one with Vince. "Killer Guitar Player"
  7. Vince Gill, Albert Lee, Keb Mo, and more outstanding players on guitars, and keys, as well as a fiddler and outstanding side men.
  8. For the same pick reason that you stated above, I did take the Strat clone volume control and re-positioned it between where it used to be, and where the middle tone used to be, because my picking hand usually rests on that area to dampen strings. I then rewired the tone control that is left to effect any of the pickups, I never turn the tone control down it is always full open but still I like it just in case. I put dimes over the holes that were left open to make it look better. Which was much cheaper than buying a custom pick-guard. It even looks cool that way.
  9. I use the middle pickup in conjunction with the front or rear pickup, I never use it alone, but I do use it for that sound you get from the two being on at once, which is less ice picky than either the front or rear pup alone on the clean sounds. For overdrive stomps I use only the front or the rear by it self. On my Ibanez RG321 which only has two hum-bucking pups, I do get that two pup sound on one of the 5 position switch settings which gives that thin and less ice picky sound like the middle and rear pup from a Strat type sound.
  10. Yep I used to like Patty LaBelle and Gladys Night as my favorite singers, until I saw Whitney do the Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl that year, she knocked that rendition out of the park and that rendition still has not been topped yet. Once I saw/heard that, I began to listen to her other stuff and she was flat out amazing. (Well maybe the Hendrix at Woodstock version might have been more interesting to guitar players)
  11. +1 on the Doobies, although Whitney was amazing as was Pat Benetar, any of those three is OK with me.
  12. Nice looking guitar CEB have a great time with new gear day.
  13. That is a tough lookin item Caev. Maybe next time.
  14. I never leave the Snark on the guitar, I tune up and take the thing off. My guitars stay in tune for days unless there is a distinct temperature change. I will buy a battery or two the next time I am in Wal Mart. I might even have a few around the house already. As is, I like the Snark a bunch.
  15. @Larryz I will only use the Snark inside the house, I will stick with the tuner pedal in my road pedal board for going out. Plus I will keep the Digitech RP155 for emergency tuning handy in case I lose the Snark or break it somehow. My road board is only for going out from the home to jam or whatever, and the house board never leaves the house.
  16. I have been using stomp tuner pedals in my pedal-boards for years uncounted, and one day a few weeks ago I ordered a Snark Tuner from Sweetwater, and it came in a few days, and I have been evaluating it for a week or so. One of these days soon, out from my house pedal board comes the Digitech RP155 which I used for one harmony patch, and its tuner. I will leave the tuner pedal in my (other) road pedal board which is small like a normal Boss stomp, but the Digitech gets sent the way of all my old modelers.. I am rather impressed with my new Snark 15 buck tuner.
  17. I never bonded with a Rickenbacker guitar. I might have had one in my early playing years around the late 1960's. If it was mine or borrowed, I never missed it after it was gone. Some folks like them a bunch, and get nice stuff from them, just not my cop~o~tea.
  18. I have a Strat clone with Fender Vintage Noiseless pickups in it. That guitar does sound a bit brighter than the hum-bucking guitars I own. (all of my guitars have the same scale 25-1/2")
  19. D'Addario XL 110's, 010-.046, Been using them for many many years, started in the mid 80's and perhaps before that even. I was using the Guitar To MIDI stuff back then and someone recommended them to me for better tracking. I have liked them ever since.
  20. Congratulations to the family surfergirl. I admire anything that helps out with the planets good health.
  21. Good luck with the new pedal Winston. Happy New Gear Day.
  22. I pretty much stay away from You Tube vids and documentaries. I only watch a little comedy on the TV, Netflix, and Prime. Pretty much the rest of TV including most documentaries bores the heck outta me. Secondly I only have over the air TV, no cable, no sattelite, I do not have AXS TV whatever that is.
  23. I remember Gorilla amps, but I have been an all tube guy since 1966 with a very few forays into modeling (I once had 4 modelers at different times, as well as a tube modeling amp hybrid) So I never tried the Gorillas, if no tubes I ain't into it. I understand that the new modelers and profilers are wonderful tools, but I use 3 sounds, clean, tube overdrive stomps, and reverb pedals, I use the reverb pedals in both my clean and overdrive sounds, so I have no need of $1500+. modelers or profilers.
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