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Where does Hammond oil go?

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7 hours ago, JoJoB3 said:

Mmm, they all make a sound when the TG is tied down. 

Of course but it shouldn't be a ticking. It's just the whirr of a motor spinning the tonewheels and the sound of gears rotating. The scanner itself should be quiet. Nothing in there makes any noise.

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7 minutes ago, Jim Alfredson said:

Of course but it shouldn't be a ticking. It's just the whirr of a motor spinning the tonewheels and the sound of gears rotating. The scanner itself should be quiet. Nothing in there makes any noise.

Then again I just caught this (I don't think any of this is high priority at this juncture anyway).
WTH happened btw?


"I'm going to close my Keyboard Corner tab on my browser now. It's been there for years, always patient, always there when I needed to escape into the world of music. I'll drop back in and take a look from time to time. It'll just be a while, I think. Maybe a long while."


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2 hours ago, stoken6 said:

Nor me. Good-natured differences of opinion, based on legitimate experience, do not equal trolling. I feel Grey had made up his mind to check out before he started this thread. 


Cheers, Mike.

 I don't see anything negative in this thread really? 

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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7 hours ago, Outkaster said:

 I don't see anything negative in this thread really? 

The Rick Beato thread went south due to a few very negative insensitive posts. Grey, and me included, among others, felt that the negatively went too far. Dave stepped in and wisely moved the whole topic to the SSS forum. 

I am willing to let it all cool down, but according to hid posts in this thread, Grey had seen enough. I was absent from KK for an extended period of time and did not witness the history that he mentions. 

I just hope that everyone can just pause and think a little before they submit negative posts.  I am willing to give our members a chance. 

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'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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I understand that.  This is place is a lot tamer than it has been in the last 15 years. The transpose button thread in 2015 was the last thread that was really bad

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"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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On 3/3/2024 at 4:58 PM, GRollins said:



Dammit, dB, I don't do this on purpose! I swear! I thought I was joking when I said there'd be a controversy over the confusticated oil. But, noooooo...

Grey had to go and put his damn-fool foot in it.


Okay, here's where things stand as of 17:34, 3/3/24:



“...once a year.”


mate stubb:

“I’ve not oiled any of my tonewheel organs for years. IMO the factory recommendation for filling the cups every year leads to puddles under organs.”



“...2-3 drops of oil covers a lot of parts with the lightest coating.”


Jim Alfredson

“You don't fill the cups. You put about 10 drops in each every 2 years or so.”



“The more often it's used the closer we adhere to a yearly oiling. Some choose to do it every 2 years.  And what's been mentioned is correct, we don't "fill the cups" with normal maintenance…”



“I oil every September. It does not take much.”


Grey's oil containers, both "official" Hammond oil:

"Once a year," but they don't say how much. (The containers are very different--one's a long, narrow plastic tube with graduations on the side. The other's a metal can. As I said, they're both Hammond.)

Grey's handwritten notes:

"Fill cups at each end twice, once a year." (I have no idea where I got this information.)

My original Hammond manual:

Mum's the word. If there's info in there about oiling the stupid thing, I can't find it. There's a maintenance section, but it's all about how to wipe down the keys and woodwork, not a word about oiling it.

DISCLAIMER: I'm in migraine mode and my noggin's not working so good. I may have looked straight at the oil info and not seen it.


And that's just the oiling/maintenance schedule. There's no consensus on where the blinkin' oil goes (my original question), either. It seems to be evenly divided between "evaporates" and "flung out." No, I'm not asking for an authoritative answer on the mechanical ticking--I haven't done my part, as far as disassembly and examination on this end. I'll take the heat for that.


I'm off to find some sort of chemical assistance for my head. Back in a bit to see if the trolls have started accusing me of being provocative...


Oh, and just to really tempt fate, lemme ask this: What kind of finish did Hammond use? Lacquer? Shellac? Varnish? My organ's wood <ahem> is in fine shape, but there are a couple of places where the finish could use a little touch-up. It looks to me as though it probably includes a stain, possibly mahogany or cherry, incorporated into the finish itself. It will take a bit of matching to get the color right. Yes, I have colors--use 'em when I'm building guitars. I use lacquer for guitars, but will try to use whatever Hammond used if possible, just to be authentic. I hate repairs--I'd rather build--but a nice instrument like this deserves to look its best.




All of his above cited offending responses in the thread were honest and helpful, and specifically ignored his original inflammatory remarks to the innocent bystander who may have wanted to help him out with their expertise.  And yet he was ranting and raving to Dave Bryce in his introduction as if Dave's responsible for allowing bad weather and hail storms.


I don't know. I don't understand it.  I wish he wouldn't leave  (I held back from any delicate criticism before he bailed. so I couldn't be cited as a troll).

J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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Alas, some people seem to have misunderstood what I said. I guess that's par for the course. Say anything on the web and five people will arrive at ten different conclusions in less than thirty seconds.


For the record:

1) Yes, I had already decided to depart before starting this thread. Said so, right there in the original post. This thread, and the posts herein, had nothing to do with my decision. That decision stands.

2) No, I'm not saying trolls invaded this thread. (...although I sense a negative trend in some posts that could turn into a problem...)

3) My list of competing responses regarding how often to oil a Hammond was meant in jest...not in anger. Apparently some didn't get that. Jeez, George Carlin and Robin Williams died and the world lost its sense of humor overnight. Now it's all judgemental anger, 24/7.

4) Note that nowhere in the thread did I ask how often to oil a Hammond. It just kind of popped up via spontaneous generation, as it were. I decided to riff on the fact that this unintentional poll came out of nowhere and showed no convergence towards a consensus. Mistake on my part, I guess. sigh (Note also that not one person cited an official source for their oiling schedule.)

5) Uh...and while we're at it, why the hell doesn't the official Hammond owner's manual mention oiling anyway? You'd think that it would be easy to find in the maintenance section if it was all that necessary. (I wish I could remember where I got the 'fill the cups twice, annually' info, but my mind is blank on that one; it's just a handwritten note.)

6) As a corollary to the oiling thing: I'd always wondered how often Rick Wakeman, Keith Emerson, et. al. oiled their Hammonds on tour--and how the oil stayed in the organs, what with all the jostling about. I'm going to guess, especially given the answers in this thread, that they oiled 'em once before they left home and let that be it for the whole tour...and maybe for the next two or three tours. Who knows?

7) This tendency amongst people to assume things, based on varying interpretations of what I (and everyone else--I'm not saying it's just my posts) write is exhausting. It's inevitable that we all bring our various viewpoints to the table, but there's a growing trend to assign the worst possible interpretation to everything. It doesn't need to be that way. Obviously there will be misunderstandings from time to time, but hopefully those can be cleared up with one or two posts of clarification. But this willful, persistent reading of hostile intent where none was intended, even after clarification, gets really, really old. And you can't tell them otherwise because they insist that their interpretation is 'obviously' the right one and that you're just trying to weasel out...yadda, yadda, yadda... It shows more about their internal anger than they realize.


Oh, well.


Okay, now I have made what will inevitably be a futile gesture to clear up some misunderstandings. This post will generate its own misinterpretations and...on it goes. It's an iterative process with no end and I'm totally tired of it. Completely. Absolutely. I do my best to say things as clearly as I possibly can and...you guessed it...someone finds a way to take it the wrong way.


Nah. I'm done.


I need that energy to work on the house and be a parent to my boys (who will also choose to [willfully] misinterpret/mishear what I say--parents of teenagers among you will understand).


I'm off to start my day. I'm going to try not to be back, but I'd heard from some members that this thread was in danger of going sideways so I thought I'd attempt some repairs. Wish you guys and gals the best.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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@GRollins, wishing you all the best in 1) getting the house renovations squared away and 2) parenting your sons.


The Keyboard Corner (KC) will still be here if/when time permits and you have a keyboard-related issue or question.


As always, the KC contingent will provide those answers for FREE


However, I cannot guarantee there will be no snark, sarcasm, humor, etc. 


That keeps it interesting around here especially among musicians who some folks in the real world might consider geeks/nerds.


We won't turn off the lights.  Come on back anytime.  Take it easy mayne.  😎



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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5 hours ago, GRollins said:

4) Note that nowhere in the thread did I ask how often to oil a Hammond. It just kind of popped up via spontaneous generation, as it were. I decided to riff on the fact that this unintentional poll came out of nowhere and showed no convergence towards a consensus. Mistake on my part, I guess. sigh (Note also that not one person cited an official source for their oiling schedule.)

5) Uh...and while we're at it, why the hell doesn't the official Hammond owner's manual mention oiling anyway? You'd think that it would be easy to find in the maintenance section if it was all that necessary. (I wish I could remember where I got the 'fill the cups twice, annually' info, but my mind is blank on that one; it's just a handwritten note.)

I got interested and found a Hammond B3/C3 service manual on the net:

https://www.hammondtoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Hammond B3C3.pdf


From section 2-29 in the manual: «Every year fill the oil cups three-quarters full with oil.»


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20 minutes ago, Jon E said:

I got interested and found a Hammond B3/C3 service manual on the net:

https://www.hammondtoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Hammond B3C3.pdf


From section 2-29 in the manual: «Every year fill the oil cups three-quarters full with oil.»


That’s what my organ tech, Bill Axman, does. 

'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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1 hour ago, Jon E said:

From section 2-29 in the manual: «Every year fill the oil cups three-quarters full with oil.»

Clearly, Hammond organs were meant to be stationary especially once delivered.


The inventor could not have envisioned that 400 pound heavyweight would become a portable instrument.😁😎



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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4 hours ago, ProfD said:

The inventor could not have envisioned that 400 pound heavyweight


True.  I ask myself where oil goes in nearly everything I do.  My mechanics can never tell me where my engine oil goes exactly so I've had to fire several hundred of them, now having to get my oil changed 1500 miles away in Schenectady.  



J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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Not sure how far this gone off the rails, but here's my 2 cents. 

I have a 1948 BV. I replaced the "run" motor several years ago. What I learned in the process is this: (Notwithstanding working on a Hammond is not for the faint of heart)

1. There are 2 or 3 little "cups" (depending on the model) that sit on the top of the case for the tone wheels

2. There is/are a wick(s) (similar to those in a Zippo lighter) attached to each cup. 

3. These wicks sit just above the tone wheels at various points within the case. 

4. The oil wicks down each cup and lubricates the tone wheels in *very small* quantities as needed over time.  

I've had my48 since 2001, and I've oiled it ONCE. 

Be very careful NOT to overfill the cups!

I hope this is helpful


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