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Sven Golly

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Everything posted by Sven Golly

  1. What? Also: Which DAW are you using on your desktop? Which platform (Mac, PC, Linux?) And finally: [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=use+ipad+with+desktop+daw Clonk[/url]
  2. Two seconds of searching found this: [video:youtube] That alone should clarify why most XK5 demos use a real Leslie.
  3. Apologies, that was a typo on my part, it's the EJ.
  4. Asked many times here; would be good for you to read the sticky threads at the top, especially the one about the best way to search the forum. That said, my answer to this question every time is the On-Stage KS-7365EN heavy duty 2-tier Z stand. Enjoy!
  5. Drum throne. Roc-n-soc Nitro w/Backrest:
  6. Yes it does. You just need this adapter.
  7. Your case isn't hermetically sealed, and these things happen over time, not suddenly, although things like outdoor gigs definitely exacerbate the problem.
  8. No, it makes you the keyboard equivalent of the guy that bought this in the 80's and called it a "Jeep": Only if you never played the original.
  9. I've been using OnSong and an Airturn Firefly for at least 5 years now (same pedal, updated the iPad ). Can't say enough good things about it, for my purposes: lyrics, basic chord info, little reminder notes. I've assisted many people to get OnSong working for their rigs sending out program changes and doing many of the more advanced functions. Easy peasy as long as you take your time and are methodical about it. OnSong in Night Mode is, for me, perfect, and worth every penny. Oh, and the Firefly is only two switches, and remarkably more robust than the plastic construction might at first appear.
  10. Currently on MasterClass.com: 500 Internal Server Error If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application's log file and/or the web server's log file to find out what went wrong.
  11. Other than the fact that the VR feels NOTHING like the Mojo, why would this be nuts? The bigger challenge is keeping your setups straight so that you're playing 000000000 when you're wanting to play the VR sounds, and having the VR turned down when using it as a bottom manual. Sounds like a PITA, but not nuts.
  12. I did, but I guess I was a little too cryptic. Yeah, saw that but it didn't click as I was scanning the thread... sorry!
  13. What, nobody's yet posted about Mike Trout landing a whopper of a contract? (see what I did there? ) Trout and Angels and $430 Million deal
  14. Yeah, it's gotta be tough down under. Being in Canada we feel some of that as well, but not nearly as bad as you guys have it.
  15. Citation required, otherwise I call malarky. The Verve played to prerecorded tracks specifically for that song, if not everything. [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dITSwNh0jOo
  16. Better than buying one that fails to meet yours (or Radial's) expectations and returning it and bad-mouthing it online*. At least that's how I choose to see this. * - not you, specifically, but the general public bad-mouthing it. I don't think you're the type to engage in that sort of thing, but there sure are a lot of people like that out there.
  17. Shipping in January, according to my friend at Radial. Thanks Sven, my fingers are now crossed As are mine! Of course, it bears mentioning that Radial is one of those companies that will delay a product launch if they think something needs tweaking/improving, rather than punting something out the door early to meet a "deadline". Case in point, the original Key Largo, was repeatedly delayed while they tweaked a lot of things on it. I'm hopeful that won't be the case this time.
  18. Shipping in January, according to my friend at Radial.
  19. Anyway, once you go here, you'll never look back: or or even: So many benefits to a proper fader controller with motorized faders, assuming your workflow
  20. 1) Have you installed the SL Editor? 2) Have you checked to make sure the Key Range & Velocity are set to an appropriate range, and that the USB port is actually active? 3) Have you read the manual? 3 should be 1, but I know you haven't, so it's not as important.
  21. Stop. No. Just, no. Give yourself WAY more time to make sure everything is gig-ready. Otherwise, knock yourself out. I've been doing this for some gigs for years. All is good.
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