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OT: Foods You Hate


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Garlic! I can smell it ten yards apart and makes me feel sick! :mad:
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Not much for liver either.


I don't really care for asparagus, nor beet-type root vegetables like turnips or rutabagas. I'm not huge on bland or creamed cooking.


Not big on salmon...(heresy for someone who used to live in Alaska)...but I do like most seafood.


I generally like spicy stuff...if I have my druthers.

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I absolutely love garlic; I put it in everything. Huge fan of lamb, too, and lamb and garlic together is a little slice o' heaven.


On the other hand, I hate:


- Turkey (Thanksgiving is the only day of the year that I turn vegetarian), but I'm not crazy about poultry in general

- Brussels sprouts (people tell you that they're just like little cabbages, but they're wrong)

- Liver (of course)

- Mushrooms (anything else on a pizza, including anchovies, is fine)

- Coconut (the smell makes me gag - it's one of the reasons why I resisted wearing sunscreen for years)

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Good call on the brussel sprouts...those things are heinous. I also can't stand anything with organ meat...I won't touch giblets or giblet gravy or dressing with giblets in it. Can't stand any seafood, and crazy enough, even the smell of lobster or crab makes me ill. Anyone here hate eggs? I love them, but when you think about it, they're pretty gross.
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Lutefisk. There is no more foul smelling thing on the planet. Fish soaked in lye. OMG! If you can eat that stuff, you should be able to eat your own feces.


Most of the food you all have mentioned, I can eat just fine. Some I could care less about such as brussel sprouts, but I'll eat em if they are served up.

I never saw the need for grits. I have to put a bunch of sugar on that stuff to make it palateable.

I hate wraps. I can't believe someone would want to be healthly that bad that they would throw away the bread, the best part of any sandwich.



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I like wraps; it's just a different kind of bread. Now pBJ NEEDS to be on white bread.


Dislikes: Aside from the above-mentioned brussel sprouts (which I can eat if necessary), coconut(in rare recipes I can deal with it), liver & asparagas(just don't eat it enough to have developed a taste for it I guess):


Mayonnaise ick!

Tripe hurl!

Sweetbreads not sweet; not even bread!

Pickled Herring I can somehow stomach mustard herring, but not regular pickled stuff

Guess that's because I also don't like pickles! Brine is not my friend.

Headcheese never ate it; but just the sight of it in the deli case..... retch!

Scrapple- the parts of the pig that weren't even good enough for hot dogs or sausage. That's warning enough.

Tofu not as bad as the other stuff above, but still...

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OK. Well, I'm Cajun, so there's really not a whole lot I won't eat. :D


All of the above stuff that people have listed so far as "hated food" are on my menu...except for one. Lutefisk? I've never seen nor tasted it...and Scrapple I was sort of lukewarm about..I can eat it, but I'm not crazy about it. On th eother hand, I love Souse (head cheese). Corn Nuts taste OK, but it's like eating pea gravel....they will break your damned teeth. I've only eaten ants once....chocolate covered ants. I bought them in a Schweggman's store in New Orleans many years ago...I don't think they really made much of an impression on me one way or another.


Here's the things I've found so far that I really didn't like at all:



Dark (unsweeted or semi-sweet) chocolate



Everything else is OK.

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Originally posted by Sasquatch51:

OK. Well, I'm Cajun, so there's really not a whole lot I won't eat. :D


All of the above stuff that people have listed so far as "hated food" are on my menu...except for one. Lutefisk? I've never seen nor tasted it...and Scrapple I was sort of lukewarm about..I can eat it, but I'm not crazy about it. On th eother hand, I love Souse (head cheese). Corn Nuts taste OK, but it's like eating pea gravel....they will break your damned teeth. I've only eaten ants once....chocolate covered ants. I bought them in a Schweggman's store in New Orleans many years ago...I don't think they really made much of an impression on me one way or another.


Here's the things I've found so far that I really didn't like at all:



Dark (unsweeted or semi-sweet) chocolate



Everything else is OK.

I thought you mostly stuck to tourists, due to the "Soft chewy outside and crunchy inside". I didn't realize you had to go elsewhere for food...You poor sasquatch. Hopefully tourist season will bring you more food...
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There are some "slow times" of the year when I have to become omnivorous. During tourist season I can revert back to being touristivorous. Luckily, during the season, the bag limit is all you can catch plus one....so I never exceed the bag limit.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

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That hot-dog/hamburger yellow mustard. Hate it. Looks disgusting, tastes disgusting.


Dijon, cooking mustard? Good, mmm.


McDonald's hamburgers.

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I once caught a small tourist next to the picnic table at a campground who had a bottle of that yellow mustard in his hand. I just ate the whole thing....I thought the bottle of mustard added something to the taste....that nylon windbreaker was hard to pass, but other than that.....

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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Thank you, fellow Forumites, for supporting my disdain for Brussels sprouts! My wife and mother (they are two separate people; I'm not from West Virginia) look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I hate the nasty little faux-cabbages. Real cabbage is great; fake, mini cabbage wannabes are not.


Also, ellwood, I don't like green beans much either, which always surprises me because I really like every other type of legume.

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Off the top of my head...


- eggplant


- zuchini (besides zuchini bread)


- fish (besides Capt D's or Long Johns) I guess I'm no fan of fresh fish. Must be breaded/deep fried.


- brussel sprouts


- asparagus


- liver


- that white, round, crunchy asian vege, forgot the name. It's usually found in asian stir fry.


- I love dairy/cheese, but my body hates it. Clogs me up forever! :D I need to find a good remedy so I can enjoy it.


God Bless :)

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Originally posted by Picker:

Onions suck the big whammy. So do eggplant and fried green tomatoes. Yuuuuuuk.

But, I have found in my old age that liver doesn't taste quite as bad as it did when I was kid for some reason. maybe I need the extra iron now, or something. Whatever the reason, I no longer hate braunschweiger, and occasionally having fried liver doesn't make me gag.

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