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Everything posted by watermelonman

  1. Hi, I'm Mike. Long time lurker, first time poster. I actually started on the accordion at age 7, shamed into moving over to piano in high school. Played in various bands through college, then pretty much stopped until hitting age 40. After a few years getting back up to speed in the basement, I started a Classic Rock cover band and we've been working up a few set lists over the past year. Now that we finally have a legitimate lead singer, we're ready for our first gig June 15th (private party at a Legion hall). I just upgraded from the PX-3 to the PX-5S and will be taking it to rehearsal for the first time tonight, with minor tweaks to the factory presets and the addition of Jim Alfredson's Wurli Cruzer and Roadz Phaser (thanks Jim!). I'm already quite impressed with the board, but will post a more detailed review in the near future. By day I'm a Software Engineer. Really like this forum!
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