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Everything posted by slap-pop-karl

  1. Well thats me off tonight, catch a train at 2147 hours. on there for 12 hours then i got to get the tube and stuff. Fun Fun Fun! whats sleeping on a train like?? I tried to take a video of me playing bass but the sound quality is terible and the camera cant keep up with my hands, is that a good thing???
  2. Wait till i get shot please Hard Rocking Rabbits!!!! Fluffy Bunny Experience. Wer cnat speel haha The laughing pomogramit. Cooling popsicals.
  3. army dont like weed sadly, and i dont like whisky, vodka for me my friend
  4. lo9l phisical theoropy is somthing that i kinda trust, they could give me anything if they wanted.
  5. damn it moot you beat me to it! Well he wanted me to do leg weights to try make that part of my thigh stronger but im worried I might unbalance it even more. He told me ot come back in two weeks time and if it isnt beter he will send me to phisical theropy. Which I don't want to do. I don't trust Dr's
  6. So on the 30th of march I tried to get in to the army. I went to a place called ADSC Army Development Selection Center. I was doing everything fine, dong as i was told and stuff. But befor the 1 1/2 (yeah only 1/12 miles!!!) timed run my knee buggerd up. It decided to hurt, so instead of doing it in under 10 mins I did it in 11 mins 55 secs! My bad knee really set me back. Sadly my knee hasnt got better and the Dr said my thigh muscle is unballanced. I dont have a clue how to balance it out. Maybe go to a car work shop and see if they can put some weights on to help it
  7. The Phil W experience Cut the Cheese Lifes a Jazz Freedom (and some numbers relative to jazz)
  8. OMG!! Is your bass ok? Yes luckly she wasnt with me at the time.
  9. I have had about 32 cars at last count. What would you like to know? Rocky Any warnings I tried but there is no point riding if you are riding scared.
  10. Yeah you did warn me. I'm gonna listen to warnings from now on. So cars? What about them?
  11. motorbike. Wish it was a push bike it would of been liter
  12. I came flying off my bike landed on a barbed wire fence all twisted up in a ditch with my bike lying on top of me in the pitch black. No one could see me wither I had loads of cars pass me. My little brother passed me on his bike and so did my dad. So really I could of froze to death, i could of cut my throat on the barbedwire, i could of broke my neck when my face plated the ground, could of broke my back when my bike decided to follow me or somthing, So i got really lucky.
  13. ...Heres some news! I almost died last month! That will get you interested I would think.
  14. I remember the spectrum. Thats the oldest computer thing I had
  15. Il get some pictures took and put it up soon. It is pocket size haha. My little brothers 50cc looks bigger.
  16. OO look bikes on the page! yay! I got my bike!
  17. hmm, i like eggs. All this talk of eggs make me want to eat some...
  18. Eggs.....Grow eggs! hahaha!....hmm what could you call it insted of grow though?
  19. this is off topic information, my mum put perentalcontrol on the computer...now i ahve to get her to passwrod everything....why ahs she done this?
  20. Phillip I like the vocals very much, and the lyrics.
  21. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dAxjH2HCWzo can anyone find a full version? or is this as far as it goes?
  22. Karls totally excited! Got his tenth! queen, motorhead, pearl jam, alice in chains, the clash, Iron maiden, Hendrix, The ramones, The beastie boys, and MJ
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