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Plans for next year?

Winston Psmith

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I thought I'd take a page from Skipclone, but instead of asking how everyone's year went, I wanted to ask if there's anything you're looking to do, learn or change in the next year. Sure, I'm mostly asking about your Music life, but the question is open . . . if you're hoping to get a new car, looking forward to a child's graduation, or waiting for a miracle, let's hear it.


For myself, I'm looking forward to completing a couple of recording projects, getting back to work with my bandmate (we take a break in December), having more fun with my 8-string and MonoSynths, re-designing the garden beds in my yard, and looking to adopt a 3rd dog before Spring.


What about you?

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I simply go along as things unfold. I have no aspirations musically except to stay in shape, and do my daily practices, and improve my picking technique as I go, but that is already in my daily practice routine, I will just continue that into the new year.


I would like to sell my Hot Rod Deluxe (as I have been advertising it on Craigslist every weekend for many months) and buy another Egnater Tweaker head with that money.


All in all I am going to keep my hopes and aspirations going into the new year from this year, nothing new on the agenda for 2019 so far........

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+1 on DBM's "I simply go along as things unfold." I got together with an open mic group of musician friends for a fund raiser and had a great time a week ago. Another group of open mic'ers that I have played with, are forming for a street gig later in the month. These are mostly new guys to have fun playing with and who knows what may happen? It does inspire me to practice up on a few tunes LOL! I'm trying to simplify life's little projects so I'll have more time to dedicate to my music this coming year...maybe even write something! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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As is my wont, I'll let music tell the story


Well now, I get low and I get high & if I can't get either, I'll still try

Got the wings of heaven on my shoes; I'm a dancin' man, I just can't lose

You know it's alright, it's okay---I'll live to see another day



Everythings gonna be alright

Everythings gonna be alright

Im alright

You wanna be alright you gotta walk tall



This year I'm goin' Atomi-Tronic, y'all !



& as musos, I suggest that all ya'll stay tuned ! :facepalm::D

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Good topic, Winston.


I will likely continue with more original song writing.

Here is my 43rd original:


I have a 2nd keyboard ( Roland FA] to integrate multiple tracks with my Korg Kronos.


I also have new 3rd party samples which will improve my palette. for example, I have

an excellent sampled sax which blows away the factory sax sounds on either keyboard.


I have new 3rd party guitar samples and hope they will improve my guitar tone.


I need to migrate to Cubase to further my recording process.


2019 will be a great music year.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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I didnt buy much in 2018, and I played less. I need to change the latter for sure.


There is, as always, some gear I want, but I dont think Ill be splurging. Some pedals, maybe a Quilter and/or Mesa amp. More remotely, the possibility of another custom guitar, depending on my money situation.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I will hit it hard one more year. The baby will finish college then I can quit if I want. Not sure what I will do but it will involve less gigs and more sleep and more exercise.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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I'll wait 'til I get there. Plans?


Well, like the man said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making plans" ;)


And too, there's that "Best laid plans" bit....


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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For me, it'll be a lot of mixdowns from instrumental recording projects that I've done this year. I play everything; guitar, bass, percussion, and keyboards. Keeps me out of the bars. Well, most of the time.
"Let me stand next to your fire!", Jimi Hendrix
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I need to ease back and get serious about retiring and get back to playing guitar more. Past two years gf and I rebuilt a 1700 sq ft house for our cabin. Took all our weekends including friday nights. Now just needs some trim and a couple decks. Maybe retire June - or following June. Jan 16 marks 35 years at company. Jim
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I need to ease back and get serious about retiring and get back to playing guitar more. Past two years gf and I rebuilt a 1700 sq ft house for our cabin. Took all our weekends including friday nights. Now just needs some trim and a couple decks. Maybe retire June - or following June. Jan 16 marks 35 years at company. Jim


I highly recommend sooner than later.


First of all, once we exceed 60, the faculties might start to act up- things we take for granted, such as vision, hearing, dexterity.


There are silent things going on to, possibly blood pressure, A-fib,etc. Thus the need for more check ups.


When you retire, there is more time to be proactive, to exercise, to manage your retirement account, do some volunteer work.


I retired 3 years ago and got fired up on writing/recording new songs. Its my drug and its great.


Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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My goals for 2019?


1) Play out more, especially with my primary band. This last year, I've only played live 5 times. Once with my main band, and that was only at an open mic. We had other gigs booked, but they all got cancelled! Twice with my side band; once filling in with my main band's drummer's other band (?); and once filling in with my old band. Good thing is, we're hoping to start out strong, and are nailing down a January date with a decent venue.


2) Finish all, or at least some, of the repair projects I've started. Some are in parts, some have the parts ordered and ready to be installed when I get the time & clear space to work on them... And then there's the BYOC pedal that's been sitting there partially soldered for over 5 years, waiting for me to have the time and presence of mind to get back to it. Yes, I am lame.


3) Gear consolidation/upgrading: Hoping to get rid of some of the stuff I don't use as much or at all, and put them towards better gear. "Need" a better acoustic, and a fretless 5 string bass; might finally part with my old silver-face Fender Bassman combo and some other gear.


4) Change strings more frequently. When subbing with the old band the other week, two of my guitars and my mandolin had strings that were probably on them when I quit 2 years ago. Clean strings feel & sound so much better!


5) Make time to go see music, including Winston. We've been meaning to jam for a year and a half, and time & stuff just keeps getting in the way. I will assume control and make it happen! Plus, hoping to get to Marillion Weekend in Montreal in May, and Progstock 2019 in October.


6) Get a new job. yeah, I've been saying that for 10 years now... Tough to find something good for a 50 year old that isn't intro level pay.


"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Age discrimination (since it usually works the wrong way) is a bi---drag !


I worked in the tech industry for decades in or near Silicon Valley. The large tech co's clearly red line advanced age. I estimate most workers have to be under 40 , and look/act mid 30's or less.


This is primarily driven by middle managers who are also in mid 30's= they are uncomfortable hiring someone older. 50 yrs of age, no chance. They view a 50 yr old as having your Dad work for you.


Plus folks +50 start demanding and using health care.

Big corps have this all figured out.


I went into business consulting at 45.


At 53 , I started and ran my own business.


Thats the way to go. IMO


Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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At 53 , I started and ran my own business.

Thats the way to go. IMO

Hadda do that myself several yrs back...luckily for the world I didn't chose piracy as my focus---Arrrrrrrgh ! :D


good call.


These days, there is Pirate training classes in the Ukraine. And other nearby big countries

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Depending on the actual attitude & targets, piracy can be a good thing.

It goes way back in human history but the pirates of the 15~18th C were less exploitative to native cultures, treated their crews better than concurrent national navies & were among the 1st cooperative profit-sharing businesses in modern times.

They also tended to be democratic, electing captains, quartermasters, etc.


In essence they operated much like small touring rock bands of the late 20th C ! :D

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Gear-wise... I'm really trying to talk myself out of ordering one of the new American Performer Jazmmasters from Fender in that "penny (copper)" color... it's a JM with a Strat trem (I guess in reaction to the G&L Doheny)...


Also, get one or both of my two dead MacBook Pros repaired and get up to snuff on home recording, which personally bores me but nobody books studio time, anymore, and just want to send you files to add guitar tracks and solos, so... also, I just got pulled into doing some voice-over work so I need to get set up and fish for some work doing that...


Playing-wise... I have a lot of projects going on... the tribute acts (as in nail the sound of records live, not impersonate the looks of an act) seem to be the most lucrative, sadly...

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Depending on the actual attitude & targets, piracy can be a good thing.

It goes way back in human history but the pirates of the 15~18th C were less exploitative to native cultures, treated their crews better than concurrent national navies & were among the 1st cooperative profit-sharing businesses in modern times.

They also tended to be democratic, electing captains, quartermasters, etc.


In essence they operated much like small touring rock bands of the late 20th C ! :D


Thats good knowledge. Maybe that the charming pirates of distant centuries are the origin of todays aggressive organized capitalism. LOL

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Depending on the actual attitude & targets, piracy can be a good thing.

It goes way back in human history but the pirates of the 15~18th C were less exploitative to native cultures, treated their crews better than concurrent national navies & were among the 1st cooperative profit-sharing businesses in modern times.

They also tended to be democratic, electing captains, quartermasters, etc.


In essence they operated much like small touring rock bands of the late 20th C ! :D


Thats good knowledge. Maybe that the charming pirates of distant centuries are the origin of todays aggressive organized capitalism. LOL


That dubious honor goes to the Yankee Traders & the 19th Century Robber Barons . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Depending on the actual attitude & targets, piracy can be a good thing.

It goes way back in human history but the pirates of the 15~18th C were less exploitative to native cultures, treated their crews better than concurrent national navies & were among the 1st cooperative profit-sharing businesses in modern times.

They also tended to be democratic, electing captains, quartermasters, etc.


In essence they operated much like small touring rock bands of the late 20th C ! :D


Thats good knowledge. Maybe that the charming pirates of distant centuries are the origin of todays aggressive organized capitalism. LOL


That dubious honor goes to the Yankee Traders & the 19th Century Robber Barons . . .


Thats getting close- I better search the family [genealogy] tree ;)

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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