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OK, the Corona Virus Isn't Going Away. Now What?

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Craig, where did you get that 10X idea from. If you look at the OVERALL death rate comparisons worldwide , 2020 was no worse than 2019 or 2018.




Given what happened last year and is happening right now, this is patently offensive.

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If I had just said "oh well, your leaders say the vaccine is no use and the virus a hoax" *they wouldn't have gotten vaccinated*.

You were duped Chip. There was no claim that the vaccine was a hoax. That was a deliberate lie by the media. If that was really said they would have shown the footage 24/7. And yet it wasn't shown a single time. Are you really that gullible?

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Does this mean that the PCR couldn't really differentiate between common flu and covid19, in the first place , and now only a BATTERY of tests will suffice?


So have we been locked down and in panic for the past 16 months under false pretenses ?


Dan, you gotta dig one layer deeper than the sewage that floats to the top of the media. Average number of people who die from the flu each year in the US varies between 20K to 60K. It's crazy to think that all of a sudden, flu deaths exploded by 10x for no reason whatsoever during the past year.


Covid is far more dangerous than flu in terms of lasting effects.


Craig, where did you get that 10X idea from. If you look at the OVERALL death rate comparisons worldwide , 2020 was no worse than 2019 or 2018.


Please cite a source. Everything i've seen is that overall monthly death rates in the United States were significantly above average in 2020. I did the research and cited these stats before, so I'm not going to spend time chasing them down again.


You can say that all the excess deaths are due to bad luck, people listening to too many loud guitars, or whatever. But it is significant and anomalous. Conditions like heart disease, cancer, etc. have been relatively constant. So, show me something (not from a Facebook post without any kind of backup from others) that explains away the additional deaths per month in 2020, in the USA. I'm always open to changing my assessment if verifiable facts, not opinions, show otherwise.


But let's be generous, and say that Covid deaths are off by 100%. That's still 300,000 people in the US, and still 5x to 15x above yearly deaths from flu. Also, note that flu deaths haven't fluctuated that much. So it would be anomalous if all of a sudden, flu deaths were not only up by 5x to 15x, but displayed symptoms never before associated with the flu.


The easiest way to make your numbers work is to simply call anything attributed to covid-19 as "flu," and assume the "flu" season was so bad it killed 5 to 10 times as many people as normal. That's just not realistic.


Dan, I'm worried about you and Brigitte (hope I spelled her name right). You're both nice people, but I don't think of you as a gambler. There's a conservative talk show host here in Nashville who said almost all the same things your saying. He's not stupid, in fact I quite enjoy his show and his sense of humor. But now, he's on a ventilator and his family doesn't know if he's going to live or not. He's stated significant regret for not encouraging people to get the vaccine. Google "Phil Valentine covid" for more info.

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The problem with the vaccine is that now, HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE are dying from the shot,


Can you cite a source for this? The number that I can find say 3 deaths had been attributed to the J&J vaccine from heart conditions. And they had pre-existing conditions.

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But maybe the coronavirus IS going away or never was really as bad as they said.


New data from the CDC




"CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses."


Does this mean that the PCR couldn't really differentiate between common flu and covid19, in the first place , and now only a BATTERY of tests will suffice?


No, it does not mean that.


What it literally says in your quote is that labs should adopt a combined test for BOTH influenza and SARS-CoV-2 that doesn't just show "positive" but shows which of them are detected.


I am not interpreting this â that is actually what is written there, albeit in scientifically precise language with big words.


The idea is a two-birds thing, where people getting tested for Covid are automatically tested for influenza, as well.


Next question.

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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As to "CASES" PCR test has been proven FRAUDULENT by its inventor, Kary Mullis just before he died.

This is a straight-up lie, I"m afraid.


There is a single sound bite that keeps getting trotted out by him (from a talkshow, not any circumstance under which anything is 'proven' at any rate) where he talks about how you can find almost anything if you iterate the PCR-test enough.


This has been construed as him arguing that the PCR-test cannot prove infection, which is patently false â as per his words, it proves the presence of a pathogen.


He goes on to say that the presence of a pathogen does not mean that this is what made you sick, or actually caused the disease you are saying â which is what he"s talking about: he was an AIDS-denier for the last few decades of his life.


His argument was that proving the presence of HIV in AIDS patients did not prove that HIV actually caused the disease.


TL;DR: Kary Mullis never claimed that his PCR-tests didn"t work. The people who tell you this are lying, and you should distrust everything else they are saying.

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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Dan, I'm worried about you and Brigitte (hope I spelled her name right). You're both nice people, but I don't think of you as a gambler.


I hear you Craig, and thanks, but we feel that it is a gamble to take a jab that isn't even FDA approved yet. (only emergency approval) PSAKI even admitted it in a news conference. They also say that a few more mutations (strains or variants) and no vaccines will work. We believe in healthy living, getting, plenty of Vitamin C D and Zinc, getting proper rest...and Ivermectin if they ever let it be used again.


And to Chip, If you have lost loved ones I am deeply sorry.








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The problem with the vaccine is that now, HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE are dying from the shot,


Can you cite a source for this? The number that I can find say 3 deaths had been attributed to the J&J vaccine from heart conditions. And they had pre-existing conditions.



There is a video from all over the world, by major news sources. I need to find it again in my archives.



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The problem with the vaccine is that now, HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE are dying from the shot,


Can you cite a source for this? The number that I can find say 3 deaths had been attributed to the J&J vaccine from heart conditions. And they had pre-existing conditions.



There is a video from all over the world, by major news sources. I need to find it again in my archives.



Please do. Because none of the major news sources all over the parts of the world I follow have reported this.


There have been a very, very small number of cases (like, one or two that I recall) here in Europe, and they made headline news.

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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Infowars isn't really a credible source. At least there's one thing the right and the left agree on :)


There are videos that prove the earth is flat, too.

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From what I can tell, ALL of the sources in the first two minutes are referring to the same two or three deaths that are already mentioned above, but the video is just random news footage edited together with ZERO context even in the accompanying text, so they're obviously not even trying.


I'm not watching nine minutes of Infowars to see if they actually ever tally the info and put it into context. I assume not, which makes that thing useless for anything other than a case study in propaganda.

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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infowars is a fraud on a lot of levels, but the response to that particular video will be - "They are just aggregating local press reports. That can't be disputed."


They are certainly playing up the fear to suit their own purposes.


So -


The vaccines have a very small but reportable incidence of vaccination thrombocytopenia. You can search that term. The incidence is reported in the _teens per million doses. UK was reporting ~14 cases / 1M


Covid-19 also is associated with thrombocytopenia and the mechanism for that reaction is still under study.


The reason that some people may have died after the vaccination is that the typical medical intervention was exactly the wrong response. The guidance after the "pause" in the J&J was to strictly avoid Heparin based therapies.




The treatments and the routine monitoring of patients is now part of the followup.


and another thing....


The US does not offer the AZ vaccine that the UK reporting features. It is approved in Canada for Dan.


The people who do best with any medical encounter are those who have a supportive environment and open communication with their physicians. Not everybody has that.

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I love it when people say, "the vaccine" as if they're all the same. :snax:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I don't know who compiled that video, but it came from several mainline sources. What kind of context do you need when they report deaths from vaccines?




It's awesome "reporting" if you compile 400 clips referring to somebody dying, and it turns out every single clip was talking about the exact same person. The viewer would be forgiven for thinking there's a problem, when the actual problem is the dishonest motherfucker who put together the video out of context.


Same tactic is routinely used when it's time to equate "left-wing extremism" and "right-wing extremism" as if they were remotely the same thing. Keep re-hashing reports in your echo chamber, and it looks like big numbers.

But when you tally the actual numbers, at least here in Germany, where these same Infowars/Bannon tactics are used to create a false equivalency, the number of right-wing murders in the last thirty years is at 850, with the number of left-wing murders at a whopping three. (That's a single digit vs. three hundred times.)


So: Nine minutes of back-to-back fearmongering vs. three actual cases?


Or do you have an actual source that you could present that isn't Alex Fucking Jones' haven of insanity?

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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It's also important to indicate whether deaths happened after getting the vaccine, or from the vaccine.


If I die tonight, Infowars can say that I died after interacting with MusicPlayer.com. This would be true.


Saying I died because I interacted with MusicPlayer.com would be something different.

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Divide and conquer is not anything new, the Romans may have coined the phrase or they may have appropriated it. Crows do it, I've seen a murder of crows harass a hawk many times and once a great horned owl. Certainly, lions do it, wolves do it, jackals do it and on our hemisphere coyotes do it. Humans, at their core, are no different. Some will not lie and it makes it difficult for them to believe that others do lie. Some lie boldly and profusely and become skilled at engaging other people in their falsehoods.


It works and it works well. None of this is new. It is impossible to discuss it to any degree without bring up "the topics that are not allowed on MPN", which is fine with me, I will refrain.


As always, the ones who are nipping at the heels of the chosen prey are the true devotees while those in the rear of the pack are the ones who will end up waiting in line to chew on a bone or maybe get to eat an ear or some other less desirable fare, as the leaders will have long since consumed the good stuff.


Humans are more complex, the battle that will never be won is the battle between facts and beliefs. Having seen many posts in this thread, those who oppose vaccines and believe that they cause more harm than good do not appear to have the facts on their side. Time and again they toss up easily refuted nonsense to support their beliefs. Yet they will never stop fighting for their beliefs. And, those who respect facts will never stop showing them why the vaccine is the safest currently available strategy against the virus.


So, do you fear the virus or do you think it is a hoax perpetrated to divide and conquer? Do you fear the vaccine for the same reasons or different ones? Are your fears beliefs or are they easily substantiated facts?


Truly, those who believe it is a hoax have a great opportunity to prove their case once and for all. Create rallies, wherever you may be, the larger the better. Meet on the streets, meet in the fields, go forth and commingle, maskless with those who believe as you believe. The results of these meetings will prove once and for all that the virus is completely harmless.


You will have made your point, something that will never happen on this forum, which is now 50 pages in and just as divided as it was on page 1.


In the words of the great Dirty Harry "Do you feel lucky?"

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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The most important element I see in that link is actually interviewing front-line workers about what's going on. That's where I get a lot of my information. When they have to put someone on a ventilator because they can't breathe, and then send them off to the morgue, that's not the same as what they've seen in the past with the flu.


I know this whole pandemic thing has totally upended everyone's life. But that means more than ever, we need to accept what's happening, and figure out the best way to deal with it. Just ask Phil Valentine whether thinking it's not that big a deal is a good idea. He used his media power to tell people they didn't need to get vaccinated if they weren't at risk. He found out otherwise. If he lives, and I hope he does, he's going to be saying something very different when he returns to doing his show.


No, not everyone is going to die from getting Covid. In fact, only a small percentage of people will die from it. However, a considerably larger number of people will be damaged by it. AND, a very large number of people who don't get covid will be damaged by it, because of the actions of people who didn't take it seriously. They're the ones causing restrictions, mask mandates, etc. The irony of someone saying "I'm not going to get a vaccine, it impinges on my freedom" causing a much greater loss of freedom because he ends up infecting other people, thus leading to the government having to reluctantly step in, is not lost on me. Apparently it's lost on them.


There's no need to be hysterical, but there IS a need to be rational.


The odds of being damaged by covid exceed the odds of being damaged by the vaccine by a huge factor. Why can't people see it? Did they stop teaching math in schools or something? Do people not know what a "ratio" is any more?

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The most important element I see in that link is actually interviewing front-line workers about what's going on. That's where I get a lot of my information. When they have to put someone on a ventilator because they can't breathe, and then send them off to the morgue, that's not the same as what they've seen in the past with the flu.


I know this whole pandemic thing has totally upended everyone's life. But that means more than ever, we need to accept what's happening, and figure out the best way to deal with it. Just ask Phil Valentine whether thinking it's not that big a deal is a good idea. He used his media power to tell people they didn't need to get vaccinated if they weren't at risk. He found out otherwise. If he lives, and I hope he does, he's going to be saying something very different when he returns to doing his show.


No, not everyone is going to die from getting Covid. In fact, only a small percentage of people will die from it. However, a considerably larger number of people will be damaged by it. AND, a very large number of people who don't get covid will be damaged by it, because of the actions of people who didn't take it seriously. They're the ones causing restrictions, mask mandates, etc. The irony of someone saying "I'm not going to get a vaccine, it impinges on my freedom" causing a much greater loss of freedom because he ends up infecting other people, thus leading to the government having to reluctantly step in, is not lost on me. Apparently it's lost on them.


There's no need to be hysterical, but there IS a need to be rational.


The odds of being damaged by covid exceed the odds of being damaged by the vaccine by a huge factor. Why can't people see it? Did they stop teaching math in schools or something? Do people not know what a "ratio" is any more?



Being rational does not mean one can assume that others will also be rational. That's what my post above the one you quoted is about - beliefs vs facts. It is the basis for this thread going on for so long and not changing much if at all.


By the way, I recently got good health insurance and am getting caught up on things that needed done before, like foot surgery. I've seen a few doctors and I always let them know that I was vaccinated and when.

I need to go back to where I got my vaccines, present my documents and get my "Covid card" but it's difficult when you only have one foot and cannot (should not) drive.


Anyway, a couple of doctors told me that being vaccinated was smart, that I would not die and most likely would not be placed in the hospital. Both of them told me that the only patients being treated in our hospital were unvaccinated - 100% of them. The 94% quoted in the article above may be more accurate but that is still a compelling proof of the vaccine reducing one's risk.


The only thing that is 100% in life is death, everything else is risk reduction at one percentage or another.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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On a personal level:


COVID ruined our last winter gigging season


Anti-vaxxers will probably ruin our next winter gigging season.


All the vaccinated folks are paying the price of the anti-vaxxers one way or another.


Personally, I think we should all be avoiding COVID like the plague.



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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I don't know who compiled that video, but it came from several mainline sources. What kind of context do you need when they report deaths from vaccines?





This is what I saw on CHROME ,on my phone, last night when I typed in "cdc reporting of deaths and adverse reactions" ....MORE THAN A HANDFUL.


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Thanks for not following the link.


"Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem."


Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination - CDC.gov

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I would also like to add here, that most doctors don't like filling out forms. Here in Canada they charge up to $50 to fill one out and sometimes take weeks to get them complete, so VAERS may be grossly under reported.


But if you think that 6500 died a few days or weeks later as coincidence........?? from an unapproved FDA "vaccine" .





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Don't exaggerate. It was 6,340 deaths.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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But if you think that 6500 died a few days or weeks later as coincidence........?? from an unapproved FDA "vaccine" .


You seem to be missing the point. These deaths simply occurred after receiving the vaccine and include those who were hit by a bus or choked on chicken bones and every other single reason under the sun. Nowhere does it say they died because of the vaccine but you seem to be reading that into it. You have to read more than the headline.



Btw ⦠the vaccine is not 'unapproved'. It is simply 'not approved'. Big difference.

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But if you think that 6500 died a few days or weeks later as coincidence?


FYI worldwide, about 164,000 people die every day. So the odds are very good that a comparatively low number indicates coincidence.


Of course, it's also likely that at least for some people, there was a connection to the vaccine, like a really bad allergic reaction (e.g., similar to how people can die from eating shellfish or whatever). But it's like computers. Apple and Microsoft do extensive testing for their operating systems, but once they get out into the world, the "corner cases" show up. So they add patches to the operating system software for the next rev. Surely, lessons will be learned about how to improve the vaccine even further in the years ahead, in terms of efficacy.


However, let's whip out the calculator. Since you're adamant that 6,340 is a correct and verified number, we'll assume it is. World-wide, 4,070,000,000 doses have been administered.




The odds against dying from the vaccine, assuming that 6,340 is even correct (which it isn't), are 641,955 : 1.


196,794,025 world-wide have been infected by Covid. 4,202,385 have died. So if you get infected, the odds against dying from covid are 46 : 1.


You don't have to be Einstein to figure out whether getting the vaccine or getting covid gives you a better chance of survival.

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