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Everything posted by desertbluesman

  1. I am an improvisor for my solo's, so my stuff is reborn every time I play a particular song.
  2. This is what I got trying to view whatever link that the link above sends us to. Sorry, this content isn't available right now The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.
  3. I would keep my Ibanez RG321, 24 frets with two hum-bucking pups with a 5 position switch. Plus I can get to the 24th fret easy. It sounds almost as fat/deep as a Les Paul on the front pickup and as thin as a Strat on the Strat between the rear and middle pups. So I get almost the best of both worlds in one guitar. Plus it plays so easy throughout the whole fret-board. Otherwise I would keep my Strat style parts caster. But the RG321 is the best all around guitar I have ever owned ($299 new 10 years ago) and I am still rockin with it every 3rd day.
  4. I have been watching the Ken Burns Country Music series on PBS every night so far. Some of it is a bit boring and repetitive. Most of it is already known to me, but there are some moments that surprised me a big bunch. Like how Chet Atkins got started in country music. It was actually the Carters that hired him before he was well known, and he played in their band for a while. The Grand Old Opry did not want the Carters to bring him to the Ryhman, and they upped the offer three times, yet the Carters refused to play unless they could include him, which the Opry folks finally did.
  5. All the stars of my era, (the hippy years) are passing on regularly. I am old enough to know that death is just a part of the human experience. It does not phase me like it did a few years back.
  6. Did the unit come with a manual? Or you can download one from the Digitech Site. Go to this page https://digitech.com/en/products/sdrum scroll down a very little bit, and you will find the manual there.
  7. I have no answer for this one either, I have no experience with anything like what you are asking for
  8. We get the remnants of the Pacific and Gulf storms here in the lovely Sonoran Desert. Sometimes we have micro-bursts that have 60+ MPH winds and giant thunderstorms that knock giant trees over. In fact one of those storms ripped a shed roof up and off of the shed, one full block away from us, it flew over two houses and smashed into my steps and if flipped up and broke a bit of my vinyl siding. Did $1,096 worth of damage to the house but I have a thousand deductible, so I cancelled the claim and paid some friends to fix it, I think it cost me about $300 or so to do the repairs.
  9. Glad all went well for you Skip, as well as being glad that Dorian did not do too much devastation on the US mainland, although the Bahamas look devastated, that is a sad thing to witness.
  10. I saw the concert at the Rhyman on PBS last evening. 2 solid hours of musical mastery. Of course the common theme among non fans is 3 chords and crying and weeping. That is true, but if you look deeper, the side men are astounding. I saw a lot of new frontmen/women faces performing the classic hits, But as usual the thing that strikes me the most about country is the articulation of all the sidemen. However the whole show also explained the history in small bytes as well most of which I already knew. I used to watch the Opry every Saturday night back in the day and The Porter Wagoner Show as well as Hee Haw. All my hip hippy musician buddies used to laugh at me for watching that stuff, but I invited them over and pointed out the absolute mastery those sidemen exhibited. Of course the lyrics and progressions were simple, but the side musicians were terrific. I will watch the series on PBS when it premieres shortly.
  11. Nice looking instrument picker, I like the gold, I have no advice on how to finish over the waterslide decal. But I hope you have many years of pickin pleasure on Goldie.
  12. Happy Birthday surfergirl, and many more happy and healthy ones as well.....
  13. Now that is the funniest lookin roach clip that I have ever seen.
  14. Looks cool, I have a friend who has a Bose setup, and he loves it.
  15. Best of luck with the Dorian Experience. Be sure to let us know how you fare in the coming storm. Best wishes.....
  16. Way cool Larryz, I use the same scenario when playing over certain progressions, in other words, I play an A minor tune using A minor pentatonic and mix in the full Aeolian (Natural Minor) scale when needed for effect. When I play over a country tune I use the same A Minor (and Pentatonic) scale only it is called C Major (Ionian) (and Pentatonic) against a C progression. (Thank you to the late Emily Remler for hipping me to the modes, and how to apply them)
  17. That was a pretty strange sit in. Never saw that one before. I do not know what Pavarotti was thinking to do that little bit of wailing.....
  18. I will keep an eye out for any sign of him on the internet. If I see any sign I will tell him to contact you. I have your e-mail addy, and of course will tell him to contact you on the Music Player Forums
  19. Sorry Larryz, I do not know where to get in touch with Fred C. I do not see him on Talk Music. I checked Talk Musics member list, I checked my e-mail and I checked my little notepad file which is where I keep musician e-mail addresses etc. No luck. I did find his e mail address on his profile, check your pvt messages
  20. Back after a week in New Jersey. He does not play anymore at all, and he has extreme hearing problems, but we were good friends even before and after the bands. So reconnecting was a real treat for both of us. Plus he is a big time general contractor on Long Beach Island building multi million dollar homes.
  21. My buddy does not play anymore and has hearing troubles. But just to reconnect and recall the days was very cool. He insisted that the next time we come he wants to take us out to dinner, and hopefully we can go out and see his son play and hear the sons band, who I hear is impressive from other folks who have seen them.
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