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I have no friends....

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All this crap that's going on. It was easier ten years ago...even five years ago.


Are you where you wanted to be? Did anything work out the way you wanted it to?


It's ridiculous. Money has nothing to do with success, but if you have none, you are nobody. No one will have anything to do with you. How many times can you hear the phrase "It could be worse" before you want to beat the shit out of the last person who said that to you?


Sure, it could be worse. Could be a LOT better too. Or, it could be that it really doesn't matter anymore. Sometimes, I wish a truck would run a red light & slam into me.


So, I've been single for a decade. Anyone tried that? Man, it sucks. And it changes you. Gives you all kinds of opinions about yourself. What else is there to do but think?


I'm not serving any purpose. It frustrates me that good, inoccent people are dying everyday. people that have a purpose. People that are important, loved and needed. Yet, people like me are still here. It's wrong, you know?


16 year-old girl got killed here in Fargo by a train last fall. Straight-A student. Cute, too. How can this be justified? Who knows what she could have accomplished with her life? More than me, that's for sure. Or maybe she's better off.


If my purpose in life is to serve as an example of what not to do, that's all fine & good. But I think I've already accomplished that.


All these fucking assholes who get a hand on the brass ring & tell you to believe in your dreams; what crap. If someone would have told me years ago that I suck as a musician, I could have quietly settled into a life of fixing power lines, or whatever. Could have found a nice, plain girl, raised some nice, plain kids & died a nice, plain death.


Instead, I'm a bitter old man at 33. I never go anywhere. Can't go anywhere! What if someone calls? Nobody ever calls. I used to have friends. They all moved away. Why don't they call?


Please don't fuck around anymore. Nothing worse than being alone. Nothing.

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Sounds like your down, today, sir! I lead a pretty charmed life, yet a couple of days ago, I had some of the same thoughts running through my head. We all go through bad days, and yeah, a story like that of the 16-year-old can definitely depress you.


Um, so, anyway, let me cut the crap. You're feeling low, and nothing I can say is going to change that. I will offer two small suggestions, though. Try them out sometime this week.


The first is to take nice long walk or bike ride. Even a nice drive will do. Or you can drive to a park and walk there. Get out. Feel the sunshine. Change your location for a little while. Take some of your favorite tunes along. Breath some fresh air. This might not change your mood, but it's a step in the right direction.


The second thing, and this doesn't have to happen on the same day, is to find something, ONE little thing to be thankful for, to be grateful for. It doesn't have to be a BIG thing. It could be the fact that you're not in a wheelchair, and you have your sight, that you have a working internet connection. No matter if it's something small. Then think about how you'd feel if you DIDN'T have this small thing.


A small dose of fresh air and a tiny feeling of gratitude won't change your life, but they might make you look at things differently, even if only for a little while.


Best of luck to you on your "excursion"!!!!



The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Dan's on to something. A walk in the sunshine usually helps me when I feel low.


Fargo eh? No friends, single. Ever consider just packin up and checking out some new scenery? I escaped from N.Y.C. and never looked back.

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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yo, if you're lonely to that degree, you need to get proactive with the networking.


No joke, make a database of everyone you know. Call them, send them email! Don't be a lil' bitch and worry if they've called you last or whatever, just be humble and do it. Make a field for the last time you contacted them and then cycle through your list. Contact x numbers of people a day.


Exercise - you'll definintely feel physically better after 2 weeks and do it forever.


If you afford a gym membership or the YMCA or rec. center, do that 'cuz you'll have someplace to go and people to be around. If not, buy some dumbell plates and do it at home.


Routines can help, giving yourself little missions & adventures. Get a travel book on your area and when you have time, go to Mugg Valley State Park or The Pie Musuem or whatever.


You can also volunteer for stuff. There should be some central organizing thing for that in your area, find it and check it out.


If you're open to spiritual pursuits, you can do church-related activities. That doesn't mean sit through Sunday morning service, then go home... it means they usually/often have activities like movie nights, book discussions, meditation sessions, etc. Check out a Unitarian place if you're vague on that stuff but willing to check it out.


Anyways, your job here is to not sit at home, directionless. So don't do that!

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Originally posted by gtrmac:

Fargo eh? No friends, single. Ever consider just packin up and checking out some new scenery? I escaped from N.Y.C. and never looked back.

GTR is on to something. No kids, no spouse, no phone, no lights, no motorcar...not a single luxury. What's keeping you in Fargo? A place like that will drive a sane single person crazy. Sounds like your career isn't taking you places.


I don't know what your finances are like (probably suck, like mine)...but, save up some cash and look around the country. The prospect of heading into winter in Fargo is bound to be depressing. It's not going to happen overnight, though, so get on it. Heck, join the NOAA Corps (America's smallest uniformed service) as an able bodied seaman...go out on a research vessel that's tracking schools of fish for fisheries, pods of killer whales...or doing depth charting or something. Beats staring at the walls. And no, the NOAA Corps doesn't shoot at people or get shot at. They do research. Go do www.opm.gov and roam around. Or some other job.


Whatever. Doesn't have to be that. Something that interests you. Just to let you know, though, this life, no matter how much it might suck from time to time, is a gift...don't waste it!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I've been a few places; Colorado Springs, Albuqureque...man, I really liked New Mexico. Crap jobs offering crap income, though. What a great artist town; poets, artists - I was never bored.


I don't hate Fargo. I've been here a few times now. It's just that - no matter where I go - there I am , you know? I'm so tired of that.


When I HAD friends here, their whole thing was "How can it NOT happen?!" Meaning, how could I not find someone? They all did. All of 'em. I'm the last. Always the fucking bride's maid...


I love music. I love making it. But I'd quit. If I had to quit music to be with someone, I'd do it at this point. Fucking hell, though, It's the only thing I'm good at. But I don't try to do anything with it. I sing to the walls; my four biggest fans.


I've tried going for walks, taking a drive, all of it. It's not enough anymore. You can only fool yourself for so long. I am fighting. I am losing.


I could leave, though. I could go anywhere. Nothing is keeping me here..except the fear of what might be waiting *there*.


I know failure. Success is is uncharted teritory. It's scary. Failure is comfortable. Well, it was, anyway. The last good year of my life was 1998. I was 27. Where was the truck? Could have joined the fucking "27 Club" back then. Where was that god damned truck?!


Old age can happen at any age. Doesn't matter if you're 10 or 100. I just can't relate. I don't know how to see people. I don't know how they see me; big, ol fucking scar on my face.


Yes, I know it could be worse. I have full use of all my limbs. I answer to no one. I could go anywhere.....but I can't.


I remember everything, you know? It's like a movie. I can actually smell the air & see the sunlight the way it was when I was young. I have dreams at night and when I wake up, it takes a long time to realize that it was just a dream. Days, actually. Like everything that's happening now is just imagination and a dream itself, and I feel like I will wake up back back in my past.


Maybe it's ND. Coaster is still fighting his physical demons & I'm fighting my psychological ones.


I appreciate that you're all trying to help. Lot of good people here. I haven't touched a guitar in weeks. I smoke three packs a day. I drink every night now. I am a car stuck ass-deep in mud; wheels spinning, motor winding out, getting nowhere. I really think this is my "purpose".


Learn from me. Love those closest to you. They matter more than anything. Tell them you love them everyday.

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I don't know if this would help or anything, but... I'm 40 and I think I've been in similar frames of mind more than HUNDREDS times by now. Yeah, depression sucks... The main thing is not to kill yourself. Then you'll get another chance.
I am back.
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Pet Rock, some absolute medical facts on depression:


1. It can be fixed

2. Exercise helps - it seriously does - do it every day and do it hard.

3. Altruism helps - proven by research - get involved in a charity etc - it's probably the last thing you want to do - do it anyways.


Hang in there :thu:

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Pet rock,

why not a pet? get a dog, a golden retriever or something similar. They are great company, and always seem to understand. Keep you head up, it can't rain all the time...oh, wait...your in Fargo....Keep your head up, it can't snow all the time. :D

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read tom robbins.


even pets need pets. definitely look into a dog.


workout... it'll push more blood into the brain and fire up those neural connectors.


maybe look into yoga, tai chi, or pilates... something you can do in a class that's good for mind and body and social life.

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I went through a phase of feeling quite alone, and uncared for.


Choose live over recorded.

Choose outside your home over inside your home.

Choose with people (any will do) over alone.

Choose friendly over withdrawn.


I also agree with the exercise/physical activity recommendations.


Live your life, don't watch other's lives. :thu:

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Wow, you're depressed. Beyond what I could do for you. Much good advice.


Here's my take on the big pic.


You ain't gon' figure it out. Nobody in the history of the world has. Nobody. Even George Harrison. And he had all kinds of bennies going on for him that mere mortals would never have access to. :D


So, yeah, life's a bitch and then you die. But hey, there might be a reward for actually trying to make a positive difference! You don't know that there isn't! And if it just means lights out, party's over, well, have a shitload of fun trying to be positive NOW. Do you remember how to have fun? Make it happen. Live like there WILL be a reward. What's the alternative? You know the answer.


Plan B: Live is so fucking unfair, there has to be Part II. There has to be. With reward.


Back to YOU... I'd say MOVE. Pack your shit and move.

> > > [ Live! ] < < <

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All these suggestions are valid and helpful, but my number 1 recommendation would be to see a doctor! You don't have to go to a psychiatrist, your family doctor can help you. I've been where you are, and it's very hard to beat depression on your own. A large part of depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain, and medicine can certainly help. I was amazed at the improvement in my attitude and outlook after I started on an antidepressant. Please seek professional help!

Take care and I hope you find happiness, Scott....

My gear: http://fendercaster.freeservers.com/guit3.html


If you own two Lexus cars, do you have Lexi?

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hi Pet Rock

man, drinking and smoking yourself to pieces is not going to help anything. Drinking is for celebrating stuff. Drinking when you`re depressed is just going to glue you to the furniture, you want to get out and meet the world halfway, right? don`t try to drown your way across the English Channel, swim. The bad guys in this world aren`t sympathizing with you, they`re laughing at you. Is that what you want? enjoy your life, stuff it right back in their ugly faces, I`m not captain sunshine either, frankly I`m not feeling so hot now. But I always keep these thougts with me.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Originally posted by The Studio Pet-Rock:

I know failure. Success is is uncharted teritory. It's scary. Failure is comfortable. Well, it was, anyway. The last good year of my life was 1998. I was 27. Where was the truck? Could have joined the fucking "27 Club" back then. Where was that god damned truck?!

AHA! AHA! Failure is comfortable! There's the key! That's the problem right there...you're afraid (no shame in that, we're all afraid of something) of being successful, because you've developed what you think is a comfortable existence where you are. Except for the fact that it sucks big time. Success doesn't only mean success, it means change, commitment, moving in a direction with an unpredictable destination or outcome. But, in the long run, you've discovered that your safe, comfortable place is really your own private little hell. I'm going through something a bit similar, not as dramatic perhaps, but similar. Because although some would consider me a "success"...I'm unfulfilled in many ways as well. I've recognized that there could be a path to fulfillment, but it is by no means a safe one. And therein lies the dilemma...is there a difference between "success" and "fulfillment"?


You said your last good year was 1998. What was so good about 1998? Analyze that. Without your answer, I'd venture a guess that 1998 was a year that you'd just changed from something that, say, in 1997 you thought was unsuccessful. In 1998, I'd guess you went out on a limb, and found some measure of success. Only 6 years later, it's become routine, and not as big a victory as you thought it was.


As for finding someone...I'd bet there really IS someone there, and if you just tune in to it a bit, it'll hit you over the head. Might not be the world-class-model looking gal you've had your eye on. It might be the bit-more-ordinary-looking gal at the grocery checkout who looks sorta cute, and is always happy to chat when you come in. But, you, being afraid of success...or rejection (like me) won't ask her to go have a cup of coffee when she gets off work.


Pick up your guitar! Sit out on the porch with it. Let your light so shine. You might meet another picker who lives in the neighborhood but never knew you played. Hit the open mics. Go get 'em. And, by all means...do get counseling...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Well, it ain't Fargo but listen to Grand Forks . It's a tune written by my good friend Dennis Johnson. Says it all.


There's a town to the North

where the seasons bring forth

every profain reaction that's known to man

So if your name in Carlson, Lund, Hanson or Johnson

You get out of town just as soon as you can.


Cause if the weather will let ya

the mosquitos gonna get ya

that's Grand Forks you betcha

My home on the plains.


When it's finally summer

don't you know it's a bummer

when you go to the park to take in the air

well it's raining 'n it's blowin' at least it's not snowin'

let's go get our rain gear and head for the fair


Cause if the weather will let ya

the mosquitos 'r gonna get ya

that's Grand Forks you betcha

My home on the plains.


The Red River is havin' ya

flow North into Canada

along with the neighbors, mud, ice and the snow

You can pray all you like as she's crestin' the dike

But she don't flow too good when it's 40 below


Cause if the weather will let ya

the mosquitos gonna get ya

that's Grand Forks you betcha

My home on the plains.


Well to leave North Dakota

don't know there's a quota

for leaving the state, just six in a year

But what a wonderful sight when you finally take flight

Grand Forks water tower, a speck in the mirror


Cause if the weather will let ya

the mosquitos gonna get ya

that's Grand Forks you betcha

My home on the plains.


That's GrandForks ya betcha

My home on the plains


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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I was just starting to feel better, and then you had to go and bum me out. :D


When I read your story about having surgery on your mouth, Rock, I just thought damn, that is hardcore. You gotta be made of something strong to have made it through that, which you did, so....... don't let depression get you down. :D What? Funny banter not working either? Hey we're all fucked up, join the crowd.


It's allright to cry, just don't grovel in despair. Running out of words of wisdom here........but remember.....it's better to have loved and lost, than to be poked in the eye with a sharp stick.


I know what you need, advice on meeting women. I guess you're self conscious about talking to strangers because of your scar, but you'll just have to get over that. A lot of guys think they have to have some witty comment, or something special to say before they talk to a stranger, but...not so. Try this, if you see a woman you're interested in, walk up and say "Hi, I'm Studio Pet Rock". If they're interested they'll say "Hi, I'm Adrianna" or something, always the possibility they'll just walk away...but most people are too polite to do that. They'll give you about...a minute to plead your case, and that's where you have to just improvise, ya know.


If you're in the grocery store say something like.."what do you think about this lettuce?" and then smile really big. It's the art of bullshit, people love it. Don't you?

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Originally posted by nursers:

Pet Rock, some absolute medical facts on depression:


1. It can be fixed

2. Exercise helps - it seriously does - do it every day and do it hard.

3. Altruism helps - proven by research - get involved in a charity etc - it's probably the last thing you want to do - do it anyways.


Hang in there :thu:



Nursers has some good ideas here. One reason why I mentioned a walk/jog/bike ride/swim/etc. is that exercise is one of the quickest, surest, and safest ways to overcome a low mood.


If you're lonely, try a yoga or a pilates class. My single-and-looking friends meet lots of women in these classes, plus you get the extra "natural high" of exercise.


In the words of the Nike ads, "Just do it." ;)

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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I thank we should have a SUICIDE CLUB.

YOu know we could all come up with these reasons why we are never going to amount to anythang IMPORTANT and then all agree on the best way to off ones self and then We could all meet in a hotel room in the City we choose(bringing our life savings and any jewelery or things of value you might have) and then we could all have a big party and get ROARING DRONK; maybe go down to the CASINO and play some roulette, hit some slots, maybe a little craps; hey we can have a little fon' a'fore we die?.

and just to be safe I'll keep all the money and jewels and watchs and whatnot in the hotel safe for safty and safe keeping because thats the kinde of guy I am.

So we party and mingle till we run out of money and then we sell our jewelery and stoff and get on a boat to a south sea island way out in 'de middle of 'de big waddah. and we get ROARING DRONK and find somewhere to gamble all our money away so we be broke, homeless, hongry and a little sick from all the drinkin'.

and as we are all looking at the sun go down on our south sea island, I sneak up behind you, all of you; then I kille every body in SUICIDE CLOB (and any new friends you may have made; you should have left the clob if you changed your minde)wid this big rock I been saving and VOILA. no Worries. Except for me going to hail fer killing all 'de suiciders but hey thats the kinda guy I is. Dependable. I'll be there.

Ahhh I like being a nobody.

my phone some times goes for days and never rangs once. ahhhhh. Bill is paid up too. ahahahah!

uh, but don't call us; we'll(the "royal" we) call you. yas...

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Originally posted by Dan South:

Suicide club? Good idea, R.L! You first! :D



OKAY I could uh but, But then who'll coordinate the trips to the casinos and south sea islands and take care of closeing out all the credit card and banke accounts for all the othre suiciders. since it's my idea I say I keep to my original plan and start your own suicide clob and stop raining on my parade man!

i wanna go by greyhound bus. one of those suckers going about fourty MPH and hittin' me square in the face area cause I hate who I see in ther mirror Ouch I mean so what I bet it would tear me apart from the inside out like a microwave and turn me into a shredded clomp of Rickyburger ROYALE' and clobber me right into the nex' werl' Oh yeah!

thats the way I'd do it. Greyhound. Would'nt even have to buy a ticket. Nope. just wait on the !10:20 from siler city and BLAM! and goodnight irene.

I even know my Final werds to speak : WHAT DAWG?

thanks for lettin' me share

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Dear Pet Rock,

It's amazing! we're the same age, I've been there in that abyss you're in, But worst. Not Going into detail now but my suggestion to you is take all that you feel. Your hurt, pain, anguish and write a poem or a song about it. Sometimes during that process you stumble upon the answer. It's like it just crawls out from the words on the page and then, a door opens, opens to another perspective, another world, and you gain a fresh perspective on life you never knew before. Don't give up Brother. As long as there is Life there is Hope, and in :wave::wave: Hope is life!

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Originally posted by daklander:

Well, it ain't Fargo but listen to Grand Forks . It's a tune written by my good friend Dennis Johnson. Says it all.


There's a town to the North

where the seasons bring forth

every profain reaction that's known to man

So if your name in Carlson, Lund, Hanson or Johnson

You get out of town just as soon as you can.


Cause if the weather will let ya

the mosquitos gonna get ya

that's Grand Forks you betcha

My home on the plains.


When it's finally summer

don't you know it's a bummer

when you go to the park to take in the air

well it's raining 'n it's blowin' at least it's not snowin'

let's go get our rain gear and head for the fair


Cause if the weather will let ya

the mosquitos 'r gonna get ya

that's Grand Forks you betcha

My home on the plains.


The Red River is havin' ya

flow North into Canada

along with the neighbors, mud, ice and the snow

You can pray all you like as she's crestin' the dike

But she don't flow too good when it's 40 below


Cause if the weather will let ya

the mosquitos gonna get ya

that's Grand Forks you betcha

My home on the plains.


Well to leave North Dakota

don't know there's a quota

for leaving the state, just six in a year

But what a wonderful sight when you finally take flight

Grand Forks water tower, a speck in the mirror


Cause if the weather will let ya

the mosquitos gonna get ya

that's Grand Forks you betcha

My home on the plains.


That's GrandForks ya betcha

My home on the plains

Good God Bill, get a grip. Nobody sings about Grand Forks ND. :wave:



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Instead, I'm a bitter old man at 33. I never go anywhere. Can't go anywhere! What if someone calls? Nobody ever calls. I used to have friends. They all moved away. Why don't they call?


I'm 49. I don't have a hit CD/record yet so I'll cry in my beer! No I WON'T ! I probably have a better day gig than you, but that tends to keep me here in "THE AUTOMOTIVE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD" (not good for a music career)


Do you CALL your friends? Some can handle listening to a depressed person at the other end of a phone, but if you are ALWAYS depressed, who will want to listen to you? Do you LISTEN to them at the other end? I'm just trying to show you the other side of the coin. I personally know someone who is down in the mouth most of the time when they call me. To be polite, I'll listen for 15 minutes usually and even up to an hour on days when I have the time. This person usually talks about the same thing, about his aches, pains, poverty, surgery, sometimes while he is sober and sometimes while he is drunk. That's another thing. BEER is NOT an upper ! I usually know that this person is drinking because he will repeat himself over and over and start to argue about anything and everything. Why should I bang my head against a wall with this ??? NOW YOU ARE NOTHING LIKE THAT??


I thank we should have a SUICIDE CLUB.


I don't think that we should make fun of this. Depression is serious.




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instead, I'm a bitter old man at 33. I never go anywhere. Can't go anywhere! What if someone calls? Nobody ever calls. I used to have friends. They all moved away. Why don't they call?
PM me your number, I'll call. I got free long distance. And, I love my solitude. I once wished I could be on the planet for maybe five years all by myself, just me and the animals and God. A toothache squelched that idea and made it less desirable. Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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Originally posted by The Studio Pet-Rock:

All this crap that's going on. It was easier ten years ago...even five years ago.


Are you where you wanted to be? Did anything work out the way you wanted it to?


It's ridiculous. Money has nothing to do with success, but if you have none, you are nobody. No one will have anything to do with you. How many times can you hear the phrase "It could be worse" before you want to beat the shit out of the last person who said that to you?


Sure, it could be worse. Could be a LOT better too. Or, it could be that it really doesn't matter anymore. Sometimes, I wish a truck would run a red light & slam into me.


So, I've been single for a decade. Anyone tried that? Man, it sucks. And it changes you. Gives you all kinds of opinions about yourself. What else is there to do but think?


I'm not serving any purpose. It frustrates me that good, inoccent people are dying everyday. people that have a purpose. People that are important, loved and needed. Yet, people like me are still here. It's wrong, you know?


16 year-old girl got killed here in Fargo by a train last fall. Straight-A student. Cute, too. How can this be justified? Who knows what she could have accomplished with her life? More than me, that's for sure. Or maybe she's better off.


If my purpose in life is to serve as an example of what not to do, that's all fine & good. But I think I've already accomplished that.


All these fucking assholes who get a hand on the brass ring & tell you to believe in your dreams; what crap. If someone would have told me years ago that I suck as a musician, I could have quietly settled into a life of fixing power lines, or whatever. Could have found a nice, plain girl, raised some nice, plain kids & died a nice, plain death.


Instead, I'm a bitter old man at 33. I never go anywhere. Can't go anywhere! What if someone calls? Nobody ever calls. I used to have friends. They all moved away. Why don't they call?


Please don't fuck around anymore. Nothing worse than being alone. Nothing.

When someone's down, there's nothin that can console him. To be down is to be alone. Don't I know that tune.

You know the old saying "laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone"

When I'm down, I like to get on the highway and drive across country. Or across town if I don't have enought time.

Ice cream is a better cure for depression than exercise. Take several large scoops of chocolate chunk and put them in a very tall glass. To this, add some sunflower nuts and fill the glass up with milk. Turn on the SciFi channel and eat that delicious float. Of course, if you are too fat, you might want to take the others up on their exercise suggestion. I hate exercise. I do it, but I hate it.

Adopt some kids. They'll keep you too busy to be depressed.

I live right down the road in Bismarck. I'm thinking I might make a jail break one of these days. If I was going to be depressed, I'd rather be depressed by a nice beach with lots of bikini babes.

I know people mean well with their advice to see a doctor, but the doctors cannot cure you nor can the pills. You really have to want to quit depression. It's a much harder addiction to quit than smoking. There's something about self pity that can just grab a person. After a while, it becomes a comfortable place to be. That's when you are in trouble. Support groups help more than pills.

Best of all, hang in there.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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There'd be a couple of points I'd disagree with there:


1. Depression isn't an addiction. It can sometimes be exacerbated by behaviour but not an addiction.


2. Exercise definitely helps fight depression. Ice Cream may be nice and may even help, but not as much.


3. Pills DO help in some cases. There is no one treatment that works because depression comes in many forms. Inversely, no one treatment should be discouraged if there is evidence of efficacy, which anti-depressants DO have.


Pet rock - report in mate.

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When I'm feeling really, really, REALLY low; I usually will try to make others smile or laugh. I've written some of my most powerful love songs when I was digging the bottom of the well trying to find a drop of water to keep the river from running dry.


It's pretty awkward to be the odd man out when all of your circle of friends start getting married off and you are the lone stranger. As time passes, you will either meet some sweet girl, or you will begin to witness the struggles your friends might face in marriage when they start calling you to find a place to "get away" ... then you might feel pretty lucky to be free from the headaches your friends might be going through. They might be wishing they were in your shoes.


33 in not old at all... unless you're a woman :D

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