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SK-1 and 2 Tips, Tricks and Other Cool Stuff.

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Another cool thing I found...and I have read through a LOT of this thread over the past week....but it's long one, sorry if this has been mentioned.


I found this old guitar amp pedal in my the "spare parts" bin...and it's a old "channel and effects" foot toggle...but here's the cool part: it has a stereo jack (TRS)and two stomp switches and so, when it's plugged into the back of the SK-1, I can have two separate switches from one switch pedal.


I have the left one on fast/slow Leslie effect, and the right one on "favorites advance" - but there is a setting that makes it act like a pitch bend as well. Haha...foot-operated pitch wheel, I love it! The default setting was one note "down", and that gives leads a cool effect, because folks are used to "up" bends on guitars...

You don't get much "control", but makes a nice consolation for there being no pitch wheel. The way it is set now, the effect is, I step on the switch, the pitch goes down, I let go and the pitch comes back (even though it's NOT a momentary switch, it's a clicker - don't ask me)...


The effect is like switching the tone-wheel organ off during a trill, and then on again a second later...yeah, like that Boston tune.


But to have that on a foot switch!? A nice precise pitch bend. down and up again, by foot?? I am VERY pleased.


I love this organ.

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Overdrive is separate from the Effect in the EVs like it is in the organ section. EV Overdrive doesn't have a manual control on the panel but it can be set in the Patch menu. Pg. 92 & 99 #'s 12 - 15.


The patch mentioned above has an effect set for the EV but it is turned off. I don't think I've ever changed it and in mine U093 it is set for Delay.


Also. the patch EV responds to Mod wheel and Pitch Bend input if MIDI in is set to EXVOICE. Mod wheel adds Modulation to the whole sound but doesn't change the downward sweep of the high frequencies in the Funny Lead EV.


And overdrive (and other effects) can be mixed in with the expression pedal, and that setting saved right in the patch. It's a time-taker, but in the end, it is far more powerful to be able to do that, than just have the expression pedal do one thing at a time for all patches.


I wish the SK-1 had MORE expression pedal/switch inputs - it's routing abilities are fantastic (for not being a full blown workstation).


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Now, after all that love...I cannot seem to load the "USA Standard" settings.

My thumb drive is formatted...I used it to flash the OS, and it currently has the "Hammond" files: audio, lib, patch, setup, sys on it.


I extract the "USA Standard Setup" and put it on the flash, in the SET-UP folder, eject it from Windows, put in the SK-1, and after saying "confirming USB, it does nothing, just returns to play.


The read me says that spinning the value dial should yield "SK1 STD", and I then press enter. But I do not get this...just the 100 user sounds, and the 100 preset sounds...


What am I missing here, lol? It sounds dead simple, and I'm like a zoo monkey here, repeating the same thing over and over to no avail??


Anyone out there??




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OK... I have fluked into it - my directions were missing a step, I had to go to "Library" and fiddle with the up/down buttons until I happened to glimpse "SK1 STD ENT".


I can't remember exactly what I pressed, lol...it was one of those frustration hunting trips with the menus!


These new "base" organ sounds are killer. I still had the original "Rock organ" patch in P/U 001 etc ec...and that was cool enough - but this thing just went into another dimension. That pipe organ is the most fun I have ever had with my clothes ON!




Sorry for the gushing...honestly, I just love playing: I still love my VK-8M... but this little Hammond continues to amaze me - and I have yet to move it out to the live room and play through the 122 and the Marshall.


I am going to need a defibrillator on standby first!


The keyboard really seems to be "loosening up"...I believe the new OS has made it faster, by raising the point at which the key sounds. Can you imagine the full-blown models with the 8 separate contact points, as the key is depressed, how funky that must be to play??


Has anyone here got/tried one of those 'top" models yet?


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Yes...that's all it took.

The directions kinda say that the "SK1 STD" will magically appear as soon as you plug the thumb drive in. Specifically, they say "spin the VALUE dial" until it appears, then press enter.


As you say, there is an extra step there, with the buttons...but I found it after a bit. I kinda prematurely ran to this forum, lol!

But cheers, that was it indeed...

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JMcS, am I right that that's the only 'set" that load in all 10 at once, and that the rest of the new patches go in one at a time?


How do we 'test' the patch to see if we want it?

Is there a way to do that?

Otherwise, I will try them based on their descriptions.


You know, I actually LIKE the idea of carefully choosing what patches I have - I started playing before there were presets, lol...and I remember when 8 was a lot! (CS-20M...still have it))


But, today's workstations are just overwhelming with the variety, don't you think? I have a Yamaha Motif with 3,657,899 patches on it, and I spend more time second guessing my choices in the studio, than I do creating my parts!

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A setup file loads a complete setup with all Patches. The file you loaded may only have 10 Patches that are different from the original default setup. Individual Patches can now be saved and then later loaded into a different setup.


If you load any new EV libraries into your SK-1 and set up Patches that use them it is best to save Whole setups. This ensures that you will be certain those libraries are available in the SK when you load that setup.

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To clarify, there are two types of setup files. The basic setup saves all parameters, patches, system settings etc. It doesn't include the user installed EV libraries. The other type of setup file is a "Whole" setup. This types saves everything that the basic "SET" file does but also includes the currently user installed (not System) libraries. So when you save a number of Patches that use specific libraries you can save a Whole setup to make sure you have those libraries installed when you need them. This is a big help when you use a wide range of libraries. It can take some planning to make sure you then have the setup file you need loaded when you need it.


Since the libraries have to be re-loaded from a Whole setup they can take a while to load and that might be inconvenient during a gig. Having setup files that match up with the songs in each set of a gig may work best so they can be loaded during a break.


If you only use a couple of installed libraries and they all fit at the same time, using regular setup files is all you need although it probably is a good idea to also save whole setups as backups every so often too.


Individual Patches can now be saved so they can be later loaded into new/different setups. It would also be necessary to make sure that any libraries needed by those Patches are also installed. I haven't really used this feature so don't really know how useful it is.


I have my SK-1 set so that no organ related parameters are changed/loaded when I change Patches. Only the Extra Voices change. I have the SK-1 keyboard set to play the EV or organ LM). I have the upper octaves of my XK-System's LM play the SK-1's UM. My SK-1 sits on top of my System so it is basically one large instrument. I also have an old Hammond M2 at 90 degrees to the right of the System with a line out inserted into the System's effect return so it is all part of one big organ.

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Yesterday, I found a brand new SK1 being blown out locally for $999. After an hour of debating the decision to buy it, I walked away. I spent a good part of this morning reading through all 26 pages of this thread and now I'm wondering whether I've made a big mistake. Since this was 1PM yesterday afternoon, I'm sure it's long gone now. :(

Korg Kronos 61 (2); Roland Fantom-06, 2015 Macbook Pro and 2012 Mac Mini (Logic Pro X and Mainstage), GigPerformer 4.


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Yes, you probably made a mistake.


Numa C2x, Reface YC, XK-3c, Mainstage/ReMOTE61SL, VR-09, X-50, JunoDS61, Montage 8, Karma, V-Synth, JD800, Jv80, XV-88, D-50's, TX-816, T8, Tempest, OB-6, DeepMind12, Prophet-X, SLEDGE, TS-10, MR-Rack, s70xs, B3/Leslie, Wurly, Piano, Mini-Korg, CS-2x, JP-8080, RA-50?

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Well, if you are a Hammond player, and you want a light weight clone that so far, sounded great to ME...yeah, you may have missed out. On the other hand, my whole life I have watched keyboards at a certain price "new", drop dramatically after a couple years....and there is a new version coming...although it does less!


Witness each now Motif series by Yamaha...ES,XS, XM...all designed like a digital cameral or smartphone - let's see if we can get everyone to move up to the latest model!


It's has always been like that with electronic keyboards - although certain boards have more "leveling" power than others: they will only go so low.


I'd say $999 is an amazing bargain. I wouldn't perhaps if Hammond/Suzuki was more like Korg/Yamaha, e.g. trying to "upsell" everyone ecevry year or two on the next model/more sample memory/bigger display etc etc.


But H/S's next product is an organ-only SK-1 for $1500. I think this is a clever move by H/S. It may keep the value of these SKs up,or not, lol...it matters not a lot to me...only that this is the first new(ish) keyboard I have bought for 20 years since my original Nord lead. It's sound is, to me, SO musical - it's hard to describe, the clavs and strings (Soloina "fake" type) are just more fun to play, than either my Motif ES or RD-700NX...part of that is the keyboard. I love the feel.


Anyway, It might have been a great deal...even to flip...or, it had some cosmetic damage!


I'd go for the latter, and not think about it, lol...the grapes were probably sour!



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Right now, though, my challenge seems to be getting my head around the "EV sounds" as opposed to just "User patches"...


I have been moving sound library sounds into the EV library...and then putting them as "User" [patches)...but something odd happens....they don't really BECOME, say, User 10, do they? They just become "the EV on top of User 10!


Augh...I find it hard to explain my problem...I will just have to keep farting with it. The whole storing/renaming/organizing business of modern keyboards and workstations, I detest!.


But I trying to get a bunch of useful patches from User 1-10 (theirs that I flashed)and then User 11-whatever.


I think have just ended up changing the name of some patches, lol...and then the EV still plays on "solo" (?)


...I find it a bit confusing.



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Present road block (*sigh*)


How does one DELETE EVs that we don't want?? I put the recorders on, now I don't want them. I believe I am out of memory, after putting strings etc on.


And no, nothing else will load, so I assume my massive 25 Megs ig gone, lol...but how do I make space??


I can't find out how to delete thsee EVoices anywhere!

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Yes, you probably made a mistake.


Well, perhaps. I have two Kronos 61s and a Kurzweil PC3K6. I love the sound of the Hammond, but I would only use it live to play Genesis stuff and I think I've got that covered with the CX-3 engine in the Kronos. I think I'd love to have a new toy, but it would mean carrying an extra keyboard, stand, pedals, power, etc. I think I'll call over there and see if it's still on the floor. :)


Korg Kronos 61 (2); Roland Fantom-06, 2015 Macbook Pro and 2012 Mac Mini (Logic Pro X and Mainstage), GigPerformer 4.


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In the same menu section where you load libraries there is an option to select and delete them. (Pg. 132)


You can change the EV in any user patch but you then have to save the Patch - either to its same number or to any other user patch number. There are several ways in which the Patches can be associated with the Favorites buttons (Pg. 76 #12). One way is to have the button associate with the Patch number ie: button 1 = Patch 32, button 2 = Patch 13 and so on. Another way is to have it save the patch to the same User Patch number as the button it is associated with ie: saving Patch 32 to button 1 also saves it to User Patch #1.


Associating a Patch to a button does not save the changes to the patch in all Associate modes. It is best to save the Patch and then Associate the Patch to a button to make sure the changes to the Patch are saved. You might end up with the same Patch saved in 2 spots but unless you need 100 User plus 100 of the original Patches that shouldn't be a problem.


Page numbers are from the new version of the manual original manual pg. numbers should be close.

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does anyone by any chance know if it is possible to use alternative tunings (just intonation - pythagorean, meantone, ...) with the SK-1 sounds?


Old music would sound wonderful with just-tuned pipe sounds, and it could bring some freshness to any sound and genre, I presume :)

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does anyone by any chance know if it is possible to use alternative tunings (just intonation - pythagorean, meantone, ...) with the SK-1 sounds?


Old music would sound wonderful with just-tuned pipe sounds, and it could bring some freshness to any sound and genre, I presume :)


No. You can transpose notes up or down +/- 6 semitones or octave shift the manuals a few octaves +/- but that is it.

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Yes, you probably made a mistake.


Well, it's still available for $999.97. Hmmmmmm....



go go go!!! :wave:

gig: hammond sk-1 73, neo vent, nord stage 2 76, ancona 34 accordion, cps space station v3

home: steinway m, 1950 hammond c2


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Yes, you probably made a mistake.


Well, it's still available for $999.97. Hmmmmmm....



go go go!!! :wave:


I'm really gassing here, but still resisting!!! I just dropped $2000 on a PC3K7 and Kore 64. Arrrrrgh!

Korg Kronos 61 (2); Roland Fantom-06, 2015 Macbook Pro and 2012 Mac Mini (Logic Pro X and Mainstage), GigPerformer 4.


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I looked the midi implantation in the manual, and am trying to get an idea if the drawbars can be used like sliders (when not using them for organ control). Do the drawbars transmit cc info? Do the upper reg drawbars send controllers 12-20 0-127 values? They list the CC info as "12-20, 80" (not sure what the 80 represents?)?


Thanks for your help!

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Does the new kronos with the new operating system and new cx3 organ, still take 2 minutes to boot up?


The updates haven't done anything to change the boot time...and it's longer than 2 minutes I think.

Korg Kronos 61 (2); Roland Fantom-06, 2015 Macbook Pro and 2012 Mac Mini (Logic Pro X and Mainstage), GigPerformer 4.


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I looked the midi implantation in the manual, and am trying to get an idea if the drawbars can be used like sliders (when not using them for organ control). Do the drawbars transmit cc info? Do the upper reg drawbars send controllers 12-20 0-127 values? They list the CC info as "12-20, 80" (not sure what the 80 represents?)?


Thanks for your help!


Hammond uses a system where the Upper manual uses CC80, Lower CC81 and Pedals CC82. 16' range is 0 - 8, 5 1/3 = 9 - 16, 8' = 17 - 24 and so on. IIRC that is what it will send. Newer Hammond models will respond to the system used by other manufacturers - UM: 16' = CC12 ... 1' = CC20 with a range of 0 - 127 for each. The manual indicates both are sent but I believe that is an error in the manual, only CC80 - 82 are sent.


IIRC the Hammond values are sent - CC80, 81 & 82 (on the UM channel) when the drawbars are moved. The drawbar settings on the SK always change when the drawbars are moved so you can't have them send data but not affect the SK organ.

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""In the same menu section where you load libraries there is an option to select and delete them. (Pg. 132)""


I can delete entire libraries...like all the recorders, or all the synths. But is there a way to just delete SOME of the recorders (try as I might, I cannot make the "auto-chord" feature sound musical to my ears, lol)...I really like some of the synth sounds,(from the new Hammond library) but don't need half them. Or, alternatively, just delete them all, and then go back and just upload the ones I want?


I wouldn't care so much if I was down to my last few available megs! I love this organ, and the EVs are just icing to me...but I am ALMOST at a place where I could conceivably just show up with this one board - in a band situation, not solo...


Just. a. few. more. patches!

From what I can tell, it's kinda all or none? I tried saving the one recorder I wanted into a User patch...but it disappeared after I deleted the recorder library. Which has helped me understand a bit what is going on here...

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It is odd, in this day and age, that Hammond would only include a twerpy little 25M for its libraries!

About half the new library voices will fit on at a time, I have found.


"68K, that should be enough for ANYONE!" Steve Jobs, 1982


"25M, that's plenty of memory for voices!" Hammond/Susuki, 2011

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Yes, you probably made a mistake.


Well, it's still available for $999.97. Hmmmmmm....



go go go!!! :wave:




The Kronos CX-3 is NOWHERE NEAR the sound you get from an SK-1.

You NEED this keyboard for Genesis sounds, believe me ;)





I'm really gassing here, but still resisting!!! I just dropped $2000 on a PC3K7 and Kore 64. Arrrrrgh!

Yamaha CP70B;Roland XP30/AXSynth/Fantom/FA76/XR;Hammond XK3C SK2; Korg Kronos 73;ProSoloist Rack+; ARP ProSoloist; Mellotron M4000D; GEM Promega2; Hohner Pianet N, Roland V-Grand,Voyager XL, RMI
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