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If you could share one message with fellow forum members, what would it be?


It could be about something valuable you've learned in life. It could be something you feel is crucial toward making good music. It could be an observation you have about the forums that you've been dying to share. It could be humorous or serious. The idea is to share something of value that would benefit people here.


Post your message below!





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Love is passion,

Love is pain.

Is it what we lose,

or what we gain?


(something I thought recently)


Other than that, major thanks to those (you know who you are) who have helped me, answered questions, supported, defended, understood me since the over a year I've been here. I could be a complete loner and still be happy with this place.

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Funny you should mention that, Geoff...I just did, over on the guitar forum.


I think the one vital thing that's most important, not only in music, but in anything is to be true to yourself. It's okay to have influences, and to imitate them to a point, but when it comes right down to it, you're the only one who can do what you do the way you do it. Sounds dumb, but, for instance, although there are much better guitarists, singers, and songwriters than myself (just a ferinstance), no one is better at being me than me. No one has the vision I have but me. So don't let anyone tell you that you're not in fashion, or your tunes need to be more "poppy" or "bluesy" or "heavy" or whatever. Just do what's in your head the best way you can do it. Speaking for myself, and observing friends, I've seen a lot of people try to be something or someone they're not, and get frustrated, when all the while they miss out on what they really do well themselves. So, be true to yourself...kick maximum ass.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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How to get there (in a nutshell!):

1. Write down where you want to be and by when (music, career, etc).

2. Write down where you are now.

3. Write down what steps need to be taken to get there.

4. Do research and get advice- you're probably wrong on a couple of steps, and there's stuff you don't recognize as important!

5. Write down what things seem to be impeding your progress.

6. Work on those impeding factors, one by one, and you'll free yourself to more more easily through the steps.

7. Re-evaluate. Often.


I think the most successful people keep their goals in mind, work step-by-step and are aware of factors impeding progress. And they get help and advice. If I believed this 10 years ago, I'm sure I would have had a much more satisfying hobby/lifestyle in music... :cry:

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I don't recall who first said this, and it's harder to live by than it sounds...


"My life is in the hands of any fool who can cause me to lose my temper."



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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My uncle ordered popovers from the restaurant's bill of fare.

When they were served he regarded them with a penetrating stare.

Then he spoke Great Words Of Wisdom as he sat there in that chair.

"To eat these things," said my uncle, "one must excecise great care"

"You may eat down what is solid but you must spit out the air."

And as you partake of life's bill of fare that's darned good advice to follow.

Do a lot of spitting out the hot air, and be careful what you swallow.

-Theodore (Dr. Seuss) Geisel to a college graduation audience.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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"Based on the history of mankind, I have no choice but to resist." -me



"You can drag your kids to church, you can send them to school, you can read a million books on parenting, and all the other things people do to assure their kids turn out alright; but there is only one rule you need to remember:

lead by example." -me




"You can't fight city hall. Death and taxes. Don't talk about politics or religion. This is all the equivalent of enemy propaganda rolling across the picket line. Lay down G.I.! Lay down G.I.! We saw it all through the 20th century, and now, in the 21st century, it's time to stand up and realize that we should not allow ourselves to be crammed into this rat maze. We should not submit to de-humanization. I don't know about you, but I'm concerned with what's happening in this world. I'm concerned with the structure. I'm concerned with the systems of control: those that control my life, and those that seek to control it even more. I want freedom, that's what I want! And that's what you should want! It's up to each and every one of us to turn loose and just suck up the greed, the hatred, the envy, and yes, the insecurities, because that is the central mode of control; Make us feel pathetic, small, so we'll willingly give up our sovereignty, our liberty, our destiny. We have got to realize that we're being conditioned on a mass scale. Start challenging this corporate slave-state. The 21st century is going to be a new century, not the century of slavery, not the century of lies and issues of no significance, and classism and statism, and all the rest of the modes of control. It's going to be the age of humankind standing up for something pure, and something right. What a bunch of garbage: liberal, democrat, conservative, republican. It's all there to control you! Two sides of the same coin. Two management teams bidding for control, the CEO job, of Slavery Inc.! The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies. I'm sick of it and I'm not going to take a bite out of it, do you got me?! Resistance is not futile, we're gonna win this thing, humankind is too good, we're not a bunch of under-achievers! We're gonna stand up, and we're gonna be human beings. We're going to get fired up about the real things, the things that matter: creativity and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit. Well, that's it, that's all I got to say. The ball's in your court."

-Alex Jones




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Don't buy, or even accept for free, an old upright piano. In fact, if you get a chance, and no one is looking, take a sledge hammer and bash in the front of any old upright piano you see. Then...they'll have to get rid of it. Whoops, accidentally smashed the hell out of your piano. How'd that happen?


I'll pay anyone here ten dollars for each old upright you destroy or disable.

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Originally posted by funk jazz:

Originally posted by TheWewus:

I'll pay anyone here ten dollars for each old upright you destroy or disable.

i single handedly hunted down and destroyed five of 'em this weekend.


paypal is fine.

:D Exxxxcellent. I'll need pictures of the destroyed pianos, and names and addresses of the former owners for confirmation purposes.


I WOULD like to build a crack team of upright piano destroyers, if you're interested send me your resume.


[Edited for medicinal porpoises]

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Don't buy, or even accept for free, an old upright piano. In fact, if you get a chance, and no one is looking, take a sledge hammer and bash in the front of any old upright piano you see. Then...they'll have to get rid of it. Whoops, accidentally smashed the hell out of your piano. How'd that happen?


I'll pay anyone here ten dollars for each old upright you destroy or disable.

I love old upright pianos. I've always wanted to track one down and I'm really wondering what is the reason for your sentiments. I could just be ignorant of some sort of aquatic species disdain for upright pianos. ??


Give me the dirt, el wewus!

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Track one down?! There's 20 to 30 MILLION upright pianos in The United States alone, much more worldwide. It shouldn't be too hard tracking one down.


90% of those pianos ARE CRAP, used up..... DONE, Shooby Dooby! DON'T BUY ONE, or take one for free.


There is no such thing as an antique piano, pianos do not improve with age, the average service life of a piano is fifty years, and it's all down hill after that.


Damn! I need my own STICKY about pianos! :D

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Originally posted by Hanshananigan:

How to get there (in a nutshell!):

1. Write down where you want to be and by when (music, career, etc).

2. Write down where you are now.

3. Write down what steps need to be taken to get there.

4. Do research and get advice- you're probably wrong on a couple of steps, and there's stuff you don't recognize as important!

5. Write down what things seem to be impeding your progress.

6. Work on those impeding factors, one by one, and you'll free yourself to more more easily through the steps.

7. Re-evaluate. Often.


I think the most successful people keep their goals in mind, work step-by-step and are aware of factors impeding progress. And they get help and advice. If I believed this 10 years ago, I'm sure I would have had a much more satisfying hobby/lifestyle in music... :cry:

Is this really true, or just a myth?


Do the people who get from step one to seven make a list, or is a list somehow embedded deep within their insect brains?


In other words, while these are observations about successful people, are they not made from afar? Close up, I doubt there is ever a conscious decision to follow this path.


Or in other other words, by the time anyone would actually make this list, have they not failed to follow it?

Dooby Dooby Doo
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Originally posted by cherri:

From my mom: "Never believe anything a man says when his dick is hard."


From my grandpa: "Eat your spinach. It'll put lead in your pencil."

So, if I am reading this right... I should never believe anything said by a man who eats spinach?






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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