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Thanks SK... Yes it´s a REALLY great instrument to play on....steinway Model D.

Cost a fortune... but it´s a dream to play on...

I thought When I sat down to do this arrangment that I should post it here on keyboardmags forum under the reharm room...


I don´t do alot of reharmonizing but sometimes...

I have concentrated more on composing my own jazztunes ...I think that by writing your own stuff is the only really great way to get connected to harmony and learn how to fit chords and melody together.

It´s all to easy when you play others music,like realbook and other songs to just take for granted the music and how the chords are connected to eachother.


This is my second reharm of a song which I have published here on the forum..but the other one did I post under the name Peter the swede.

Problem with my account is the reason why I have this new username.

Keep up the good work.....
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Still a bit of homework to do...


Marc - a good reworking of "Lights", with an excellent feeling, and a nice change of mood after all the hardcore jazzers. :)

Welcome to the forum!


Peter - a very original rendition, with a clear classical influence and a rather "northern" mood. A bit of healthy irony, too.

Welcome back to the Room!



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Thanks for the feedback Marino,


I still consider myself a rocker at heart no matter how much Jazz or Fusion I pursue. So why not the best of both worlds??

I love it all.


Peter - I like your approach and feel - Its a little Dark in the beginning, but then you expand a bit and open up. But Minor#7 and Diminished cords tend to do that.









"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke.


- My original music projects: http://www.myspace.com/marcpaley

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Yeah Marc, you've got an authentic groove and sound going there. Well played and conceived, although I don't know the tune well enough to comment on the reharm.


Now speaking of "hardcore", this next one's like a sarcastic tone poem. A cacophonic remake of an earlier retro-funk experiment I posted - "calibrated", not reharmed (no chords were reharmed in the making.)


Way busy and unmixed; I treated the virtual instruments like toys. Now it's more like Miles Davis meets Weather Report meets Edgar Varese meets James Brown. :freak:




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I have only contributed with one re-harmonized song before, but now it´s time for my second time...




This is my version of When you wish upon a star...


That was beautiful, Peter. :thu:


Thank you!

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Hello All, some cool music and ideas here for sure -


I just completed a Re-Harm of Lights By Journey





D A Y U M !!! :laugh::thu:


And MY GOD, you do a great job of Steely Dan's "FM". Holy cow!


I've got to rewind that and play it AGAIN. :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Cacophonic remake of an earlier retro-funk experiment I posted - "calibrated", not re-harmed (no chords were re-harmed in the making.)


Very Cool SK - Its totally Joe Zawinul with some far out Miles influence for sure - You ride the Inside Outside line for sure.




"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke.


- My original music projects: http://www.myspace.com/marcpaley

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D A Y U M !!! :laugh::thu:


And MY GOD, you do a great job of Steely Dan's "FM". Holy cow!


I've got to rewind that and play it AGAIN. :cool:


Thanks for listening - I did "FM" as a tribute but added my flavor to it - Thanks for the feedback.



"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke.


- My original music projects: http://www.myspace.com/marcpaley

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Dave, I think "Emily"'s a nice tune! I can see why you like playing it and singing along. I would too if I knew it. Thanks for that. :thu:


So you're thinking about kanker's Metric Halo again. Took you long enough.



"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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I was asked by a couple members to record a solo on that QL Bosendorfer demo tune I made up. I don't want to post another demo in the East West thread, so I'll put it here.


It's just a really simple song to let the notes ring out on the melody. This is also EQ'ed quite differently from the first demo, and I think more accurately for the piano.


Comments/suggestions about the piano sound are welcomed.



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Excellent SK. The piano sound is very realistic. The chord progression has certain familiar qualities but has unexpected resolves that make it intriguing and captivating. Your playing is outstanding throughout and the accompaniment is done tastefully. Very enjoyable listening.
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Steve that sounds very good. Nice job on the drum and bass programming too. Like Dave said, it's probably the best I've heard a sample sound. I find that it helps so much when it's a great great player at the wheel though. Your ear starts to forgive the fact that the piano isn't real because the playing is so legit.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Thanks to everyone for the feedback and comments. I know it can sound better - it has a lot more body before it's reduced to a small mp3. A great piano will still beat it, but that leaves a lot of other pianos it can beat.


It has more dynamics than a regular DP, which also makes it a little unwieldy... like driving a Hummer after a golf cart... but the 'piano realistic' things make it worth it.


Sue, I haven't tried it through a live setup except through the computer speakers. Lots of overtones and harmonics, so it would have to be a nice system to do it justice, or it could sound terrible. Eventually I may figure that out.


Bobby, thanks for checkin' in - I appreciate your impressions.


Thanks again everybody.

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Steve, your playing is excellent as always, and as Bob said, it can help disguising those 'digital' artifacts. Can I tell it's a sample? Yes. Does it sound good? For a sample, yes.


Wurst - nice changes. Maybe I would have contrasted the chromatic part with a fully modal section or a pedal - but it sounds good as it is as well. :)



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Mo', that was nice. The voicings are fine, and more importantly than any of the reharmed aspects, it musically feels good. Since the tune can be reworked a thousand ways, I have no suggestions, other than maybe more interplay or inner melodic line movement inside the chords.


Carlo, thanks for the feedback. It sounds better than this, but I think the way I'm EQ'ing it may be wrong (my nice headphones went out the other day.)

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Carlo and SK,


thank you both for the feedback. This morning I actually did a version with F pedal through the first A section. Works great and makes indeed a nice contrast.

The inner voice leading thing is something I'm just starting to work on. It will definitely be part of my studies in the near future! Thanks again.

It's not a clone, it's a Suzuki.
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Here is my latest reharm of the wonderful tune Quiet now by Dennie Zeitlin...

It´s was a homework from my pianoteacher a couple a weeks ago.




there is some little missounding noise from the pianochair wich i discoverd when I came home and edited the recordning in logic ,so you have to listen beyond that...

I have to record the piano with a better chair next time obviously ; )

Keep up the good work.....
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Very, very nice, Peter.


I've been a Zeitlin fan from way back, at least as much as one could be without ample opportunities to hear him. I did have all his early albums and some more recent, so I remember Quiet Now, and enjoyed the variations in the reharm. Thanks for posting, and welcome to the forum and the reharm thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks SK... Glad that you enjoyed my version.

I Haven´t listen to Zeitlins version or bill evans versions...I wanted to explore the tune by myself instead... It´s really amazing how many new and interesting things you come up with when you really sit down with one tune and exploring all possibilities that a tune like this have.

Keep up the good work.....
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First contribution here (now that I'm finally in the correct 'room')


I thought it more appropriate to post this here, vs. the 'original recording' thread - as this a cover, albeit a quite obscure one. Plus there's a little bit of reharmonization here, not to mention improvisation. I welcome any and all comments, criticisms, suggestions,etc. Thanks for listening...







This is my version of the Tom Howard piano piece: "Horizon/Storm". Tom had two different arrangements of this piece is his discography. One was released as a band recording, the other as solo piano. I learned this piece from the solo recording, sometime in the late 1980's, and have been playing it in various settings since then. I had previously recorded the piece back in 1999, as it was to be part of a compilation CD. Though the recording rights had been secured, and initial fee paid to the composer, the track was cut from the project. I'm planning to include this one on my CD release, hopefully within the next year (5 tracks completed, so far).


The section from 1:10 to 2:12 is improvised, based loosely on the versions of this piece I had heard Tom perform live. Often he too would extend the middle section with free improv of his own; sometimes other sections as well - depending on the performance.


I recorded this version live, using Pianoteq 2 with a Kurzweil PC3X as the controller. It was recorded into Logic Pro, initially as a MIDI recording. To keep the performance as authentic/live as possible, I did not quantize the track; though I did record it with a background click. Even with the 'Piano Touch' velocity curve in the PC3x, and Pianoteq's decent velocity capabilities, I still had to do a handful of velocity compression/expansion note tweaks at a few points in the track. Other than couple of note 'fluff' corrections, that was it on the MIDI end. I 'bounced in place' to Logic Audio, and completed production on the recording from there. The idea was to get as close as possible to a piano recording, using the tools available to me in the digital realm. Hopefully, budget permitting, I can eventually book time in a local studio, and do this properly on a grand piano.








'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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Allan, a very nice performance, although I'm not familiar with Tom Howard's songs.


A few considerations:

Pianoteq 2 sounds nice, if still a bit synthetic and overbright... I wonder if you've tried version 3, which appears to sound a bit warmer. Not that it's of any importance - what we want to hear is your playing.


I'm curious about how much 'reharmonization' you actually put in the tune, as opposed to just improvising on the changes. I wasn't able to find a version... maybe you have a clue for us?


I did record a couple of the song I contributed to the "room" using a click (although I only use audio, not MIDI). I did that because I was so knackered that I was falling asleep on the keys, so I wanted to avoid wobbling tempos too much... but I found that it made my playing stiffer and less spontaneous. So I avoided it since; there's nothing wrong with a bit of 'free' playing.


Needless to say, for this kind of thing, I would avoid quantization like the pest. We don't care if it's not your best performance. We just want to hear the song, and what you did with it! :)



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