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Time for a new amp.. What is everyone using?


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So my amp is a '65... she blew a transformer last night (yes I will get it repaired) but I'm thinking it's time to enter the 21st century. What amps are you using and why? Cab wise, I have a 2x12 with a custom made slave 2x10 with a 15 in it.(rarely do I use the slave) So what should I be looking at? I use a Hammond XK-1 and a Roland digital grand. (I keep it simple) I like tubes but will look at the newer stuff. Budget wise, I would like to stay within 2K. Suggestions???
It's only Rock 'n Roll but I like it!
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I just picked up the Traynor K4, and really like it.

The tubes & overdrive combo comes in handy for B3 sounds, and the 300w doesn't hurt either. Balanced in/outs, very quiet amp.

I was using a KC-350 prior to the purchase.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


Yamaha Montage M7, Nord Electro 6D, Hammond XK1c, Dave Smith PolyEvolver & Rack, Moog Voyager,  Modal Cobalt 8X, Univox MiniKorg.


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I used a keyboard combo amp for years - going through Crate and Roland rigs (both were 100+ watt amps with a 15" and some sort of horn/tweeter in a ported cab). My current rig a QSC 1450 power amp a small Yamaha mixer and a pair of JBL 12" floor wedges. Sitting in the middle of the stereo field, my keys sound alive to me - and deliver all sorts of texture and tone that I didn't even know existed when I was using the old "combo" amp rigs. While the combo amps were "functional" amp solutions, the biggest regret I have is not moving to the stereo setup I'm now using years ago. I can't recommend trying a small stereo PA setup for keys strongly enough.
The SpaceNorman :freak:
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I'm using a Fender Keyboard 200. It's really a re-covering of an acoustic guitar amp form a few years ago. t has weird offset speakers to fake stereo. Save for the loud hiss it makes from the transistors, it sounds really good. My Roland VK-7 sounds rich and full, my Yamaha p80 really barks. My biggest gripe is that the effects are not on a footswitch, so i tend not to use them, and they are not bad. Given a choice, I always play through the PA so this is my "in case" amp. I'm pretty sure they aren't made any more.
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JBL 15 Eon G2. Best Amp (powered speaker) I have ever used.


+1 I frequently use a pair of them.

Yep, I use one. Unless you are using a Leslie or a Rhodes bottom or satellites, or even something like a Twin for a Rhodes, then I highly recommend ditching the world of keyboard amps and moving into the world of PA gear, like powered monitors. Keyboards are full range instruments, and I have yet to hear a combo amp that is truly full range or transparent.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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I just picked up the Traynor K4, and really like it.

The tubes & overdrive combo comes in handy for B3 sounds, and the 300w doesn't hurt either. Balanced in/outs, very quiet amp.

I was using a KC-350 prior to the purchase.


+1 :thu:


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I've used Yorkville (Traynor) and they're very good. Also a MotionSound KP200, which was adequate but clunky (sounds like an amp and awkward to lift & load). Powered monitors don't have the onboard eq settings or output options.


Best amp for keyboards I have ever owned, believe it or not, is an AER Domino.




They are made for acoustic guitars and have the best and clearest dynamic range for keyboards, reverb, plus every in/out combination you'll ever need. They're mono, but I pair it up with an AER Compact 60 to run a stereo setup ®.




Here for the gear.

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Lots of great suggestions. I guess I'm going to have to spend the weekend trying them all out.


I like the Motion Sound KP 200S looks and specs. Now I have to find someone that has them.


I like Space Normans setup too, that would be cool. The band would hate it!


Many time I do go through the PA but I always worry about blowing a speaker on it.

It's only Rock 'n Roll but I like it!
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JBL 15 Eon G2. Best Amp (powered speaker) I have ever used.


+1 I frequently use a pair of them.

Yep, I use one. Unless you are using a Leslie or a Rhodes bottom or satellites, or even something like a Twin for a Rhodes, then I highly recommend ditching the world of keyboard amps and moving into the world of PA gear, like powered monitors. Keyboards are full range instruments, and I have yet to hear a combo amp that is truly full range or transparent.


+1 - that's exactly right.

Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer. W. C. Fields
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Many time I do go through the PA but I always worry about blowing a speaker on it.

No, don't got through the PA - get your own PA type setup, like a good powered monitor. That stuff is much more robust than a combo amp.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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I own the Motion Sound KP100S and Roland SA300. Neither are that impressive to me, sonically speaking. One of the problems with stereo amps is that they tend to sound boxy. You really need separation of the speakers if you're going to run stereo.


My take is that digital keyboardists need timbre-neutral, full range speakers. We are in a very different situation than a guitar player who might play a Strat and buys Twin Reverb in order to get a very specific tone. For the keyboardist, one song might need a piano, the next brass/strings and so on. Most digital keyboards are voiced to sound best in stereo through nearfield monitors. The goal, IMHO, is to find a live system that replicates the nearfield experience.


I use a pair of JBL SRX712Ms with a QSC power amp.



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JBL 15 Eon G2. Best Amp (powered speaker) I have ever used.


:thu: +1.


I'm an Eon fan myself, but I use Eon 10 G2's. I know they don't sound quite as good, nor are quite as powerful, as the 15's. But they do sound quite good, and they're so darn small and light and cute, they're irresistable! 26lbs each, in their custom JBL cases with carrying handle - yeah, baby!




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Would any kind of high-quality studio monitors like Genelecs or Dynaudios sound good with kybds? I wouldn't gig with them of course, but I could kill 2 birds with one stone because I need new monitors for my home studio. I assume picking a large enough model that could handle kybds. would be crucial.


I used to have a pr. of JBL 4312's--I should have tried them on kybds. (& maybe kept them).

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Indubian said: JBL 15 Eon G2. Best Amp (powered speaker) I have ever used.


I'll agree with that. I use two of the G2s so I can run my Yamaha P80 and Korg CX3 in stereo. Plus these speakers have enough power and inputs if you need to add a mic or drum machine, or whatever.


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I'm lovin' my new JBL PRX515s. They pretty much kick the crap out of the Eons.
They look great minus the mixer section - the EON's are still the most flexible powered speakers on the market in the I/O dept.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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Mate Stubb said: I'm lovin' my new JBL PRX515s. They pretty much kick the crap out of the Eons.


I think those PRX 515s kick the crap out of your wallet too:


JBL EON G2 15: $699.00

JBL PRX 515: $999.00


But you pays your money and you takes your choice.

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I've been using a pair of Motion Sound KT80 combo amps for over 5 years and this rig has served me well. I actually have a 3rd KT80 at the rehearsal space. I like the small size and weight, as well as the ease with which I can tilt them (custom 10-min DIY job), and stereo separation I get from having them on either side of me as monitors. It is also great to have 2 amps on the gig, in case one goes wrong, you have a backup.


However, my dual KT80 rig is starting to get just a little bit old and careworn. Reading about all these other sweet monitor rigs and some of the more boutique stuff that people are using, like AccuGroove, makes me get GAS for a new monitor rig. But it has not been a burning priority, due to other impulsive GAS attacks I keep having every month or two.


One of these days, I may spring for something like Moe mentions or like what ITGITC or SK are using.

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Mate Stubb said: I'm lovin' my new JBL PRX515s. They pretty much kick the crap out of the Eons.


I think those PRX 515s kick the crap out of your wallet too:


JBL EON G2 15: $699.00

JBL PRX 515: $999.00


But you pays your money and you takes your choice.


Here are the specs:




129dB SPL Peak, Plastic cabinet, bass down to 39Hz @ -10dB





133dB SPL Peak, Plywood cabinet, bass down to 45Hz @ -10dB




I've got the original EON 15PAK. It sounds great. But I'm pretty sure that it would sound better if it were made of plywood instead of plastic.


Plywood doesn't ring like a plastic cabinet. Therefore, you get a more solid-sounding low end response.


The optimal speaker cabinet rings about as much as what you get when you knock on the side of a cinder block. In other words, it shouldn't ring (vibrate) at all. No sympathetic vibrations - just dead, solid, cabinet enclosure.


Plastic is lightweight and nearly indestructible. But it doesn't sound as good as plywood, particularly in the lower frequencies.


I haven't heard the PRX515 myself, but I'll take Moe's word for it until I do. I have a feeling they pretty much kick the crap out of the EONs.


And I like my EON for what it is. Great bang for the buck. :thu:







"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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