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SK-1 and 2 Tips, Tricks and Other Cool Stuff.


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JMcS... You bring up an interesting related twist on your post for an Sk2 that probably belongs in the Sk1,Sk2 tips and tricks thread...


Is the Sk2 "intelligent" enough to simultaneously allocate a shallower trigger point to the upper manual for organ playing and a deeper trigger point to the lower manual piano playing?


Yes. There is a feature added in Rel. 6 that allows this - Sounding Point (Pg. 81 #25). When set to Deep both the organ and the EV triggers at the lower point. When set to Auto the organ triggers at the high point and the EV triggers at the low point unless they are layered in which case both trigger at the low point.


As usual many thanks.... So I can split an Sk2 with organ above with a shallower trigger point and piano below with a deeper trigger point, and play them simultanouesly . That's great news.


Wow... the Sk2 is seriously approaching the utopian perfect Swiss Army Knife "do-it-all" board. About the only improvements to the Sk2 I can think of would be to add pitch bend / mod wheels, a little better splitting / layering flexibility, and perhaps have an option for a heavier more "piano like" action on the bottom manual (kind of like the Nord HP action with waterfall keys). If Hammond (or someone else) pulled that one off with a dual manual and kept the weight under 40 pounds, keyboard Nirvana would be achieved. I might add, the Sk's could also use a better overdrive.


Sorry for wandering off my own topic and whining. Too much caffeine this AM.

Gigs: Nord 5D 73, Kurz PC4-7 & SP4-7, Hammond SK1, Yamaha CK88, MX88, & P121, Numa Compact 2x, Casio CGP700, QSC K12, Yamaha DBR10, JBL515xt(2). Alto TS310(2)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize if this was asked/answered and I missed it-


If you use the 8 pin cable to split the organ and EV sounds to separate outputs, do you lose the reverb on the organ? I'm guessing yes since it's a global effect, like on the Nord Stage?

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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I have the most current ver8 OS. Is there a trick for moving a Patch from one Setup to another? I haven't found a way to save/load individual patches, only setups. Is there a workaround that would allow me to consolidate patches from a couple of different Setups into a single, new Setup?


Or to create/save a Setup that doesn't overlay all 100 User settings?

Kurzweil PC4-7, Studiologic Numa X 73






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This is a tad off topic, but...man, I am LOVING my new SK1 73! I'm an actual piano player but I've been taking this to my rehearsals (a jazz funk project of mine) and I'm this close to leaving my Korg SV1 home for our first gig at a festival in a week. It's just fun to play. Wish it had a pitch bend, though.


Sorry, back to the topic.

Doug Robinson


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Every key should trigger a percussion tone. Do you have the keyboard set to trigger notes on the high or low point? Is Percussion Velocity off?


This sounds familiar so I think someone has had this or a similar problem before. IIRC it started after one of the earlier updates and re-installing the update with a different USB drive resolved the problem. Its a long story but not all USB drives were compatible - look into SLC and MLC memory for more information. Some drives wouldn't work at all while others seemed to but then the SKs would have little weird things happen. Reinstalling the update with a different drive resolved the issues. Compatibility has been improved.


What software version do you have installed? The first version of Rel. 8 was released in January but a second version came out about a week ago. If you've already installed release 8 check the main and subV versions. The most recent are 1614 and 1025. If yours are 1613 and 1024, download and install Rel. 8 again. If they are even older than those, update to Rel. 8 and see if that takes care of it.


Good Luck.


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The first version of Rel. 8 had 1613 and 1024. There was a second version posted a couple of days later on the H/S Japan download page that had 1614 and 1024. The original posted date (IIRC- 1/23) didn't change on the page. This version wasn't posted to the H-US site. On 2/14 the Rel. 8 update had 1024 replaced with 1025. This updated Rel. 8 was posted to the H-US site.


I think the change from 1024 to 1025 had to do with USB compatibility. While compatibility was improved with the change(s) before 1024, I think some USB drives that were previously compatible became not. 1025 fixed that.


Good Luck.

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Not a tip or trick, but a mini vent- I wish the effects knobs and EQ knobs were reversed on the panel. I'm a set and forget type of EQ user, but I'm turning effects off and on all the time. It'd be nice if they were on the bottom for easier access. Not much we can do about that though.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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[font:Comic Sans MS]Question about the Upper Percussion buttons; all drawbars in (no organ pitch sound)


Second - only G, Gb, B, Bb, D, D# sound

Third - only B, C, Eb, E, G, Ab sound


Is this normal?[/font]


Happened to me. I don't know why. I did factory reset. Fixed the problem, never to return :)

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Does anyone here use the PCD function? I didn't found any practical use to it, I mean, I don't really understand how is the propper way to play with it and there's no sample video


There are 2 videos here (Click on Special):


SK Videos


The explanation narration is in Japanese but you can probably follow it.


Playing single notes on the Prochord EV causes it to produce that note and the harmony notes of the chord being played by the organ voice.

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I'm going to use it for the synth/string solo on Floyd's Brain Damage. It's not exact but it's close enough.


It's fun to screw around with too, like the demo linked above.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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About PCD--I hate to share my new little joyful secret ;) but I feel duty bound:


If you hold down a note in the lower octaves, then your right hand's notes will be automatically, intelligently harmonized to a dominant 7 scale. This is fun.


If, however, you hold down two notes, for example a D and an F, your right hand will be harmonized to a D minor scale. A D and an Aflat will yield harmonies in a D diminished scale, and so on. The more you know about theory and harmony, the more fun you can have with this feature. I played the other night and ran through a couple of choruses of a jazz tune, with my solo harmonized and tracking all the chord changes, just by playing simple intervals with my left.

Doug Robinson


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For anyone who is curious, I put up a video of my band (Iguanas Ranas) from last Saturday, featuring my SK1-73 with the Wurly sound in the "Let's hear it!" forum. We're playing my composition New York Blues.


I think it's post #209 in the thread. Good group, great 'board!

Doug Robinson


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Just ordered an SK1. I see I can buy an EXP 50 expression pedal from Hammond for £139. However, I could also buy a Yamaha FC7 pedal for £59. Now, I use an FC7 on another keyboard, and I love it.


Has anyone A/B'd these two pedals, or are there any advantages that the EXP 50 has over the FC7?


The advantages would have to be fairly significant for me to shell out well over twice the price!






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SSM, I had an EXP100F, which I used with my XK system. The EXP 50 is basically the same pedal as that but without the kick-switch for the Leslie speed.


The EXP100F was built like a tank and felt very authentic compared with an FC7 (which I also own). However, unless you're a Hammond purist or you need to attach it to a Hammond pedal set (both the 100 and 50 come with their own mounting brackets for that job), I think you'd be perfectly happy with the Yamaha.


Put it this way. I haven't felt yet moved to order the EXP 50 for my SK1 yet. :)

Yamaha: P515, CP88, Genos 1, HX1

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Here's an interesting tidbit I discovered last night while working on a patch for "Have a Cigar". I have my Yamaha midi'd into the Hammond, which is in turn midi'd into my Moog Phatty. I'm playing the Moog from the Yamaha's keyboard, layered with strings and another synth sound from the Yamaha for the intro synth riff. The Hammond has an external zone set up which allows the program change to go to the Moog and passes the midi data thru from the Yamaha. Every time I'd change the patch, the Moog would go out of tune. I'd retune the 2nd oscillator and save the sound on the Moog. Try again- same thing.


It turns out that the Panning parameter on the Hammond external zone is sending a control change (#10) to the Moog that is mapped by the Moog to the pitch of the 2nd oscillator. I discovered it by going thru every external zone parameter and when I hit that one and moved the panning to the left or right it changed the pitch flat or sharp. Even in the center position it's just off enough that there is a slow vibrato from the pitch being off. I plugged directly from the Yamaha to the Moog and the issue isn't there, so it's definitely something in the Hammond's midi implementation.


I couldn't find any way to disable sending that parameter from the Hammond, nor a way to ignore it on the Moog, so it's something I'll have to live with. If I manually change to another patch and back to the original again once I select the master setup from the Yamaha, it doesn't do the pitch change again, so that'll be my workaround.


This is the only patch it does it on, but on all the other patches, I'm not playing the Moog from the Yamaha, I'm only sending patch changes to it.



Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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  • 1 month later...

There is an update to Release 8 (8.3) available:


H/S update


From the readme:


HAMMOND SK1/2 Updator Release 8.3


Apr 16, 2014

Suzuki Musical Inst. Mfg. Co., Ltd


Updated Files:

- mainV1619.sys

- DSPV1009.sys


Updated Areas:

-To improve the level of LINE output.



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that's not on the Hammondusa site yet. I wonder what the actual improvement is?

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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To improve the line level output. Maybe to balance the Organ/EVs better.


I just installed it and it seems the EV's are a little hotter than when I played it last. I had to turn the inputs to my amps down a little to balance them against the organ. Also, the voices themselves seem to sound a little crisper/clearer or open or something, it is hard to describe.

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