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Everything posted by desertbluesman

  1. @KuruPrionz Great find and fabulous price, good luck with the new gear.
  2. Thanks @Larryz, I also keep my guitars in their cases. I hope the cleaner did the trick, Otherwise new gear day for pups and switches etc.
  3. Thanks all for your advice I really appreciate it.
  4. So far so good, when it was new I put the Noiseless pups in myself. It was only a $300 Guitar. At the same time when the guitar was new, I took out the middle tone pot, and wired all three pups to the one tone control I moved the volume pot between where it was originally and the middle tone pot hole. I covered the holes with dimes ~). If I have to remove the pick-guard (and the 22 fret neck to get the pick-guard out.) money is not the problem. I never liked single coils anyways so I am thinking if I got to put in a new switch, I will put in the Duncan Little 59'rs, new pots and a new switch, I have Little 59'rs in my homemade parts caster and they rock. The guitar is beautiful as is, so I can afford the pups. I haven't had any new gear in about 5 years so it won't kill me financially.
  5. I think it is the 5 way switch meeself, we shall see, I can remove the neck and pick-guard (it has a 22 fret neck so I have to remove the neck as well as the pick-guard won't come out unless I remove the neck, so far with the tuner cleaner so good. Maybe I got lucky
  6. Working on getting my new recording computer up and running. I also practice every day (my normal practice routine)(major and minor scales, and some chord practice as well, as a warmup)
  7. OK I have an Agile Strat Clone, I put in Fender Vintage Noiseless pickups, and have been playing that guitar for about 10 years every third practice day. So several years ago I was playing along and the volume on the guitar/amp started to diminish a little bit. Of course I thought it was tubes, so I bought some new ones. Everything was Ok for a year or so. So it happened briefly several times after that year or so. Playing different amps. So I thought it was in my house pedal board. I checked all the connections everything seemed Ok. So after I started using my road board in the house a week or so ago. it happened again. (I was always using the front pickup as I recall when this happened every time). Only this time the sound crapped out fully, before this time it only diminished a bit, then would come back. So I figured it had to be that front pup because I switched the pups and it popped back on, when I switched back on the front pup it had that deep hum like there was no ground, I switched it back and forth a few times to clean the switch up a bit and it returned to normal. So I got out my contact cleaner and sprayed the 5 position switch with the contact cleaner. Of course this is the first day I played it after the fully crap out scene a few days back, but it seemed to work OK so far. Only time will tell if it stays OK. But if I have to pull the pick-guard, I also have to remove the neck. If I do that I am putting some Duncan Little 59'ers and a new high quality 5 position switch. $269 for the three pups and a new 5 position switch. I may also take that 5 position switch option off the table and use 3 mini off and on switches which gives the option of having all pups on all at once, which gives a pretty decent mildly thinner sound that you can't get with the 5 position switch.
  8. Tommy is something else, a dedicated master musician. He does some wonderful stuff on those strings as we all know here. Have fun..
  9. Wow what a player, and of course the composition was an inspired piece as well.
  10. Everything went well for the wifey and I this year. We still hike the White Tank Mountain Regional Park during the winter months every Sunday. We are both relatively healthy, no debt, I got the wife on a Medicare Advantage plan, which helps a big bunch, relieving us from paying the big bucks for her health insurance. I still play guitar every day, and at 77 years old that may not last long, although BB King played out well into his 80's. I saw him play live when he was 82 and he made that guitar sing the blues as well as ever, so there is hope for me to keep going a bit. So 2019 was a good year for us so far. barring any serious health issues we think 2020 will be a repeat of this year.
  11. It did not take me long to set it up. I have my amps only on clean, and the tone controls set on both of my amps to give a similar clean tone to each other, and the Motor Drive set up only took a few minutes to tweak in to my taste. But I needed to have it in my house with my amps.
  12. One of the best overdrive pedals I have ever owned. https://friedmanamplification.com/products2/motor-city-drive. I bought it about 6 months ago, and put it in my "road" pedal board, tried it for a day or two and closed up the road board and set it aside for about 6 months. Day before yesterday I decided to rearrange my "house" pedal board, so I dug out the road board and brought my house board out to my workshop for rearrangement. Anyways after a few moments of tweaking the Friedman Motor City Drive, I began to see that it suited my taste in overdrive sounds more than any other overdrive pedal that I have ever owned. With a short amount of tweaking the tone controls I came up with the smoothest lead sound very similar to Carlos Santana's sweet overdrive sounds on his first few albums. The pedal ain't cheap but it is not too far outta the park price wise for a tube overdrive pedal.
  13. Been playing Ovations since '74, and I love them, but they're not for everyone. I think of them as Acoustic Guitars designed for Electric Guitarists. +1 on the quotes above. I had 2 Ovations as my last 2 acoustic guitars. I played the heck outta them both. I used to go on long surf trips with my kids back in the day, so I would be away from my electric guitars for half a year at a time. The ovations (With electric guitar strings, D'Adderio XL110's) kept my hand in for those long months. The Ovations are not as loud acoustically as a dreadnought acoustic, but they were sure easy to play for an electric guitarist, and the body shape was more comfortable than a big box acoustic.. I say plus one on Ovations.
  14. +1 on what the guys above said. Bring along a guitar player friend, and go to the store and get his experienced advice
  15. Tenacity is my answer, that is how I stay motivated. If I am not practicing, I am not at my best when and if the time to play comes.
  16. Thanks for the chart. I rarely go out of the minor or major pentatonics, or the related full scale. Once in a while I dabble in the modes.
  17. Well, good score anyways LX88, have fun with it. I will bet good money, that you can get a big bunch of bread for it if you decide to resell it.
  18. I just saw Rumble; Indians who rocked the world on PBS. What a fantastic show, who knew all those rockers from back in the day were native Americans. Link Wray, Robbie Robertson from the Band, Jessey Ed Davis. I enjoy very little on TV, but I sure enjoyed that show. If you ever get a chance to watch that show I advise it.
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