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Welcome, Bob!


There are some running jokes here about the Kurz Triple Strike. :)

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Well I never thought of triple strike as "dreaded". It just is what it is. ~BOB


correct, Bob. I said this tongue in cheek, but you are new so of course you couldn't get it. The Kurzweil piano sounds gets bashed quite a bit, but is also used by many. Finally we have new piano samples coming out in a new model this summer. This is a very big deal. :rawk:

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  • 2 weeks later...

My name is Duane Garvin. I started working at the distributor of Kurzweil (YoungChang AMerica) in 1995 as a full time temp, hired in 1996 after I graduated ITT. I worked at YCNA until Samick took over in 2004. Samick hired me to run the service department remotely since I would not move back to So. Cal.. In 2005 YCNA (or AND Music... they changed their name a few times)took back distribution of Kurzweil and that was when I decided to run DG Audio Repair full time.


YCNA (YoungChang North America) hired me back to do tech support for them from 2008 to 2010. American Music and Sound took over the pro division in 2009 and I worked for both companies until the end of 2010. They decided that supporting legacy products wasn't worth it anymore.


After that things went down hill.. first separation then Divorce. The life as I knew it was changing dramatically so I stopped doing Kurzweil and got a full time job making high-end cables for military contracts. Anyways, things are much better now and I am back repairing Kurzweil instruments full time.


I have some vintage parts (K1000 key contacts, K2000 enclosures) and I can repair down to the component level, reprogram the flashROM of several models (K25, K26, PC2, MK12), I have test fixtures so only the defective circuit board is needed.


I have a Nidan in Aikido.

Duane Garvin

"The Kurzweil Guy"


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Hello all,


I'm a long-time lurker and occasional contributor on the PianoWorld forums, who has recently discovered KC. I am now regularly following both.


I live on the north side of Chicago. I'm a semi-retired management consultant whose professional background includes managing TV post houses and production companies. I'm also a largely self-taught hobby-level jazz player with a decent knowledge of music theory and recording technology.


I just recently sold the Roland HP-207 that has been my main squeeze for the last few years, and I'm now shopping for a slab piano to serve as a practice instrument and software piano controller.


Thanks and kind regards to all the regular KC contributors from whom I've been gleaning lots of great knowledge over the past few weeks.


Ben Webber


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm originally from Joisey, now residing near nashville (the 'boro). Played keys since the early 60's - Farfisa Compact-duo thru an epiphone amp. Had 3 different B3s thru the years, but not since the mid 80s. Did nothing band-wise 1995-2012. Now with 2 bands, one is mostly country (I AM near NV, after all) and one start-up doing southern rock/feat/ allmans/etc..

Lurked around here for ages, finally had to sign up to say goodbye to Ray - one of my first idols and inspirations - learning Light My Fire was a big milestone in my keyboard life.

Professional musician = great source of poverty.

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Lurked around here for ages







Just razzin'! Glad you signed in...

Now you can reap the benefits of

being a full-fledged member:

Getting harrased by the natives!


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Welcome to the forum, Chief. While I was posting to your other intro... things got merged. :crazy:


Anyway plenty of good info and friends to be found here.


same thing happened to me, I didn't want to double post. Anyway, Chief, searching the archives is certainly welcome around here, even if one can't always find what it is they are looking for


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Welcome to the forum, Chief. While I was posting to your other intro... things got merged. :crazy:


Anyway plenty of good info and friends to be found here.


same thing happened to me,


I think we should charge a heavy fine for that... :D

When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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Welcome to the forum, Chief. While I was posting to your other intro... things got merged. :crazy:


Anyway plenty of good info and friends to be found here.


same thing happened to me,


I think we should charge a heavy fine for that... :D


let's have a beer instead. we can invite Tom. :laugh:

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let's have a beer instead. we can invite Tom. :laugh:



Works for me. Let me stop at the store first...










When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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I'm Mike. Long time lurker, first time poster.


I actually started on the accordion at age 7, shamed into moving over to piano in high school. Played in various bands through college, then pretty much stopped until hitting age 40. After a few years getting back up to speed in the basement, I started a Classic Rock cover band and we've been working up a few set lists over the past year. Now that we finally have a legitimate lead singer, we're ready for our first gig June 15th (private party at a Legion hall).


I just upgraded from the PX-3 to the PX-5S and will be taking it to rehearsal for the first time tonight, with minor tweaks to the factory presets and the addition of Jim Alfredson's Wurli Cruzer and Roadz Phaser (thanks Jim!). I'm already quite impressed with the board, but will post a more detailed review in the near future.


By day I'm a Software Engineer.


Really like this forum!

Stuff and thangs.
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Really like this forum!


Best one on the net.


Welcome to the club. By the way... you're responsible for donuts next week. :laugh:


Unique place. My only complaint about this forum is the amount of time I spend here. I should be working - like right now. ;)

Steve Coscia

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My only complaint about this forum is the amount of time I spend here. I should be working - like right now. ;)




I rush through email and the other forums to get here.

When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I hail from the northern suburbs of Dallas, TX where I live with my wife and twin toddlers. I've been lurking around for a couple months while researching for a keyboard purchase.


I'm in the IT business and I do computer security. I played trumpet in school from grades 5-12. Now that I'm 40 I figured my I should start prepping for my mid-life crisis! :cool:


My goal is to have a modest home studio where I can create cool music. I love classical piano and synth works equally. As a computer geek, DAW will play a huge part of the studio. Since I'm just starting out, though, I'm just looking for my first board. The stuff you guys do with this gear is really brilliant; wish I got into this earlier!


My other hobbies including shooting, photography, computer role playing games, and "family stuff".



clueless newb


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Welcome fellow Texan! There are a few Dallas-area members who post here such as EscapeRocks and daviel. Daviel loves his Casio PX-3 (or 330), and I'm trying to remember if EscapeRocks got the PX-5S or was still considering it.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, just joined the forum, and Im very impressed with the sharing of the wealth of knowledge here. Im Andy, originally from Melbourne , Australia, now living in Chicago 16+ yrs. I was originally a keys player back home, then started getting serious about playing congas, percussion, and I got a lot more work as a percussionist than a keys player, so that's been my direction for the last 20+ yrs. HOWEVER, Ive always missed playing keys, I used to play the Hammond / wurli stuff with many different bands back home. So with some inspiration from an old friend from home who just visited me, Im going back baby ! Back when I played keys, there was no internet, no clonewheels, no forums....

I just checked out an SK2 and wow, very impressed. My list of keys back in the day starting from the start-Farfisa VIP600, Roland SH101, Hammond L100/ 122 leslie, Hammond B3 / leslie 122RV ,Hammond porta-B / leslie 760, DX-7, Juno 60 , Wurlitzer 200A,Roland RD300, Honer clav D6,Korg 01W ,Hammond XB2. I cant get over how much this old stuff sells for now, especially the old analog synths. Anyway, once I get my Sk2 going and get my chops back, I think Ill really learn a lot from these forums. How times have changed so much since I was a keys player, for the better I might add ( anyone who has lugged a B3 around knows exactly what I mean)

"Ive been playing Hammond since long before anybody paid me to play one, I didn't do it to be cool, I didnt do it to make a statement......I just liked it "


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My name is John and I have been lurking here for a couple of years. I found this forum while researching equipment. There is a lot of great information here. And you have influenced me to make some purchases. Or maybe just helped my GAS.


During the day I work in IT. I am a weekend warrior these days, which is about all I have time for. Now that I have children, my music is been slowly taking the back burner. Luckily everyone else in my band all have small children.


I am primarily a trumpet player, but have been playing Keys for 14 years in a cover band in northern Wisconsin. Before that I was in a SKA band for 9 years and really began to appreciate some of the older keyboards.


I am a huge fan of Hammond, Rhodes, Wurli, Clav and Moog. I have slowly been obtaining some of the older instruments, and trying to learn about maintenance and repair of these boards. My next project is to restring and yarn my clavinet.


Thanks for all the great info. I do not chime in much but enjoy learning from your knowledge.






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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


My name is Frank Mason, I live in the north of England. I'm 61, and have taken early retirement. I'm actually a guitarist (hence the handle) and have only been learning keys for about 6 weeks. I have a Nord Electro 4, and a Korg Krome. I am agonising over a Casio PX-5S. I only play at home, as it wouldn't be fair to inflict my hesitant playing (well....I call it playing) on anyone else yet.

Occasionally, do something nice for a total stranger. They'll wonder what the hell is going on!
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Welcome to martin & 6-string-man. Martin - you might want to post with a bit of your background, instruments, interests, etc.


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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Hey everyone, I'm Jordan. Been lurking for a few months and finally decided to take the plunge and join.


I'm 22 and from Scotland, currently studying music at college, going into my 3rd year. Started playing piano at 10. Used to play guitar and bagpipes (how very stereotypical, I know). While I enjoyed it, I stopped playing for two years when I was 15, which was a huge mistake because it set my playing and development back more than I thought it would. However, I later decided I wanted to study music to took up lessons again.


Because of this, I spent most of the first year of my course trying to find my feet again, which wasn't ideal when everyone else was progressing.


First two years of the course were split into two sections - classical or pop/contemporary. I chose the latter, and was the only piano player who did so, so the past few years have been quite fun, with me being the only keyboard player on the course.


Currently play in a wedding band and regularly at church. Wedding band has 60+ gigs this year, with bookings all the way through to 2016, which is great from a financial point of view, but it isn't exactly whetting my musical appetite!


Using the Roland RD-700NX which is fantastic, but I'm now finding it far too heavy. Guys in the band hate it because of the size, but love what I can do with it. I'm as of yet unsure if I regret buying it - if we're playing a wedding showcase, for example,it seems I'm always the only keyboard player who doesn't have a Nord Stage. Perhaps thats tells me something...Anyways, I'm looking to buy something smaller to get me by. I'm a poor student, so I'm on a tight budget; the VR-09 looks like my best bet for now, but am happy to hear other options.


Funny story is that until I got the RD-700, all I had was an old Yamaha P-85 and a MicroKorg. So any gig I played, regardless of what it was, I'd have to use either one of those, or both of them together. I went on tour with a friend's progressive rock band one winter, and those were the only two keyboards I had. While I managed to do the job, it sure as hell looked funny.


I'm also slowly getting to grips with using Ableton in live situations - mostly at Church, where I have a lot of room to experiment.


Anyways, I'm looking forward to being a part of the community, as I've learnt so much just by lurking lately.

Hammond SKX

Mainstage 3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I'm Moray, 24, currently based in the south west UK.


I've been playing piano as long as I can remember and been gigging with a variety of bands for the last 6-7 years. Currently I'm playing with a couple of original melodic/progressive bands and occasionally guesting with a classic rock covers band. Up until recently I also played in a Pink Floyd and Doors tribute act.


The Fantom X8 is my current gig workhorse, but I'm currently on the look out for something a bit lighter (PC3K8 is currently in front, assuming I can find somewhere in the UK to try one out!) and it's usually augmented with either an Electro 4D or JP-8000 depending on the gig.


This music lark is just a hobby at the moment, but I'm starting to test the "pro" waters - with mixed results!


This looks like a great community, nice to see a busy keyboard forum with so many knowledgeable folk (and many B3s in profile pics!)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone. My name is Alan and I'm currently based in Montclair NJ.


I've been playing piano since I was 6 and gigging on and off in various bands for the last 20 years. Primarily Grateful Dead and classic rock.


I've gone through a slew of keyboards in those years, mostly a ton of Rolands of assorted ilks, but I'm currently happy with my Nord Stage 2 SW73 for most gigs with maybe my Alesis ION adding some synth support.


I recently did a Pink Floyd gig where we did all of Dark Side of the Moon for set 1, which necessitated me bringing out my Kurzweil PC3LE7 for most of the piano/e. piano work and dedicating the Nord to B3 duties.


I'm actually between bands right now, but am still practicing and keeping up on the technology and any new toys that might compliment my stage rig.

Nord Stage 2 SW73, Kurzweil PC3LE7, Moog Sub 37, Alesis Ion, Rhodes Stage 73, Moog Werkstatt-01, Yamaha CP-300


Knock knock

Who's there?

Interrupting synthesizer


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Hi everyone. My name is Alan and I'm currently based in Montclair NJ.


I've been playing piano since I was 6 and gigging on and off in various bands for the last 20 years. Primarily Grateful Dead and classic rock.


I've gone through a slew of keyboards in those years, mostly a ton of Rolands of assorted ilks, but I'm currently happy with my Nord Stage 2 SW73 for most gigs with maybe my Alesis ION adding some synth support.


I recently did a Pink Floyd gig where we did all of Dark Side of the Moon for set 1, which necessitated me bringing out my Kurzweil PC3LE7 for most of the piano/e. piano work and dedicating the Nord to B3 duties.


I'm actually between bands right now, but am still practicing and keeping up on the technology and any new toys that might compliment my stage rig.

Hey... I used to live in Montclair and Upper Montclair, many moons ago... one of the nicest places I have EVER lived in my long life.. actually the nicest! This is a great place for sharing info and even foolishness at times.. peace, Tee

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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