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Hammond Teaser ???


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I don't know anything just yet about the Hammond sound library, assuming they have one similar to Nord's

From what I've seen so far, there's no reference to a Nord-like downloadable sound library. I suspect that it simply has the sounds it has.


I really appreciate the NS3 comparison, AnotherScott, because that is the keyboard I sold my Electro to get (but haven't yet due to gigs going away) :) So if something comes along to knock it off the top of my list, great!


For me it boils down to:

- how committed I am to doing one-keyboard gigs, something that I haven't liked to do in the past

- how good the poly synth non-VA sounds are in the hammond

And people will approach this with different priorities. I don't aspire to one-board gigs (though I do have boards I can use that way if called for). And I don't do much poly synth stuff. But the one-board-gig perspective is interesting...


...For me, a variable there would be how comfortable either of these semi-weighted actions are for playing piano.

...I assume that the 10 patch select buttons of the Hammond would be a useful advantage over the Nord's 5 here, though I don't know enough about how they're implemented

...The more flexible split/layer functionality of the Hammond may become a bigger advantage in a single board scenario where you dn't have the luxury of splitting sounds over two boards (possibly the more flexible output routing as well), but the quick access to octave up and down buttons for all the section sounds on the Nord could be an advantage over having only some of them on the Hammond, for those times you may need to quickly manipulate a variety of sounds split over a single board.

...If you need to get any other sounds or functionalities from an add-on device, the 73-key Hammond may have panel space for it


To me, the key things the boards share are that they would both probably be among the boards on which you could most quickly and easily create a custom patch for a song; and if you want a single board to put over a piano, and have it serve as your clonewheel and as your knobby lead synth, nothing else really competes with these two. (And if your piano below still prompts you to want some decent rompler capabilities in your board above, they have that, too.) In so many 2-board gigs I've done, I've had *neither* a drawbar organ nor knobby lead synth available to me. The idea of having both, without having to bring extra boards, is certainly appealing.


If choosing the cheaper (and slightly heavier) Hammond 73 over the Nord, it is probably the aftertouch and custom sample loading I'd most miss from the Nord. But I think the added split/layer and output routing versatility would give the Hammond the edge over the Nord for LH bass, which I do a decent amount of. And while it may sound minor, as a top board of a pair, not having any free panel space on the Nord for putting an iPad is a significant downside for me. Even if not integrating it as a MIDI device, I often use it for set lists/song charts. ETA: The currently shipping version of the Nord has holes for an optional music stand which could serve as an iPad holder. Another $119. ;-)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Hammond has posted more videos on their site. Current SK1 and Stage 3 owner, The B-3 tone on the SK Pro sounds fantastic. Jim A. and others take you through various sounds not heard yet on the previous videos. Check the very last video to hear the brass section. In one of the videos, Jim takes you through various recognizable tunes (personal thanks for not actually playing 'Jump') Great playing as always and what looks to be a great board.
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I think it's important to point out that the Swiss army knife approach to keyboards will always leave something else or be great in two areas and not three, etc.

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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Here's a long demo (1hr +). Has a nice sound for sure.



Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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Transplanting a slight derail from the "Anyone have a Crumar organ module?" thread to its more appropriate place here...


An exclusive feature of the Viscount legend organs is the ext. FX insert loop.

Buying a NEO Instruments "Drive In" will improve the Legend´s overdrive.

An FX loop just for the organ signal on the new SK Pro would have been sweet. But we'll see, I haven't totally written off its internal OD yet. ;-)

Yes, in one of the vids it sounded o.k., even not perfect or ideal.

The user selectable x-over frequency in it´s OD algorithm tames digital harshness, like in KURZ KB3 leslie FX chains,- but then, all depends on the more or less realistic tube modelling algorithm itself.



The SK Pro is a nice toy, but EUR 2.500,- and 2.700,- @Thomann for the 61- and 73-key versions is a lot, when you already have a lot of keyboards, modules, software and just only want the organ in 1st place.

Value propositions always shift depending on what someone already has. I'm probably selling my NS3 to get this. I'll miss some of the Nord's advantages (esp. the aftertouch and custom sample loading), but for my particular uses, this might actually be the better board. The SK Pro is sufficiently well priced for what it does that I'll probably be able to basically cover its cost with what I'd get for the Nord. These are still the only two boards with full sets of dedicated organ and dedicated lead synth controls. So besides what you already have and what holes you'd like filled, value also depends on what you're comparing it to. Overall, I'd say the value proposition here is stronger than Nord's (whether you compare what you get to the cheaper Electro or how much you get of what's in the pricier Stage) though maybe not if your priority is piano sounds. At the other extreme, Roland VR09/730 is a great value... but in so many respects, not nearly the board this is. A tougher call might be whether its worth its premium over the YC61... again, it probably depends on your priorities.


For EUR 2.700,- you get the fully fledged dual manual Viscount Legend and the NEO "Drive In".

Viscount is definitely a high value line, always cheaper than Hammond. Though also, that price does get you a Hammond SKX, too. Dual manuals with different trade-offs. Over time, we'll probably see the newer Hammond engine creep into more places in their line-up.



Anyway, getting back to the idea of replacing my NS3 with this... I mentioned earlier preferring the Hammond's split/layer and output routing flexibility, and free panel space. I also prefer the layout of its (mono) synth controls, the deeper editing of the sampled sounds, the 10 patch select buttons instead of 5 (hopefully well implemented), and an advantage I hadn't mentioned in my earlier comparison, that the section on/off buttons are centrally located. The on/off sections for the piano and organ sections (for example) in the Nord are quite far apart, so you can't make that change in an instant... plus that particular sound switch doesn't happen seamlessly like it does on the Hammond. I also like some of the other visual display capabilities of the Hammond. Some of these things may seem kind of minor, and I'd certaily be losing things too, but for my own particular uses, I think it's just a better fit.


This again kind of gets back to Al's point about a board's value being in how it fits in with the rest of what you have. I have a Nord Lead 3, which is my favorite synth. But while it doesn't let me apply its synth functions to samples as I can on the NS3, and it doesn't have the potential to as often be coming to a gig (it would not serve me as a first or second board), it still does give me some access to a bunch of what I'd otherwise be totally losing if selling the NS3... the poly VA synth with aftertouch and morph functions and pitch stick (which happens to be among my favorite pitch bend devices). In operational ergonomics, the NL3 far exceeds the NS3 (or any other programable synth I know of), so I don't think that one's ever leaving my stable!

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I have a Nord Lead 3, which is my favorite synth. But while it doesn't let me apply its synth functions to samples as I can on the NS3, and it doesn't have the potential to as often be coming to a gig (it would not serve me as a first or second board), it still does give me some access to a bunch of what I'd otherwise be totally losing if selling the NS3... the poly VA synth with aftertouch and morph functions and pitch stick (which happens to be among my favorite pitch bend devices). In operational ergonomics, the NL3 far exceeds the NS3 (or any other programable synth I know of), so I don't think that one's ever leaving my stable!
What would you say to a Wave 2?


Cheers, Mike.

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What would you say to a Wave 2?

It's another very appealing synth, but I couldn't see it replacing my NL3. Unique about the NL3 is that every knob is an endless rotary with LCD. Just like on any non-programmable synth (Minimoog, whatever), you can look at the panel and instantly see virtually every parameter that makes up the sound. (Well, the NL3 lets you layer 4 sounds, and of course, the panel will only show you one of the 4 sounds at a time.) Synth programming is SO much easier when everything you do is instantly seen in the context of how every other function is set. And tweaking a control is so much more natural when each knob is always in its "correct" position, you don't have to worry about "jump" or "catch" or limited remaining knob range. It is the only synth with memory (that I am aware of) that has that benefit, that all the controls are always in the "right" place, just as they would be if you were using a Minimoog, etc.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Sold my Nord Stage 2 a few months ago (to help pay for Nord Grand). Been missing the Stage's portability & wider range of sounds but enjoying the Kawai action on Grand.


Been pretty set on getting a NS3 compact, (or NS3 ex, fingers crossed) but this Hammond might fit the bill (for less bill$). I wonder if the effects parameters like delay tempo & feedback are assignable to expression pedal on SK Pro.


Green/black is a much preferable color to the bright red, but I'm so accustomed to Nord knobs, we'll see.

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In operational ergonomics, the NL3 far exceeds the NS3 (or any other programable synth I know of), so I don't think that one's ever leaving my stable!


While we're on this track, I've often wondered what instruments make up your "stable," Scott! You're so knowlegeable and pragmatic I'd be interested in knowing. Some other thread, of course.


Here for the gear.

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Firstly I think this is a superb keyboard with excellent demo videos by Jim Alfredson (what a player) and others. Here's my problem, I'm not a pro player but a home hobbyist who loves the clone sound. My choice is to buy the 2 manual SK Pro when it's released for I guess around £2,750 U.K. (Bonners U.K. are charging between £2,100 and £2,300 for the single manual SK Pro) or stay with my Viscount Legend Live 2 manual organ which can be bought for around £1,600 U.K. Granted that the Hammond has a synth and piano sounds built in but at an additional premium of over £1,100 U.K. compared to the Viscount.


I know most forum members will say that the Hammond SK Pro is a better sounding clone than the Viscount Legend Live but my Viscount Legend Live sounds pretty good to me. I would even say that the Viscount resembles the Hammonds of yester-year more so than the SK Pro does. That said, I have watched all the demo videos and the SK Pro is an amazing piece of hardware, it's just too expensive for me to consider as a realistic alternative to my Legend Live.

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I"d say keep your viscount and use a laptop with Cantabile or MainStage to entertain yourself. Or if you"re a hardware guy grab a second hand Motif Rack or a Roland JV-3080. For VA synth - maybe a Roland JU-06.


For the organ - if you want to tweak, get a NeoSystems Ventilator and or their overdrive pedal.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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I know most forum members will say that the Hammond SK Pro is a better sounding clone than the Viscount Legend Live but my Viscount Legend Live sounds pretty good to me.
Viscount has lots of fans here too, I wouldn't assume a consensus that Hammond sounds better. Feature wise (just from an organ perspective), Visount also has that useful insert fx loop so you can add something like a Lounsberry pedal before its rotary effect, which is a nice plus. Though the SK Pro has its multi-contact simulation.


The biggest obvious advantage of the SK Pro over the Viscount is all that additional non-clonewheel functionality. But since you're a home player who doesn't need to worry about the size/portability of a stage rig, it may not be so important to have so much in a single board...?


While we're on this track, I've often wondered what instruments make up your "stable," Scott! You're so knowlegeable and pragmatic I'd be interested in knowing. Some other thread, of course.

Sure, I'll do that soon. And maybe I'll change my handle to "Stable Genius." ;-)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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While we're on this track, I've often wondered what instruments make up your "stable," Scott! You're so knowlegeable and pragmatic I'd be interested in knowing. Some other thread, of course.

Sure, I'll do that soon. And maybe I'll change my handle to "Stable Genius." ;-)


Oh, he is the very model of a modern stable genius.


(I can't post politics here or I'll get banninated but it's on youtube).

Gig keys: Hammond SKpro, Korg Vox Continental, Crumar Mojo 61, Crumar Mojo Pedals


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My stable is small--talking money to buy mostly--so if horses are going to come in to stay I have to let some go out.


I've let a few run free that I wish I hadn't.


As far as one-keyboard gigs, it's mainly a desire to have a convenience option without sacrificing much at all sound-wise. Thinking of those outdoor summer gigs here in FL where we play for 2-3 hours and have tarps ready for the inevitable afternoon storm :) Sometimes a long way from the car (though I do have a cart) through crowds. It would be nice to have a small stand, no mixer and one keyboard for such occasions.

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That "cheese" does help give an idea of some of the quality of sounds that might occasionally be used in an ensemble though. They're not terrible, though that big band section isn't great. The harp (not harmonica) is actually nice.

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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Buddy just preordered one of these from Sweetwater, they're getting 15 in stock probably by March. Anyone interested in a hardly used XK5?

'57 Hammond B-3, '60 Hammond A100, Leslie 251, Leslie 330, Leslie 770, Leslie 145, Hammond PR-40

Trek II UC-1A

Alesis QSR






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While we're on this track, I've often wondered what instruments make up your "stable," Scott! You're so knowlegeable and pragmatic I'd be interested in knowing. Some other thread, of course.

I was going to start a new thread, but then I decided it would probably be better to just tag it on to the "Dig My Rig" thread... so check there...

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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The more I listen to the demo videos and as much I like

the Organ Section, I have to say that the SK Pro cannot

compete to the Nord Stage Compact or Yamaha YC61

regarding the "Extra Sounds".....


So, to get that great XK5 Sound engine in a more lightweight

and cheaper package,it seems I have to wait for a "new XK1x".....

Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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The more I listen to the demo videos and as much I like

the Organ Section, I have to say that the SK Pro cannot

compete to the Nord Stage Compact or Yamaha YC61

regarding the "Extra Sounds".....

Just based on the companies' histories and/or other technologies in their boards, I'd expect the Nord and Yamaha to have better pianos than the Hammond, and the Yamaha to have better non-organ, non-synth sounds than either (strings, brass, winds, guitars, etc.). (Though on the Yamaha, you also trade-off any kind of VA synth, and most of the editability of any of those sounds.)


So, to get that great XK5 Sound engine in a more lightweight

and cheaper package,it seems I have to wait for a "new XK1x".....

Yeah. Though you can get arguably competitive top-tier organ engines from a Mojo 61, or putting an iPad running B3X on that Nord Stage Compact or YC61 if those are otherwise the boards you prefer. An "XK1x" would be a nice option, though.


Was it said anywhere about the height of the keyboard trigger? I wonder if it"s different when you play the organ (higher trigger point) and lower when you play the piano.
Probably yes, since all the previous SK models let you do that.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Picking up from the previous post, here is my prediction of how the SK Pro, YC61, and Nord Stage 3 will stack up (won't know for sure until I can play an SK Pro in the flesh)...


Organ sound:

1. Hammond

2. Nord

3. Yamaha (at least based on its current rotary sim)


Piano sound:

1. Nord

2. Yamaha

3. Hammond


Strings/Winds/Brass sounds:

1. Yamaha

2. Hammond

3. Nord


Analog-style Synth sounds:

1. Nord

2. Hammond

3. Yamaha



1. Yamaha

2. Hammond

3. Nord


(The feature differences have already been discussed and largely listed in the comparison chart I posted.)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Okay, I haven't seen US prices posted yet despite mentions of pre-orders.


Hammond SK Pro 61-key: $2,495

Hammond SK Pro 73-key: $2,795



That puts the 61 right between the SK1 (61) and SK1-73 in price, and the 73 $170 more than the SK1-88 and $380 less than the SKX. I think that's a decent price point, especially for a newly-introduced product with XK5 tech!

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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The more I listen to the demo videos and as much I like

the Organ Section, I have to say that the SK Pro cannot

compete to the Nord Stage Compact or Yamaha YC61

regarding the "Extra Sounds".....


So, to get that great XK5 Sound engine in a more lightweight

and cheaper package,it seems I have to wait for a "new XK1x".....


I'm thinking that a lot might come down to how they sit in a mix live. I would expect the strings to be improved over the Nord strings, and probably the guitars/basses etc as well. Mainly due to the lack of multisamples on Nord products. And going from the demo videos the SK Pro sounds aren't worse than those by any means. The strings seem to be much better. Not sure about the other categories.


Picking up from the previous post, here is my prediction of how the SK Pro, YC61, and Nord Stage 3 will stack up (won't know for sure until I can play an SK Pro in the flesh)...


Organ sound:

1. Hammond

2. Nord

3. Yamaha (at least based on its current rotary sim)


Piano sound:

1. Nord

2. Yamaha

3. Hammond


Strings/Winds/Brass sounds:

1. Yamaha

2. Hammond

3. Nord


Analog-style Synth sounds:

1. Nord

2. Hammond

3. Yamaha



1. Yamaha

2. Hammond

3. Nord


(The feature differences have already been discussed and largely listed in the comparison chart I posted.)


Going from your post, here's my prediction (since the YC61 non-organ sounds are basically from the CP73/88 and the Nord sample section has remained pretty much the same for a while).


Organ sound:

1. Hammond

2. Nord

3. Yamaha (based on current leslie sim)


Piano sound:

1. Yamaha

2. Nord (depending on sample set)

3. Hammond - but its pianos might be much more usable live than the majority of Nord's, and may have a much better finger-to-ear connection.


Electric Pianos:

1. Nord

2. Hammond

3. Yamaha


Strings/Winds/Brass sounds:

1. Yamaha

2. Hammond

3. Nord


Analog-style Synth sounds:

1. Nord

2. Hammond

3. Yamaha



1. Hammond

2. Yamaha

3. Nord

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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