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Newbies and our "warm" welcome


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During the past month we have seen an awful number of newbies walking into the forum, most of them have had a less than warm welcome, mostly because they text type and they want to be accepted because they bring something that (they think) no one has. This last case was what Malick did. Inevitably they all get the same treatment with harsh replies, being called spammers and all that. Funny thing is that we are right most of the time, like the guy who came up with a soviet bass and it seemed like he wanted to make some cash by fooling someone in here. Jokes on him as we have fantastic detectives at the Lowdown.


Now do you think, we are being too hard on them and making the forum less attractive to newbies or we should defend our little web community the best way we can?


I sometimes think we could be a little bit (not too much) friendlier with newbies, we were new to the forum at some point ourselves and I believe it was the good vibe and warm welcome that made us come back time and time again.



Now messages for the newbies, or someone whos lurking and may think of posting here for the first time.


1-Lurk around, read, read and read. If you read a couple threads you will notice the way we communicate, with proper English, instead of text messaging.

2-Dont try to be great, just because you are bringing something new, seriously I find that quite disrespectful, and you may find that we have here bass players with more years on the bass than your age.

3-Its always a good start, if you introduce yourself, theres no need for a big text, you can do that on the introduce yourself thread, but a couple lines will be appreciated.


And finally keep it cool, takes a while to break the newbie skin..





"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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It's easy to jump on new posters and yell "Spam", but you're right- the community needs to grow and be the mature resource we often claim to be (well, maybe not all of us claim that).


Do we still get to haze them, like making them find a left-handed washtub bass, or listen to an hour of Lug's playing? At least I'm not suggesting wedgies or taint-punches.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Personally I'd like to see us give newbies the benefit of the doubt for one or two posts. For instance, if people are coming from places where they're accustomed to using text-speak, maybe gently letting them know that we prefer more-or-less standard English would be helpful.



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Why should the forum be different than the real world?


If you walked into a room full of people having a conversation and starting yelling in teenage slang with a smirk on your face or saying, "look at me, look at me", what kind of reception would you get?



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Personally I'd like to see us give newbies the benefit of the doubt for one or two posts. For instance, if people are coming from places where they're accustomed to using text-speak, maybe gently letting them know that we prefer more-or-less standard English would be helpful.


+1 that happened to SPK and now is no longer a newbie and earned his place in the forum, fair and square. But now his buying a bike :D






"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Hopefully your advice will be taken up by new people, David. Most of our new members have had a smoother ride - it's a minority that have received a rougher one. Most of the rough rides have been deserved but a few have suffered through miscommunication.

It's just a case of new people getting to know what the forum is like before they post and actually being aware that what one types here may be around for a very long time and an awful lot of people might read it.

I know I lurked on the forum for months before I posted and surely that's the best option. I think Jeremy's comparison is appropriate. If we were more tolerant of spam, stupidity, self-promotion or lazy language I don't think this would be a better place for it.

We're lucky in that we don't get endless spam here and the moderators and regulars do a great job in keeping this board a great resource.

If I post something stupid, I expect to have it questioned so I don't see why it should be different for anybody else.

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I don't really care and am, for the most part, amused by the newbies and their text-speak. As the frequent recipient of text messages from my own teenagers, I even understand most of it. I do, however, feel that you'll receive the same amount of respect as you give. Just like life.


I just love to reference Monty Python's SPAM sketch whenever possible.


"Sshh, dear, don't cause a fuss. I'll have your spam. I love it."

Push the button Frank.
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I can understand Dave's point, but my sympathies lie with Jeremy. All one has to do is read three thread and you can see the level of communication, interpersonal skills and the use of language and typing skills.


To just lurk for a day, then climb onboard with poppin' and lockin' and IM shorthand and slang, coupled with the tired-a$$ed first bass thread, then to get snippy with ANYONE that points out the problems with the post should just go straight to ActiveBass and get over it.


Commit a forum "faux pas" and accept the correction and TRY to fix it (i.e. Thanny) then everything is wide open.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Why should the forum be different than the real world?


If you walked into a room full of people having a conversation and starting yelling in teenage slang with a smirk on your face or saying, "look at me, look at me", what kind of reception would you get?


Word. Courtesy is Contagious.



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If I may interject myself into this conversation, poor Thanny was GRILLED when he first posted. Now he is well liked and even missed.


Then, unfortunately I can't remember the posters name, this dude came in and went off the deep end and took on just about everyone in here.

I wish I could remember his name!


I think the wiser of this forum can tell when a poster is just trying to push buttons or is just ignorant to the ways of said forum.


I lurk more than post. I don't post just to post....well occasionally but, I usually don't have anything more to contribute. That is why I start the "Thank you for your infinite wisdom" thread every so often. As a matter of fact, I am going to start a new thread.........now!

How do you sign a computer screen?



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More stickied threads might (hopefully) reduce some of the redundant n00b threads, like the "first bass", "brand of string", "my bas roxor ur soxor"... the welcome thread, etc...
A stiffy somewhere in the city sewer system...
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Why should the forum be different than the real world?


Because displaying a little bit of compassion is a good thing, and is what Dave Brown would have done.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Then, unfortunately I can't remember the posters name, this dude came in and went off the deep end and took on just about everyone in here.

I wish I could remember his name!


johnnie u


I'm trying to find an old thread but the forum is like treacle tonight.








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Thanny XIII, Slap-Pop-Karl, Johnnie U and Dave Brown.


Who would have thought they would all be named in the same thread?


I must have missed the recent threads that David is referencing, but I have witnessed rough "welcomes" here before. Perhaps I have come across far too many kids who just need a little help; I'd rather offer a hand than to slam the door shut. The rewards often far outshine the bit of trouble it takes.

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I haven't been here all that long but in that time there have been only two people that that in my opinion, got a rough ride. And only recently. I read their posts and they kind of had it coming to them. Generally everybody seems rather curtious. Better than some other forums I've been to.

I agree with lurking to find out the general vibe of the forum.

That is what I did when I found out this was here.

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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I'm new but I lurked for a very very long time and gained alot of insight with my mouth shut.

Now that I'm adding my $0.02 I triple check my spelling and grammar which is why half my posts are marked as editted because I misspell something any way.


"there ain't no faux mojo" jcadmus
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Nah. There WAS a thing, once in history, that was called NETIQUETTE, which seems to have been long forgotten and buried. Truth is, is almost widely unknown, which is a real shame, because it is the way reality translates, in terms of etiquette and politeness, to the real world. So I agree with JC (Hey, we both have blue basses and share the same initials! Mmm.. fishy fishy fish... :P ) on that people should at least try follow certain basic rules.. as those are also guidelines for the general things of life.


So I'd say let's have a pole with fire below, and tie and whip every spamming newcomer until he/she learns the lesson well. Blood makes it easier to learn, mwahahahahah!!!!! :P



Now seriously... Of course, we can ALSO be polite and patient, and maybe it would help if, on the "front page" we post, or have a sticky note, with several basic rules of behaviour, out of pure common sense and politeness, as to, if simply, keep some peace and order around. I think it would help save a lot of trouble just to have certain guidelines (not to call them "rules") handy, since I do strongly believe no society would work without at least the smallest guidelines...


My humble 0,00001 newcomer cent :)

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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That's a good 0.00001 cent to offer, JC.


Absolutely, if we're expected to bite our collective bits on spamming, illegal filesharing, etc, then it should be clearly posted on the forum in the form of a sticky what is and isn't acceptable as a first post.


IF the would-be participant fails to read and observe, all bets are off, roast them like the suckling pigs they are. :evil:

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I'm new but I lurked for a very very long time and gained alot of insight with my mouth shut.

Now that I'm adding my $0.02 I triple check my spelling and grammar which is why half my posts are marked as editted because I misspell something any way.


I hope I'm not being unduly harsh, but "anyway" is one word. Just thought I'd check your spelling! :D




an·y·way Audio Help /ˈɛniˌweɪ/ adverb 1. in any case; anyhow; nonetheless; regardless: Whether you like it or not, I'm going anyway.

2. (used to continue or resume the thread of a story or account): Anyway, we finally found a plumber who could come right over.





[Origin: 11501200; ME ani wei. See any, way]



Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Then, unfortunately I can't remember the posters name, this dude came in and went off the deep end and took on just about everyone in here.

I wish I could remember his name!


johnnie u


I'm trying to find an old thread but the forum is like treacle tonight.








OMG! Where the hell was I when all that was going on?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I'm new but I lurked for a very very long time and gained alot of insight with my mouth shut.

Now that I'm adding my $0.02 I triple check my spelling and grammar which is why half my posts are marked as editted because I misspell something any way.


"A lot" is two words and "edited" has only one "t". Get with the program, newbie!


Somebody call Alanis Morissette. We have found some real live irony.



My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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Well, I would consider myself a recent newbie. I got what I thought was a moderately warm welcome. To be fair, though, I had already lurked on this forum for years, and I am accustomed to expressing myself coherently through text. I think it was a pretty smooth introduction, nobody made a fuss one way or the other. So I guess I know from experience that, when approached correctly, this forum does live up to its reputation as friendly and welcoming.


While I agree with the policy of keeping this little paradise unspoiled by the evils of the internet, and I can't complain about my own welcome, I think I've seen some pretty hasty reactions to newcomers here. Most of the time those judgments are correct- but what if they weren't? It would be pretty tragic to drive away people who could learn a lot, and eventually contribute a lot. I think it will become readily obvious who is an earnest new member, and who's just spamming. But I also think it will take a little time.


I know I'm jumping in on this conversation a little late, and I'm too new here to be criticizing anybody. But, I felt like I had something to say on this subject.

Here's a tip: Try to eat everything. You'd be surprised how much is edible.
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My advice to newbies:

1. Remember your grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

2. Be extremely humble.

3. Put off your first post until you are completely familiar with the forum's atmosphere.

4. Never, EVER put up a link. To anything. Ever.

Here's a tip: Try to eat everything. You'd be surprised how much is edible.
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