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I had some dry weed...

I dropped some old whisky on it.

It got smooth quick.



most Americans are very far removed from our stupid politics.


I love our athletes and will root for our amateurs every time.


I believe that Iran and N. Korea should have nuclear deterrent weapons.


damn that was some good weed. really though, USA is not the world authority.


its a small world after all.


although my name is steve, I am not the wewus. the wewus lived up to his name when he ignored the stranger.


ani is kind of bent though. arent we all?

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Originally posted by Bon Mot:

Oh yes I did click the link to Cornell University



"A. For general information about musician''s unions online, a good place to start is the MusicBizBuzz site, which contains a list of links to union web pages around the country and internationally. An even more extensive list, including associations in related fields such as broadcasting and production is housed on at Magikflute.com, as well as Livemusicbiz.com. This site also contains helpful resources in areas such as publishing, copyright, and trademark information. The Internet Public Library site also has a large list of links to musician-related sites and associations, including resources for composers, musicologists and music educators."
Hey, here's an idea! Go to that site that has an "even more extensive list" and cut and paste those links on to your site too. :wave:

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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General thread sentiment:









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Originally posted by Prague:

Originally posted by Ani:

...Perhaps the actions inside of this very thread provide a mirror for the rest of the men in the entire world to witness why it is that a single woman would consider gathering her children and leaving the Land of Opportunity behind to search for new horizons...

Again, American men all suck.


350 million people (over 10 times that of Australia or Canada, etc) in 6 or more major regions, and we're all the same?


I think you've talked yourself into it. Good luck. :wave:

Notice that I said and "handful" of American men. That was in used in consideration of "other" American men, some inside of this very thread, that I have respect for and appreciate their mannerism.... Dak is certianly NOT included in with those stirring the pot and he has my utmost respect as being a quality example of a sweetheart and a good man in America. Dak, Offramp, Gator Wing, GTRBass, Kendrix, The Stranger, Ken/Eleven Shadows, Pseudonym, Jeff Da Weasel, and even Wow and Phait all showed respect in this thread and are more representative of what more American men should be like. StoneinthePond is also a sweetheart... although he was born outside of America and chose America as his residence.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Originally posted by Phait:

Originally posted by Ani:

and even Wow and Phait all showed respect in this thread and are more representative of what more American men should be like.

You got another thing comin'! :D


Phait, you are young and seem to be confused from time to time, you need better self esteem, and you could use a few tips on dating technique, but I've never really seen you act out in a disrespectful manner.... I wouldn't lump you in with the "handful"


I may not agree with Wow's political views, but he has never been disrespectful to me either... and I can appreciate that.


There may be a few other good American men in this thread that I failed to mention along with those already named. Others just like stirring the pot.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Originally posted by Ani:

Phait, you are young and seem to be confused from time to time, you need better self esteem, and you could use a few tips on dating technique, but I've never really seen you act out in a disrespectful manner.... I wouldn't lump you in with the "handful"

Oh, I was under the impression lately I'm not very well recieved, which is completely fine, to be honest. But uh, ok. :thu:
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Well we're saying "Cornell University" but what we mean is a professor has recommended to his students some sites to aid in research for assignments, term papers etc.,

All professors have sheets of links for students these days. So thousands of links are indeed recommended at even a modest sized university in a year.

Which isn't to say you don't have a webpage loaded with links- It's loaded with links! Good uns'. Be sure, I would be proud to have just even one professor recommend anything of mine, let alone the many who do yours.



I don't understand working as Amazon.com's street team.. Do they need us to get the word out?





It may well be our friends

from the land down under, where women glow and men plunder, appreciate the folks, like Chris, Prague, Wewus and me chiming in. As Aussies in a overwhelmingly predominant American membered forum, they may feel reluctant to call an American bat-shit crazy. Some of us have ridiculed your premises. They do so deserve ridicule. Hopefully everyone, including you, has had a good chuckle a time or two reading this thread. :wave:

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Originally posted by Phait:

Originally posted by Ani:

Phait, you are young and seem to be confused from time to time, you need better self esteem, and you could use a few tips on dating technique, but I've never really seen you act out in a disrespectful manner.... I wouldn't lump you in with the "handful"

Oh, I was under the impression lately I'm not very well recieved, which is completely fine, to be honest. But uh, ok. :thu:
Bullshit - it's nothing to do with how well received you are - it's to do with how you post endless threads about yourself and your health. Then, when you receive questions about your approach, you turn even more monosyllabic than you usually are and withdraw until the threads you started drop off the front page. Then you start all over again...
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Well fuck that, other people post threads about themselves, I got a bunch of insight on the workout thing, theres plenty people here with insight on health/life/music I value and if I can't ask for it, then damn me.


Resume thread.

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I knew that you'd bring up that Fantasy League thing sooner or later. Nice cheap shot - once again, exactly what I'd expect from you.


For the record (since you dragged it out in public), I had several equipment issues while working on that tune due to moving my entire studio out of the room it was in, to make bedroom space available for my soon-to-be-born son. After doing all that my Mac (which was pretty old anyway) decided to start getting flaky.


So: while all this was going on, I checked into the private message board for the group, only to find a long discussion driven by Ani about how they couldn't wait for me & that they were going to do the tracks themselves. (This was after I'd said I was working on the tracks, and had contributed to a couple of other threads in the interim.) Apparently she thought I blew it off since I did not post there every single day...nevermind that Ms. Webmistress Internet Expert didn't think to try sending me a single email or PM to ask what might be up. (Hey Ani - being in charge requires communicating...)


So I called her on it, because I was still determined to try to go forward. Still, my equipment was not behaving, and she was insistent that the deadline thrown around at the start be adhered to (in the end, NO ONE ELSE delivered their songs until a MONTH later) so I voluntarily stepped aside.


All this was supposed to have remained private business - but, as we can see, Ani has no problem with airing the laundry in public if it serves her self-interests.


And I suppose you think I'm bitter about this? Well - no. I didn't like the way I was treated, but on the bright side I didn't have to listen to your singing anymore. As for your website, if I remarked on it every time you mentioned it I would have overtaken Tedster's post count by now.


Could it possibly be that, rather than someone holding a big grudge, or some conspiracy to pick on you, that maybe - just maybe - you might have actually said something wrong?

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Hey... maybe can we take all this sledging to a post that isnt associated with Aussies!


... and you americans wonder why international opinion of you isnt that great.


i could say more inferences about interesting anologies this post has brought up re: going to another country and making it hell for the locals there... but i wont! ;)



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Originally posted by Keysking:

Hey... maybe can we take all this sledging to a post that isnt associated with Aussies!


... and you americans wonder why international opinion of you isnt that great.


i could say more inferences about interesting anologies this post has brought up re: going to another country and making it hell for the locals there... but i wont! ;)



:o Yeah, Keysking, it has definitely taken a sharp turn... I assume guilt for going off topic... my apologies.


However, I did submit a full resume with FedEx that emphasizes my skills to their fullest. I left the destination open though, with an expressed interest in International relations.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Hey Keyking, Aussie Wanker! This about what a great record producer Ani is, ya know in addition to internet/webpage consultant/drafter to your techno-backward country!



Ani sez-->



However, I did submit a full resume with FedEx that emphasizes my skills to their fullest.
Ha, ha, ha! If her resume reads anything like this telling sentence, no worries, Mate. Your country is safe.
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O yes, there it is. It's all about you. I have made it my life's work to destroy the credibility in The Biz that you have built up with your website. :rolleyes:


And it was my fault that I didn't turn on topic notification? That's a good one. You had time to email everyone under the sun about this project except me?


You honestly want to compare DAW failure to braving some rain? Good God...


And somehow, me or one of my minions insulted your precious site & destroyed the Big Deal you were putting together to bring the world this bitchin' internet collaboration? :rolleyes: You "don't recall" if it was me - but you accuse me right off the bat!


BTW - do you really think that if this was such a marketable project it could be sunk by some comments on an internet forum? I think that if you actually knew a fraction of what you think you know about the music business, you wouldn't be applying for a job at FedEx. Have you even made a single dollar at something industry-related?


And by the way - one of the things I know about handling my family life is to put their needs ahead of silly little side projects. I have made no comments whatsoever on the way you raise your children - how dare you question mine?!

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Originally posted by Bon Mot:

If it weren't for Chris, Ani would living large with Bruce Swedien now, excuse me, I mean Rupert Murdoch.

No, but it does get very tiring to have him come into threads I start just for the sake of starting shit.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Originally posted by Keysking:

Originally posted by Bon Mot:

Hey Keyking, Aussie Wanker! .... Your country is safe.

hmmmm... more proof for my earlier post.
She's just takin the piss, mate ;)
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Originally posted by Ani:

Originally posted by Bon Mot:

If it weren't for Chris, Ani would living large with Bruce Swedien now, excuse me, I mean Rupert Murdoch.

No, but it does get very tiring to have him come into threads I start just for the sake of starting shit.
Yes, that Bruce guy should be a tad more discrete, wouldn't you say?? :rolleyes:

Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


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