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Winter NAMM 2021 - Proceed or Cancel?

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No one can accurately predict the future. Pm me if you can ;)


you should look at the county and state guidelines to see if a NAMM event would happen today.


My take is No.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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There"s no way for people to commit to Winter NAMM at this time.

The NAMM organization should be planning a virtual event as likely backup.

In fact if they did it this way - every vender could develop their own coverage and get it out to the masses in a really organized fashion - feature days, categories, planned interviews with the press all pre-prepared.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Mandatory Directive for Gatherings

*Please confirm that your gathering is allowed under the State Order.

Where there is a difference between the local County Order and the State Order,

the more restrictive order must be followed.*


Issued: July 8, 2020


Information on the State"s Order and State guidance is available at covid19.ca.gov


While COVID-19 is still circulating in our community, the Health Officer strongly discourages any gathering together with people from other households. Indoor gatherings are particularly risky because COVID-19 transmission occurs more easily indoors than outdoors, and COVID-19 continues to circulate widely in the County. Case counts are rising in the County, and the most recent scientific evidence underscores the risks associated with transmission indoors. Accordingly, indoor gatherings continue to be prohibited at this time.



" and the most recent scientific evidence underscores the risks associated with transmission indoors. Accordingly, indoor gatherings continue to be prohibited at this time. "

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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I understand NAMM is currently working on virtual events that will be available to NAMM members in case the show is cancelled.

I haven't missed a NAMM show in over 15 years, but I renewed my membership anyway (despite the possibility of NAMM 2021 not happening) due to all the good things NAMM does with this money... AND knowing there'll be some sort of virtual events happening for its members.


Authorized reseller: Casio, Dexibell, Kurzweil, Nord, iLoud, Viscount

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... larger debate about whether California is reopening too quickly even as it sees record numbers of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations and rising death tolls. Orange County has been hit particularly hard, with hospitalizations increasing nearly 100% in three weeks....




In that county, I can't imagine thinking about NAMM, a large indoor event.


I have not heard any promising scientific conjecture that Covid 19 would be controlled by January.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Highly unlikely. I'm afraid this whole virtual event thing is going to be the norm, even if a vaccine becomes available. That'll be really depressing! I didn't listen to the details, but I think CA is shutting down again.
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Nope, a voluntary indoor event right now is a non-starter for me. Even outdoors would be iffy due to bathrooms and if I thought it would be crowded or if the airflow wasn't great.


The State of Florida would probably be happy to host it though, based on how they are reacting right now! :) Heck Disney just re-opened, host it there!

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Highly unlikely. I'm afraid this whole virtual event thing is going to be the norm, even if a vaccine becomes available. That'll be really depressing! I didn't listen to the details, but I think CA is shutting down again.


I do listen to 'details ' esp Governor Newsome's briefings


I think the state is stepping back to an In shelter order as in March


Likely just before the schools re-open in Aug/Sept


No one wants to see sick defenseless children in the ICU

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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What an absolute nightmare of a petri dish for COVID
Given what we know now about how China didn't disclose facts to the WHO and the rest of the world, and that at least six companies directly from Wuhan (and who knows how many from Hobei Province?) attended NAMM this past January, I am surprised there was little fallout from the show.
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Highly unlikely. I'm afraid this whole virtual event thing is going to be the norm, even if a vaccine becomes available. That'll be really depressing! I didn't listen to the details, but I think CA is shutting down again.


I do listen to 'details ' esp Governor Newsome's briefings


I think the state is stepping back to an In shelter order as in March


Likely just before the schools re-open in Aug/Sept


No one wants to see sick defenseless children in the ICU


Or have kids bring it home to at risk family members.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Definitely NAMM 2021 should be canceled things aren't going to get better because too many want to act like the virus isn't real. NAMM going virtual to members only that will be a snooze, what made NAMM big for most is all the people that technically shouldn't of been there going to checkout gear and see big names play. If NAMM was virtual to members it would just be a endless stream of sales pitches, probably with some guest artists demoing that not much different than what all the companies do on YouTube already only difference is maybe they might talk dealer pricing and packages, but doubt it.


As much as NAMM was technically suppose to be show for music merchants it evolved over the years to the biggest musician hang of the year and companies would rollout/annouce new products. Then all the parties at clubs and hotels each night after the show closed, you can't virtualize that.

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Highly unlikely. I'm afraid this whole virtual event thing is going to be the norm, even if a vaccine becomes available. That'll be really depressing! I didn't listen to the details, but I think CA is shutting down again.


I do listen to 'details ' esp Governor Newsome's briefings


I think the state is stepping back to an In shelter order as in March


Likely just before the schools re-open in Aug/Sept


No one wants to see sick defenseless children in the ICU


Or have kids bring it home to at risk family members.


Wife is a 3rd grade school teacher. The district has 4 different possible plans, none

of which are workable, since Covid becomes complex and spreads further.


Her school year started Aug 5. Our state and Governor have excellent reporting and trending.

Thus the numbers will determine what takes place.


There are 4 different measurements that are tracked and analyzed thoroughly.


14 day averaging and any shifts tell the story, whether or not schools reopen.

Not some orange fool who makes up BS every day.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Everybody got sick at NAMM before the plague.


The Covid 19 pandemic was easily here aprox January 20.


Folks should recall the infamous Cruise Ship full of sick people.


And the spread was likely here in December, here in Ca and in NY.


Travel from Asia and Europe to CA and NY.


It wasn't well understood in those dark early days.


And there was ignorance and denial in our WH.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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No. I mean everyone gets sick at NAMM every year. It"s fondly referred to as the NAMM-thrax. So now with these further complications plus the declining importance of the convention I"d cancel. Roll everything out online.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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it's not happening. At least in the traditional sense that is. Something virtual for sure........or so I've heard from many.


You can bet the house on this.


makes this year's MPN NAMM dinner even more special. Might be the last one for a minute

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No. I mean everyone gets sick at NAMM every year. It"s fondly referred to as the NAMM-thrax.
I have been going to NAMM off and on for about 25 years or so, never came down with anything, including this year.
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we missed you too, bro. ;)


No, really, we did :)


I even got you a shirt and a bag to give to you when we would have our summer hang, not knowing that the whole world was coming to an end shortly after NAMM. :crazy:

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it's not happening. At least in the traditional sense that is. Something virtual for sure........or so I've heard from many.


You can bet the house on this.


makes this year's MPN NAMM dinner even more special. Might be the last one for a minute


Am wondering if we should do a virtual MPN dinner in 2021 via Zoom? Better than nothing and it means a whole bunch of people who've never been to one of these legendary events could now say they'd done it (sort of). :)

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I've been looking forward to attending for years once I finally took some time to step back from an absurd work schedule. Next year would have been my first opportunity in ages â but there's no way I'd attend under current conditions. I cancelled plans to attend another conference based on the first signs of trouble at the end of February, and what's going on now is more or less my worst fears manifested. So no, there's no way I'd consider flying to LA much less attending an indoor event. It's disappointing but right now the whole country needs to understand that the only way we see the other side of this is to get absolutely obsessive about eliminating all unnecessary interaction for long enough to eradicate the threat. Or get lucky and find an extremely effective vaccine, but based on what we know about our immune response so far I am not hopeful that it'll happen any time soon.

Acoustic: Shigeru Kawai SK-7 ~ Breedlove C2/R

MIDI: Kurzweil Forte ~ Sequential Prophet X ~ Yamaha CP88 ~ Expressive E Osmose

Electric: Schecter Solo Custom Exotic ~ Chapman MLB1 Signature Bass

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Time to reinvent. In my work world, companies have gotten past the initial shock and now they're settling in and making longer term plans, i.e. this thing will be with us for a while, maybe years. So lots of folks are working hard on how to reinvent how they work, how they sell, how they interact with their employees, their customers, their suppliers.


Hard to find any positives these days, but maybe a crazy cool virtual event will be a great thing in a world starving for some good news.

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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