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HAHA. Nobody ever said you can't do the same tune again. :) We need some guide rules around here. ;)


It was a bit of a trick I guess, but I thought with the recurring chord patterns and since I'd just played it in the same key, that would give it away... I just played it more on the edge. You named a song that part of it sounded like. You were in the right ballpark.


Awaiting tonal vindication.. :grin:


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I see the "re-harmful room" is now the "vindicate SK" room ;-)


This should do it....

Actually, this should be pretty easy to identify. I tried to obscure it with bass and drums, but the melody is still in there (sort of). In keeping with the "American Quartet" era here is my "Name It"



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Nice, Roger. Well, it almost hit me - I'll have to listen to it later more closely, but from one listening I can rule out All Of Me.


Actual possibilities that crossed my mind: How High The Moon, Night & Day, All But Nothing At All, The Night Has 1,000 Eyes, and a few I can't think of the names at the moment.


I'll get back to you. :)

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Dave, I like your phrasing a lot, and the song too. I think that in the long run, songs like "Humpty Dumpty" and "500 Miles High" are going to stay as the real Chick Corea standards. (If I hear another version of "Spain", I'm going to need a psychiatrist...)


edit: I'm a bit submerged by practical problems these days, but expect my name-that-tune anytime soon!





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Just remembering how incredibly stupid that old TV show "Name That Tune" was. I watched it once, and remember a guy and a woman staring each other down, saying "I can name that tune in 3 notes." Eventually, the woman said "I can name that tune in ONE note." So the guy conceded saying "OK... name that tune" - since I guess zero notes wasn't an option.


After a brief description of the tune being a popular melody from the early 1900's, they played the one note. It could have been anything. The lady said "Alexander's Ragtime Band" - and won. :freak:

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, so it shouldn't be too hard to guess.


Haha, easy for you to say.


"I hear a Rhapsody"?


Right. So it wasn't too hard, after all..!! :D I'll make the next one more difficult... :evil:


Btw thanks a lot Dave and Roger. I kind of alternated free variations on fragments of the theme with improvisations based on the harmonic structure, more or less.

The initial notes of the theme are kind of stated at the beginning, so I guess that gave it away.





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If that was "vindication", I enjoyed it. :) Extremely well played, Carlo. I recognized the theme variations first from the melody quote early on, and the recurrent melody/progressions here and there... like I think you played the melody to the bridge in bass octaves at one point.


Stretching out the time on a form while expanding on fragments of a theme disguises a song very well. I may try one more in a Halloween costume.



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Nothing technical, musically theoretical, or even accurate about this. It's not even really the tune - it's just a very loose impression of a tune, with enough clues so someone should get it. Fortunately I don't play standards like this, or I'd be unemployable.


And I don't even really like it, but just for you musical detectives out there, have at it.



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I had just one passing listening - and I have no idea. It's a beautiful meditation on... um...

"You're everything", maybe?!


I also hear echoes of "Darn that Dream", "Sophisticated Lady", or even "Green Dolphin Street", but just in snippets - I'm almost sure it's not one of these. I surrender - but I like it!





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Beeboss wins music detective of the month. As I said, I wasn't trying to play the song, just hint at it. You caught all the available hints - very good. And you and Carlo are both very kind.


Now to atone for my musical sins above :rolleyes: I thought I'd share a piece of some different stuff I've been working on. A top piano player and old friend sent me some songs written by a talented friend of his, and I'm taking a stab at some of them. And yes, this one's definitely coming from an early Jarrett type of thing, moodwise. It's just that kind of thing - the 'almost forgotten mood'. I trimmed it down to spare a bigger file/longer solo.




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He he - I should have noticed the hint on the file name. :D I didn't think of "If I should lose you" at all.


My net connection is acting funny - Steve, I'll download your piece a bit later.


Applause for BeeBoss! :) and thanks!



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Very nice. It really does breath deep.


I have to admit I liked "If You Should Guess" just as well if not a tiny bit more. I guess because it has that stream of consciousness vibe about it. I hope that doesn't mean I have no taste.


BTW, I DID guess the name of that tune! But only from the title. :idea:;)


And Carlo, you have the surest fingers of anyone I know. Great playing.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Roger and Sue, thanks for listening and for the comments. :)


edited: The piece just is a different type of expression - it's mainly a mood. I also tried a solo piano take of it I think I prefer.


(just added a section of that solo piano to the link, instead of posting another version.)

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Very cool stuff...I've listened to them all and guessed about 1/2 right :whistle: you guys are good! Do you play requests on gigs like that? :rawk:


Okay, here's my first try: I have no idea if it's too hard or too easy, just let me know if you find out! As always, Uncle Mo's Plastic Band wants to entertain you.





It's not a clone, it's a Suzuki.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Dave.


Always nice to hear your fluid playing. And all your recordings sound excellent now.


On the martians - I think Bothead's cousins paid you a visit.


I hesitate to post this - not a reharm, but a harm. Roger kindly let me try out playing with this backing track yesterday.


My playing was all over the place on it. I'd play normally for a while, but then I'd play stupid stuff to make fun of the virtual players for not 'listening'. Sounds like the piano player has multiple personality disorder. :freak: It was a fun experience to try though.



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