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HX3 MIDI expander module


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Send specs to Jameco Electronics.

Ive got one built for power strips, very tiny wall wart, love it.



Thanks but I'm done with boutique power supplies, my $60 investment with sweetfoot only lasted 6 months at little use. I contacted them to let them know, although I see nothing about a warranty on their site. I found an extra laying around that matches the specs. (Past) time to invest in a Furman power conditioner, methinks...


On a different subject, the extra "quilty" GM voices, esp. pianos, on 3.5 are a placeholder, at best. I take that back, other than a couple useable pads, they're a travesty. Any 3.5 users with differing experience, I'd like to know, please. On the chance my unit wasn't programmed properly at the factory.


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I've always had SurgeX cause I use custom PC"s for live performance, I never liked the size of the original PSU, thats why I went for the tiny rack friendly.


Do you like the extra drawbars on the 3.5?


Im not interested in ROM sounds.

For 15 years Ive been using PCs w/ GSIF and ASIO.

Sounds better and is cheaper than the big ROMplers.


Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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I haven't even checked out the extra drawbars, what persuaded me to pay more for the latest version was the prospect of useable GM sounds (late adopter here, so far no computers for playing live). But I was aware, a year ago, that a detailed piano card had yet to be developed. Hoping that will still happen, at some point- but things seem to gotten pretty quiet on the HX3 front.
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Nice to see some HX3 discussion again.


I have been using an interesting controller. It is a Casio CTK496...one of the cheaper Casios.


The thing that's neat about the CTK496 is that it has a MIC INPUT. This means I don't need an external amp to practice with headphones.


Also, the CTK496 has a nice keybed feel. It is way better than the Mojo/ KeyB/ Nord etc.


I finally also found somewhat of a remedy for what I consider to be squirelly chorus vibrato in the upper octave around A/Bb/ B/ C. I am turning the internal tone trim pot down to almost nothing and letting the playback amp take over. It sounds much smoother.


The HX3 is pretty much my go to practice clonewheel, because I like the controller options much better than the Fatar keybed most clonewheels use.

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some HX3 again :laugh:


I know we are well in advance :laugh:

(But here at the supermarket we are finding Xmas sweets since october...)


So here is my Xmas video with the HX3 and Tornado (tube amped).


Just for fun, we recorded these 2 songs at first take, live in studio, no click, never tried before (we decided to play these two songs two days before, just discussing on whatsapp)


So, prepare for the Xmas eve :blush:



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I have been trying to contact Max at MAG organs regarding adjusting the CV settings on the HX3.


As I stated in the MAG organs thread, I love the HX3 until I get into the 5th octave. Then, the CV " throb" is way too intense for me in the range of A, Bb, B and C. It's hard to overlook.


As long as I am working on chord voicing arrangements, the HX3 sounds fantastic! But when I need that upper register.... as in gigging..... I sense that it is not the same beast as my " real" B3.


My e mail server is down today. Max suggested I e mail him.... I can't even do that.


Has anyone heard what I am referring to? It happens most...wouldn't you know it on 888000000 third harmonic percussion.


Too much throb.....

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KeyboardPartner newsletter as of today:


After a long development time and intensive testing, today we proudly present the new


Firmware Generation 5.5 for the HX3 system


Firmware 5.5 integrates our new organ effect machine CaM Rotor. CaM Rotor applies the HX3 principle of digital replication by means of Physical Modeling in pure hardware, which replicates the classic paragons in all details and thus produces the authentic sound. CaM Rotor includes these components:


122 PreAmp,

scanner chorus/vibrato with true LC line reflection,

speaker cabinet with rotating horn and bass rotor.

Other important innovations:


100 presets for all sound-determining parameters (including live preset 00).

3 x 16 presets for drawbar settings (including live presets 00).

New practice-oriented menu system, structured in two levels: main menu for live application, sub-menus for fine-tuning.

GM sounds can sound as a layer simultaneously with organ sounds.

Phasing Rotor available on all organs (with extended license).

Dimmer for LEDs on connected components.

The firmware version 5.5 is compatible with HX 3.5 and is available for free download on keyboardpartner.remotewebaccess.com.




The price for the HX3.5 motherboard with integrated CaM rotor is 598 Euro.


Until December 15, 2019, the old price of 498 Euro applies to orders on keyboardpartner.com.


At the same time we lower the prices for HX3 devices: In the price of HX3 MIDI Expander, the power supply is now included (international plugs supplied). We cut the price of the HX3 Drawbar Expander to 1189 from 1289 Euro.



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KeyboardPartner newsletter as of today:


After a long development time and intensive testing, today we proudly present the new


Firmware Generation 5.5 for the HX3 system. Firmware 5.5 integrates our new organ effect machine CaM Rotor. CaM Rotor applies the HX3 principle of digital replication by means of Physical Modeling in pure hardware, which replicates the classic paragons in all details and thus produces the authentic sound. CaM Rotor includes these components:



Hammond/Leslie clone technology continues to evolve... my playing skills don't... what a pain.





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I have an older HX3. Their web site is a bit of a maze. Can anyone save me some time and point me to where I can get the latest downloadable software update for it, with instructions on how to apply?

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I don"t think the older HX-3 can use the new firmware CaM Rotor unless you"ve upgraded to 3.5 which is a new motherboard.

Going to the GitHub link it shows HX-3"s latest update which is from 2 years ago which is 4.25.


Just emailed TomT. from Diversi and sent a pic of the innards of my HX-3 to see my options.


I"ll be upgrading if possible.

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Thanks for the pointer.


Like every time I try to use Windows, unfortunately, I spend lots of time accomplishing nothing. There were no instructions, and I got an assortment of errors at various points as I blindly tried to figure it out... a "FTD2XX.DLL not found," a "no HX3 USB extension found," a "libusb0.dll not found," and my favorite, "ist kein gultiger integerwert." I finally got to where I could actually pick a button that said Update FW which I selected, but it then prompted me to select a file and I wasn't sure what to pick. Oh, and somewhere along the line, all the files in the directory disappeared, and only the folder structure remained, that was weird, but I just downloaded the update file again and got everything back.


So... once I pick Update FW, what is the correct file to pick for an original style HX3 module (currently running MIDI Expander Firmware 3.822 and FPGA version 5072015)? And I guess that, besides clicking the Update FW button, I should also click the Update FPGA button? (Whatever FPGA is.)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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This is from the readme file:


'For example, if you own a HX3 MIDI Expander Plexi, download [Flash_ExpanderPlexi_mk3_4.zip] (https://github.com/keyboardpartner/HX3/blob/master/LATEST/Flash_ExpanderPlexi_mk3_4.zip?raw=true) and unzip folder to local hard disk. It countains the new HX3 Flash utility which will run a complete update free of doubt.'


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Then the hardware upgrade is for me.

Major PITA programming this until the new flash was released.

I"m taking a long deserved break and can re program everything.

Can"t wait to hear new 122 pre amp and rotary PhysMod.

Not a fan of Windows drawbars.

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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See, this is why I sold my HX-3. The one time it was updated, I had to ship it off to Tom and he did it.


I managed to update mine sucessfully a few times back when updates were frequent, but I also had to have Tom bail me out once.

I also know Joshua Paxton sent his to Tom, this was several years ago.

Tom was great for bailing us out. :thu:

Updates work fine if done correctly, but certainly can be tricky.

When 3 guys on the MPN Advisory Board are in agreement about this, there must be some truth to it.


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I haven't even tried it, especially given this information.


I am trying to put some bits of information together about these newer versions, but I am gathering that you have to have a whole new motherboard for the HX3 to get into the latest version. Or maybe only 3.5 can be updated?


I am still on 4.22 BTW. Overall, my ear has adjusted to it quite a lot actually. Would still love to address that top octave C/V but have gotten no actual way to address it.



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This is from the readme file:


'For example, if you own a HX3 MIDI Expander Plexi, download [Flash_ExpanderPlexi_mk3_4.zip] (https://github.com/keyboardpartner/HX3/blob/master/LATEST/Flash_ExpanderPlexi_mk3_4.zip?raw=true) and unzip folder to local hard disk. It countains the new HX3 Flash utility which will run a complete update free of doubt.'

Yeah, I saw that. And I see now that I didn't read carefully enough, I downloaded what I thought was the "obvious" correct updater for my unit ("HX3-firmw_425.zip") but I'm apparently supposed to have downloaded one of the files that started with the word "flash." I'll try that next.


Funny thing is, when I first came across that page, I didn't know what those files were for. I didn't realize right away my model was called plexi. I didn't know whether it was manufactured before or after January 2014. But as I've delved more into it, I see they're differentiated by whether or not they have a USB port. But you know, compared to probably any other keyboard company's support pages, this stuff definitely comes across as something designed for tech-savvy gear hobbyists and not "ordinary" musicians.


Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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So I have a friend interested in purchasing the HX3 Drawbar Expander model. When I go to Diversi's website and click on that model it forwards me to Keyboard Partner's website which says:


"US and Canada Customers: Please obtain your HX3 Drawbar Expander from Diversi / Drawbar City, our dealer for the North American market. Shipping rates will be lower anyway. Orders from US/Canada made in our shop are subject to being cancelled or forwarded."


Is Diversi still in business? Who is he supposed to order from?



'57 Hammond B-3, '60 Hammond A100, Leslie 251, Leslie 330, Leslie 770, Leslie 145, Hammond PR-40

Trek II UC-1A

Alesis QSR






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Just conversed with Tommy Tuscon, love that name.

After XMas holiday damage is assessed my Christmas gift to myself will be the new upgrade.

I heard about Intel"s newest FPGA Chip and hope that is the new chip, if not no biggie.

But 44 billion transistors mean big future upgrades over time.


I"ll post back if it"s worthy of conversation.

The fact the 122 pre amp and CaM Rotor are new is enough for me.

GM sounds, no thanks. Maybe for a rehearsal just to skate through.

I used a Williams 300 dollar keyboard with 2 speakers at a last minute gig where I wouldn"t move my rig.

That dog won"t hunt but it was fun to pet for a couple hours and free Jager.


Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Just conversed with Tommy Tuscon, love that name.

After XMas holiday damage is assessed my Christmas gift to myself will be the new upgrade.


congrats !


I heard about Intel"s newest FPGA Chip and hope that is the new chip, if not no biggie.

But 44 billion transistors mean big future upgrades over time.


Well, the HX3.5 hardware board was in production early 2018 already and arrived @keyboardpartner june 06_2018 - (text in german only).

When was Intels newest FPGA chip released ?


I"ll post back if it"s worthy of conversation.

The fact the 122 pre amp and CaM Rotor are new is enough for me.


Please keep us informed !

I´m interested in hearing new pre and rotor,- but no audio demo actually exists.


I wonder if these finally make the Vent obsolete.

Nowadays all the available organs using HX3 engine come w/ a Vent built in, making ´em more expensive than neccessary,- so that (or real Leslie) is what you hear.


... it was fun to pet for a couple hours and free Jager.






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Hi peeps, Elektrik Hob here.

I'm new to the forum but some of you may know me from the Nord User Forum (Stage 3 section) as I also have one of those and have been searching for Hammond nirvana (without the usual back-strain!) for decades.


Having had various Nords over the years (Electro 2 which I loved, Electros 3 & 5 and now the Stage 3 which, all-in-all, is awesome!) and a GSi Gemini (VB3-II plus electric pianos and various other sound generators all in a box), I believe that, unlike U2, I've finally found what I'm looking for! :cool:


I currently use the Stage 3 for general Hammond pads which, with the latest s/w (which is actually 5 months old now), has a really improved sound (particularly the rotory simulation which was pretty poor a year ago).

And I use the Gemini for REALLY gnarly Kaye/Lord style grunginess although the Gemini has a real problem with 3 notes (F#, G & G#) at the high end of its simulation that unfortunately stick out like a sore thumb in general (non-overdriven) usage :(

I've also used a Ventillator II with the various Hammond sims and, although I do like it, I'm perhaps in a minority that feels it's actually a little too "lush"...


But, not being totally happy and always seeking the best - I have always had a surfeit of GAS :) - I decided to purchase an HX3 Plexi a couple of months ago with v5.41x firmware (and the noGM option with added reverbs).

Instantly loved the drawbar emulation, Vib/Ch and the in-depth control of all sorts of parameters (especially from the PC Editor, now called the Configurator(!)) but felt the rotary sim wasn't quite up to the level I'd hoped for...


That has all changed with v5.52x!!

The new CaM Rotor sim is the best I've used; similar to a Vent II to my ears; not as "rich" perhaps but which IMHO is actually a good thing!

The preamp is better too and surpasses the Gemini which had been my favourite for gnarliness up til now.


As far as I'm concerned, the HX3 is now my genuine Hammond substitute of choice and I have to say that it's an absolute pleasure to play using my Stage 3 as a controller (I've created my own hardware MIDI filter/modifier using an ATmega328/P microprocessor so I can control many of the HX3's parameters live).


I can't recommend enough that anyone who has an HX3 of some sort with the 3.5 board goes for this upgrade!

Yes, KBP's update mechanisms were quite clunky (even for me and I'm a real-time embedded systems software engineer by trade!), but they've improved that aspect too with the new PC software.

The whole procedure does still seem, perhaps, a bit too much aimed at tech-heads like myself compared with other keyboard companies, but it's definitely easier than it was :)


Cheers, Hob


P.S. KBP's tech support is exemplary!

I've spotted a few minor bugettes in the last couple of weeks (Christian's asked me to become part of the test crew now :) ) and they sorted out 3 issues I raised within a couple of days (these fixes are in v5.522).

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