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Originally posted by nursers:

Originally posted by Keysking:

Originally posted by Bon Mot:

Hey Keyking, Aussie Wanker! .... Your country is safe.

hmmmm... more proof for my earlier post.
She's just takin the piss, mate ;)
Nursers knows the deal!!! He was there!!! :thu: He also knows the effort involved in keeping people motivated and coordinating a major music project.


And yeah, I'm doing a lot of pissin and moanin right now.... it's been a long time comin'


Even Chris admitted to the fact that he has invited this, and I'm sorry it had to be in this thread, but his nonsense gets old after awhile:


I knew that you'd bring up that Fantasy League thing sooner or later. Nice cheap shot - once again, exactly what I'd expect from you.

He knows damn well he's been jacking with me with his subtle little digs whenever he gets a chance! Otherwise why would he have preanticipated the digging up of bones????



You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Originally posted by Christopher Robin:

Not surprised, because you'll use anything, no matter how private or incorrect, to support your position, Ani. :wave:


And that's all I have to say.

I've apologized and removed the in depth comments about the FL project. You very well succeeded in your goal to trash a very promising project back when; YOU WON. Yet you still feel the need to slam me any chance you get; again and for the very last time... This thread had absolutely NOTHING to do with you. One thing that I have learned from all of this is the fact the you are a wasted energy.


From this point forward, you are invisible to me. Whenever you interject your snide remarks, or troll my threads, I'll not be foolish enough to let your nonsense get the better of me. You, and your good buddies that like to troll in teams, are not worth the time or the effort.


To the Aussies that contributed to this thread that are still following it; my deepest and most sincere apologies for allowing this thread to degenerate as it did. Thank you all for your responses to my queries; they are all greatly appreciated.


As for my decision to travel abroad, I have made up my mind to seek employment that is U.S. based and yet provides the opportunity for travel abroad. Doing so will allow me to explore destinations abroad while simply being based at stations located in those countries I would qualify for. This will provide a deeper knowledge of what the cultures are like in having first hand knowledge by interaction. If the reception is not a good one, then there would be no obligation to stay; nor will I have sacrificed a career position based on chance. There are other places in the world that I would like to explore, but Aussie is definitely among the tops at my list. Sweden is another place that I would like to know... but I'd have to learn another language to communicate.


I would prefer now that this thread would disappear into the background while laying this topic to rest.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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What a bunch of malarky!



You learned from the Aussies that they don't treat their women like hoo-wars.. which was your most important concern.


Next "America isn't America anymore"


The men who make you want to "gather your children and go to a foreign land" - I liked that one, made you sound like a frontier woman.



Figured out that when you say "globalization" it means your fervent wish to bring music industry related links to impoverished countries-




Let the world know any frank criticism or sarcasm directed at you from anyone (please :rolleyes: ) , really comes from Chris, who couldn't handle the pressure of having the whip-cracking professional you are lord over him.


Again, Please. :rolleyes:


I know you're not much of a tv watcher or a movie goer- buts those are some great ways to find out about the world around us. Maybe you could go to Amazon.com and do a search on Australian books and movies, without your whore obsession this time.


I highly recommend "Gallipoli" to you- to



Amazing, you considered moving, learned everything you ever wanted to know about Australia, made the decision to stay in the US all in about two days.


Yet, this was a "sincere topic."


Yea, right. :rolleyes:




Keysking, I'm sorry. It was supposed to be a joke. You've probably never been a wanker in your life. :cool:

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Tinfoil is a sufficient shielding material if you don't have much money, but you'll find you get better results with copper foil. Check with a guitar parts supplier, they can probably hook you up.


EDIT: OK, that was mean. Kinda funny, but still mean. I apologize for that, and for insulting you earlier in this thread. However, I don't feel comfortable leaving your accusations unchallenged:


I "trashed" the project? :rolleyes: Give me a fucking break. I trashed nothing - I bowed out when it became apparent that I couldn't meet the deadline that you were so adamant about keeping. (You remember, the one that nobody else made, because they were busy with real life?) You got your track done, didn't you? And so did everyone else. WTF did I do to trash anything?


I offered the FTP space you mentioned out of an interest to make some kind of simple contribution, because I actually believed in the project as a whole (meaning the creation, not that it would make some kind of huge splash). It apparently was not needed, as there were a few others also offering. No one took me up on the offer - so I didn't hurt anyone by not providing it. You might also recall that, in the beginning, I was one of the ones who helped you learn that FTP was not just a function of MS FrontPage, and I also participated in several technical discussions of exactly how to pull this sort of collaboration off, such as compression codecs & dynamic hosting.


So you deleted the 'private' stuff. Great - but you already dragged it out for everyone here to see. Can't really put the cat back into the bag, can you? It's a good thing that I am not ashamed of my actions with the project - but IMO you showed a pretty low level of trustworthiness.


I was going to just let this all drop, but since this is going to be here for the duration (I generally don't believe in deleting the words I put up - if I'm wrong I'll say so, but I won't remove the context) I'm answering your accusations one last time. My life did not revolve around that project, nor does it revolve around revenge on you.


I know we've had our arguments, some of which were due to your misunderstanding of things I've said. And I admit, I've antagonized you a few times too. Those I regret, because in the end it only served to lower my character. Can't really take that back, though. You want to ignore me? Fine, no problem. To be perfectly honest, I don't care for your company either.


And should you ever find yourself playing in a band somewhere, & I end up on the other side of the mixing desk, you know what I'm going to do?


The best I can. Because that's what I do, no matter if I like the person on the stage or not.

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Gallipoli is indeed an excellent movie :thu:


Other recommendations of really good aussie movies that reflect aussie culture in one way or another:


Man From Snowy River

Looking for Allibrandi

Priscilla Queen of the Desert

Muriel's Wedding

Bad Boy Bubby

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Originally posted by trouble:

To the Aussies that contributed to this thread that are still following it; my deepest and most sincere apologies for allowing this thread to degenerate as it did. Thank you all for your responses to my queries; they are all greatly appreciated.

She'll be right, mate :wave:
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Originally posted by nursers:

Gallipoli is indeed an excellent movie :thu:


Other recommendations of really good aussie movies that reflect aussie culture in one way or another:


Man From Snowy River

Looking for Allibrandi

Priscilla Queen of the Desert

Muriel's Wedding

Bad Boy Bubby

snowy river...another vote here :thu:
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I rented Gallipoli and Man from Snowy River from Blockbuster today. Right now my son is watching another movie and later on this evening after my daugther gets home; I may pop in at least one of the videos to watch... I've got quite a few things to get done this evening, but I have the two rented movies for a week; I'll watch them within the next few days.


Thanks for the recommendations.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Wait'll you have kids. Until then, I didn't think it was physically possible to go into negative numbers when tallying such things. :cry:;)

"I don't know anything about music. In my line, you don't have to."

-Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

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