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Are all reharmonizers recharging their batteries?! :D


Here's a very well-behaved version of Cole Porter's "I Concentrate on You", taken as a medium/fast bossa. I had a little fun at the beginning and in a few other places, but I left about 45/50% of the original changes; they're just so beautiful.

I love this melody and the unusual structure of the song.


I concentrate on you





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Very good Carlo. I like the bass pattern motif and pedal on the bridge, kinda Jarrett-like at the end.


Dave thanks for posting your stuff, there's a couple of them I missed. Really like your arrangements.

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I like it, I had started one for All Things but switched to These Foolish Things for my 1st attempt at re-harm! The ending wasn't too bad at all!





Here's All The Things You Are. Kept a swing groove throughout. I wasn't going to post this becasue I messed up the ending, but I like the rest of it.


All The Things You Are

 CP-50, YC 73,  FP-80, PX5-S, NE-5d61, Kurzweil SP6, XK-3, CX-3, Hammond XK-3, Yamaha YUX Upright, '66 B3/Leslie 145/122

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Dave Ferris, thanks for converting all those files! :thu: Now we just need SK's movies converted and we're all set. (not that they take up any more space than an mp3, but they won't load in an ordinary Shuffle)




"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Agreed. A constantly high level of inspiration and intensity.


Dave, thanks for converting and cataloguing all those files. I'm going to download and save them. :thu:


Mojazz, legato and Dave - thanks for your kind words. :)

I'm going to add "Concentrate" to my Cole Porter series. I've done 9 or 10 songs by now, and my dream is to include all of them in an album - now including "Night and Day" of course. :D


About leaving some of the original harmonies intact, I have no set way of working... it just happened that I couldn't find alternate changes which would satisfy me as the originals!! ;)

Sounds like Mojazz has done something similar on "All the Things".






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Thank you all very much.


Nice job on I Concentrate On You. I'll look forward to your future CD of CP stuff. (The Reharm Club Presents)


Sorry for not being around much. My batteries are charged and being used more for writing new stuff and playing gigs right now. I will post something new as soon as I can.

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cnegrad, thank you man, but I'm dying to hear more of your playing. That one tune you contributed stood out. :thu:


I did listen to a lot of classical music and played some of it by ear, which counts for something. And I paid attention to the better film scores, like Alex North, Bernard Herrmann, etc. After a while some of that stuff gets in you, and I'm guessing that might explain the style I played on that last A, since I don't know where else it could have come from.

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Thanks SK. It's a bit of a rough time time right now. I've really got my hands full with work, horn charts and the family. I've got two looming deadlines that are breathing down my neck that I'm struggling to meet, and do so without sacrificing creativity. I'll try to squeeze another one in, but can't say when that'll be at this point.

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Thanks LB. I liked TFT as well; it had a nice flow to the reharms. Please post another.


Carlo, I've listened to "I Concentrate On You" several times and I like how you use the bass-line counter melody with the main melodic line to create two "paths" on the musical journey. You set-up it up with the ostinato vamp at the end that I can anticipate the solos to dig deeper into the tune. Nice arrangement.


I wish other forumites would post a tune. There might be a reluctance to do this because you may feel it doesn't measure up to the great tunes so far. These tunes are coming from world-class jazz vet pros. It's great to see how these guys "work a tune".

This is a great opportunity to present your stuff. This thread is not limited to solo piano. C'mon, bring it on. :thu:


Looking forward to more from SK and cnegrad. too.

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Until someone posts something new, here are two "novelty" tunes.


I hesitated to go way OT on my own reharm thread, but then I thought "Why Shouldn't I?" - another Cole Porter. It's not the style I play at all anymore, but I tried to have fun with some sounds in the FP4 and do a semi-authentic straight ahead version - tribute to the era of 'meat and potatoes' bebop (had to put myself back in a mindset of years ago.) And it's dangerously close to being corny, but that was part of the fun. As I said: a novelty tune.


I tried to be faithful to John Coates, Jr.'s style (and version I once heard) on this song, also with a nod to Toots Thielman. I played it split - the piano in the right hand and the bass (with cymbal) in the left, in real time, so the time is a bit precarious and no left hand chords.


Then I added harmonica, a guitar sound and organ. Going for a Jack MacDuff/Jimmy Smith/Don Patterson style. I haven't played organ since my early 20's, so this will probably be the only time I'll try it. Remember, this is just for fun, with my main focus on assuming the personality of these instruments in a bygone era.




And as a palette cleanser, here's a crazy jazz/rock fusion 'tribute'. I just improvised it one time through on piano, threw in a bit of Impressions, and added some sounds afterwards. It's nuts, which was all I was going for.




I will do more reharms at some point. I have a ton of old ones I've done, but I always try to do something new for this thread.

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"Why Shouldn't I" .. fun! You play with yourself very well. As an aside, I'm convinced I know less than .01% of the jazz standards ever written.


"Impressions" .. don't recognize that either. This thread is costing me money in originals. I suppose I could always ask for ONE CHORUS the way the composer intended. :D


Great to hear you again.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Ok, since we're apparently off topic :)




Not my reharm. Just discovered it in the Grade 5 vocal repertoire book. "Where Go the Boats?" from A Child's Garden of Verses.


I think it would take a real special kid to want to sing this. Downright creepy. "Dark brown is the river..." anybody else seeing dead bodies?



"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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That was cool, Sue. After I adjusted past the first few seconds (which sounded like eerie music from a flick like "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?") it was actually very pretty. The piano sample sounded good too.


"Impressions" was where it went to Dm and Ebm for 24 bars, played straight. The rest was "JAM" in Bb.


Opening this thread up now to include OT stuff, anybody learn a new tune you'd like to share? Anybody affected by those storms in the US yesterday?


:snax: How's it going out there, everybody?

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After I adjusted past the first few seconds (which sounded like eerie music from a flick like "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?") it was actually very pretty.


Funny, I get that reaction all the time. Wait til you get to know me.


The piano sample sounded good too.


The $3 GarageBand Steinway. Thanks. :thu::D

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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