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Owner of A Lonely Heart - alternate Vid???


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I'm not sure how this NEVER came across my radar, but it is dumpster fire gold. You can almost hear the director shouting "more awkward, more discomfort! I want the audience to FEEEEL that lonely heart!"

Thank god they produced an alternate version. Jon Anderson looks like he stepped on a mine and is scared shitless of moving too much.



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This is worse than the other one which is.. what.. some guy having a psychotic episode IIRC?

Muzikteechur is Lonnie, in Kittery, Maine.


HS music teacher: Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, Music Theory, AP Music Theory, History of Rock, Musical Theatre, Piano, Guitar, Drama.



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By far my least favorite song on that album, which I really like still to this day (obviously it's a different beast than their older albums).


Yeah that is cringey, Alan White seems like the only one who can fake being into it at all. What makes it worse is that Tony Kaye's playing doesn't even line up with the song even a little....


What in the HECK is Jon Anderson wearing....

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Then there's the post apocalyptic theme, with a phone booth in the background. And Jon's best track-suit, of course. At least the vid with the crazy guy was done on film. This looks like it was recorded with someone's dad's betamax.

Of course, most videos from 1983 could be dissected with similar results.

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Jon is on a riser or platform, which is part of why he's limited. Also without a mic. Between the two, and being in the back is probably a lot of it. However, I think he stands on a riser during concerts as well, doesn't he?


Also note that for some reason, some of the weird filmed version referenced above is in this video, which makes it make even less sense.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Didn't the original authorized vid have Eddie Jobson in it, before it was decided he wasn't joining?


I wonder if this vid was recorded after that decision, to try and create a visual that included Tony Kaye.

This. But it turned out so badly they ashcanned it.

Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

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This is fantastic! They are totally not buying into the concept in the slightest.

To be fair, a lot of the early era videos with bands from the 1970s were like this.


Rush was famous for the most awkward videos ever, for years and years. They didn't really loosen up until after they got back together for Vapor Trails and Rush In Rio, when they started going way over the top and having a blast. But for the stuff in 1984 and 1985... yeek.


Genesis, on the other hand, seem to have got into the swing of things more quickly, possibly because Phil Collins was such a nutbar on camera anyway.

Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


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And Jon's best track-suit, of course.


Borrowed from his mum, by the looks.


Love how he"s rocking backwards and forwards like an 11 month old child who"s just learned to stand without the aid of furniture.


While four stuffed birds look on...whoops I stand corrected - they're actually more animated than the band!

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This is so funny. This video answers the question, "What would it look like if a bunch of bowling buddies got a small budget to make their own 'rock video'."

Awkward indeed! Rick Beato released a nice interview with Anderson a few days ago. It's hard to believe that this is the same guy here.

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Didn't the original authorized vid have Eddie Jobson in it, before it was decided he wasn't joining?


I wonder if this vid was recorded after that decision, to try and create a visual that included Tony Kaye.

This. But it turned out so badly they ashcanned it.

But, but...the exploding TV!


Jobson was in Yes for all of about 15 minutes, then Yes wanted to bring back Tony Kaye and EJ didn't want to share keyboard duties. He can be seen with his back to the camera, on the right of the rooftop scene.

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I'm quite sure this was some appearance on some TV show rather than an actual alternate video. Music videos were a big deal back then so the labels sunk in huge budgets for music videos so their artists can, as Mark Knopfler once sang, "play their guitar on the MTV."
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Most of these guys were already popular and had to force a fit I think. Steve Winwood said it was really hard once MTV came about to "fit" I still love this album though.

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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The fact that it's not plugged in doesn't help (but really, who outside this group would care!)

Continuing down the rabbit hole with yes, this vid is a bit more representative, IMHO. Tony's rig is tasty....Electric Grand, Oberheim and a DX7. (I'm sure there was a selection of rack gear as well).



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I regard that as Yes's "disco era." I hate it, but can't really argue with their decision--they had to eat and the musical landscape had changed drastically from when they were filling arenas touring in support of Fragile and Close To The Edge. Their new musical direction worked, which is more than many bands could say who attempted the same thing. It kept them alive and kicking until they could move back to more prog-ish material later. It just didn't work for me.


The video (like many MTV style videos) mystifies me. Not one image in there makes sense in the context of the song. Why would they be playing in a derelict house in the desert? Why are tropical birds outside the window of the desert house--the habitat is wrong. Why does a TV explode? None of it makes sense...but then I tend to think in more linear terms than you find in the average video.


And is that Chris Squire in the fight scene? Weird. (Man, I miss Chris...)



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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God I hate this song. It's one of the few examples of a half-decent tune that's COMPLETELY RUINED by its production. It's got a decent riff, lyrics are cheesy but innocuous, it could have been "something". But THAT SOLID STATE GUITAR! OH MY GOD! My ears are bleeding about 3seconds in. Add RANDOM orchestra hits and out-of-place vocal samples, and the thing is just a dumpster fire. It's a total hodgepodge of unrelated, unfocused memes that are just production diarrhea. The basic song is kind of your standard Andy Summers/Alex Lifeson pop jam. If Horn had just focused on that and made it sound good, it would have been a decent tune. But the extraneous stuff feels pulled from early HipHop or 80s RnB, it's so "cool" it hurts. Michael Jackson can pull that shit off; a bunch of classically trained middle-aged white guys from London and Johannesburg doing it unironically is just sad. The only kodus at all is Rabin for coming up with an above average guitar riff that got absolutely SQUANDERED. Trevor Horn deserves a good punch in the dick for that.


Okay, now you've got me going, I can feel my blood pressure rising.

Puck Funk! :)


Equipment: Laptop running lots of nerdy software, some keyboards, noise makersâ¦yada yada yadaâ¦maybe a cat?

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hodgepodge of unrelated, unfocused memes

Isn't this song kinda what turned them into memes? I think it's like saying, "I think Shakespeare is over-rated... his stuff is full of cliches."

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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God I hate this song. It's one of the few examples of a half-decent tune that's COMPLETELY RUINED by its production. It's got a decent riff, lyrics are cheesy but innocuous, it could have been "something". But THAT SOLID STATE GUITAR! OH MY GOD! My ears are bleeding about 3seconds in. Add RANDOM orchestra hits and out-of-place vocal samples, and the thing is just a dumpster fire. It's a total hodgepodge of unrelated, unfocused memes that are just production diarrhea. The basic song is kind of your standard Andy Summers/Alex Lifeson pop jam. If Horn had just focused on that and made it sound good, it would have been a decent tune. But the extraneous stuff feels pulled from early HipHop or 80s RnB, it's so "cool" it hurts. Michael Jackson can pull that shit off; a bunch of classically trained middle-aged white guys from London and Johannesburg doing it unironically is just sad. The only kodus at all is Rabin for coming up with an above average guitar riff that got absolutely SQUANDERED. Trevor Horn deserves a good punch in the dick for that.


Okay, now you've got me going, I can feel my blood pressure rising.


I love music and this forum because I am part of a community in which my opinion sometimes perfectly aligns or completely opposes that of another listener/member. This is an example of the latter. I LOVE this song, production and sound. This is one of my favorite all-time LPs!


The Eagles, however, SUCK!!


I digress! Long live Trevor Horn and all he touches...even his dick.

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Oh, there's no doubt that Owner Of A Lonely Heart worked for Yes financially, but I can't stand it.


I never cared much for the Eagles, either. Their musical influences include too much Country for my tastes. I remember when Joe Walsh joined the band. I hoped he'd bring more Rock to the mix. The opposite happened. They Country-fied Walsh. I was SO disappointed, but I'm sure he made gobs of money.


Right about the same time as 90125, there was a fabulously successful hard rock formula making headway: Take Marshall master volume heads, Look At Me, Ma, I've Got Attitude pseudo-bad-boy vocals (frequently with harmonies on the chorus), and Big Hair, turn the crank...and out pop Quiet Riot, Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Skid Row, Bon Jovi, KISS, and a horde of others that you can scarcely tell apart musically without a score card. Okay, okay, KISS wore makeup, so they were easy to distinguish if you were looking at them, but really... The buying public had a seemingly infinite hunger for the recipe, evidenced by the fact that they gobbled up albums by the truck load even though it was all the same thing over and over and over and over... Anyone who liked one of the bands generally liked at least a half-dozen of them (no surprise, given their similarity) and concert halls were packed. It was one of the most stunningly successful formulas, ever. I think I could have stood one or two, maybe three bands like that, but the tsunami of like-sounding bands was just too damned much.


Metallica, it seems to me, might qualify as the exception that proves the rule. They're actually musically creative. I've somewhat grudgingly come to appreciate them, but I admit that their growly, angry vocals wear on my ears after a while. I mean, who wants to hear someone sing "I love you" in a tone of voice more appropriate for an axe murderer about to go on a rampage?


I miss the days when bands sounded, you know, different...Led Zeppelin didn't sound like Santana. Janis Joplin didn't sound like Grand Funk Railroad. Iron Butterfly didn't sound like Jethro Tull. The Grateful Dead didn't sound like Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. Joni Mitchell didn't sound like Yes. Part of my distaste for 90125 is that Yes forsook a unique sound for something perilously close to generic mass produced product. Ugh. However, it kept bread on the table, so I tip my hat to them. They were more courageous than I would have been under similar circumstances. And bwess their widdle hearts, they went all-in and adopted the haircuts of the era as well. (...though I, for one, don't think the look has aged well...)



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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