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Everything posted by desertbluesman

  1. I play exclusively with backing tracks, I create them myself, sometimes from MIDI files I download. or I sometimes using Band In A Box Or the old Jammer Pro. I render those MIDI files to audio in my recording app using software synths and good quality samples,
  2. I have one wish to sell my Hot Rod Deluxe and get a second Egnater Tweaker head with the bread from the HRD..
  3. I am trying to limit my wanking, and actually am starting to feel the melody instead of ripping off some more notes. At 77 years old I am trying to learn the use of new different shaped picks and playing melody instead of trying to use speed to be impressive . One is never too old to learn I guess.........
  4. I have tinnitus and have had it since my Marshall 100 watt Plexi days. The Plexi was the original one like the pro's used, a pre master volume one from the 1960's, and it screamed like the pros amps did, and it was freakin loud. I really do not pay much attention to the tinnitus, it is just there and once in a while it sneaks into my consciousness, but generally it just sits in the background hissing away unnoticed. However I only play at home usually, and I never play above bedroom levels these days, so it is not getting worse. I do bring ear plugs to live concerts however, and stuff them in my ears if the sound guy does not have a treble mitigation awareness, or no skill in cutting the harsh highs out of the mix. For that ear plugs are mandatory in my go to concert preparations..
  5. Never tried one I am totally satisfied with the old standby Sure SM57 for miking up the guitar and recording with it I also have a SM 58 for live vocals, and a cheapo knockoff (Studio Projects C-1 http://studioprojects.com/c1.html) of the Naumann U87 for vocals. It is not quite as adept as the U87, but it suffices. I once had a U87 and it was awesome and have regretted selling the U87 for many years.
  6. Thanks for your efforts to keep this forum alive and well attended. I have been coming here for many years daily and have enjoyed the comradely here amongst the pickers and grinners here.
  7. RIP David Olney. I have one thing to say about this death (I am 77 years old as many of you know). & I have watched a lot of people die. Some who took Chemo and suffered for five long years, some who came down with Parkinson's (That one was not pretty) Heart attacks, cancers, Alzheimer's, and I have one thing to say about this death; What a lucky guy he was to pass on while doing something he loved, no years of suffering, no big long lasting pains, man that was a good death In my humble opinion, a fast unexpected and super fast death is the best kind. I am bumping up against my own mortality at 77 years. I have contemplated the ways possible to croak, and I believe a slow suffering death is the worst. I have had friends mention the following to me at times. "Did you hear about so and so he just dropped dead in the street isn't that awful". And my answer is always "man he (or she) was lucky". And most of the seniors in my retirement community, after watching their friends die with suffering, agree with me. When I gotta go I hope it is unexpected, swift, and final. I have a do not resuscitate form filled out in my wallet along with a living will. I ain't afraid to die, I just don't wanna suffer to get there. David Olney was one lucky human.
  8. My Fender Hot Rod Deluxe is a Mexican model, I put in an Eminence Cannabis Rex 12" speaker and it is the sweetest/fattest sounding amp I have ever owned bar none. And below is a list of all the amps I have owned since 1966 or so. I am trying to sell my Hot Rod Deluxe, I just had it gone over by one of the best amp techs in the Phoenix area and while he was at it, I had him change the capacitors, he also went through the amp and fixed or replaced all of the common flaws in the amp. So far it is one juicy amp, but it is heavy. I can lift it but I don't want to anymore. 1) Fender Black Face Bassman 1960's with 2-12 Cab with stock speakers 2) Fender Black Face Deluxe Reverb 1960's with stock speaker 3) Marshall Hundred Watt Plexi head with Sunn 6-12 Bass cabinet 4) Fender Silver Face Twin Reverb with 2- JBL K 120 Speakers 5) Fender Silver Face Pro Reverb with 2- JBL K 120 Speakers (this amp rocked, It was the only one I ever gigged with back in the day) 6) Fender Silver Face Deluxe Reverb with stock speaker 7) Peavey Hundred watt 2-12 hybrid amp (I don't remember the model number) 8) Peavey Fifty watt 2-12 hybrid amp (I don't remember the model number) 9) Peavey two Hundred watt hybrid amp head (I don't remember the model number or speaker combination) 10) Music Man Hundred watt hybrid Combo with stock speakers (I don't remember the model number) 11) Music Man fifty watt hybrid Combo with stock speakers (I don't remember the model number) 12) Fender 30 one twelve combo (Rivera Era) With stock speaker. (This is one of my all time favorites) 13) Seymour Duncan hundred watt head, model unknown with the pre amp modules that could be changed 14) Mesa Boogie Mark II C+ 80 watt head which was a Mark II B, then C, Then C+ With a 1-12 cab with an EVM 12L in it. 15) Mesa Boogie Quad Preamp with Strategy 400 Power amp with 4 -1-12 cabs with EVM 12L's in them. 16) Mesa Boogie Mark IV 80 watt combo (with the OEM EVM 12L speaker from the Mark II C+ that I still have but did not sell with the amp). 17) Gallien Kruegar Micro Lead ML250 18) Galilien Kruegar later model Micro Lead (Model unknown) 19) 2 Fender Frontman 15 Gs with a modeler pedal board in front for stereo practice.1 20) Fender Hot Rod Deluxe combo with an Eminence Cannabis Rex 12" speaker. (I still have it, It is my all time favorite amp with a pedalboard in front of it) 21) Bogner Alchemist 50 watt tube 1-12 combo, (did not like it, sent it back) 22) Mesa Boogie Hundred watt Lone Star Classic head. (did not like it, sent it back) 23) Fender Super Champ X2 15 watt combo with Eminence Lil Buddy 10" speaker (Sold it and regret selling it) 24) Ibanez TS 15 Head (did not like it, sent it back) 25) Egnater Tweaker 15 Watt Head. into an EVM 12 L 1-12 speaker cab (It is my second all time favorite amp with a pedal board in front of it) 26) Epiphone 5 watt Valve Junior Head which I sent to my kiddo as a gift. I sold or traded or gave away all of the amps I mentioned above except for the Hot Rod Deluxe and the Tweaker 15 watt head.......
  9. Good idea on hitting your place on the way up. We shall see and plan accordingly later on in the season.
  10. @Larryz we are thinking about a trip up to Northern Ca this summer, This time I will bring my guitar, pedal board, amp, and an axe. And time permitting I will come down for a jam and performance. It is quite a drive from Clear Lake Area, But I was sorry I could not make it the last two times (once flew up so no gear, and once I was visiting with my granddaughter who lives in the bay area.)
  11. Happy Birthday Winston, and many more happy and healthy ones as well.
  12. I never liked live performance in clubs, but when I did that, it was always after my day job which paid more in half a day than what we were getting for both Friday and Saturday nights in the local clubs. After a hard day laying brick all day, it was just tiresome, and felt like a "JOB".
  13. It was a fun concert. Larryz The Real Stones were here last summer but I never go into town, so I was never interested in going to see them. I stay outside of the Phoenix area and only attend tribute concerts nearby in retirement communities. We have one more booked this season, an Eagles tribute April 8th in our own community ballroom.
  14. I was not close enough to see that at all. I was in the back of the room. He did use Fender guitars, and they hummed a bunch. Must have been single coils. His stuff sounded good enough for me. But the effect of the whole band made it enough like the Rolling Stones to please the heck outta me. The rhythm section was superb..
  15. I went to see a Rolling Stones Tribute band last night, called Mick Adams and The Stones and man were they great, The rocked me like no one has in a long long time. They played all the hits and did some interesting stuff, but mostly they were spot on playing it note for note like the original Stones did it. Mick was a real good showman, acting like Jagger did mostly, plus he had lots of humorous banter back and forth with the audience. What a rhythm section that band has. I never did see the Rolling Stones Live, but this band made up for that, and only 20 bucks each to get in. Small room with only 250 guests. He saw me pull out my smart phone and stopped there on purpose and posed while he Sang Sympathy For The Devil to give me a shot at taking a picture up above, this picture was taken just as he turned to run up to the stage to finish the song. A good time was had by all. Mick Adams actually found out I posted a review on Talk Music click on the link below to see his responses to me. He was running around the room and saw me take out my cell phone for a shot, and he was generous enough to pose a bit. Read more: http://talk-music.proboards.com/thread/5086/mick-adams-stones?page=1#ixzz6BKKejjf7
  16. Is loading a bit quicker today.
  17. Get wood filler from Stewart MacDonald's do the filler first let it dry sand lightly and then stain it. My $.02 anyways
  18. I haven't used a Wah pedal in many many years, probably since the late 1960's, All I use is a Digitech Digiverb Reverb Pedal, and a Friedman Motor City Overdrive pedal. Plus a Boss Blues Driver only for tone control and boost for my Strat Clone. That is my road board, in my house board I use another Digitech Digiverb and a Seymour Duncan Twin Tube Classic as well as a Digitech RP pedal for harmonies (which I am going to take out of the house board). I also have a volume pedal but I took that out of the board several years back also another Boss Blues Driver in the house board.
  19. I never got to Nashville, but I did Chicago 1x and Anaheim 2x
  20. I have been there 2x and Once in Chicago, but I no longer have a friend who owns a music store to get me free tickets. Have a good time.
  21. I want to wish all of you miscreants a very Happy and Healthy New Year, and may you all prosper in 2020 as well.
  22. Can't help with that one Winston, can't say if I ever had a basswood guitar or not. My Agile Strat Clone might be basswood, I have no idea what the wood is in it, but my other guitars are ash, and mahogany bodies.
  23. I want to wish all of my friends here a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a very happy and healthy New Year.
  24. @KuruPrionz , Wow Mike Benadelli I know Mike from when I was at the Boogie Shop in Petaluma. I do not remember what I was there for or which of my long gone Boogies, but he fixed it. Later on I sold him some PA gear I had at that time, as he also had a sound reinforcement company and he rented/supplied PA gear for live concerts. Over time I became a friend of his and stopped by the shop to visit with him whenever I was in Northern Ca. It has been a long time since I heard that name. It was in the late 80's when all that happened. @ GuardiansGuitar Tube swaps are so easy, I always change my tubes myself, and have been doing so since I started playing guitar in the middle 1960's
  25. I moved the volume control down between it's old position and where the middle tone pot was, and eliminated that tone pot altogether, I wired all pups to that one tone pot although I never move the tone control any. I put dimes on both holes (see white Strat Clone in the middle), I sold the other two guitars long ago.
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