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Agony: Carpal Tunnel takes a painful turn


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Yesterday was the worst.

I played keys in the morning for about an hour. Nothing outrageous but felt strain in my right wrist while I was playing the outro to Layla.


Later in the day I played some guitar. No pain.


I work on a computer but I notice discomfort when using a laptop, particularly how my wrist is positioned, taking on too much pressure.


Later in the day I am sitting at a table outside reading a book. I start developing a gradual building discomfort. It gets to the point that I have to put the book down and read standing up.

I take some aleve and it seems to quell the pain.


I hit the sack around 10:00PM or so and around 1:30 AM I wake in agony. Shooting pain from my elbow to my wrist. The pain is unbearable. I knock down some more aleve and it is not getting better.

Up all night shaking out the wrist pain and massaging my right forearm. No luck. The pain subside and I sleep for another few hours, only to wake again at 4:00 AM to another bout of writhing agony.


The pain shot across the heel of my hand, into the wrist bones and up to the elbow. Ulna Nerve.


This morning and as I type, the pain is gone.


Getting old sucks.

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I had a problem with this, and a few years back I made an appointment with a specialist recommended by my primary guy. I first saw the docs PA and she gave me a few PT exercises and told me what to avoid doing, and it helped quite a bit. I never did need to see the doc.
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I just turned 40, and I've been dealing with tendonitis and carpal tunnel issues since I was 27. I use braces when I'm on the computer, raise my monitor so I'm always looking up, and try to limit my phone time. I also don't shed licks, or do anything super repetitive when I'm practicing.


I also took Alexander Technique lessons which are helpful in understanding how you use your body and how to correct bad habits. However, they can be pricey and it really requires a major life commitment to get results.


My layman's opinion on what you are experiencing is that it is not tendonitis or carpal tunnel, but is probably nerve pain. When you were sleeping you probably positioned yourself in a way that impinged on the nerve. Strictly speaking carpal tunnel is the numbness or tingling you experience when the tendons in the carpal sheath in your wrist are swollen and start to block the nerves in your fingers, much like falling asleep on your hand and waking up with it numb. So it really is a symptom of tendonitis, however it can be addressed partially by surgery, by cutting (i.e. releasing) the carpal sheath.


Nerve pain is different and not as well understood I think. My dad had this issue with his sciatic nerve about ten years ago and takes neurontin for it, and has had good results.


I wouldn't necessarily be too quick to blame aging as the primary cause, after all Rubinstein played into his 90s without any major issues. Sometimes bad habits just creep in, and these days they typically relate to a phone, tablet, or computer.


For me personally, I've found that the most helpful thing is to sleep on a regular schedule, avoid stress, hike/walk/jog for about an hour to day to get the blood flowing, and avoid anything too repetitive.

Studio: Motif XF8 / MacBook Pro / Apollo Twin X / M-Audio BX8a / Plug-ins

Live Rig A: Nord Stage 3 Compact 73 / Prophet Rev2 / Various FX pedals (Eventide, Strymon, Lounsberry, Neo Vent II)

Live Rig B: Yamaha MODX7 / Crumar D9-X / B3-X  (iPad)

Amp: MS KP-610s

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Standard medical advice:


Ice, Ibuprofen, rest.


Ice as many times a day as possible.

600 mg 3x daily Ibuprofen


If no improvement after 2 weeks, seek advice on a cortisone injection.


Avoid lifting heavy objects, work involving the hands, or twisting anything for example a door knob or a jar top.

Harry was the Technical Editor of Mark Levine's "The Jazz Theory Book" and helped develop "The Jazz Piano Book." Find 850 of Harry's solo piano arrangements of standards and jazz tutorials at https://www.patreon.com/HarryLikas 


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The past few months I have been experiencing a scary pain not in arm, and mercifully not non stop, in my sacral area. Decades of lifting finally caught up to me.


I was brought up with no drugs, or even doctors, so when I finally gave 2 advil a try, I was amazed the frightening, game over, crippling pain goes away.


I have heard a plethora of well meaning , experienced if conflictual voices on remedies.

I am going advil chiropractic and keeping fingers crossed.


Keep you mind open, someone may suggest something here, and in your greater world, that will be just the right remedy.


Best of luck

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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Several years ago I had enough discomfort in my right wrist to go see a hand specialist. At that time, in addition to playing keyboards a lot, I was doing a ton of typing/computer work. Anyhow, she gave me a brace to wear and told me to definitely wear it at night. She characterized sleeping as a violent activity for wrists. The pain went away in about 2-3 weeks.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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Computers can cause a LOT of hand & arm pain. One thing which might help a little would be to get into the habit of using your mouse differently. Having your arm on the table to do it (90 degrees at elbow combined with fine finger movements) seems to be a really bad combination. The straighter your arm, the better. I have gotten into the habit of letting my mouse arm drop beside me and using the surface of the seat beside me, or even my leg to run it across. It is so much more comfortable than having a raised arm. I have had no RSI problems since I started doing this... :)
"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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so it's most likely tendinitis after checking with doc-in-the-box.

No numb feeling.

Raising the height of my chair at work keeps me from posting weight on the heel of my hand.

stretching exercises help.


funny - I was exercising steadily - 5-days a week for about 3 months. About a month ago I stopped since I had to take care of my wife after minor surgery.

I was boxing during all my work-outs. mainly hitting a reactive bag, My hands were wrapped in muay thai gloves. slighlty less robust than MMA gloves but good support.

The reactive bag is the adult version of the wobbling punching bag we had as kids.

I had no wrist or hand pain from doing these work outs.

I stop and I'm a train wreck!

Back to the Gym!

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