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Binge sharing - what are you watching?

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I'm guessing more than a few of us are spending a bit more time in front of the televion than usual. :idk:


I'v e seen dicussions of music-oriented content that people have been wathcing. Seems reasonable to start a thread so we can share suggestions of non-music ( :waitwhat: ) stuff we're digging, and/or not digging.


I'd start off by recommending The Kominsky Method if you want to laugh (especially if you're older) and Ozark if you enjoy an edgy drama.

Throw down! :puff:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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As to binging, I'm not one to watch 10 episodes in a row. 3 is my max. It is like having too much dessert. Anyway ,I am watching "The Man In the high Castle" on Prime, "The last Ship" on Crave (started this months ago) and Ozark on Netflix. I'm also watching a Netflix Hallmark show with my wife and daughter "When Calls the Heart" ...a chick flick set in 1910-1920, a light happy show in times like these.



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As to binging, I'm not one to watch 10 episodes in a row. 3 is my max. It is like having too much dessert.

Two max for me.


I don't watch TV. I read and listen to music :wave:

I'm usually awake about 18 hours a day. I read and listen to/play music almost all day, starting with a 2 mile dog walk with iTunes and Ultrasone headphones around 5:30 AM.


I don't mind watching a movie, concert or the occasional show at night - helps me wind down. I have a killer 5.1 sound system. I USED to like watching sports as well, when there was such a thing... :idk::facepalm:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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"Picard", which I finished. Season 2 of "Star Trek Discovery", which I am currently still watching. I probably watch 2 episodes max a night, which is about enough. I sometimes will skip an evening or two depending on what I am doing. I still keep extremely busy even though I am "sheltering in place".
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I watch TV while eating dinner, so it's about an hour a day. I don't binge watch, but I "serial watch" a new episode of something every day. I really enjoyed Silicon Valley and The Mandalorian. Right now, I'm into cooking shows like Master Chef - seems appropriate while eating, and I learn a lot of interesting techniques. But really, I find most TV pretty useless, and I rely on the recommendations of like-minded friends. I've heard that "Fleabag" on Amazon Prime is laugh-out-loud stuff. But now I have to check out "The Kominsky Method," too :)
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I never outgrew watching anime...


More "grown-up" shows I've enjoyed recently: Carnival Row, The Boys, The Witcher, The Expanse, Defiance


TrueFire has been archiving live shows, usually combination interview/concert featuring one or more TrueFire instructors such as Josh Smith, Tim Lerch, Sean McGowan, Robben Ford, etc. So I've been catching those too, occasionally even jamming along.


There have also been various streaming performance that I've caught from Chick Corea, Alex Skolnick, etc.

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A "feel good" show we've been watching: "Returning the Favor" hosted by Mike Rowe. It's on Amazon, 3 or 4 seasons of 20 - 24 minute episodes. He visits a local do-gooder, profiles them, and sets them up with resources and sometimes a little money to help them keep help others. If you're sick of all the negativity it's a nice break.
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We're watching the three LOTR movies at present. Counts as a binge, right?


Sometimes I'll watch 6 or 8 old Twilight Zones over 2-3 days. Like the little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead, when they are good, they are good, but when they are bad, they are very bad :)


I read more, 'tho - I'm on my 9th Thomas Hardy novel in a row.


Listening to all of Chopin's Mazurkas. What's interesting at least to me, is that they are just as short as 60s pop 45s for the most part, and based on simple folk progressions and tropes...but Chopin messes with the form, does really interesting things harmonically and of course, his famous piano flourishes. There's something very Beatle-ish to that to me....



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I rarely watch TV, dumped my NF a while back. But last night on Amazon I happily stumbled onto Galaxymphony, a performance by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra of sci-fi movie music from 2001: A Space Odyssy, Avatar, Alien, Blade Runner, Star Trek, Star Wars and others. So much great music and it finished with Cantina Band which was a hoot to end all hoots. Check it out!
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I've been on a "Star Trek" tear for a while.


-Star Trek Discovery (both seasons)

-Star Trek Enterprise (I actually just began watching this, so we shall see...)

-Picard (just finished it)

-Star Trek Continuing (fan film that basically creates the last year of the 5-year mission fo the Enterprise and is surprisingly good)


I have been fairly busy but not too busy, so I am chipping away at these, one or two a night.

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"Picard", which I finished.


So how does "Picard" rate?



I dug it. There are some GREAT moments for TNG fans in there.


I also ended up liking Discovery quite a bit after trying it two separate times before. When I got the free trial of CBS All Access in January for Picard, I gave Discovery a third try and I was hooked. Yes, there are a few things about it that irked me (the change in the design of the Klingons for one), but overall, I felt it kept the spirit of original Star Trek quite well, much better than the movies, especially the Kelvin timeline ones.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Got rid of cable/broadcast TV since 2000. Never was a sports watcher and very little TV appeals to me anymore. When it got to the point I was surfing channels looking for something to watch rather than actually watching anything I stopped paying for it. Also there are way too many ads.


The only thing I watch on TV is movies/concerts on DVD, and usually to wind down at night. Have to admit the last four weeks I have been watching more of them than usual.


I like the fact I can stop a show in the middle and come back later. Not one to sit for more than an hour anymore.

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Can't say I'm binge-watching anything for long periods of time, as I don't have the spare time (still working, albeit from home - and busy, too) but I did finally finish the last season of Agents of SHIELD, and am half-way through Good Omens (which I had been meaning to watch since it came out around this time last year). My wife usually thinks the other Terry Pratchett-written things I watch are weird (and ok, they are) but she's enjoying this. And David Tennant is a help, too.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Sounds like some good suggestions I'll need to check out. For me, I dumped DirecTV last February just as the virus was getting a lot of attention and I'm now a pure streamer so I'm fairly new to this. Shows I discovered I really like is #1 for me, The Boys on Prime. The absolute best. Great take on superheros. A bunch of psycho's working under contract to the evil corporation selling action figures and waiting for the news cameras to show up first before saving the day. It's not a comedy, these Supes are not good people. I already had CBS for all the Trek stuff but lately I've become a fan of The Orville. That one is definitely love/hate for me. Sometimes it's so stupid and juvenile I want to just skip it but then it gets pretty good and sometimes really funny. The Expanse is good and Mandalorian. For action/adventure Jack Ryan and Strike Back are very good. I totally understand now the lure of streaming, there is so much available that you never hear about if you're not actually doing it.


Sounds like I'm a big time TV junkie but I'm really not all that much. I'll watch these shows after dinner until bed time maybe three nights a week. The majority of my watching is on YouTube historical, music, Ted talks, futureism shows by Issac Arthur, finance, whatever. it's amazing all the things on YT.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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Finally got around to watching Mandalorian.

Also watched

Lost in Space 1 and 2 (Netflix)

High School Musical the series

How the Universe Works

Phineas and Ferb (You can stop laughing now. I like feel good cartoons.)


Also watching a few lecture series on Great Courses Plus. Astronomy, chemistry, gravity and a few other topics. I fully believe that at my age you need to keep learning to keep the brain from deteriorating.

This post edited for speling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just now finished watching The Roosevelts: An Intimate History, the Ken Burns documentary miniseries. It was inspiring and moving.


The impact Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt had on history has few, if any, parallels. The privilege and adversity all three experienced is rare as well. I thought it was well worth watching for anyone who likes history and powerful documentaries.





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My wife and I watch about an hour a day and we usually prefer a series that we can dive into.


"Ozark" is indeed great, and we're watching "The Last Kingdom" right now (which is a blend between Braveheart and Game of Thrones).


"The Crown" is great especially if you like history. And while my wife and I have a bias for British television (though we're American as can be), we would definitely recommend "Broadchurch" or "Happy Valley". Both are really heavy though... Not for everyone...



Just finished: The Jupiter Bluff

Working on: Driven Away, Gateway, Eighties Crime Thriller

Main axes: Kawai MP11 and Kurz PC361

DAW Platform: Cubase

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I'm a big sports fan, so I already love sports docu-dramas, but without much live broadcasts, well... Just finished Matchday: Inside Barcelona FC, before that Sunderland Til I Die, and of course The Last Dance. Just started Trial by Media, which is very sad but very informative. A friend of mine also gave me his Crave password (I'm not sure if that's a thing in the States, but it's another streaming service that has HBO shows and such. Maybe it's the Canadian Hulu?) so that I could watch Letterkenny. Good show.


I've also been able to watch more movies than before. My TV is right in the living room by a big window, so if I'm sitting down to watch a movie, it's generally in the evening, after dusk. Certainly more free evenings nowadays. A lot of comedies and gangster/cop thrillers mostly. Some music documentaries mixed in of course.

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I just finished binge-watching Netflix in its entirety. From Aaron Hernandez to ZZ Top.

Did not care for the ending. Writing & acting very spotty - from horrible to excellent.






Joking, of course.

I, too, enjoy British TV. A lot of episodic murder mysteries with unlikely detectives - a clergyman/doctor/professor/etc.

Professional musician = great source of poverty.

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