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I would like to start doing some more core exercises to help with my posture and such. Any recommendations?


Lifeline Power Wheel, which comes with a DVD that shows you how to use it:



It works best, imo, with the wheel strapped to your feet.


If you can't afford $60 US for a Power Wheel, you could try similar exercises with paper plates or furniture sliders under your feet on a suitable surface (obviously, not carpet/rug). This is a quick tutorial with sample exercises:



After you have developed some core strength with a Power Wheel or furniture sliders, you can further develop your core strength with gymnastic rings. This is a good home training course, with a link to a place you can buy rings:



I worked through Level A, Phase 1 of the Rings One program. I gained some upper body strength but my lack of core strength held me back from advancing to the next level.


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Last year I did P90X, which had a lot of core stuff in it. Pull ups, and push ups being the best.


That power wheel looks very cool - in P90X they did similar things with a towel, on a hard surface.

I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Last year I did P90X, which had a lot of core stuff in it. Pull ups, and push ups being the best.


That power wheel looks very cool - in P90X they did similar things with a towel, on a hard surface.


Heard lot of good stuff about P90X. I guess a towel would work on a wood or tiled floor too, in place of furniture sliders.


What the Power Wheel buys you - when its strapped to your feet - over furniture sliders/paper plates/towels under your feet:


1. It's inherently less stable, so your core, particularly the obliques, have to work more to keep the wheel from tipping over to either side.


2. Pushups are more difficult because the body is already doing extra work to maintain a stable alignment


3. Some exercises are just better suited to the wheel.


4. The wheel can be used on grass, sand, carpet, etc.


5. Elastic bands can be attached to the wheel to increase resistance for some exercises (eg. Hip-Ups, Pike Ups).

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  • 3 weeks later...
Did 2.5 miles today in just under 30min. 60°F today, and no better way to take advantage of that!


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Hey that's great Justin ! Sounds like spring is in the air back there. That will definitely motivate one to get out and do stuff..


Last Sat. I did an 18.7 miler out at the Ahmanson/Cheeseboro area. We started at the Vanowen trail head and ran the long loop...slow. ;)


Some real gnarly hills throughout. I kinda bonked on the way back towards the end and had to walk it for a few minutes. We started a little too late for me and it got hot-real fast. I think between the heat, hills and basically not having the chops to go that far-last time I'd run that far was that exact loop on 6/26/10- I just kinda *hit the wall* at about 2 hours and 40 minutes into it. I finished in about 3:10. I'm just glad I was able to get through it.


Ran 6 on Sunday in just under an hour and felt OK but my body was definitely telling me to take a few days off running. So I was on the mountain bike Monday, went to gym on Tuesday, ran a very slow 8 yesterday and will probably take today totally off.




2005 NY Steinway D, Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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I like the stories of the running...I am continuing to have calf problems. I would LOVE to go for an 18.7 mile run or really anything close to that far, but my calves are prohibiting me. Went running with my daughter a couple of times last week as she was getting read for track season, and on the second day running with her (I was doing other running too), I had a "calf heart attack" - http://www.thestick.net/Articles/Calf_%20Heart_%20Attack.htm


I've had this problem off and on for ~15 years now, and it's very frustrating. Took a couple days off and have since used my Orbitrek. I know not to run again yet for several more days. I coach the distance kids in a summer track program, and right now I need to lose 30 pounds and get past this injury so that I can run a little with them if I want to (I usually want to). I've got just over 3 months before the season starts.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Justin - keep at it man! :thu:


Dave - 18.7? I can only aspire to that... :cry:


Here is a question: I've heard it said, maybe even in this thread, that it's hard to duplicate real running peformance on a treadmill (mill performance will be worse). We'll I've been on the mill for the better part of 4 months mostly around 5.9 mph.


So first chance I get, I go out to the track to calibrate my mile time (so I can run by time) and I run 29:32 3 miler. Thinking it was a fluke I went out again the next day and did 29:29.


So my outdoor running is faster than my mill running. I have to admit it felt more strenuous, but the pace felt right (I have hundreds of mill miles at 5.9 mph).


Kinda baffled me.


Anyway, I'm looking forward to the start of daylight savings so I can stop at a trail on my way home from work. It's a 1.5 mile hilly loop with a couple of stunners. They run a lot of h.s events there and it played a huge role in my training for last year's half. It's at the site of the now defunct Greystone Psychiatric Hospital formerly known as the New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum (I kid you not). Creepy place. Huge. It's park now and most of the creepy buildings are gone, but the huge main building remains.




Better yet:









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I'm a crossfitter and only do distance running a couple times a month now. Maybe 3-4 times a month I'll do 3-4 miles.


Last week I thought I'd try something I hadn't tried in years: Run a one mile flat out for time. 6:55 which is probably the best I've run since my late 20's. I took a three minute rest and ran a second mile at 7:30.


I bring this up becuase my 3-4 mi times have been going down by doing shorter more intense workouts. I have way less running injuries this way.


For some of you older guys nursing injuries, I'd recommend this approach. Hit it harder, just not for as long. A really intense workout only needs to be 8-15 minutes long to have effect.

You want me to start this song too slow or too fast?


Forte7, Nord Stage 3, XK3c, OB-6, Arturia Collection, Mainstage, MotionSound KBR3D. A bunch of MusicMan Guitars, Line6 stuff

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I truly enjoy reading the running stories from everyone. I get inspired by all of the great stories. My training for the may marathon is going well, despite a couple of bad weeks (last week I was on a cruise and managed to run 25K (four separate days) on the track on the boat. Round and round - the track went around the outside of the boat and was 1/3 of a mile. 5 miles at a time was all I could take...


Today I had a great 5 mile run that went like this:

1 Mile - warm up - slow jog

2 minute rest

3.1 miles (5K) in 21:02 which is btw my fastest 5K ever.

1 mile cool down - very slow jog.


I even sprinted at the end of my 5K when I realized that I was so close to breaking 21mins. Almost, but not quite. Sprinting when I am spent is difficult for me, and the more speedwork like this that I do, the better I get at it.


I have a 16K (uh, about 10miles I think - just under) scheduled for this weekend. The whether is finally getting better and my trails are starting to clear up. A little standing water, but MUCH better than a few weeks ago.





I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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That's a pretty fast 5k.


I've always considered a 5k to be 3.2mi but I just looked it up and 3.1 is closer to correct. Looks like I've been running an extra tenth for years! Regardless I couldn't beat 21.02. More like 24-25 for me.


My workout this morning incorporated 10m shuttles and 100m shuttles between other anerobic elements.


I've been working out like mad but haven't really had the weather to do any good distances. Hoping to get a 3-4 miler in sometime this week if the springlike conditions hold.

You want me to start this song too slow or too fast?


Forte7, Nord Stage 3, XK3c, OB-6, Arturia Collection, Mainstage, MotionSound KBR3D. A bunch of MusicMan Guitars, Line6 stuff

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Thanks, I am happy with that speed. eventual goal is that pace for 10k, but that's a WAYS off. Speaking of 10k races... I need some advice.


I am running in a 10k race this saturday (March 17th - a st. patty's day race...). I don't need to get a PR or anything, but I would like to perform well (A PR for my would be to beat 47mins). For my marathon training, I am also scheduled to run an 18 KM run this week. My question is to you experts; when at what intensity should I do that 18k? I am on a rest day today, (Ran 3 days in a row: fri-8k (inc 5k speedwork), sat-16k (tempo run about 5min/km), sun-5k(inc 3k speedwork)) so the earliest that I could do it is tomorrow(tues). Will that give my legs enough time to heal before my 10k race on saturday? If I can't do it until wednesday, will I still be good to go by saturday?


Thanks for your help.

I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Thought I'd try something a little different yesterday--a morning AND an evening run. Ran my normal 2-mile route in the morning, and again in the evening. A little bit fatigued but I'll be ready to go back out tomorrow.


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Don't think your 10k pace being the same as your current 5k best has to be that far off. If you continue to get the long runs in and you stay injury free, you could get there by end of summer (or earlier).


Also, your 5k time suggests a 10k time NOW of about 44 minutes. Unless your endurance right now is really bad or the course is super hilly or the weather is horrible when you run it, you should EASILY be able to get under 47 minutes based on your 5k fitness. If I were you, I'd plan to go through 5k right on 22 minutes flat and then see what's left. If you KNOW you can't do that, then shoot for 22:30 and try to run a 45:00 10k. VERY within your reach I think.


Now for your question. I would run the 18k training run at a relaxed (conversational) pace. Getting the run in on Tuesday would be best. If you run it on Wednesday, make sure to not run too much on Thursday or Friday. You might even want to not run at all on Friday and maybe just 3-4 miles on Thursday at an easy pace. If you've been running regularly so that this week of running isn't more than you've been doing (and it seems like it isn't) then you should be ok.


Don't be afraid to go for that 10k PR. You really are in shape enough to do it based on that 5k time; it's not an exact science of course, but you should be able to easily bust 47 minutes. Don't talk yourself into not going for it...too many runners do that. If you feel good and the weather is good and the course is decently flat, then go for it!


Thanks, I am happy with that speed. eventual goal is that pace for 10k, but that's a WAYS off. Speaking of 10k races... I need some advice.


I am running in a 10k race this saturday (March 17th - a st. patty's day race...). I don't need to get a PR or anything, but I would like to perform well (A PR for my would be to beat 47mins). For my marathon training, I am also scheduled to run an 18 KM run this week. My question is to you experts; when at what intensity should I do that 18k? I am on a rest day today, (Ran 3 days in a row: fri-8k (inc 5k speedwork), sat-16k (tempo run about 5min/km), sun-5k(inc 3k speedwork)) so the earliest that I could do it is tomorrow(tues). Will that give my legs enough time to heal before my 10k race on saturday? If I can't do it until wednesday, will I still be good to go by saturday?


Thanks for your help.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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If you ever want to see your "equivalent performances", go here - http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/index.php/site/calculator


In Phred's case, his 21:02 5k suggests a 43:42 10k. Too bad these calculators aren't accurate, because everyone has a BEST distance...I WISH I could run a marathon at the time my best 5k suggests! It's fun to look at though.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Thanks. I am going to run that 18k tonight, and was planning on doing it at conversation pace.


WOW, that page is being favorited. Thanks.


I will go for the PR. I was hoping that I could get my 10k under 45mins this summer, and maybe my goal should be a bit loftier, or at least earlier. I'll report back about my time for this weekend's race.


I think that I am in better shape than I know I am, and fully believe that it is my brain that keeps me from goals that are within reach. Even at shorter distances (10k). during races, I am constantly fighting my own self who wants me to slow down, or take a little break ("no one will know if you pretend to tie your shoe...").



I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Fine to take baby steps toward that 45 minute 10k goal, but I really do think you COULD do it this time. Where you'll get yourself into trouble is if you go through the 5k too fast in 21:30 or something like that; then you'll likely crash and burn. If 45 minutes really is the goal for this race, you should shoot for halfway at about 22:25 or so. It IS a race after all. If you go out TOO conservatively, you won't be able to make up the time on the back half.


Good luck!


Thanks. I am going to run that 18k tonight, and was planning on doing it at conversation pace.


WOW, that page is being favorited. Thanks.


I will go for the PR. I was hoping that I could get my 10k under 45mins this summer, and maybe my goal should be a bit loftier, or at least earlier. I'll report back about my time for this weekend's race.


I think that I am in better shape than I know I am, and fully believe that it is my brain that keeps me from goals that are within reach. Even at shorter distances (10k). during races, I am constantly fighting my own self who wants me to slow down, or take a little break ("no one will know if you pretend to tie your shoe...").


Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Will do. I am going to go out the gate pacing at (quick math) at just a HAIR faster than 4:30 /km. I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Will do. I am going to go out the gate pacing at (quick math) at just a HAIR faster than 4:30 /km. I'll let you know how it goes.


Cool. Looking forward to the report.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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So, i ran the 10 k race a pr of over a minute. 10k - 46:01.


Super happy. I beat my last years time in this same race by over 3mins.


The race was (according to my gps watch-which I was using to pace myself) 300 meters too long. According to my watch I beat 45 minute 10k. I know that doesn't count, but I am still very happy.

I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Pics from my run this past weekend. I am the guy in green (#270) - not the guy in the kilt with the long sword (I think it was fake, but I am not sure).




NOTE: there was a 5k run that we joined up with at the end (that started 10 mins after we did) - which is why you see a little girl finishing just behind me - she ran the 5k...

I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Cool Phred, thanks for sharing.


I am back at Greystone tonight for 4.5 miles of hilly awfulness, then 5k on THE MILL tomorrow (I've been watching MadMen on Netflix), then back to Greystone Thursday, rest Friday, probably with some Chardonnay, then an 8 miler on my trail Saturday. My wife drops me off, takes the kids to the park, and picks me up an hour or so later (if she feels like it, she says :) ).







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Thanks Joe. I am very happy with my time. I should do more hilly awfulness. I have a couple of hills on my regular routes, but nothing I would call aweful.


Hopefully no more t-mill for me this season. It's finally B E A utiful. 26C today and was a great 9 k run at lunch. 42:50.


Yesterday was a 6k recovery type of run.



I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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2.5 miles today, in 78° weather! Feeling pretty damn good right now.


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Ran another 2.5 miles today. Total for this week: 10. Not too shabby for a beginner!


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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good for you justin!!


had a 20km run on saturday where I made a rookie error. I did an out and back - 10k each way.


The temp was cool, but not cold. The first 10k I felt like superman, running fast, and feeling full of energy. Experienced runners will no why, and what happened next. I turned around.


I was slapped in the face with a crazy cold headwind - and now I am 10k away from home. At around 12 km, it was really getting hard, and cold. I made it, and am proud, but it sucked.


I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Out and backs are hard enough on the psyche without turning around into a headwind! You're stronger for it, though.


Justin keep at it.


Well I did my 5 miles of hills at the lunatic asylum Thursday night. Had some peanut butter and crackers an hour or so beforehand.


Run went well, typical time, but afterwards the peanut butter and crackers wanted to come up. Kept burping.


Anyway, went home & did my usual things, ate and went to bed and didn't get out of bed until 10 am Saturday morning. Wiped out by a virus. 36 hours in bed. I won't be at full strength probably until the end of this week. Sucks because I had an 8 miler planned for Saturday!





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About 10 years ago I was on a trip to Fairbanks AK in the summer. I decided to go on a run through a forested area. Not really out in the boonies but definitely away from roads. Wanted to do an approx 8mi loop back to my hotel. About 6.5 mi into the run I come upon a Mother Moose with her Calf a couple hundred yards ahead of me. This is a dangerous situation and many people have been trampled to death by Mother Moose in this situation. So I just sat back a long ways and waited for them to move off the dirt road I was on. After about 30-40 minutes I realized they weren't going anywhere and I wasn't going to risk trying to pass them. I didn't know how to get back to the hotel except by reversing my route.


Turning my 8 mi run into a 13 mi or so run/walk.

You want me to start this song too slow or too fast?


Forte7, Nord Stage 3, XK3c, OB-6, Arturia Collection, Mainstage, MotionSound KBR3D. A bunch of MusicMan Guitars, Line6 stuff

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Glad to hear everyone's running is going well.


We had a major storm yesterday and I tried to beat it. I headed out to the Santa Monica Mountains area which is about 25 miles from the house. When I got out of my car at the top of Reseda Blvd., the temp was at least 15 degrees cooler then Glendale and the rain was starting to come down. There was a small group of *nuts* , only about 6 of us. My initial plan was to do 10 miles but by the time we hit the main trail in about a mile the rain started intensifying. I reached the first overlook point which is called "the hub" first, about 2.5 miles out. I was freezing my tail off waiting for the others to make it up the hill.. The wind was blowing and the rain was coming down pretty good.


At that point, 4 of the 6 decided to turn around. I then thought- well, I drove all the way out here, no way I'm gonna do 10 in this crap, but I'll scale it down to 8. The other runner and I continued on from the hub and after about 2 minutes he said, I'm turning around this is crazy. The footing was really starting get dicey with the mud and we both almost went down on a turn. That 4 mile turnaround all of a sudden seemed pretty far and I said-ok I'm gonna go out a little further to 3 miles and turn around.


Coming back, 3 miles seemed like an eternity ! I was running downhill with turns and by this time the trail was almost pure mud, it was a definite exercise in balance and concentration not to fall.. My calves were caked with mud. I looked like one of those crazy "mud run" participants down at Camp Pendelton..


Luckily back at the car there was a water fountain were I was able to lift my legs up and "shower" off somewhat-in the pouring rain.... :cry:


Riding back in the car I had the heater up full blast-I had caught a major chill and couldn't warm up. The weird thing was when I got back to Glendale, there was no rain, pavement was completely dry and the sun was even peeking through a little...strange micro-climates here in LA. :confused:


On one hand it was an adventure, on the other other a waste of time and gas-I could have run 10 miles unobstructed from my house. But then I wouldn't have anything to talk about.. :laugh:




2005 NY Steinway D, Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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