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I like mine with a high IBU so I typically grab a couple of IPA's when I do my week's shopping. Being a bit of a gourmad when it comes to red wines, I need a beer that I can actually taste; something that reaches out and grab my uvula and shakes the crap out of it. I can barely tell the difference between Bud and Miller anymore. If I'm hot, sweaty and thirsty I drink water.


The other side of the pond likens American beers to having sex in a canoe ... they a both f**king close to water.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I thought the Guinness in Ireland tasted like the Guinness in any good bar. And this was after extensive test tasting in Dublin.


I will say that being in Dublin made everything seem better. Lovely place.

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From Guinness.com


The secret to our success is GUINNESS® Essence, pioneered in 1962. Imagine it as the concentrated spirit of GUINNESS®. It amounts to just 2% of what makes it into the bottle, but enables us to reproduce the unique flavour and absolute quality of GUINNESS® Foreign Extra Stout right around the globe.


So what you get in the bottle in Dominica, Durban or Dubai is what you get in the bottle in Dublin.



The Guinness for Ireland, UK and Europe is now only brewed in St James, Ireland.


Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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Tim - what you apparently don't realize is that it's the bottle that's the problem.


Guiness on tap is a drinkable stout. Not the best stout I ever had, but drinkable.


Guiness in a bottle is lifeless, skunk-tacular swill, fit for neither animal, vegetable nor mineral.


I wouldn't use bottled Guiness to put out a fire. :freak:

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Anyone who has over 800 CD's is a nerd, so it fits! :laugh:


Anyone who has over 800 CD's should check their priorities!


Anyone who has over 800 CD's has A TON of music to study, so turn off the ' puter and start transcribing those dots!! ;)

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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The point of the matter seems to be the water where the essence is mixed into.

The pub I talked about has barrels with the Irish mix. So I'm told.


8 millions litres of water come into the factory from the Wicklow Mountains every day to produce the red ruby liquid (it's not black), I only had Guiness from the tap, and whoever says it tastes the same in dublin or in london is lying, or far too drunk.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Certainly I couldn't say I'm much savvy beer-wise, but I've heard from several people the beer from my country is quite fine....


Has anybody tried one of these? http://www.prolicor.com.ve/img/item/cit_363.jpg

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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After my first post, I thought every just hated me, but really they helped me out for the long run.. Kind of like a kick back to reality. It helped me notice that theres alot of bass players out there, and that you aren't the only one. And that your not a bass god. And that a new bass doesn't make you better. @nD n0t t0 TYp3 LIK3 thIS k LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
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Tim - what you apparently don't realize is that it's the bottle that's the problem.


Guiness on tap is a drinkable stout. Not the best stout I ever had, but drinkable.


Guiness in a bottle is lifeless, skunk-tacular swill, fit for neither animal, vegetable nor mineral.


I wouldn't use bottled Guiness to put out a fire. :freak:


Yeah it seems to get that reaction.. But just keep an open mind my friend.. It is some good stuff. :D If you don't dig on Guinness I seriously doubt your ability to drink grown up drinks..




Naahhh Im just kiddin!!! :D :D


So don't get upset, bless your lil' heart.



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Tim - what you apparently don't realize is that it's the bottle that's the problem.


Guiness on tap is a drinkable stout. Not the best stout I ever had, but drinkable.


Guiness in a bottle is lifeless, skunk-tacular swill, fit for neither animal, vegetable nor mineral.


I wouldn't use bottled Guiness to put out a fire. :freak:


Yeah it seems to get that reaction.. But just keep an open mind my friend.. It is some good stuff. :D If you don't dig on Guinness I seriously doubt your ability to drink grown up drinks..




Naahhh Im just kiddin!!! :D :D


So don't get upset, bless your lil' heart.






I drink better stouts than Guinness on a regular basis.


- Samuel Smith Imperial

- Samuel Smith Oatmeal

- the previously mentioned Old Rasputin Russian Imperial

- Marston's Oyster Stout


I'd keep going, but I'd like to think my point is made.

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Guinness is out there by itself, it has no competitors. It is Guinness. :D


I find the Sam Smiths a bit...... it tastes that little bit too much.. Don't get me wrong I love a strong flavoured beer... But not like that.. I find it kinda blurgh to drink more than a couple, it's a little sickly IMO.


Marston's is pretty good, they had/have an ale called "firestokers" that I was really into, then I just couldn't get hold of it locally for some reason? You seen any of that stateside? If you do, buy it up... It's goooood.

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Guinness is out there by itself, it has no competitors. It is Guinness. :D


One day, when I make the sojourn over there, I'll go to Dublin and experience a "real" Guiness.


In the interim, the only watermarks I have to work with are


- The bottle (SKUNKY!!!!) :sick:

- The can (bleh) :P

- Stateside taps (drinkable, but nothing spectacular) :whistle:


I find the Sam Smiths a bit...... it tastes that little bit too much.. Don't get me wrong I love a strong flavoured beer... But not like that.. I find it kinda blurgh to drink more than a couple, it's a little sickly IMO.


Really? See, I could drink those all day and night (well, maybe all night - I'd get hammered pretty quick if I took them on a bender...) because of that taste.

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My favorite American brewer so far is New Belgium. For some reason, their Fat Tire beer is their best known. But far, far better, I think, is the 1554; it is just lovely. And recently I got into their Mothership Wit. Also lovely, and perfect for summer.
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My favorite American brewer so far is New Belgium. For some reason, their Fat Tire beer is their best known. But far, far better, I think, is the 1554; it is just lovely. And recently I got into their Mothership Wit. Also lovely, and perfect for summer.


I agree. They have great stuff. Again, much better on tap.

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My favorite American brewer so far is New Belgium. For some reason, their Fat Tire beer is their best known. But far, far better, I think, is the 1554; it is just lovely. And recently I got into their Mothership Wit. Also lovely, and perfect for summer.


Fat Tire with food, or after dinner. 1554 by itself, very flavorful. Haven't tried Mothership yet. New Belgium is (for the moment) my favorite American brewery.


BTW, for those of you who enjoy a lighter style beer (also my personal favorite when I want to have more one or two servings) is Sam Adams Light. Hands down the best light beer I've ever tasted, and relatively friendly to my lower-calorie diet. It's about 20 more calories than a "regular" light beer, but they are apparently the 20 tastiest calories ever.



unkownroadband.com - step into the unkown :-)
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My favorite American brewer so far is New Belgium. For some reason, their Fat Tire beer is their best known. But far, far better, I think, is the 1554; it is just lovely. And recently I got into their Mothership Wit. Also lovely, and perfect for summer.


Fat Tire with food, or after dinner. 1554 by itself, very flavorful. Haven't tried Mothership yet. New Belgium is (for the moment) my favorite American brewery.


BTW, for those of you who enjoy a lighter style beer (also my personal favorite when I want to have more one or two servings) is Sam Adams Light. Hands down the best light beer I've ever tasted, and relatively friendly to my lower-calorie diet. It's about 20 more calories than a "regular" light beer, but they are apparently the 20 tastiest calories ever.



I was impressed with the SA light as well.

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My favorite American brewer so far is New Belgium. For some reason, their Fat Tire beer is their best known. But far, far better, I think, is the 1554; it is just lovely. And recently I got into their Mothership Wit. Also lovely, and perfect for summer.


Fat Tire with food, or after dinner. 1554 by itself, very flavorful. Haven't tried Mothership yet. New Belgium is (for the moment) my favorite American brewery.


BTW, for those of you who enjoy a lighter style beer (also my personal favorite when I want to have more one or two servings) is Sam Adams Light. Hands down the best light beer I've ever tasted, and relatively friendly to my lower-calorie diet. It's about 20 more calories than a "regular" light beer, but they are apparently the 20 tastiest calories ever.



I was impressed with the SA light as well.



My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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I must honestly and humbly apologise for introducing the issue of beer to this thread.


Talk about being side-tracked any newcomer will think were more interested in beer than noobies.


Oops that might backfire as well ...



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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What are you trying to say Dave? :D I know you like a good beer, ups shall I say, you like a good Ale.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I must honestly and humbly apologise for introducing the issue of beer to this thread.


Talk about being side-tracked any newcomer will think were more interested in beer than noobies.


Oops that might backfire as well ...




I tell you, thinking about n00bs in general can lead to a craving for a beer. I think the discussions are entirely related.



proud n00b for over five years

unkownroadband.com - step into the unkown :-)
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I couldn't imagine what mess I was going to have to moderate when I saw this thread had jumped a few pages so quickly.


I was happy to see it was just the beer talking, or beer-talking.


I do not imbibe the brewed beverage myself, so I have nothing to offer on that account. I will not attempt to return this thread to it's original purpose, because a more important fact has been missed by you bunch of drunken laggards.


Bump is getting married!


I can't help but have this picture in my mind of a band playing dance music. Off to the right is Jeremy waiting to play and sing a Rick James tune. Behind him is 45 LowDowners lined up and waiting for their turn at the bass. And it's Bump's new Alembic - brought out for the occasion. None of the LowDowners kiss the bride (though we all lear a bit), but all kiss the Alembic. As one of the moderators, it becomes my job to present Bump a gift - it's an Alembic tech who's been brought to the celebration to polish up the instrument when the party is over.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I just re-read the thread. well spotted Tom


Congrats Bump, sweet I get to play the Alembic. :)




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I know this is a small breach of etiquette but, what the hell.


Triple-Dog-Dare ya.

Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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If there is a public/civil ceremony, he can't prevent us!


I know this is a small breach of etiquette but, what the hell.

Triple-Dog-Dare ya.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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