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Carvin sound gear?


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I haven't kept up with all the reviews here, but lately I've been reading some interesting recommendations on another forum for Carvin powered mixers and speakers.





When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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I use 2 of their 1502 monitors for my keyboard rig, powered with a Carver PM900 amp (it's an old amp). I really like how they sound and they are easy to transport.


My brother uses one of their bigger powered mixers, it's got 4 amps in it and 16 channels. He had a problem with it but it was fixed promptly. He also has 2 of their powered 18" subs that he raves about.


I suppose it's as good as any gear in the same price/feature range. Not top of the line but good for the weekend warrior type player.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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A lot of the guitar guys tend to like them. I can recall one show we did out of town where the local sound company had Carvin for their FOH PA. As I recall, a pair of their 15" 3-ways (TRx or something), and 4 dual 18" subs. It seemed good enough. The guy we typically use for that sort of thing usually brings Yorkville and/or Turbosound.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I just bought two DCM3800L Power Amps, and an RX1200R (non-powered mixer). The power amps are clean, clear, and ASTOUNDINGLY light for the wattage.


The mixer also has ALL of the convenient features one needs on a live gig. The stuff just "vibes" quality, attention to detail, and rock-solid construction/design.


(no, I don't work for them :-) )

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I own and use a few Carvin products including a DCM2000 power amp, some LM15 2 way 15' speakers, a BRX10.4NEO/BX1200 bass rig, and some other assorted items that I can't recall. I have always found Carvin products to be excellent performers. They offer an outstanding product for the money! I would put them up against my Crown, QSC, JBL, Soundcraft, and Acme products any day!

Yamaha CP-73, Hammond SK Pro 73, Yamaha MODX 7, Roland Fantom 06, Roland VK-8M, Yamaha FS1R

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Carvin's only problem is that you can't audition the products before you buy them. So I think they strive to make an excellent product to minimize returns and lost sales.

Yamaha CP-73, Hammond SK Pro 73, Yamaha MODX 7, Roland Fantom 06, Roland VK-8M, Yamaha FS1R

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I have the LM15A, specs very similar to the JBL EON G2 (not the new one). I haven't used it out much, but so far so good, and a good price too. The sales guy was decent as well.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I have their 16-channel 4-bus mixer. The feature set is great for the class of mixer that it's in. It's been rock-solid for me and seems very well built.


I would definitely consider them for purchase, and in fact if I buy a pair of powered mains someday they might be Carvins. Their prices are pretty hard to beat.



Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


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I have the DCM1540L 400 watt power amp bought last Sept. It's really loud and I am really liking it. It's only 14 pounds- so with a small Yamaha MG 124CX mixer that's only 20 pounds all together. I still use an FET 900 but this powers a huge Carvin speaker cabinet I used to gig with, but now only use as a monitor when practicing. The DCM1540L has worked out great. Oh and just a few weeks after I got it- I forgot the power amp at a gig in Tijuana. This was because I was fried after the gig and several people were helping carrying my gear- and I wasn't driving my own car. I totally said "forget it" I'm never gonna see that again! The promotor called the sound company, who picked it up and I was able to get it back. I like to vacation in Ensenada so a few weeks later on the way back picked it up at the promotor's shop. Miracles do happen and people can be honest and nice everywhere- even in a hell hole like Tijuana. If space is tight in the band van I'm also not taking any sound gear to big gigs anymore either- there were wall to wall monitors and speakers at that gig.
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Thanks for all the input. When I upgrade to a larger sound system, I'll most likely purchase from Carvin.

Slow down bro. I've heard good things about Carvin similar to the responses here.


Still, when it comes to buying equipment consider all options, new and used, within the budget.


As mentioned in another thread, higher quality gear can be gotten on the used market. In excellent condition, a used, higher end piece could out-perform something new.


Also, whatever you decide to buy should be able to fit i.e. building block within a larger system. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Oh I don't plan any purchase for awhile, but after all these (and other) favorable responses, Carvin seems like a good choice.


I'd be looking for a good, lightweight "all in one" system with decent wattage and they have a nice selection.

When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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Oh I don't plan any purchase for awhile, but after all these (and other) favorable responses, Carvin seems like a good choice.


I'd be looking for a good, lightweight "all in one" system with decent wattage and they have a nice selection.

OK, I didn't read all-in-one into "upgrade to a larger system".


Jumped the gun and haven't even made it through my first XL cup of coffee. :laugh::cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Jumped the gun and haven't even made it through my first XL cup of coffee. :laugh::cool:




For you that's like drinking and driving.


Friends should NOT let java-starved friends post.


Put down the mouse.


Back away from the keyboard.


Sheeeeesh :rolleyes:



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I've yet to hear a box-shaped powered mixer that sounds good. I have no idea why my Yamaha EMX-5000 wedge-shaped powered mixer sounds great, whereas their box-shaped (and lighter) powered mixers sound like most box-shaped powered mixers do: colored and lacking in clarity, headroom, and transients. Funny thing is, I notice the bad tone before I even see the box shape, when I hear them -- generally at parties or smallish outdoor gigs.


That includes Carvins, at least the ones I've heard.


They're fine for vocals, but not up to keyboards or miked instruments.


Odd too, because I've heard great sound come from Carver power amps.

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I've yet to hear a box-shaped powered mixer that sounds good. I have no idea why my Yamaha EMX-5000 wedge-shaped powered mixer sounds great, whereas their box-shaped (and lighter) powered mixers sound like most box-shaped powered mixers do: colored and lacking in clarity, headroom, and transients.


Never heard anyone say this before!

When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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I would also suggest that while Carvin generally provides great value for the money, I would not hold them up to the best Crown, Acme, Soundcraft, QSC and similar have to offer (maybe contrary to another poster's comment - although he may just be restricting his comparison to the products he owns). Can't comment on the "box mixer/amp" thing as I've only heard a few (and every one I've heard has been poor). Also, I assume learjeff is talking about "Carvin" rather than "Carver"; Bob Carver designed and produced some noted audiophile amps in his day.
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Might want to look around on how their customer service is. Or should I say lack thereof. They are not cheap,you can find better equiptment for the same price. Their older amps were a good product and lasted a good long time. If you want a light weight powerful amp look at peaveys new one. For powered mixers I prefer the Peavey's. I think that there is a major difference in what rating they use as far as peak, rms, etc.


SR guy thats finally decided to put his collection of toys to personal use (extremely G.A.S.'y) LOL
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Brian - the LM15A (2-way, active polypropylene bi-amped PA) sounds better to me than the Mackie but not quite as smooth as the EON (old version). All of these suffer from what I characterize with 2-way self-powered plastic PA speakers - a forward upper mid range and treble (bordering on strident or even brittle), a transitional "disconnect" when midrange dips from upper to lower mids, and bass bloat. I suppose the EV SX360a is an order of magnitude better than each of the above (having never heard that particular EV but from the glowing reports here).


The Carvin unpowered wood enclosures I've heard sound comparable to Community (and perhaps lower-end EAW 2-way enclosures) but not as balanced and articulate as the upper-end 3-way EAWs I've heard. The Carvin power amp I use (the DCM1540L) is great, stable, quality-built and a great value. I wonder about extreme road-worthiness (for which Crown is legendary), but the watts for the buck ratio is great.


To my ears, the Acme B-1 is significantly flatter and more balanced for keyboard amplification than any of the Carvin enclosures I've heard (or, for that matter, Community, Mackie, EONs or the unpowered EVs I'm familiar with).


I have an Acme Low B-2 here at the house as well (my son the bass player's Xmas present) and that also sounds great but has too much bass to be balanced for KB work. My bass player uses both the B-2 and the B-4 and that is a truly remarkable & transparent rig (driven by Alembic preamps and QSC power amp), but is obviously way too much bass for KB as well...unless you were just kicking synth bass.


I don't doubt there may be better solutions out there than Acme. Acme is pretty inefficient (by design), and really loud rock gigs probably need more than two B-1s, etc. But of what I've heard and used, I think my rig sounds the best I've ever heard it.

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CarVER amps: The PM 1.5 (21 lbs, 450w/ch), PM 2.0 (11 lbs, 465w/ch), PM-900 (guessing 22 lbs, 450w/ch?)--all great sounding amps in the 80's. Clair Brothers (pro-sound) ordered a number of Carvers with beefed up power supplies for their big rigs.


Today, they make great monitor amps.


The problem? I believe Carver is no longer in business, so getting them repaired can be problematic. There is a place that is a repair station for Carver, but when I checked last, they charge a high flat rate no matter what the problem is. That can be prohibitably expensive.

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LOL, yeah, I meant Carvin, not Carver. Having a senior moment. (Been having those since I was a kid, so I'm an expert now.)


BTW, it's not just the shape: I had an EV/Tapco wedge-shaped powered mixer that sucked. Used it for many years, but it sucked, relatively speaking. It may have been a blessing when it was stolen out of my car.

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BTW, it's not just the shape: I had an EV/Tapco wedge-shaped powered mixer that sucked. Used it for many years, but it sucked, relatively speaking.


Glad you cleared that up. I thought you were saying only wedge-shaped powered mixers were any good.



When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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Might want to look around on how their customer service is. Or should I say lack thereof. They are not cheap,you can find better equiptment for the same price. Their older amps were a good product and lasted a good long time. If you want a light weight powerful amp look at peaveys new one. For powered mixers I prefer the Peavey's. I think that there is a major difference in what rating they use as far as peak, rms, etc.


When my brother's mixer had a problem, he sent it back to them and had it back in about 10 days. They replaced the entire innards of the mixer to update it to the newer specs at no charge. Pretty decent if you ask me.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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I have had a Carvin 8 channel powered PA head and speakers (15" and horn)for 15-16 years and they still work great. I use them as monitors now.


As a comparison I did an outside gig with my 4 pc band a few years ago. We added my Carvin system to his JBL (15 & horn) and his subs. The Carvins were not as full sounding as the JBL's. They lacked a little bottom and a shade brighter because of that. But they held thier own considering his Crown amp pushing the mains was 800 watts verses 400 watts on the Carvin.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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