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uncle fucker!

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Well, whoda thunk. I was watching The History Channel last night...they had something on the history of the Playboy Mansion...and Hef's wild parties. They, er, were showing a little bit more than what the History Channel usually shows.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I love that movie for the fact that it attempts to be as offensive as possible! "Where is your God now? Where is your beautiful, merciful faggot now?" I like the ability to take insults and "offensive" remarks and make them the silly, inconsequential things they are.

"And then you have these thoughts in the back of your mind like 'Why am I doing this? Or is this a figment of my imagination?'"


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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]i only watched a moment of it just to ge the kick out of hearing fuck on TV... [/b][/quote]Maybe we can get together and sneak into a highschool restroom for ciggarettes too. :D
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Even though they said it was uncensored, I was still amazed to hear "Shut the fuck up you goat-sucking cockmaster" on NON-pay TV.... Amazing. South Park and Comedy Central have made some serious strides in combating unnecessary censorship. And they're funny too... :thu:

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b]Amazing. South Park and Comedy Central have made some serious strides in combating unnecessary censorship.[/b][/quote]Cool. There's no such censorship in Britain. After 9pm its all go, say what you want, show what you want, full frontal nudity included. I wondered why in this country at 5pm you can watch a live animal being shot, blood splattering everywhere, but at 2am a nipple has to be blurred out. John Scotsman
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It would be nice if stations multicast audio, so you could have one with "Shut the fuck up!" and one with "Shut the f___ up!" And better yet, have tv's do censorship on the client side instead of the broadcast side (by sending coords of regions to pixel or dark out) so people have an option of whether or not to censor the video. It shouldn't be too hard. Maybe in the technological step after HDTV :\ Then you have those "Movie has been edited for time and content" type of movies. Those are crap with thier bad overdubs...have you ever seen Mallrats on TV? its not even Jay's voice, let alone funny. Bah, I hate censorship!

groove, v.

Inflected Form(s): grooved; groov·ing

transitive senses:1a.to make a groove in;1b.to join by a groove;2.to perfect by repeated practice;3.to throw (a pitch) in the groove

intransitive senses:1.to become joined or fitted by a groove;2.to form a groove;3.to enjoy oneself intensely;4.to interact harmoniously

- groov·er noun

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[quote]Originally posted by flyscots: I wondered why in this country at 5pm you can watch a live animal being shot, blood splattering everywhere, but at 2am a nipple has to be blurred out.[/quote]Because creating and manipulating a nation of gun-loving, sex-fearing drones is fun and profitable? :-) Sorry I missed the SoCal forum party! FWIW, welcome. And so true, Meriphew. Good for Comedy Central.
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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It always tickled me the way commercial TV would blank out the "cuss words" in an attempt to "protect" little kids from hearing any offensive language, only to have the set go on the blink. Then those same little kids sit there while Dad puts his foot through it yelling, "You cocksuckin' piece of SHIT!" What a country! Whitefang
I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Oh, man, one of the worst is the sanitized version of my favorite movie, "Smokey And The Bandit." They INVENTED words to insert in place of profanity. Jackie Gleason's "sumbitch" becomes "scum-bum." What in hell is a scum-bum, anyway? Funny thing is, they left in one part where Gleason's character refers to Sally Field's character as a "coozie." I bet they'd edit it out if he'd called her a cunt. For those in the know, "coozie" is a HUNDRED times more offensive than "sumbitch," and yet it stays in the edited version. Maybe the censors didn't know what it means. And my new favorite is "maggot farmer" for "motherfucker." Heard that one in "Platoon" and "Heartbreak Ridge" on TV. I wish that they'd just bleep or blot out the offending word instead of making up a new script - or even new words - out of whole cloth. As though we don't know what they're saying.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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[quote]Originally posted by Jode: [b]Oh, man, one of the worst is the sanitized version of my favorite movie, "Smokey And The Bandit." They INVENTED words to insert in place of profanity. .[/b][/quote]actually, for me "repo Man" on TV is a hoot. every "you motherfucker" is replaced with "you mellon farmer." i love that. -d. gauss
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Actually, I'm with dgauss on this one. It's hilarious to hear the goofy shit they come up with to replace the "offensive" language. What was the one Wewus was talking about, "monkey funster"...HAHAHA...when you SERIOUSLY think about that one...it becomes "offensive" too.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by DC: [b]So how come CC bleeps all the stand up comedians?! :confused: [/b][/quote]Two reasons, one, those edits are made with the standard assumption and hope the clips may eventually be syndicated and bought by other networks. The need and expense for re-edits would be a deal breaker in most cases. Also, the producers of the standup shows do not push for non-censorship as Trey and Matt do. Second, CC only allows looser standards after prime time. Standup airs during all hours of the day. Look at the time the SOuth Park film aired. Dead of the night.

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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I saw this movie on opening night and I laughed so hard, I missed about a third of the jokes.... Which is why I went back the next night and saw it again!! Again, like Lee, I don'town many DVD's, but SP- B,L & U was my first!! Cheers! Spencer
"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b]My personal favorite is "God Damn". You can say, "God." You can say, "Damn." But if you say them together, they bleep out "God". As if that was the offensive term. "Bleep Damn!"[/b][/quote]I saw a movie the other night where they left in "ass" and bleeped out "hole"... :rolleyes: Those censors are a buncha bleepdamn assbleeps... :p

Bob Phillips


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