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Thanks Mixerman....a totally unproductive day!!

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I am sure that most of you have read the Daily Adventures of MixerMan .


I was late for the party and started to read it today. It is addictive. My work day has been shot! I can't concentrate in anything else. I am on Week 4 Day 3. I laughed out loud when MixerMan said that Fingaz parka was close to the toilet, and he thought that maye he got some urine on it.


Have you guys been reading this? Old news?


Funny as all hell.

There is no substitute.
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Da weasel gots a secret...

Jeff, you could probably get the bidding for the guy's name up to a fair price.

At least tell us who the band is, you know that too, right?






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by Dylan PDX:

Did anyone ever figure out who this infamous Mixerman is?

Are you that curious? He posted a couple of times with his real name at PSW.


I wonder why he's still anonymous.


His diaries are masterpieces, I've been fallen of my chair from laughing a couple of times.

The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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Most of us who know MM (yes, that includes me) have promised to keep his "real" identity secret. However, plenty of people have "outed" him... some in posts here on the musicplayer.com forums. It shouldn't be too hard to figure it out if you look around a bit. But even though it's not much of a secret anymore, I am still staying true to my promise - you won't get the name from me. :P;):D
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His complete diary was published a few weeks ago and is available for purchase at www.mixerman.net.


I, like most people, couldn't wait to read the end. Before the book was published, a stolen copy appeared on eBay. I won the auction, then decided the right thing to do would be to return the book to it's rightful owner.


MM not only insisted on paying for the item, but also recently sent me a signed copy of his book for my "trouble". I put it in quotes, because I ended up with a free book and not a cent left my pocket. Real trouble, eh? I have to say, obviously, he is a person of integrity and generosity, and above all, an extremely fascinating author.


I highly recommend his book to anyone in this biz. It should be required reading for aspiring engineer, to give them a dose of what it's REALLY like behind the glass.

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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Ordered my copy today as a Father's Day present :thu:


Mixerman - if you see this, did you want to drop me a PM if interested in doing an interview with a magazine on your work - anonymously is fine. All on presumption you do use Macs for at least part of your work ;)

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Well, Mixerman disabled my old PSW account after he offered to let me know his identity. Perhaps as a practical joke, but likely not. He asked me for a good amount of information ('hoops', as he put it) about myself before telling me, then never never told me and then disabled my account by blocking my email address. I now know who he is, but I will still hold true to my side of the bargain even though he didn't hold true to his. I have a low opinion of him now. Likely deserved.
No matter how good something is, there will always be someone blasting away on a forum somewhere about how much they hate it.
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I think I love you so what am I so afraid of?

I'm afraid I'm not to sure of a love there is no cure for.

I think I love you - isn't that what life is made of?

Though it worries me to say that I've never felt this way.


I think I love you, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow


So what am I so a-meow meow


A love there is no meow meow


Meow meow meow meow meow.




Oh. Sorry.

Dooby Dooby Doo
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Originally posted by Dylan PDX:

Did anyone ever figure out who this infamous Mixerman is?

A while back when there a big brouhaha here about Mixerman, several "clues" about his real identity were posted. I put them all together and figured out who he was and discovered that I'd never heard of him, nor had I heard anything he's done. What a disapointment. Maybe he was a gofer on something that I like but nothing he engineered has ever appeared on my radar. I'd have to check again to be sure but he made so very little impression on me that I forgot his real name almost immediately.


His diaries, however, are a lot of fun and I'd love to find out who Bitch Slap is.




I have the mind of a criminal genius.....I keep it in the freezer next to mother.
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Originally posted by Dwarf:

A while back when there a big brouhaha here about Mixerman, several "clues" about his real identity were posted. I put them all together and figured out who he was and discovered that I'd never heard of him, nor had I heard anything he's done. What a disapointment. Maybe he was a gofer on something that I like but nothing he engineered has ever appeared on my radar.

I think I meow meow so what am I so a-meow meow?

I'm afraid I'm not too sure of a love there is no meow meow.

I think I love you - isn't that what meow is made of?

Though it worries me to meow that I've never felt this way.

I think I meow meow


meow meow meow meow meow meow meow


So what am I so a-meow meow

A love there is no meow meow


Meow meow meow meow meow.



Dooby Dooby Doo
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OK, Duddits, I may just be a rabbit, but I get it. OK? Enough already.


Matt, everybody's old PSW accounts were disabled when they switched the forums over to the new configuration. If you want to communicate with Mixerman, just send him an email. He's a nice guy. He might even give you his phone number if there's an important issue you need to discuss.


When I discovered who MM is, over a year ago, I realized I already had three albums that he'd mixed in my CD collection. He's not a nobody. In fact, I'd say he's quite an amazing mixer. Nobody here in this forum can mix as well as he can.


His book is really good, and he has started new chapters in the diary over at PSW. Great stuff.

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Oh, I apologize. It's just that kinda day.


And while I can't speak for Philip O'Keefe or the Weasal, I will say that you can torture me to the end of globe, pull out my whiskers, yank on my tail, Manchurian-Candidate implants into my brain, and worst of all, splash drops of water into my face, and still I would never ever ever say who Mixerman was. I'm just NOT THAT KIND OF CAT.

Dooby Dooby Doo
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Didn't you read his earlier post? he's not that kind of cat. :)


Who really cares who he is? I mean, does it really matter? Will you enjoy the diaries more if you know who he is? Probably not. Trust me, it's not that big a deal. Just enjoy it or not... curiousity aside, the name doesn't really matter that much folks. Remember, curiousity killed the cat. (sorry Duddits... ;) )

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For those who know, it's all too obvious. For those who don't, it's all too subtle. And for me,





So wadami so a fraid of

I'm afraid I'm not too sure of a love there is no cure for.


Meow meow meow.


In other words, if you google this thread ( or parts of it), the curtain will raise, the mystery revealed, and there, with nary an allsihad in sight, will be the Mizard of Woz, his Mixerness himself, the man, the mixer, the legend!

Dooby Dooby Doo
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Actually, I agree with Phil.


I think Mixerman is an interesting, entertaining and witty guy, who's most impressive act of engineering is the celebrity (notoriety?) he's engineered in on-line audio bullitan boards. In the off-line world, he's not so famous, but he is a legitimate, respected, and successful player, which not everyone is.


In a way, I think his on-line anonymity serves him well in that his perspective is generic. What's compelling about him is not his success, rather that he is the most articulate mouthpiece for hard-working work-a-day engineers.

Dooby Dooby Doo
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Originally posted by Duddits:

For those who know, it's all too obvious. For those who don't, it's all too subtle. And for me,





So wadami so a fraid of

I'm afraid I'm not too sure of a love there is no cure for.


Meow meow meow.


In other words, if you google this thread ( or parts of it), the curtain will raise, the mystery revealed, and there, with nary an allsihad in sight, will be the Mizard of Woz, his Mixerness himself, the man, the mixer, the legend!

MIxerman is David Cassidy???
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Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe:

Didn't you read his earlier post? he's not that kind of cat. :)


Who really cares who he is? I mean, does it really matter?

Yes it does! No im kidding. Mixerman is whoever he is. If he's not Bruce Sweden, or someone from these boards, chances are Ive never heard of him anyway.


Im actually really really interested in who the band and producer are more than anything...

TROLL . . . ish.
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